Changelog for apache-commons-lang3-3.16.0-1.2.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Aug 09 2024 Gus Kenion - Update to 3.16.0:
* New features: + Add StopWatch.getSplitDuration() and deprecate getSplitTime(). + Add StopWatch.getStartInstant() and deprecate getStartTime(). + Add StopWatch.getStopInstant() and deprecate getStopTime(). + Add StopWatch.getDuration() and deprecate getTime(). + Add Javadoc links from StopWatch to DurationUtils #1249. + Add LangCollectors.collect(Collector, T...). + Add + Add RandomStringUtils.insecure().
* Fixed bugs: + Reimplement StopWatch internals to use java.time. + RandomStringUtils.random() with a negative character index should throw IllegalArgumentException. Fixes LANG-1745. + LocaleUtils.toLocale(String) cannot parse four segments. Fixes LANG-1741. + Use fewer intermediary strings in DefaultExceptionContext.getFormattedExceptionMessage(String). + Fix Javadoc in StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens() #1251. + Deprecate ArraySort constructor for removal. + Deprecate CharEncoding constructor for removal. + Deprecate Conversion constructor for removal. + Deprecate Conversion constructor for removal. + Deprecate EntityArrays constructor for removal. + Deprecate ObjectToStringComparator constructor for removal. + Deprecate RuntimeEnvironment constructor for removal.- Includes changes from 3.15.0:
* New features: + Customize text pattern in DiffResult#toString(). Fixes LANG-1724. + Add DiffBuilder.Builder. + Add DiffBuilder.builder(). + Add ReflectionDiffBuilder.Builder. + Add ReflectionDiffBuilder.builder(). + Add test in TypeUtilsTest #1151. + Add Streams.failableStream(T), non-varargs variant. + Add Streams.nonNull(T), non-varargs variant. + Add ArrayUtils.nullTo(T[], T[]). + Add T ArrayUtils.arraycopy(T, int, T, int, int) fluent style. + Add T ArrayUtils.arraycopy(T, int, int, int, Function) fluent style. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_22. + Add JavaVersion.JAVA_22. + Add SystemProperties.getUserName(Supplier). + Add SystemProperties.getLineSeparator(Supplier). + Add + SystemProperties.getJavaSpecificationVersion(Supplier). + Add SystemProperties constants and methods for system properties as of Java 22. + Add MethodUtils.getMethodObject(Class, String, Class...). + Add null-safe Consumers.accept() and Functions.apply() #1215. Fixes LANG-1733. + Add SystemUtils.IS_OS_ANDROID. + Add SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX_SONOMA. + Add RuntimeEnvironment.inContainer() #1241. + Add AppendableJoiner and refactor string joining #1244.
* Fixed bugs: + Improve Javadoc in ExceptionUtils #1136. + Fixed two non-deterministic tests in [#1131]. + Fix wrong number check that cause StringIndexOutOfBoundsException #1140. Fixes LANG-1721. + Rethrow NegativeArraySizeException as SerializationException in SerializationUtils.deserialize(InputStream) #1141. Fixes LANG-1722. + Throw NumberFormatException instead of IndexOutOfBoundsException in NumberUtils.getMantissa(String, int) #1145. Fixes LANG-1723. + Minor grammar fixes #1143. + ArrayUtils will return null when adding two null arrays, but undocumented. Fixes LANG-1713. + Let parent POM figure out commons.spdx.version. + Undeprecate ExceptionUtils.rethrow(Throwable). Fixes LANG-1726. + Test the Conversion class #1155. Fixes LANG-1702. + Address minor redundancies after code inspection #1148. + Allow EventListenerSupport to handle (and ignore) exception from listeners allowing invocation of all listeners #1167. + Deprecate AnnotationUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ArchUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ArrayUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate BooleanUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate CharSequenceUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate CharSetUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate CharUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ClassLoaderUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ClassPathUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ClassUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ConstructorUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate DateFormatUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate DateUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate Diff.getType(). + Deprecate DiffBuilder.DiffBuilder(T, T, ToStringStyle). + Deprecate DiffBuilder.DiffBuilder(T, T, ToStringStyle, boolean). + Deprecate DurationFormatUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate DurationUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate EnumUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate EventUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate FieldUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate IEEE754rUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate InheritanceUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate IntStreams 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate LocaleUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate LockingVisitors 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate MemberUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate MethodUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate NumberUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ObjectUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate RandomStringUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate RandomUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ReflectionDiffBuilder.ReflectionDiffBuilder(T, T, ToStringStyle). + Deprecate RegExUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate SerializationUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate Streams 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate StringEscapeUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate StringUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate Suppliers 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate SystemProperties 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate ThreadUtils 0-argument constructor. + Deprecate TypeUtils 0-argument constructor. + Make ArrayFill null-safe. + Make ArraySorter null-safe. + Make ArrayUtils.removeAll() null-safe. + Fix Java version in #1170. + StringUtils.stripAccents() should handle ligatures, UTF32 math blocks, etc. #1201. + TypeUtils.toString(Type) StackOverflowError for an inner class in the inner class parameterized enclosing class #657. Fixes LANG-1524. + Deprecate SystemUtils.getUserName(String) in favor of SystemProperties.getUserName(Supplier). + Make LockVisitor.acceptReadLocked(FailableConsumer) null-safe. + Make LockVisitor.applyWriteLocked(FailableConsumer) null-safe. + Make ObjectUtils.getFirstNonNull(Supplier...) null-safe. + Make SystemProperties.getLineSeparator(Supplier). + StringUtils.stripAccents(String) doesn\'t handle \"\\u0111\" and \"\\u0110\" (Vietnamese) #1216. + StringUtils.stripAccents(String) doesn\'t handle I with bar. + StringUtils.stripAccents(String) doesn\'t handle U with bar. + StringUtils.stripAccents(String) doesn\'t handle T with stroke. + Fix Javadoc for FluentBitSet.setInclusive(int, int) #1222. Fixes LANG-1735. + Same Javadoc changes as [TEXT-234] #1223. + Remove duplicate static data in SerializationUtils.ClassLoaderAwareObjectInputStream. + Reimplement RandomUtils and RandomStringUtils on top of SecureRandom#getInstanceStrong() #1235. + DiffBuilder: Type constraint for method append(..., DiffResult) too strict #786. Fixes LANG-1657.
* Tue May 14 2024 Fridrich Strba - Update to 3.14.0:
* New features: + Add Functions#function(Function). + Add FailableFunction#function(FailableFunction). + Add CalendarUtils.getInstance(). + Add syntax for optional tokens to DurationFormatUtils. + Add ArrayFill. + Add FastDateParser.TimeZoneStrategy.TzInfo.toString(). + Add LocaleUtils.isLanguageUndetermined(Locale). + Add ObjectUtils.toString(Supplier, Supplier). + Add LazyInitializer.isInitialized(). + Add ConcurrentInitializer#isInitialized() #1120. + Add Streams.failableStream(T...). + Add FailableSupplier.nul(). + Add Suppliers.nul(). + Add ExceptionUtils.throwUnchecked(T) where T extends Throwable, and deprecate Object version. + Add ExceptionUtils.rethrowRuntimeException(T), and deprecate rethrow(T). + ConcurrentInitializer implementations can now be instantiated and configured with allocation and release lambdas. Fixes LANG-1716. + Add support for RISC-V in ArchUtils #1128. Fixes LANG-1717.
