Changelog for
python313-loguru-0.7.2-2.3.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Oct 28 2024 Dirk Müller
- add py313.patch, py314.patch: fixes for python 3.13 and 3.14
* Thu Oct 05 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.7.2:
* Add support for formatting of `ExceptionGroup` errors (#805).
* Fix possible `RuntimeError` when using `multiprocessing.set_start_method()` after importing the `logger` (#974).
* Fix formatting of possible `__notes__` attached to an `Exception` (#980).- update to 0.7.1:
* Add a new `context` optional argument to `logger.add()` specifying `multiprocessing` context (like `\"spawn\"` or `\"fork\"`) to be used internally instead of the default one
* Add support for true colors on Windows using ANSI/VT console when available (#934, thanks AATTtunaflsh).
* Fix possible deadlock when calling `logger.complete()` with concurrent logging of an asynchronous sink (#906).
* Fix file possibly rotating too early or too late when re- starting an application around midnight (#894).
* Fix inverted `\"\"` and `\"\"` color tags
* Fix possible untraceable errors raised when logging non- unpicklable `Exception` instances while using `enqueue=True`
* Fix possible errors raised when logging non-picklable `Exception` instances while using `enqueue=True` (#342, thanks AATTncoudene).
* Fix missing seconds and microseconds when formatting timezone offset that requires such accuracy
* Raise `ValueError` if an attempt to use nanosecond precision for time formatting is detected
* Fri May 12 2023 Dirk Müller - drop optional mypy testing dependency
* Fri May 05 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.7.0:
* Update `InterceptHandler` recipe to make it compatible with Python 3.11 (#654).
* Add a new `watch` optional argument to file sinks in order to automatically re-create possibly deleted or changed file (#471).
* Make `patch()` calls cumulative instead of overriding the possibly existing patching function (#462).
* Make sinks added with `enqueue=True` and `catch=False` still process logged messages in case of internal exception (#833).
* Avoid possible deadlocks caused by re-using the logger inside a sink, a signal handler or a `__del__` method. Since the logger is not re-entrant, such misuse will be detected and will now generate a `RuntimeError` (#712, thanks AATTjacksmith15).
* Fix file sink rotation using an aware `datetime.time` for which the timezone was ignored (#697).
* Fix logs colorization not automatically enabled for Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab (#494).
* Fix logs colorization not automatically enabled for Github Actions and others CI platforms (#604).
* Fix `logger.complete()` possibly hanging forever when `enqueue=True` and `catch=False` if internal thread killed due to `Exception` raised by sink (#647).
* Fix incompatibility with `freezegun` library used to simulate time (#600).
* Raise exception if `logger.catch()` is used to wrap a class instead of a function to avoid unexpected behavior (#623).- drop python311.patch, loguru-fix-repr-tests.patch: upstream
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Sat Jan 28 2023 Dirk Müller - add python311.patch to fix build with python 3.11
* Fri Aug 05 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 0.6.0
* Remove internal use of pickle.loads() considered as a security vulnerability referenced as CVE-2022-0329 (#563).
* Modify coroutine sink to make it discard log messages when loop=None and no event loop is running (due to internally using asyncio.get_running_loop() in place of asyncio.get_event_loop()).
* Remove the possibility to add a coroutine sink with enqueue=True if loop=None and no event loop is running.
* Change default encoding of file sink to be utf8 instead of locale.getpreferredencoding() (#339).
* Prevent non-ascii characters to be escaped while logging JSON message with serialize=True (#575, thanks AATTponponon).
* Fix flake8 errors and improve code readability (#353, thanks AATTAndrewYakimets).- Drop merged patches:
* loguru-exception-formatting-py39.patch
* pytest-6.2-excepthooks.patch- Add loguru-fix-repr-tests.patch
* Fix \"repr()\" tests failing on Python 3.11 and Python 3.10.6
* Thu Dec 09 2021 Ben Greiner - Skip two formatting tests -- gh#Delgan/loguru#550
* Sun Apr 18 2021 Ben Greiner - Add loguru-exception-formatting-py39.patch for changed exception formatting in Python 3.9
* Fri Feb 19 2021 John Vandenberg - Add pytest-6.2-excepthooks.patch for compatibility with pytest 6.2
* Mon Feb 08 2021 John Vandenberg - Update t0 v0.5.3
* Fix child process possibly hanging at exit while combining enqueue=True with third party library like uwsgi
* Fix possible exception during formatting of non-string messages- from v0.5.2
* Fix AttributeError within handlers using serialize=True when calling logger.exception() outside of the context of an exception
* Fix error while logging an exception containing a non-picklable value to a handler with enqueue=True
* Add support for async callable classes used as sinks- from v0.5.1
* Modify the way the extra dict is used by LogRecord in order to prevent possible KeyError with standard logging handlers
* Add a new default optional argument to logger.catch(), it should be the returned value by the decorated function in case an error occurred
* Fix ValueError when using serialize=True in combination with logger.catch() or logger.opt(record=True) due to circular reference of the record dict- from v0.5.0
* Remove the possibility to modify the severity no of levels once they have been added in order to prevent surprising behavior
* Add better support for \"structured logging\" by automatically adding
*kwargs to the extra dict besides using these arguments to format the message. This behavior can be disabled by setting the new .opt(capture=False) parameter
* Add a new onerror optional argument to logger.catch(), it should be a function which will be called when an exception occurs in order to customize error handling
* Add a new exclude optional argument to logger.catch(), is should be a type of exception to be purposefully ignored and propagated to the caller without being logged
* Modify complete() to make it callable from non-asynchronous functions, it can thus be used if enqueue=True to make sure all messages have been processed
* Fix possible deadlocks on Linux when multiprocessing.Process() collides with enqueue=True or threading
* Fix compression function not executable concurrently due to file renaming (to resolve conflicts) being performed after and not before it
* Fix the filter function listing files for retention being too restrictive, it now matches files based on the pattern \"basename(.
* Fix the impossibility to remove() a handler if an exception is raised while the sink\' stop() function is called
* Fix file sink left in an unstable state if an exception occurred during retention or compression process
* Fix situation where changes made to record[\"message\"] were unexpectedly ignored when opt(colors=True), causing \"out-of-date\" message to be logged due to implementation details
* Fix possible exception if a stream having an isatty() method returning True but not being compatible with colorama is used on Windows
* Fix exceptions occurring in coroutine sinks never retrieved and hence causing warnings
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Benjamin Greiner - Add runtime requirement for contextvars and the correct BR for Leap- Skip failing tests on 32-bit
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Steve Kowalik - BuildRequire python36-aiocontextvars if building under python 3.6