* Thu Jan 30 2025 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.3.5 * Fix scrolling and selection restoration on undo/redo #17158 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix windowing crash due to out-of-bounds access #17238 (AATTkrassowski) * Increase color contrast of operators in code editor #17173 (AATThxrshxz) * Fix disabling Fuzzy Filtering in the File Browser #17214 (AATTDarshan808) * Fix display of tooltip/title for terminal and kernel sessions statusbar item #17220 (AATTMUFFANUJ) * Fix for inconsistent tab closure in \"Close All Tabs\" operation [#17203] (AATTitsmevichu) * Fix emission of lastCell from notebook run actions #17156 (AATTpawel99k) * Fix \"running\" prompt state with server-side execution #17195 (AATTkrassowski) * Improve contrast for \'Add\' button in Keyboard Shortcuts UI in both dark and light theme #17153 (AATThxrshxz) * Ensure context menu closes when clicking outside it in the minimap #17128 (AATTpeytondmurray) * Fix sanitizer call in ToC if html data is array of strings [#17114] (AATTmartenrichter) * Use bare string proxies parameter for httpx<0.28 #17113 (AATTAmberArr) * Add missing bind(this) to NotebookAdapter\'s isReady function [#17109] (AATTmartenrichter) * Thu Jan 16 2025 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.3.4 [#]# Bugs fixed * Sync Settings Editor with Updated Settings #17091 (AATTDarshan808) * Focus terminal after copy and paste operations #17097 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix background of the popup toolbar #17098 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix consecutive invocations of inline completion #17082 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix contrast for unselected search matches in Dark High Contrast theme #17065 (AATTkrassowski) [#]# Maintenance and upkeep improvements * Workaround the Chromium bug with navigator.language #17094 (AATTkrassowski)- Release 4.3.3 [#]# Bugs fixed * Use AsyncHTTPTransport over HTTPTransport for httpx #17058 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix filebrowser name order #17038 (AATTNriver) * Remove unused CSS #16968 (AATTmgeier) * Improve drag image styling #16936 (AATTJasonWeill) * Fix newline handling in stream outputs #17043 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Reset resizeData after column adjustment to allow file dragging [#17047] (AATTDarshan808) * Abort saving if a file cannot be saved #16900 (AATTJasonWeill) [#]# Maintenance and upkeep improvements * Bump nanoid from 3.3.6 to to 3.3.8 #17057 (AATTkrassowski) * Restore bottom httpx version window #17041 (AATTbollwyvl) * Sat Dec 07 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.3.2 [#]# Bugs fixed * Improve performance of rendering stdout/stderr #17022 (AATTkrassowski) * Fixing missed first keystroke on Ctrl+F #17005 (AATTitsmevichu) * Fix disappearing cells (heal offsets after updating estimated sizes) #17000 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix regression in standard error rendering performance #16975 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix handling of carriage return in output streams #16999 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Fix emission of FileBrowserModel.onFileChanged for drives (including RTC:) #16988 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Drag image prompt styling #16972 (AATTJasonWeill) * Restore viewport min-height when not windowing #16979 (AATTbrichet) [#]# Maintenance and upkeep improvements * Bump required setuptools to 40.8.0 #17032 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix extension manager failure with new httpx versions, bump httpx to v0.28.0 #17013 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Pin Python version for visual regression testing to 3.11 #16989 (AATTkrassowski) * Reconfigure 4.3.x branch #16970 (AATTkrassowski) [#]# Documentation improvements * Add forgotten bracket in code sample #16998 (AATTcmarmo) * Reconfigure 4.3.x branch #16970 (AATTkrassowski) * Sun Nov 17 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.3.1 [#]# Bugs fixed * Fix total size estimation in full windowing mode to reduce scrollbar jitter #16950 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix moving files when Last Modified column is hidden #16962 (AATTkrassowski) * Enable Scroll for Overflowing Menus on Small Screens #16945 (AATTDarshan808) * Fix prefix removal when reconciling completions from multiple sources #16953 (AATTkrassowski) * Disable paste for