* Fixed bugs: + Rename variable names from \'clss\' to \'clazz\'. + [Javadoc] ComparableUtils\'c1\' to \'comparable1\', \'c2\' to \'comparable2\' + [Javadoc] Remove 2.1 specific comment #1091. + [Javadoc] Fix Incorrect Description in Processor isAarch64() [#1093]. Fixes LANG-1704. + [Javadoc] Point to right getShortClassName flavor in Javadoc for relevant notes #1097. + Improve performance of StringUtils.isMixedCase(). + ThreadUtils find methods should not return null items. Fixes LANG-1706. + ReflectionToStringBuilder changes in version 3.13.0 has broken the logic for overriding classes. Fixes LANG-1710. + Return \"null\" instead of NPE in ClassLoaderUtils.toString(ClassLoader). + Return \"null\" instead of NPE in ClassLoaderUtils.toString(URLClassLoader). + Return ToStringStyle.nullText instead of NPE for ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(). + Fix ThresholdCircuitBreaker#checkState(). + Use ConcurrentInitializer implementations without subclassing. + Update critical value for chi-square test. + Fix Javadoc syntax errors #1129.- From 3.13.0 update
* New features: + Add GitHub coverage.yml. + Add EnumUtils.getEnumSystemProperty(...). + Add TriConsumer. + Add and use EnumUtils.getFirstEnumIgnoreCase(Class, String, Function, E). + Add and use Suppliers. + Add and use ArrayUtils.getComponentType(T[]). + Add and use ClassUtils.getComponentType(Class>T[]>). + Add and use ObjectUtils.getClass(T). + Add and use ArrayUtils.newInstance(Class>T>, int). + Add and use null-safe Streams.of(T...). + Add ClassUtils.comparator(). + Add and use ThreadUtils.sleepQuietly(Duration). + Add and use ArrayUtils.setAll(T[], IntFunction). + Add and use ArrayUtils.setAll(T[], Supplier). + Add BooleanConsumer. + Add IntToCharFunction. + Add IntStreams. + Add UncheckedFuture. + Add UncheckedException. + Add UncheckedExecutionException. + Add UncheckedTimeoutException. + Add UncheckedInterruptedException. + Add TimeZones.GMT. + Add ObjectUtils.identityHashCodeHex(Object). + Add ObjectUtils.hashCodeHex(Object). + Add StringUtils.removeStart(String, char). + Add null-safe ObjectUtils.isArray(). Fixes LANG-1659. + Add ComparableUtils.max(A, A) and ComparableUtils.min(A, A). + Add UncheckedReflectiveOperationException. + Add and use ClassUtils.isPublic(Class). + Add UncheckedIllegalAccessException. + Add MethodInvokers. + Add Streams.nullSafeStream(Collection). + Add Streams.toStream(Collection). + Add Streams.failableStream(Collection) and deprecate misnamed stream(Collection). + Add Streams.failableStream(Stream) and deprecate misnamed stream(Stream). + Add EnumUtils.getEnumMap(Class, Function). + Add FluentBitSet. + Add Streams.instancesOf(Class, Collection). + Add ImmutablePair.ofNonNull(L, R). + Add ImmutableTriple.ofNonNull(L, M, R). + Add MutablePair.ofNonNull(L, R). + Add MutableTriple.ofNonNull(L, M, R). + Add Pair.ofNonNull(L, R). + Add Triple.ofNonNull(L, M, R). + Add ArrayUtils.containsAny(Object[], Object...). + Add Processor.Type.AARCH_64. + Add Processor.isAarch64(). + Update ArchUtils.getProcessor(String) for \"aarch64\". + Add JavaVersion.JAVA_18. + Add JavaVersion.JAVA_19. + Add JavaVersion.JAVA_20. + Add JavaVersion.JAVA_21. + Add TimeZones.toTimeZone(TimeZone). + Add FutureTasks. + Add Memoizer(Function) and Memoizer(Function, boolean). + Add Consumers. + Add github/codeql-action. + Add coverage.yml. + Add DurationUtils.since(Temporal). + Add DurationUtils.of(FailableConsumer|FailableRunnbale). + Add ExceptionUtils.forEach(Throwable, Consumer). + Add + Add ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseStackTraceList(Throwable). + Add SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS_11. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_16. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_17. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_18. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_19. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_20. + Add SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_21. + Add ArrayUtils.oneHot(). Fixes LANG-1627. + Let ReflectionToStringBuilder only reflect given field names. Fixes LANG-1662. + Add Streams.of(Enumeration). + Add Streams.of(Iterable). + Add Streams.of(Iterator). + Simple support for Optional in ObjectUtils#isEmpty(). Fixes LANG-1689. + Add Processor.Type.getLabel(). + Add Processor.toString(). + Add HashCodeBuilder.equals(Object). + Add BooleanUtils.values() and forEach(). + Add ClassPathUtils.packageToPath(String) and pathToPackage(String) + Add CalendarUtils#getDayOfYear() + Add NumberRange, DoubleRange, IntegerRange, LongRange. + Add missing exception javadoc/tests for some null arguments. + Add ClassLoaderUtils.getSystemURLs() and getThreadURLs(). + Add RegExUtils.dotAll() and dotAllMatcher(). + Add Pair.accept(FailableBiConsumer). + Add Pair.apply(FailableBiFunction). + Add ReflectionDiffBuilder.setExcludeFieldNames(...) and DiffExclude a... Fixes LANG-1677. + Add and ExceptionUtils.isChecked() and isUnchecked(). Fixes LANG-1647. + Add and use ExceptionUtils.throwUnchecked(throwable). + Add LockingVisitors.create(O, ReadWriteLock).
