Changelog for python312-rich-13.9.4-3.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jan 17 2025 Markéta Machová - Add pygments.patch to fix tests with Pygments 2.19
* Thu Dec 05 2024 Steve Kowalik - Switch to GitHub tarball so we can run the testsuite.- Correct version guard for typing_extensions Requires.- Drop Python 3.7 sections.
* Wed Nov 20 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 13.9.4:
* Optimizations to cell_len which may speed up Rich / Textual output update to 13.9.3:
* Fix a broken regex that resulted in the slow path being chosen for some operations. This fix should result in notable speedups for some operations, such as wrapping text.
* Fixed broken regex that may have resulted in poor performance. update to 13.9.2:
* A hotfix for highlighting in the table, and a fix for `Segment.split_cells`
* Fixed `Table` columns not highlighting when added by `add_row`
* Fixed an issue with Segment.split_cells reported in Textual update to 13.9.1:
* Fixed typing_extensions dependency- update to 13.9.0:
* Dropped support for Python3.7
* Rich will display tracebacks with finely grained error locations on python 3.11+
* Fixed issue with Segment._split_cells
* Fix auto detection of terminal size on Windows
* `` now respected in Panel title/subtitle- update to 13.8.1:
* Added support for Python 3.13
* Fixed infinite loop when appending Text to same instance- update to 13.8.0:
* Fixed `Table` rendering of box elements so \"footer\" elements truly appear at bottom of table, \"mid\" elements in main table body.
* Fixed styles in Panel when Text objects are used for title
* Fix pretty repr for `collections.deque`
* Thread used in progress.track will exit if an exception occurs in a generator
* Progress track thread is now a daemon thread
* Fixed cached hash preservation upon clearing meta and links
* Fixed overriding the `background_color` of `Syntax` not including padding
* Fixed pretty printing of dataclasses with a default repr in Python 3.13
* Fixed selective enabling of highlighting when disabled in the `Console`
* Fixed BrokenPipeError writing an error message
* Fixed superfluous space above Markdown tables
* Fixed issue with record and capture interaction
* Fixed control codes breaking in `append_tokens`
* Fixed exception pretty printing a dataclass with missing
* `RichHandler` errors and warnings will now use different colors (red and yellow)
* Removed the empty line printed in jupyter while using `Progress`
* Running tests in environment with `FORCE_COLOR` or `NO_COLOR` environment variables
* ansi decoder will now strip problematic private escape sequences
* Tree\'s ASCII_GUIDES and TREE_GUIDES constants promoted to class attributes
* Adds a `case_sensitive` parameter to `prompt.Prompt`. This determines if the response is treated as case-sensitive.
* Added `Console.on_broken_pipe`
* Sat Mar 16 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 13.7.1:
* Fixes some character widths
* Thu Nov 16 2023 Benoît Monin - update to version 13.7.0:
* Added + Adds missing parameters to #3142 + Fixed + Some text goes missing during wrapping when it contains double width characters #3176 + Ensure font is correctly inherited in exported HTML #3104 + Fixed typing for FloatPrompt.- additional changes from 13.6.0:
* Added Python 3.12 to classifiers.- additional changes from 13.5.3:
* Fixed + Markdown table rendering issue with inline styles and links [#3115] + Fix Markdown code blocks on a light background #3123
* Sun Aug 27 2023 Arun Persaud - specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 13.5.2:
* Fixed + Fixed Text.expand_tab assertion error- changes from version 13.5.1:
* Fixed + Fix tilde character (~) not included in link regex when printing to console #3057- changes from version 13.5.0:
* Fixed + Fixed Text.expand_tabs not expanding spans. + Fixed TimeElapsedColumn from showing negative. + Fix for escaping strings with a trailing backslash #2987 + Fixed exception in Markdown with partial table #3053 + Fixed the HTML export template so that the tag comes before the tag #3021 + Fixed issue with custom classes overwriting __eq__ #2875 + Fix rich.pretty.install breakage in iPython #3013
* Added + Added Text.extend_style method. + Added Span.extend method.
