Changelog for python311-ntc-templates-7.5.0-1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jan 10 2025 Steve Kowalik - Update to 7.5.0:
* fix cisco ios show tacacs
* fix: Corrected Huawei VRP display_service-set_all template
* fix: Corrected Ubiquiti EdgeRouter show_ip_route template
* fix: Corrected Cisco IOS show_access-list template
* Add sros show lag port
* Fix Arista EOS show processes top once
* Alcatel aos show vlan port members
* added template for Alcatel AOS: show chassis
* Adding new template for Alcatel aos: show system
* New template Alcatel AOS: show mac-address-table
* Created cisco_xr_show_bgp_vrf_all_neighbors_advertised-routes.textfsm
* New template Alcatel AOS: show port-security
* Add: mikrotik_routeros_routing_ospf_interface_print_terse
* feat: Add show_port_description for alcatel_sros
* feat: Add show service service-using
* feat: Add show service id sap
* Consolidate and add extra VRF to XR BGP neighbors
* Enhancements to index and alcatel_aos_show_mac
* fix: Bring port_id inline with other templates (allow satelites for interface)
* cisco_ios_show_platform, only for switches
* asa-vpn-l2l allow for empty connection
* Update extreme_exos_show_iparp to support output format change
* Fix empty line strings to have end-of-line match
* New Template Alcatel AOS: show interfaces status
* New template for Alcatel AOS: show lldp remote-system
* Fix: mikrotik_routeros_ip_address_print
* fix: Also take into account satellite ports for show port description
* Updating command in Alcatel AOS: show vlan
* Added template for Alcatel AOS: show interfaces port
* updating the templates to add multiple PON ports
* Added template for Extreme EXOS show fdb- Correct version in pyproject.toml.- No longer any need to clean up LICENSE and README.
* Mon Nov 04 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.4.0
* Modified cisco_xr_show_ipv4_interface.
* FIX: Account for additional lines in cisco_nxos_bgp_summary.
* Feature/extreme slxos show ip interface brief.
* support for case of unassigned ipv6 address as chassis ID.
* Rename and support single nxos interface switchport.
* Wed Oct 23 2024 Martin Hauke - Update to version 7.3.0
* Fix fortinet get sys status capture group names.
* Add error directive to exos_show_ports_information_detail.
* New template: Aruba Procurve show version.
* Fix Fortinet get system interface template and combine rules.
* New template for NGFW FortiGate.
* Add initial extreme slxos show clock template.
* Add: Mikrotik interface vlan print detail.
* Add: Mikrotik interface bonding print detail.
* fix: Mikrotik interface print detail.
* fix: Mikrotik interface ethernet monitor name.
* fix: Mikrotik ip arp print without-paging.
* New template: cisco_ios_show_power_inline.textfsm.
* Feat cisco ios hqos.- Update to version 7.2.0
* Fix time capture and handle \'under a minute\' times in Aruba show system (issue#1837).
* New template: Huawei vrp display http server.
* Huawei smartax display ont snmp profile 0 all.
* Add template: Huawei vrp display telnet server status.
* Resolve Fortinet HA Status parsing issues.
* fix: IOS \'show bfd neighbors details\' failures.
* fix: Mikrotik system resource print.
* fix: Mikrotik ip address print.
* Fix: inner vlan parsing cisco ios show interfaces.- Update to version 7.1.0
* Fix template to properly handle hyphens in \'show lldp neighbors\' for arista eos.
* Fix a few minor issues with Arista \'show_processes_top_once\'.
* Huawei smartax display ont port state 0 1 eth state.
* Add parsing for Cisco IOS Inner VLANs through show vlans.
* Updated template: Huawei VRP display interface added extra parameters.
* Updated: Huawei smartax display mac address ont 0 1 2 0.
* Unswapped ipv4 and ipv6.
* Updated templated with one more use case.
* cisco_xr_show_interfaces_description.textfsm - new template.