* Fixed bugs: + NumberUtils.createNumber() to recognize hex integers prefixed with +. Fixes LANG-1645. + NumberUtils.createNumber() to return requested floating point type for zero. Fixes LANG-1646. + DMI: Random object created and used only once (DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_ONCE); Better multi-threaded behavior. + Redundant Collection operation. Use Collections.emptyIterator(). Fixes LANG-1646. + Make null-safe. + Allow tests to access java.util classes such as ArrayList in Java 16. Fixes LANG-1667. + OpenJDK 16 Day Period Parsing. Fixes LANG-1669. + Update documentation to list correct exception for null array parameters. Fixes LANG-1663. + Fixing reversed Javadoc descriptions in StopWatch. + Fix typos in JavaDoc. Fixes LANG-1670. + Simplify assertions with equivalent but more simple.. + Avoid multiple equivalent occurrences of the same expression. + Remove redundant initializers. + Fix ObjectUtils Javadocs. + Make Range constructors more generic. Fixes LANG-1674. + Use final and Remove redundant String. + Use Set instead of List for checking the contains() method. + Javadoc for StringUtils.substringBefore(String str, int separator) doesn\'t mention that the separator is an int. + Fix NullPointerException in ThreadUtils.getSystemThreadGroup() when the current thread is stopped. + ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(Boolean...) null array elements map to false, like Boolean.parseBoolean(null) and its callers return false. + StrBuilder.StrBuilderReader.skip(long): Throw an exception when an implicit narrowing conversion in a compound assignment would result in information loss or a numeric error such as an overflows. + Deprecate Validate#notNull(Object) in favor of using Objects#requireNonNull(Object, String). + Use TimeZone from calendar in DateFormatUtils. Fixes LANG-1462. + Updating javadoc for NullPointerException when Validate.notNull() is called. + Fixing and adding DateUtils exception Javadocs. + Improve performance of StringUtils.unwrap(String, String). Fixes LANG-1679. + Improve performance of StringUtils.join for primitives. Fixes LANG-1675. + Fixed NPE getting Stack Trace if Throwable is null. Fixes LANG-1675. + Make Validate.isAssignableFrom() check null inputs. + Fix Javadoc for Validate.isAssignableFrom(). + Make final mappingFunction variable. + Remove unnecessary variable creations. + Minor changes. + FastDateFormat does not support the \'L\'-Pattern from SimpleDateFormat. Fixes LANG-1680. + Increase test coverage of ComparableUtils from 71% to 100%. + Increase method test coverage of MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle. + Fix unstable coverage of CharSequenceUtils tests noticed during merge of PRs 898 and 899. + Rewrite Conversion.binaryBeMsb0ToHexDigit to invert logic of binaryToHexDigit. + Allow extension of previously final classes ImmutablePair and ImmutableTriple. + Update ClassUtils Javadoc with some missing throws NPE. + Javadoc: StringUtils.repeat(\"\", \"x\", 3) = \"xx\";. + StringUtils.join(Iterable, String) should only return null when the Iterable is null. + Add tests to increase coverage. + Extends Object clauses are redundant. + Simplify conditional expression.. + Fix some Javadoc comments. + Deprecate getNanosOfMiili() method with typo and create proper getNanosOfMilli(). + Deprecate ThreadUtils code that defines custom function interfaces in favor of stock java.util.function.Predicate usage. + Fix links in Javadoc and documentation. + Deprecate RandomUtils in favor of Apache Commons RNG UniformRandomProvider. Fixes LANG-1604. + Added docs regarding week year support. Fixes LANG-1638. + ClassUtils.getShortCanonicalName doesn\'t use the canonicalName. Fixes LANG-1691. + Validate: Get error messages without using String.format when varargs is empty. + Simplify expression (length is never < 0). + Fix simple broken javadoc.. + Fix typo. + Use Objects.requireNonNull() directly. + MethodUtils.getMatchingMethod() fails with \"Found multiple candidates\". Fixes LANG-1694. + Construct ArrayList with better default size. Fixes LANG-1643. + ThreadUtilsTest#testThreadGroups will test failed when using Junit5 parallel test. + Swap the order of assertion args (first excepted then actual). + Fix the comment of Failable, redundant \"-\". + Fix the comment of ComparableUtils, using \"smallest\", not \"largest\". + AnnotationUtilsTest and FormattableUtilsTest Only use static imports to import assert methods in tests. + [LANG-1681] Fix some FieldUtils Javadocs. + Remove unnecessary statement in DurationFormatUtils. + Corrected value of SystemUtils.JAVA_VENDOR. Fixes LANG-1699. + [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions. + Update Javadoc for the insert methods in ArrayUtils. + Deprecate ExceptionUtils.ExceptionUtils(). + TypeUtils.getRawType() throws a NullPointerException on Wildcard GenericArrayType. Fixes LANG-1697. + Throw IllegalArgumentException instead of InternalError in the builder package. + Avoid NPE in MutableObject#equals() for null content. + SystemUtils fix and updates related to macOS.
