Changelog for python312-importlib-resources-6.1.1-2.4.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Mar 12 2024 Steve Kowalik - Explicitly BuildRequires zipp, it is now used by the testsuite, and was pulled in anyway.
* Mon Nov 27 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 6.1.1:
* Added missed stream argument in simple.ResourceHandle. Ref python/cpython#111775.
* MultiplexedPath now expects Traversable paths. String arguments to MultiplexedPath are now deprecated.
* Enabled support for resources in namespace packages in zip files. (#287)
* Tue Aug 08 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 6.0.1:
* Bugfixes
* Restored Apache license. (#285)
* Deprecations and Removals
* Removed legacy functions deprecated in 5.3. (#80)
* Features
* Require Python 3.8 or later
* Mon May 08 2023 Johannes Kastl - add sle15_python_module_pythons
* Thu May 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 5.12.0:
* importlib_resources (backport) now gives precedence to built-in readers (file system, zip, namespace packages), providing forward-compatibility of behaviors like ``MultiplexedPath``.
* #280: Fixed one more ``EncodingWarning`` in test suite.
* #265: ``MultiplexedPath`` now honors multiple subdirectories in ``iterdir`` and ``joinpath``.
* Packaging refresh, including fixing EncodingWarnings and some tests cleanup.
* Thu Feb 02 2023 Ben Greiner - Remove obsolete cache compilation for tests
* fixes d:l:p:backports 15.4_py39 build failure.- Avoid building for not supported Python <= 3.6
* Mon Jan 02 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 5.10.2:
* Prefer ``write_bytes`` to context manager as proposed in gh-100586.
* Tue Dec 13 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to v5.10.1
* v5.10.1 [#274]: Fixed ResourceWarning in _common.
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to v5.10.0
* #203: Lifted restriction on modules passed to files. Now modules need not be a package and if a non-package module is passed, resources will be resolved adjacent to those modules, even for modules not found in any package. For example, files(import_module(\'\')) will resolve resources found at the root. The parameter to files was renamed from \'package\' to \'anchor\', with a compatibility shim for those passing by keyword.
* #259: files no longer requires the anchor to be specified and can infer the anchor from the caller\'s scope (defaults to the caller\'s module).
* Tue Sep 13 2022 Matej Cepl - Update to 5.9.0: - #228: as_file now also supports a Traversable representing a directory and (when needed) renders the full tree to a temporary directory. - #253: In MultiplexedPath, restore expectation that a compound path with a non-existent directory does not raise an exception. - #250: Now Traversable.joinpath provides a concrete implementation, replacing the implementation in .simple and converging with the behavior in MultiplexedPath. - #249: In simple.ResourceContainer.joinpath, honor names split by posixpath.sep. - #248: abc.Traversable.joinpath now allows for multiple arguments and specifies that posixpath.sep is allowed in any argument to accept multiple arguments, matching the behavior found in zipfile.Path and pathlib.Path simple.ResourceContainer now honors this behavior - #244: Add type declarations in ABCs Require Python 3.7 or later - #243: Fix error when no __pycache__ directories exist when testing update-zips.- Remove BR on python-zipp to break a dependency cycle; it is strictly not needed for build (although it is Requires), because ZipReader is not tested.
* Sat Nov 06 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 5.4.0:
* Test suite now relies entirely on the traversable API.
* Now raise a ``DeprecationWarning`` for all legacy functions. Instead, users should rely on the ``files()`` API introduced in importlib_resources 1.3. See
* Updated readme to reflect current behavior and show which versions correspond to which behavior in CPython.
* Mon Sep 20 2021 Ben Greiner - Update to v5.2.2
* #234: Fix refleak in as_file caught by CPython tests.- Release v5.2.1
* bpo-38291: Avoid DeprecationWarning on Release v5.2.0
* #80 via #221: Legacy API (path, contents, ...) is now supported entirely by the .files() API with a compatibility shim supplied for resource loaders without that functionality.- Release v5.0.6
* bpo-38693: Prefer f-strings to .format calls.- Release v5.1.4
* #225: Require zipp 3.1.0 or later on Python prior to 3.10 to incorporate those fixes.- Release v5.0.5
* #216: Make a property per the spec.- Release v5.1.3
* Refresh packaging and improve tests.
* #216: Make a property per the spec.- Release v5.1.2
* Re-release with changes from 5.0.4.- Release v5.0.4
* Fixed non-hermetic test in test_reader, revealed by GH-24670.- Release v5.1.1
* Re-release with changes from 5.0.3.- Release v5.0.3
* Simplified DegenerateFiles.Path.- Release v5.0.2
* #214: Added _adapters module to ensure that degenerate files behavior can be made available for legacy loaders whose resource readers don\'t implement it. Fixes issue where backport compatibility module was masking this fallback behavior only to discover the defect when applying changes to CPython.- Release v5.1.0
* Added simple module implementing adapters from a low-level resource reader interface to a TraversableResources interface. Closes #90.- Release v5.0.1
* Remove pyinstaller hook for hidden \'trees\' module.- Release v5.0.0
* Removed importlib_resources.trees, deprecated since 1.3.0.- Release v4.1.1
* Fixed badges in README.- Release v4.1.0
* #209: Adopt jaraco/skeleton.
* Cleaned up some straggling Python 2 compatibility code.
* Refreshed test zip files without .pyc and .pyo files.- Release v4.0.0
* #108: Drop support for Python 2.7. Now requires Python 3.6+.- Release v3.3.1
* Minor cleanup.