* Fix IOS interface link template uptime issue.- Update to version 7.0.0
* Update to version 6.0.0
* Update to version 5.1.0
* Update to version 5.0.0
* Update to version 4.4.0
* Update to version 4.3.0
* Update to version 4.2.0
* Update to version 4.1.0
* Update to version 4.0.1
* Update to version 4.0.0
* Mon Sep 04 2023 Martin Hauke - Update to version 3.5.0
* Adding new outputs for cisco asa show license all command.
* Adding Aruba CX template and tests for show system.
* Fix ubiquiti show interfaces template.
* Added new values for destination port lt/gt/range, IPv6, time-range.
* Feat ubiquiti nat rule template.- Update to version 3.4.0
* Updated support for Cisco NXOS devices.
* Fix cisco_nxos_show_interface_brief.textfsm.
* fixs_1060_cisco_ios_show_access-list.
* Support lowercase interfaces on Cisco IOS (XR).
* Update cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbors_detail parser to gather more information.
* sort yaml output, make changes more predictable.
* Fix Cisco show interfaces speed and duplex.
* Feat(cisco): add vrf template detail.
* Fix arista eos show interfaces - description quotes.
* Fix cisco xr admin show inventory.
* Fix1198 cisco nxos show access lists.
* Template and tests for cisco_nxos_show_ip_msdp_summary_vrf_all.- Update to version 3.3.0
* Add support for Ericsson IPOS router.
* Add display_arp_all and display_isis_peer
* Add support DLink DS Show ARP.
* Add support DLink DS Show ARP.
* Zyxel fix sys atsh parsing.
* Fix Cisco NXOS 5K: show forwarding ipv4 route.
* Hp comware displ vpn inst det.
* Update hp_comware_display_device_manuinfo.textfsm.
* fix: huawei_vrf_display_version.
* Fix Mikrotik interface ethernet monitor name once when no link partner.
* Hpe templates.
* Fix HP Comware displ inteface.
* recon tabs on hp comware.
* Fix cisco_xr_show_version.template.
* Added input and output pps for cisco_ios_show_interfaces.
* added cisco_ios_show_ip_http_server_status.textfsm.
* Added FPM to the Start and XCVR States.
* Update Existing Template/ Added RUNTS, GIANTS, FRAME, and OVERRUN.
* feat(ubiquiti): add show ipv6 route template.
* Feature/cisco ios ping fail.
* feat(ubiquiti): add show ip route template.
* Fix for ASA timezones that have / in them.
* Cisco ASA fixed timezones and support for IPsecOverNatT.
* Improvement: cisco_ios_show_ip_ospf_interface_brief.
* Added nxos show ip bgp summary address family to parsed data.
* Multiple fixes for Cisco ASA show interface.
* cisco ios show_version capture software and release.
* Corrected nexthop_ip regex in ubiquiti ipv6 route template.
* Improvement: cisco_ios_show_ip_route added support for VRFs.
* Add nxos show ip ospf intf br and fixed process on show ip ospf nbr.
* Update Cisco AireOS WLC show inventory.
* feat(ubiquiti): Add template ubiquiti edgerouter show interfaces.
* Add new cisco asa templates.
* Add: cisco wlc templates for show flexconnect and interface group summary.
* Fix HP Comware display interface and ip interface.
* NXOS show ip int fails without WCCP.
* XR show ipv4 int fails on Int prot proc disabled.
* Cisco add template ipv6 access-lists.
* Corrected Huawei display_interface template to add Tunnel and Virtuel interface.
* Added support for IKEv2 parameters.
* added IOS show nve vni and nve peers templates.
* added NXOS show nve vni and nve peers templates.
* Mikrotik routeros - firewall filter - Add src mac address, correct ipv6 path and empty log prefix.
* Added new template: show interface link on cisco ios.
* Hp comware new displ vlan lldp.
* Mikrotik routeros add hw offload management in ip firewall template.
* Fixed missing OK in header of show int ip brief.
* Fixed by adding support for ext comm in asa show bgp summary.