* Wed Aug 30 2023 Fridrich Strba - Break cycle with the new bcel- Removed patch:
* apache-commons-lang3-junit-bom.patch + not needed since we install the pom file using the new %%mvn_install_pom macro which sanitizes the pom file to the bare runtime dependencies.
* Wed Dec 29 2021 Pedro Monreal - Remove the junit bom dependency for now as it breaks the build of other packages like log4j.
* Add apache-commons-lang3-junit-bom.patch
* Wed Dec 29 2021 David Anes - Fix component version in to 3.12
* Fri Dec 24 2021 David Anes - Updated download URL.- Update to 3.12.0: - New features:
* Add BooleanUtils.booleanValues().
* Add BooleanUtils.primitiveValues().
* Add StringUtils.containsAnyIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence...).
* Add StopWatch.getStopTime().
* More test coverage for CharSequenceUtils.
* Add fluent-style ArraySorter.
* Add and use LocaleUtils.toLocale(Locale) to avoid NPEs.
* Add FailableShortSupplier, handy for JDBC APIs.
* Add JavaVersion.JAVA_17.
* Add missing boolean[] join method.
* Add StringUtils.substringBefore(String, int).
* Add Range.INTEGER.
* Add DurationUtils.
* Introduce the use of AATTNonnull, and AATTNullable, and the Objects class as a helper tool.
* Add and use true and false String constants.
* Add and use ObjectUtils.requireNonEmpty(). - Fixed Bugs:
* Correct implementation of RandomUtils.nextLong(long, long).
* Restore handling of collections for non-JSON ToStringStyle.
* ContextedException Javadoc add missing semicolon.
* Resolve JUnit pioneer transitive dependencies using JUnit BOM.
* NumberUtilsTest - incorrect types in min/max tests.
* Improve StringUtils.stripAccents conversion of remaining accents.
* StringUtils.countMatches - clarify Javadoc.
* Remove redundant argument from substring call.
* BigDecimal is created when you pass it the min and max values.
* ArrayUtils.contains() and indexOf() fail to handle Double.NaN.
* ArrayUtils contains() and indexOf() fail to handle Float.NaN.
* Fix potential NPE in TypeUtils.isAssignable(Type, ParameterizedType, Map, Type>).
* TypeUtils.isAssignable returns wrong result for GenericArrayType and ParameterizedType.
* testGetAllFields and testGetFieldsWithAnnotation sometimes fail.
* Fix Javadoc for SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtMost().
* Fix StringUtils.unwrap throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
* Fix formatting of isAnyBlank() and isAnyEmpty().
* TypeUtils. containsTypeVariables does not support GenericArrayType.
* Javadoc of some methods incorrectly refers to another method.
* Refine StringUtils.lastIndexOfIgnoreCase.
* Refine StringUtils.abbreviate.
* Refine StringUtils.isNumericSpace.
* Refine StringUtils.deleteWhitespace.
* Correction in Javadoc of some methods.
* Javadoc for RandomStringUtils.random() letters, numbers parameters is wrong.
* Correct markup in Javadoc for unbalanced braces.
* MethodUtils.invokeMethod NullPointerException in case of null in args list.
* Fix 2 digit week year formatting.
* Fix broken Javadoc links to commons-text.
* Add and use ThreadUtils.sleep(Duration).
* Add and use ThreadUtils.join(Thread, Duration).
* Add ObjectUtils.wait(Duration). - Changes:
* ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(Object) does not support boolean and other types.
* Enable Dependabot.
* Bump junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0.
* Bump spotbugs from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1.
* Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from 4.0.0 to 4.2.0.
* Bump biz.aQute.bndlib from 5.1.1 to 5.3.0.
* Bump junit-pioneer from 0.6.0 to 1.1.0.
* Bump checkstyle from 8.34 to 8.40.
* Bump actions/checkout from v2.3.1 to v2.3.4.
* Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.0 to v1.4.2.
* Update commons.jacoco.version 0.8.5 to 0.8.6 (Fixes Java 15 builds).
* Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.22.2 -> 3.0.0-M5.
* Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0.
* Bump jmh.version from 1.21 to 1.27.
* Update commons.japicmp.version 0.14.3 -> 0.15.2.
* check enum equality with == instead of .equals() method.
* Bump junit-pioneer from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0.
* Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.
* Bump actions/cache from v2 to v2.1.4.
* Bump junit-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1.
* Minor Improvements.
* Minor Improvement: Add final variable.try to make the code read-only.
* Minor Improvement: Remove redundant initializer.
* Use own validator ObjectUtils.anyNull to check null String input.- From 3.11 Update: - New features:
* Add ArrayUtils.isSameLength() to compare more array types.
* Added the Locks class as a convenient possibility to deal with locked objects.
* Add to Functions: FailableBooleanSupplier, FailableIntSupplier, FailableLongSupplier, FailableDoubleSupplier, and so on.
* Add ArrayUtils.get(T[], index, T) to provide an out-of-bounds default value.
* Add JavaVersion enum constants for Java 14 and 15.
* Add JavaVersion enum constants for Java 16.
* Use Java 8 lambdas and Map operations.
* Change removeLastFieldSeparator to use endsWith.
* Change a Pattern to a static final field, for not letting it compile each time the function invoked.
* Add ImmutablePair factory methods left() and right().
* Add ObjectUtils.toString(Object, Supplier).
* Add org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringAfter(String, int).
* Add org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.substringAfterLast(String, int). - Fixed Bugs:
* Fix Javadoc for StringUtils.appendIfMissingIgnoreCase().
* Refine Javadoc.
* Fix typos
* Ignored exception `ignored`, should not be called so.
* StringUtils.replaceEachRepeatedly gives IllegalStateException.
* [JSON string for maps] ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString doesnt render nested maps correctly.
* Correct Javadocs of methods that use Validate.notNull() and replace some uses of Validate.isTrue() with Validate.notNull().
* Add allNull() and anyNull() methods to ObjectUtils. - Changes:
* Refine test output for FastDateParserTest
* CharSequenceUtils.lastIndexOf : remake it
* remove encoding and docEncoding and use inherited values from commons-parent
* Simplify null checks in Pair.hashCode() using Objects.hashCode().
* Simplify null checks in Triple.hashCode() using Objects.hashCode().
* Simplify some if statements in StringUtils.
* Simplify a null check in the private replaceEach() method of StringUtils.
* Replace some usages of the ternary operator with calls to Math.max() and Math.min().
* (Javadoc) Fix return tag for throwableOf
*() methods.
* CharSequenceUtils.regionMatches is wrong dealing with Georgian.
* Optimize ArrayUtils::isArrayIndexValid method.
* Use List.sort instead of Collection.sort.
* Use StandardCharsets.UTF_8.
* Use Collections.singletonList insteadof Arrays.asList when there be only one element.
* Change array style from `int a[]` to `int[] a`.
* Change from addAll to constructors for some List.
* Simplify if as some conditions are covered by others.
* Fixed Javadocs for setTestRecursive().
* ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString - Wrong JSON format when object has a List of Enum.
* Make org.apache.commons.lang3.CharSequenceUtils.toCharArray(CharSequence) public.
* org.apache.commons:commons-parent 50 -> 51.
* org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer 0.5.4 -> 0.6.0.
* org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter 5.6.0 -> 5.6.2.
* com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs 4.0.0 -> 4.0.6.
* 8.29 -> 8.34.
* commons.surefire.version 3.0.0-M4 -> 3.0.0-M5..- From 3.10 Update: - New features:
* Add ExceptionUtils.throwableOfType(Throwable, Class) and friends.
* Add EMPTY_ARRAY constants to classes in org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.
* Add null-safe StringUtils APIs to wrap String#getBytes([Charset|String]).
* Add zero arg constructor for org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException.
* Add ArrayUtils.addFirst() methods.