read-only markdown cells & fix replace all for markdown cells #16943 (AATTitsmevichu) * Maintain autosave timers while disconnected #16903 (AATTholzman) * Fix Regex Functionality for Find and Replace / Replace All [#16940] (AATTitsmevichu) * Fix triggering completer on the beginning of the lines #16863 (AATTandrewfulton9) * Add clarification about FileFormat in Services.Contents #16927 (AATTcmarmo) * Reuse serverSettings when reopen an existing terminal #16921 (AATTianthomas23) * Sun Nov 17 2024 Ben Greiner - Downgrade to 4.2.6 * Maintain autosave timers while disconnected #16903 (AATTholzman) * Use class instead of id in the log console test #16723 (AATTkrassowski)- Downgrade reason: Notebook is not ready for jupyterlab 4.3 yet * Mon Nov 04 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.3.0 [#]# New features added * Notebook minimap in the virtual scrollbar #16432 (AATTkrassowski) [#]# Enhancements made * Change \"File Size\" column name to \"Size\" at small widths #16849 (AATTJasonWeill) * Adds command to toggle cell outputs #16833 (AATTJasonWeill) * Improve notebook output stream processing #16814 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Update Show Virtual Scrollbar -> Show Minimap #16776 (AATTjtpio) * Clean up SVG icons from AATTjupyterlab/ui-components and update SVGO #16678 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Convert AATTjupyterlab/completer type colors to theme CSS variables #16656 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Adopt a theme CSS variable for the \"expand a collapsed cell\" button shadow #16653 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Implement resizing for the file browser #16646 (AATTkrassowski) * Add kernel selection to Galata notebook creation #16639 (AATTpauldruce) * Option to disable cell toolbar #16637 (AATTJasonWeill) * Update pending input message for clarification #16632 (AATTRRosio) * Standardize dialogs to shut down all kernels #16629 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Standardize the button role and label for single, dismissal buttons in dialogs #16622 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Copy and style edits for upgrade news notification #16615 (AATTJasonWeill) * Suppress the inline/tab completer if the other is already active #16613 (AATTkrassowski) * Standardize the \"go-to-line\" input field using theme CSS variables #16604 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Add setting to enable single-click navigation in file browser [#16598] (AATTRRosio) * Standardize Contextual Help placeholder according to TOC #16572 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Adopt the --jp-border-radius CSS variable in missing input fields #16568 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Add Tab as an alternative shortcut for accepting inline completion #16565 (AATTandrewfulton9) * Set the background color for the hover state of the New Launcher button #16551 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Adopt theme CSS variables for generic input fields #16548 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Update the CSS variable used for notebook cell shadows #16546 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Scope CSS rules to a new .jp-ThemedContainer class #16519 (AATTfcollonval) * Improve stream output handling #16498 (AATTdavidbrochart) * [GSoC 2024] Use toolkit tree view for all tree view: table of content, debugger variables and running tabs #16488 (AATTMehak261124) * Update notebook kernel selector #16475 (AATTafshin) * Filebrowser filter below breadcrumbs #16446 (AATTJasonWeill) * Define ICodeCellModel.executionState, deprecate setPrompt() [#16431] (AATTkrassowski) * Implement viewport tracking and reactive rendering in scrollbar [#16392] (AATTkrassowski) * Use lazy loading for HTML/PDF files, and help tabs #16387 (AATThnben) * Shut down unused kernels #16341 (AATTNexVeridian) * Add the command to toggle the virtual scrollbar to the palette [#16322] (AATTjtpio) * Add a signal to proxy all Completer.selected signals #16312 (AATTajbozarth) * Add fullscreen mode menu entry and shortcut #16308 (AATTdhysdrn) * Advertise the color scheme based on the theme #16301 (AATTkrassowski) * Add option to dismiss \"Server Connection Error\" dialog for the duration of the session #16269 (AATTRRosio) * Add checkbox to skip showing the kernel restart dialog #16265 (AATTNexVeridian) * Allow to select the path in debugger source component #16246 (AATTkrassowski) * Show