* Fix Cisco: change the ip nat translations template to make ports non-optional.- Update to version 3.2.0
* Sat Oct 01 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.1.0:
* New template: cisco_ios_show_ip_eigrp_interfaces_detail.textfsm
* New template: cisco_ios_show_snmp_group.textfsm
* New templates & updates: Updated support for Arista EOS devices
* New template: cisco_xr_show_ipv4_interface.textfsm
* New templates: Add multiple zyxel templates
* Bug fix: Change huawei_vrf shortest command
* Bug fix: Path separator error on windows
* New templates: Adding multiple mikrotik routeros templates
* New template: aruba_os_show_ap_database_long.textfsm
* New template: aruba_os_show_ap_radio-database.textfsm
* Bug fix: EOS 4.28.XF updated output of codes in `show ip route`
* New template: juniper_junos_show_vlans.textfsm
* Bug fix: cisco_ios show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes output where metric is wider than 6 chars
* Bug fix: cisco_ios show ip bgp output where metric is wider than 6 chars
* Bug fix: cisco_nxos_show_int_breief do not match mgmt and vlan
* Bug fix: cisco_ios_show_module updated output for c9200
* Changed: add vlan_id to cisco_ios_show_interfaces
* Bug fix: fix not advertised vlan in cisco_nxos_show_lldp_neighbors_detail
* Added: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm
* Bug fix: Multiple line parsing using lists with textfsm extracting wrong details
* Bug fix: Cisco IOS show boot missing parameter
* New template: arista_eos_show_processes_top_once.textfsm
* Bug fix: Adding a record without the vlan field for very old HP Procurve switches
* New template: cisco_xr_show_install_active.textfsm
* Changed: Clarifies docs about length order
* New template: ubiquiti_edgerouter_show_dhcp_leases.textfsm
* Bug fix: hanges the CRLF to LF to pass tests
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_nxos_show_ip_route.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_standby.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_module_status.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_ip_interface.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_interfaces_switchport.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_etherchannel_summary.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_ios_show_lldp_neighbors_detail.textfsm
* Changed: Additional fields for cisco_asa_show_interface.textfsm
* Bug fix: show platform diag does not return the rommon version of the line cards
* New template: zyxel_os_cfg_nat_get.textfsm
* New template: zyxel_os_cfg_ipalias_get.textfsm
* New template: ubiquiti_edgerouter_show_version.textfsm
* New template: ubiquiti_edgerouter_show_interfaces_ethernet_physical.textfsm
* New template: ubiquiti_edgerouter_show_arp.textfsm
* Bug fix: aruba_os_show_ap_database model parsing error
* Bug fix: cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface parsing error
* Bug fix: Update choices for Protocol to include \'notpresent\' option on arista_eos_show_interfaces_description
* New template: aruba_os_show_ap_database.textfsm
* Bug fix: cisco_nxos_show_cdp_neighbors_detail update for supporting multiple versions
* Changed: Updated show boot template to include new formatting for Cisco IOS Gibraltar output
* Bug fix: cisco_nxos_show_ip_bgp.textfsm not parsing correctly
* Added: FTD output example from Cisco support site
* New template: cisco_ios_show_ip_nat_translations.textfsm
* Bug fix: cisco_ios_show_interfaces_status.textfsm State Error
* Bug fix: IOS show mac address Type3 and Type4. Additional test files
* New template: cisco_asa_show_cpu_usage_detailed.textfsm
* Bug fix: cisco_ios_show_ip_eigrp_topology not parsing correctly
* Wed Nov 03 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to 3.0.0 Breaking Changes
* Template cisco_ios_show_mac-address-table has DESTINATION_PORT as a list of ports now instead of a single string entry. What\'s Changed
* cisco_ios_show_access-session: Adding Identity to MAC column.
* [New Template] Ciena - traffic-profile standard-profile.
* New template: cisco_nxos_show_ip_interface_vrf_all.textfsm.