* Add to fit a value into a range.
* Added
*, and tests thereof, as suggested by Peter Verhas
* Add getters for lhs and rhs objects in DiffResult.
* Generify builder classes Diffable, DiffBuilder, and DiffResult.
* Add ClassLoaderUtils with toString() implementations.
* Add null-safe APIs as StringUtils.toRootLowerCase(String) and StringUtils.toRootUpperCase(String).
* Add org.apache.commons.lang3.time.Calendars.
* Add EnumUtils getEnum() methods with default values.
* Added indexesOf methods and simplified removeAllOccurences.
* Add support of lambda value evaluation for defaulting methods.
* Add factory methods to Pair classes with Map.Entry input.
* Add StopWatch convenience APIs to format times and create a simple instance.
* Allow a StopWatch to carry an optional message.
* Add ComparableUtils.
* Add org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils.getUserName().
* Add ObjectToStringComparator.
* Add org.apache.commons.lang3.arch.Processor.Arch.getLabel().
* Add IS_JAVA_14 and IS_JAVA_15 to org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils.
* ObjectUtils: Get first non-null supplier value.
* Added the Streams class, and as an accessor thereof. - Fixed Bugs:
* Make test more stable by wrapping assertions in hashset.
* Generate Javadoc jar on build.
* Trivial: year of release for 3.9 says 2018, should be 2019.
* Use synchronize on a set created with Collections.synchronizedSet before iterating.
* StringUtils.unwrap incorrect throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
* StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase.
* StringUtils.removeIgnoreCase(\"?a\", \"a\") throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.
* Corrected usage examples in Javadocs.
* StringUtils abbreviate returns String of length greater than maxWidth.
* Test may fail due to a different order of fields returned by reflection api.
* Sort fields in ReflectionToStringBuilder for deterministic order.
* MethodUtils will throw a NPE if invokeMethod() is called for a var-args method.
* MethodUtils.getAnnotation() with searchSupers = true does not work if super is generic. - Changes:
* Remove redundant if statements in join methods.
* commons.japicmp.version 0.13.1 -> 0.14.1.
* junit-jupiter 5.5.0 -> 5.5.1.
* junit-jupiter 5.5.1 -> 5.5.2.
* Improve Javadoc based on the discussion of the GitHub PR.
* maven-checkstyle-plugin 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0.
* Update documentation related to the issue LANG-696.
* AnnotationUtils little cleanup.
* Update test dependency: org.easymock:easymock 4.0.2 -> 4.1.
* Update test dependency: org.hamcrest:hamcrest 2.1 -> 2.2.
* Update test dependency: org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer 0.3.0 -> 0.4.2.
* Update build dependency: 8.18 -> 8.27.
* Update POM parent: org.apache.commons:commons-parent 48 -> 50.
* BooleanUtils Javadoc.
* Functions Javadoc.
* org.easymock:easymock 4.1 -> 4.2.
* org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer 0.4.2 -> 0.5.4.
* org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter 5.5.2 -> 5.6.0.
* Use Javadoc {AATTcode} instead of pre tags.
* ExceptionUtilsTest to 100%.
* Reuse own code in
* Avoid unnecessary allocation in StringUtils.wrapIfMissing.
* Internally use Validate.notNull(foo, ...) instead of Validate.isTrue(foo != null, ...).
* Add 1 and 0 in toBooleanObject(final String str).
* Remove an redundant argument check in NumberUtils.
* Deprecate org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.removeAllOccurences(
*) for org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.removeAllOccurrences(
* Fri Apr 23 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL- Update to 3.9
* Requires jdk >= 1.8
* Fixed issues with java 12
* Add more SystemUtils.IS_JAVA_XX variants
* Adding the Functions class
* Add AATTFunctionalInterface to ThreadPredicate and ThreadGroupPredicate
* Add isEmpty method to ObjectUtils
* null-safe StringUtils.valueOf(char[]) to delegate to String.valueOf(char[]).
* Add API org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtMost(JavaVersion)
* Consolidate the StringUtils equals and equalsIgnoreCase
* Tue Feb 16 2021 Fridrich Strba - Add OSGi manifest
* Mon Mar 25 2019 Fridrich Strba - Remove pom parent, since we don\'t use it when not building with maven
* Mon Feb 04 2019 Fridrich Strba - Clean-up the spec file and install less jar symlinks