kernel ID for notebooks and consoles in list view #16228 (AATTgderocher) * Add error field and animation in inline completion #15344 (AATTWzixiao) * Add functionality to upload folder by dragging to file browser [#10596] (AATTNazeeh21) [#]# Bugs fixed * Fix the handling of the file browser configuration #16870 (AATTjtpio) * Fix bracket highlighting for Python string literal concatenation #16866 (AATTNagidrop) * Fix alignment of headers in file browser #16839 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix incorrect access to uninitialised serverRequests #16834 (AATTkaushalaaditya99) * Conditional rendering of \'Add\' and \'or\' buttons during shortcut editing #16831 (AATTDarshan808) * Improve performance of concatenating stream strings #16815 (AATTkrassowski) * Prevent text cursor on clickable items in settings #16811 (AATTDarshan808) * Correct file size sorting in file browser #16780 (AATTJasonWeill) * Fix shutdown kernel button in running panel #16775 (AATTfcollonval) * Use inline-grid for browser column positioning #16765 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix compatibility with server-side execution extensions #16764 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix compatibility with jupyterlab-unfold #16763 (AATTkrassowski) * Adjust the alignment and cursor of the running session icons in the status bar #16748 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Use class instead of id in the log console test #16723 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix overwriting shortcuts #16721 (AATTkrassowski) * Use locale name instead of display/native name to toggle language #16710 (AATTmaitreya2954) * Add null checks for \"input\" variable #16705 (AATTJasonWeill) * Null checks to guard against cell toolbar errors on startup [#16704] (AATTJasonWeill) * Update contents model on file change due to save from RTC [#16695] (AATTkrassowski) * Add a guard on uninitialized nodes when resizing, remove log [#16693] (AATTkrassowski) * Fix output streaming in RTC #16692 (AATTdavidbrochart) * Prevent replacing code with find and replace in read-only cells [#16682] (AATTitsmevichu) * Avoid changing type of read-only cells #16679 (AATTcmarmo) * Store/retrieve execution state from the shared model #16651 (AATTkrassowski) * Do not block shift-click mouse up handler on active cell #16647 (AATTEdsterG) * Update the copyright year in About JupyterLab and LICENSE [#16643] (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fix Error Rendering .ipynb with Array in \'text/plain\' Output [#16628] (AATTitsmevichu) * Removes title from the entire File Browser #16618 (AATTJasonWeill) * Fix the identifier to download licenses in JSON format #16584 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fix lack of color contrast for the project version and license selected on the Licenses page #16582 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Update JupyterLab wordmark color #16567 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Standardize Property Inspector placeholder according to TOC [#16566] (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fix license table CSS selector to apply the selected row styles [#16547] (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fix settings editor missing plugins with transform step or registered late #16523 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix inline completer configure calls not being propagated correctly #16508 (AATTkrassowski) * Add customisation options to prevent inline completer resizing aggressively #16507 (AATTkrassowski) * Improve focus styling #16496 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix the lines placeholder taking up too much space #16493 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix check link CI failure in README (time zone converter site) [#16482] (AATTafshin) * Use correct hub restart URL #16471 (AATTmahendrapaipuri) * Trigger the toolbar button action on click instead of on mousedown #16470 (AATTbrichet) * Fix async function display #16443 (AATTsanskriti2005) * Fix code comments in tilde (~) fences incorrectly shown as headings in TOC #16437 (AATTitsmevichu) * Fix typos in jupyter-collaboration-missing error message #16436 (AATTkrishanbhasin-px) * Fix comments in nested markdown code blocks incorrectly being identified as TOC headings #16420 (AATTitsmevichu) * Reactive toolbar computation, again... #16409 (AATTbrichet) * Align token usage for events #16397 (AATTfcollonval) * Add the toolbar again when updating the title of PanelWithToolbar #16390 (AATTbrichet) * Fix width and margins of the notebook footer. #16383 (AATTHaudinFlorence) * Fix runtime console error in debugger extension #16368 (AATTafshin) * Fix execution in console in terminal interaction mode #16348 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix workspace context menu incorrectly showing up in other sidebar sections #16346 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix Shift + Tab contextual help inspector tooltip regression [#16343] (AATTkrassowski) * Reactive toolbar: avoid simultaneous calls to _onResize() [#16335] (AATTbrichet) * Upgrade CodeMirror dependencies #16306 (AATTkrassowski) * Resetting a shortcut does not restore and enable the default if it was modified #16304 (AATTitsmevichu) * Allow to invoke inline completer anywhere (not only at the end of line) #16298 (AATTajbozarth) * Search and replace with substring in markdown and raw cells [#16293] (AATTJasonWeill) * Wait for the cell toolbar items to be rendered the first time before looking for overlap #16291 (AATTbrichet) * coreutils: add required TS intl libraries #16288 (AATTRenegade334) * Add lowercase proxy vars and make priority consistent with other tools #16287 (AATTjgoodson) * Settings Editor: remove pluginslist grey background #14375 (AATTandrii-i) [#]# Maintenance and upkeep improvements * Update to AATTjupyter/ydoc final #16898 (AATTjtpio) * Ignore https://code.visualstudio.com in check-links #16878 (AATTjtpio) * Fix job updating snapshots when triggered by comment on first-time contributor PR #16872 (AATTkrassowski) * Bump markdown-to-jsx from 7.3.2 to 7.5.0 #16868 (AATTdependabot) * Update to Playwright 1.48.0 #16854 (AATTjtpio) * Ignore pypi.org links for now #16843 (AATTjtpio) * Fix UI test snapshot #16838 (AATTjtpio) * Fix docs snapshot #16836 (AATTjtpio) * Bump the pip group with 3 updates #16823 (AATTdependabot) * Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 45.0.0 to 45.0.2 in the actions group #16822 (AATTdependabot) * Support || in the update:dependency script #16821 (AATTkrassowski) * Bump jupyter-ydoc to 3.0.0a8 #16817 (AATTkrassowski) * Update examples UI tests snapshots #16816 (AATTjtpio) * Allow running the browser_check in headed mode #16810 (AATTjtpio) * Update to the latest Lumino #16804 (AATTjtpio) * Bump dompurify from 3.0.5 to 3.1.6 #16786 (AATTdependabot) * Bump semver from 7.6.0 to 7.6.1 #16784 (AATTdependabot) * Require newer handlebars version (^4.7.7) to silence false positive CVE notifications #16740 (AATTmjpsyapse) * Bump the pip group with 5 updates #16737 (AATTdependabot) * Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44.5.7 to 45.0.0 in the actions group #16736 (AATTdependabot) * Bump webpack from 5.76.1 to 5.94.0 #16733 (AATTdependabot) * Bump axios from 1.6.1 to 1.7.4 #16691 (AATTdependabot) * Update to Playwright 1.46.1 #16684 (AATTjtpio) * Bump the pip group with 4 updates #16635 (AATTdependabot) * Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44.5.5 to 44.5.7 in the actions group #16634 (AATTdependabot) * Add untitled files to .gitignore #16595 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fix galata update action #16560 (AATTkrassowski) * Restore previous benchmark run conditions #16559 (AATTkrassowski) * Bump the pip group with 2 updates #16540 (AATTdependabot) * Bump the actions group with 2 updates #16539 (AATTdependabot) * Update to Playwright 1.45.0 #16530 (AATTjtpio) * Bump ws from 8.12.0 to 8.17.1 #16495 (AATTdependabot) * Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 #16486 (AATTdependabot) * Ignore empty stdout data when logging in verdaccio #16459 (AATTfcollonval) * Do not install cairo/pango on Mac in CI #16434 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix some flaky ui tests #16430 (AATTbrichet) * Fix usage check job on CI (add setuptools dependency) #16423 (AATTjtpio) * Bump the pip group with 5 updates #16412 (AATTdependabot) * Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 44.3.0 to 44.5.2 in the actions group #16411 (AATTdependabot) * Fix failing link check (point to JAWS on Wikipedia) #16365 (AATTkrassowski) * Do not check links to Jupyter blog on Medium #16351 (AATTkrassowski) * Update .git-blame-ignore-revs #16333 (AATTfcollonval) * Run Python tests on MacOS with Python 12, replace canvas with jest-canvas-mock #16314 (AATTkrassowski) * Allow RegExp in galata helper when looking for a tab #16302 (AATTbrichet) * Update