* New template: juniper_junos_show_system_uptime.textfsm.
* Template Change: cisco_ios, show archive.
* Bugfix: change date format in hp_comware_display_clock.textfsm.
* update arista interface template + raw.
* New Template: cisco_ios_show_dhcp_lease.
* Fix ios_mac-addr type2.
* fix parsing with int addresses = 0.
* New template for huawei VRP + fix.
* added VLAN value and search pattern.
* Ciso IOS show mac and show module fix.
* Junos show chassis.
* Wed Oct 13 2021 ecsos - Update to 2.3.2
* Bugfixes - cisco_ios_show_ip_bgp_summary Account for dotted ASN notation [#987] - cisco_nxos_show_interface_status Account for blank type #980 - cisco_ios_show_interfaces Account for App Interface #968- Fix some rpmlint errors.- Mock is actually not needed.
* Tue Aug 31 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.3.1 Closed issues:
* cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists Account for singluar match #972
* Sat Aug 28 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.3.0
* Add Aruba AOS-CX command support
* Enhancement: cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists - Adds parsing of log tags)
* Fri Aug 20 2021 Martin Hauke - Update to version 2.2.2
* cisco ios show ip access-lists template includes additional ICMP_TYPE options
* cisco ios show version template support for StackWise Virtual Domains- Update to version 2.2.1
* Missing ICMP Type mask- Update to version 2.2.0 Closed issues:
* cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists template needs updated to include precedence and tos in
* cisco_nxos_show_interface_transceiver transceiver template failure Merged pull requests:
* cisco_ios_show_version: Cisco IOS uptime parsing more granular (days, hours, etc.).
* New Template: cisco_ios_show_crypto_session_details.
* cisco_ios_show_vrf.texfsm: Parse a vrf with no interfaces.
* cisco_ios_show_interfaces_switchport: Modified Trunk state to handle multiline trunking lists.
* Fix nxos_show_interface_transceiver failure.
* Updated cisco_ios_show_ip_access-lists.textfsm to include the SRC_PORT_MATCH and DST_PORT_MATCH values for precedence and tos.- Update to version 2.1.0 Closed issues:
* cisco_nxos_show_cdp_neighbors_detail \'str\' object has no attribute \'seek\'.
* show int status returns error (seems template error) for particular switch for other switches it does work (iOS).
* IPinfusuion OCNOS support request.
* cisco_ios_show_interfaces_status.textfsm (no interface in monitoring state).
* Arista_eos: show ip bgp summary Error.
* arista_eos_show_ip_route parse exception.
* cisco nxos show interface status issue when FC ports are present.
* cisco_asa_show_running_cryprom_map does not parse crypto maps without \"set security association lifetime\".
* Cisco ASA show vpn-sessiondb invalid and not returning data after ASA SW update.
* cannot import name \'clitable\' from \'textfsm\'.
* Adding Restarted to show version template for cisco ios.
* cisco_nxos add f-path vlan type.
* New Template: Alcatel, sh router ospf int.
* New Template: SROS \"show system cpu\".
* Adds monitoring port for show interfaces status.
* New Template: All BGP VPNv4 Neighbors.
* Added Known Issues section to document Micah\'s finding/issue.
* Added deploy option to auto deploy on tags.
* sros, new template - sh router interface, -vrf.
* Add end of line for matching empty lines.
* New Template: ruckus_fastiron, show mac-address.
* New Template: ruckus_fastiron, show version.
* New Template: alcatel_sros, sh router mpls lsp.
* New Template: alcatel_sros, sap-using.
* New Template: alcatel_sros, sdp-using.
* add new template show port-security interface.
* Bugfix: Type for cisco_nxos_show_interface_status.- Update to version 2.0.0
* Migrate to Poetry for packaging and distribution.
* The templates directory has moved to ntc_templates/templates- Update to version 1.7.0 Changes to existing template fields:
* arista_eos_show_ip_route: NEXT_HOP and INTERFACE are now lists