to Playwright 1.44.0 #16300 (AATTjtpio) * Wait for the cell toolbar items to be rendered the first time before looking for overlap #16291 (AATTbrichet) * Bump the pip group with 7 updates #16270 (AATTdependabot) * Adopt open source security foundation best practices #16012 (AATTfcollonval) * Wed Aug 28 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.2.5 * Use locale name instead of display/native name to toggle language #16710 (AATTmaitreya2954) * Prevent replacing code with find and replace in read-only cells [#16682] (AATTitsmevichu) * Do not block shift-click mouse up handler on active cell #16647 (AATTEdsterG) * Wed Aug 21 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.2.4 * Fix the identifier to download licenses in JSON format #16584 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Update JupyterLab wordmark color #16567 (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Add customisation options to prevent inline completer resizing aggressively #16507 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix license table CSS selector to apply the selected row styles [#16547] (AATTjoaopalmeiro) * Fri Jul 12 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.2.3 * Fix inline completer configure calls not being propagated correctly #16508 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix the lines placeholder taking up too much space #16493 (AATTkrassowski) * Use correct hub restart URL #16471 (AATTmahendrapaipuri) * Fix check link CI failure in README (time zone converter site) [#16482] (AATTafshin)- Release 4.2.2 [#]# Bugs fixed * Fix width and margins of the notebook footer. #16383 (AATTHaudinFlorence) * Fix async function display #16443 (AATTsanskriti2005) * Fix code comments in tilde (~) fences incorrectly shown as headings in TOC #16437 (AATTitsmevichu) * Fix typos in jupyter-collaboration-missing error message #16436 (AATTkrishanbhasin-px) * Reactive toolbar computation, again... #16409 (AATTbrichet) * Fix comments in nested markdown code blocks incorrectly being identified as TOC headings #16420 (AATTitsmevichu) * Add the toolbar again when updating the title of PanelWithToolbar #16390 (AATTbrichet) * Align token usage for events #16397 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix runtime console error in debugger extension #16368 (AATTafshin) [#]# Maintenance and upkeep improvements * Ignore empty stdout data when logging in verdaccio #16459 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix some flaky ui tests #16430 (AATTbrichet) * Do not install cairo/pango on Mac in CI #16434 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix usage check job on CI (add setuptools dependency) #16423 (AATTjtpio) * Run Python tests on MacOS with Python 12, replace canvas with jest-canvas-mock #16314 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix failing link check (point to JAWS on Wikipedia) #16365 (AATTkrassowski) * Do not check links to Jupyter blog on Medium #16351 (AATTkrassowski)- Release 4.2.1 * Fix Shift + Tab contextual help inspector tooltip regression [#16343] (AATTkrassowski) * Fix workspace context menu incorrectly showing up in other sidebar sections #16346 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix execution in console in terminal interaction mode #16348 (AATTkrassowski) * Reactive toolbar: avoid simultaneous calls to _onResize() [#16335] (AATTbrichet) * Resetting a shortcut does not restore and enable the default if it was modified #16304 (AATTitsmevichu) * Allow to invoke inline completer anywhere (not only at the end of line) #16298 (AATTajbozarth) * Search and replace with substring in markdown and raw cells [#16293] (AATTJasonWeill) * Wait for the cell toolbar items to be rendered the first time before looking for overlap #16291 (AATTbrichet) * Add lowercase proxy vars and make priority consistent with other tools #16287 (AATTjgoodson) * Thu May 09 2024 Ben Greiner - Revert to 4.1.8 until the ecosystem is ready (notebook) * Thu May 09 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.2.0 * WorkspacesUI * Recently opened/closed files * Full notebook windowing mode by default * Improved Shortcuts Editor * Dark high contrast theme * Keyboard shortcuts improvements [#]# Bugs fixed * Check the command is registered before calling notifyCommandChanged() #16273 (AATTjtpio) * Set aria-label to title if no label for #16262 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix changing font size in text editor #16261 (AATTFoSuCloud) * Fix replace when replacement text matches source text multiple times #16258 (AATTJasonWeill) * Add reopen closed command to tab context menu #16250 (AATTkrassowski)- Drop some directives working around the former whl install scheme * Wed May 08 2024 Daniel Garcia - Build from source not whl from pypi. * Fri May 03 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.1.8 * Consider higher levels when toggling plugin #16251 (AATTdivyansshhh)- Update to 4.1.7 * Fix toggling extension at system level #16241 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix extension toggling at different level #16102 (AATTdivyansshhh) * Partial backport of windowing fix from #16013 #16202 (AATTkrassowski) * Mon Apr 15 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.1.6 * Fix outputarea collapse expand #16124 (AATTFoSuCloud) * Disable placeholder for password input #16128 (AATTAlanhou1222) * Fix for existing shortcuts getting triggered while edit shortcut #16126 (AATTSusilkessav) * Use smart scroll in debugger to minimize distraction #16084 (AATTkrassowski) * Store the real position of the item in reactive toolbar #16111 (AATTbrichet) * Fix extension installation on Windows #16064 (AATTfcollonval) * Removes dotted outline from active code cell #16070 (AATTJasonWeill) * Long items should not wrap #15844 (AATTmdietz94) * Fix manager isDisposed is not set #15997 (AATTfcollonval) * Fri Mar 29 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.1.5 * Fix Theme color is not applied to Toolbar Button #15957 (AATTFoSuCloud) * Uses the browser window\'s selection as the default search query [#15834] (AATTJasonWeill) * Show outline on the full item in file browser, only when needed [#15860] (AATTkrassowski) * Short-circuit selectItemByName() if already selected #15970 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix browser-test.js #15892 (AATTfcollonval) * Avoid concurrency when computing the items in notebook toolbar [#15954] (AATTbrichet) * Fixes filter for Chinese, other non-ASCII filenames #15935 (AATTJasonWeill) * Thu Mar 07 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.1.4 * Fix creating files in custom drives, fix ContentsManagerMock [#15291] (AATTjtpio) * Fix Theme color is not applied to SwitchKernel ToolbarButton [#15924] (AATTFoSuCloud) * Revert \"Prevent command shortcuts from preventing user input\" [#15938] (AATTkrassowski) * Fix spurious dedent when opening inspector tooltip #15898 (AATTkrassowski) * Add an explicit default for inline completer providers #15899 (AATTkrassowski) * Thu Mar 07 2024 Ben Greiner - Release 4.1.3 * Fix Pressing enter in console with console run keystroke set to enter creates a newline and runs #15869 (AATTFoSuCloud) * Fix saving of item positions in reactive toolbar #15843 (AATTbrichet) * Prevent command shortcuts from preventing user input #15790 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix missing signals in file editor adapter #15873 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix codemirror highlight for Python builtin #15805 (AATTAllanChain) * When attaching only typeset after rendering is completed #15810 (AATTkrassowski)- Release 4.1.2 * Fix highlight sequencing when replacing text in code cells [#15803] (AATTJasonWeill) * Windows platforms, erratic pasting of text into Markdown field [#15794] (AATTkiliansinger) * Restore notebook scrolling on dragging a cell to the viewport edge #15782 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix typing in editable elements inside of open shadow DOM [#15774] (AATTkrassowski)- Release 4.1.1 * Correct Alt + number keyboard shortcuts command map #15791 (AATTg547315) * Catch errors attempting to access document.cookie #15788 (AATTminrk) * Fix undo/redo in console, fix undo/redo enabled state in file editor #15783 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix console cells not becoming read-only after execution #15779 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix migration of command selectors for shortcuts #15762 (AATTkrassowski) * Disable (shift + ) alt + number shortcuts on Mac #15761 (AATTkrassowski) * Catch OSError in addition to PermissionError when sys_prefix is read-only #15756 (AATTdhml) * Fix completer auto-invoking on non-source changes #15753 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix outputs preservation on splitting cells #15751 (AATTkrassowski)- Release 4.1 * Full changelog for user-facing changes: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/changelog.html#v4-1 * Custom CSS * Diagrams in Markdown * Inline completer * Keyboard navigation improvements * Execution history in notebook * Opening files from tracebacks * Error indicator in the table of contents * Plugin Manager * Virtual scrollbar for notebook in windowed mode * Notifications * Full notebook windowing mode improvements * Search improvements * Moved plugins- Release 4.0.12 * Fix jupyterlab downgrade issue on extension installation #15650 (AATTSarthug99) * Fix search highlights removal on clearing input box #15690 (AATTkrassowski) * Add scroll margin to headings for better alignment #15703 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix shortcut UI failing on filtering when empty command is given #15695 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix connection loop issue with standalone foreign document in LSP #15262 (AATTtrungleduc) * Fix outputarea package from not detecting updates #15642 (AATTMFA-X-AI)- Skip python39: no longer supported since ipython 8.19 (through ipykernel) * Sat Jan 20 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.0.11 [#]# Security fixes * Potential authentication and CSRF tokens leak in JupyterLab (GHSA-44cc-43rp-5947) CVE-2024-22421 * SXSS in Markdown Preview (GHSA-4m77-cmpx-vjc4) CVE-2024-22420 [#]# Bugs fixed Fixes focus indicator on input checkbox for Firefox #15612 (AATTalden-ilao)- Update to 4.0.10 [#]# Bugs fixed * Backport PR #15386: Improve scrolling to heading #15565 (AATTkrassowski) * Workaround focus leaving input box on consecutive submissions [#15479] (AATTkrassowski) * Fix search coming back in notebook and editor #15443 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix jupyter labextension watch --help #15542 (AATTakx) * Fix FormComponent showing error indicators in all fields when using a customValidate function #15464 (AATTmmichilot) * Fix Shift + L not working in stdin #15440 (AATTkrassowski) * Sun Nov 26 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.0.9 [#]# Bugs fixed * Improve cell toolbar tracker #15314 (AATTfcollonval) * Do not update filebrowser breadcrumbs when not needed #15387 (AATTkrassowski) * Don\'t show default value for objects in Settings Editor #15380 (AATTfirai) * Fix highlighting search in an out-of-viewport cell #15376 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix overreactive scrolling to next cell after Shift + Enter [#15288] (AATTkrassowski) * Fix missing default property breaking codemirror overrides.json [#15346] (AATTLJMP) * Fix update button in extension manager #15331 (AATTnbowditch-einblick) * Fix scrolling when dragging files in the file browser #15318 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix scrolling past long outputs in presence of un-rendered headings #15356 (AATTkrassowski) * Update notebook window on resize if height changes #15357 (AATTkrassowski) * Remove unnecessary requirement from codemirror service plugin [#15362] (AATTpaulkim3151)- Release 4.0.8 [#]# Enhancements made * Expand search box horizontally when text grows long #15266 (AATTsinistersnare) [#]# Bugs fixed * Add min width to constrain resizing in side-by-side view #14529 (AATTdharmaquark) * Fix collapsed cells styling #15322 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix autobrackets and other default CM extension #15297 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix rulers position with gutter width #15296 (AATTfcollonval) * Declare Webpack loaders with require.resolve() #15299 (AATTtibdex) * Wed Oct 11 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 4.0.7 [#]# Enhancements made * Add the standard SQL mimetype #15180 (AATTbrichet) [#]# Bugs fixed * Restore horizontal scrolling of outputs for Firefox #15171 (AATTfcollonval) * Fix text wrapping in the search box #15080 (AATTeliaslma) * Fix completer documentation panel hiding and animation #15238 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix clicking in the TOC does not scroll #15184 (AATTparmentelat) * Hide completer when changing notebook tabs #14534 (AATTnishikantparmariam) * Backport of MathJax double init/font URL fix and binder/log updates #15231 (AATTbollwyvl) * Restore syntax highlighting for mimetypes with more than one identifier #15175 (AATTjans-code) * Fix completer width inflation and jitter #15132 (AATTkrassowski) * Fix Show Keyboard Shortcuts command #15170 (AATTjtpio) * Blur footer for any key that triggers a \'select above\', not just ArrowUp #14796 (AATTsmacke) * Fix background-color in