* Changed + Text.tab_size now defaults to None to indicate that Console.tab_size should be used.
* Wed Jul 19 2023 ecsos - %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} mut be at beginning to work.
* Sat Jul 08 2023 Arun Persaud - specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 13.4.2:
* Changed + Relaxed markdown-it-py dependency
* Thu Jun 01 2023 Johannes Kastl - update to 13.4.1:
* Fixed typing extensions import in markdown #2979- update to 13.4.0:
* Added support for tables in Markdown #2977
* Thu May 04 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 13.3.5:
* Fixed italic indent guides in SVG output
* Fixed for `is_terminal` ignoring FORCE_COLOR
* Added Style.clear_meta_and_links
* Reversed `pre` and `code` tags in base HTML format
* Fix syntax error when building with nuitka
* Fixed pretty printing of empty dataclass
* Use `Console(stderr=True)` in `rich.traceback.install` to support io redirection.
* Fixes superfluous spaces in html output
* Fixed duplicate output in Jupyter
* Filter ANSI character-encoding-change codes in `Text.from_ansi` parser
* Fixes traceback failing when a frame filename is unreadable
* Fix for live update rendering console markup
* `rich.progress.track()` will now show the elapsed time after finishing the task
* Fixed truecolor to eight bit color conversion
* Fixed failing tests due to Pygments dependency
* Relaxed ipywidgets
* v13.2.0 replaces the unmaintained `commonmark` library with `markdown-it-py`. This new parser has a lot more capabilities and will allow us to implement a number of additional Markdown features in the future.
* Switch Markdown parsing from commonmark to markdown-it-py
* Fixed wrong filenames in Jupyter tracebacks
* Added locals_hide_dunder and locals_hide_sunder to Tracebacks, to hide double underscore and single underscore
* Tracebacks will now hide double underscore names from locals by default. Set `locals_hide_dunder=False` to restore previous behaviour.
* Fixed issue with Segment.split_cells for mixed single and double cell widths
* Some relatively minor fixes and improvements. The most significant update (and the reason for the major version bump) is that Rich has dropped Python3.6 support.
* Reversed `pre` and `code` tags in base HTML format
* Improved detection of `attrs` library, that isn\'t confused by the presence of the `attr` library.
* Fixed issue with `locals_max_length` parameter not being respected in Traceback
* Handling of broken `fileno` made more robust. Fixes
* Fixed missing `fileno` on FileProxy
* Bumped minimum Python version to 3.7
* Pretty-printing of \"tagged\" `__repr__` results is now greedy when matching tags
* `progress.track` now supports deriving total from `__length_hint__`
* Add type annotation for key_separator of pretty.Node
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Mon Nov 21 2022 Johannes Kastl - change Source URL to change Upstream URL to add _service file to easily download this- remove, as this is not present in the PyPI tarball- Update to 12.6.0:
* Added - Parse ANSI escape sequences in pretty repr #2470 - Add support for FORCE_COLOR env var #2449 - Allow a max_depth argument to be passed to the install() hook #2486 - Document using None as name in __rich_repr__ for tuple positional args #2379 - Add font_aspect_ratio parameter in SVG export - Added Table.add_section method. #2544
* Fixed - Handle stdout/stderr being null #2513 - Fix NO_COLOR support on legacy Windows #2458 - Fix pretty printer handling of cyclic references #2524 - Fix missing mode property on file wrapper breaking uploads via requests #2495 - Fix mismatching default value of parameter ensure_ascii #2538 - Remove unused height parameter in Layout class #2540 - Fixed exception in Syntax.rich_measure for empty files
* Changed - Removed border from code blocks in Markdown
* Wed Jul 20 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 12.5.1
* Fixed missing typing extensions dependency on 3.9 #2386- Release
* Environment variables JUPYTER_COLUMNS and JUPYTER_LINES to control width and height of console in Jupyter
* Markdown friendly Box style, MARKDOWN, for rendering tables ready to copy into markdown files
* inspect will prefix coroutine functions with async def
* Default width of Jupyter console size is increased to 115
* Optimized Segment.divide
* Style.__add__ will no longer return NotImplemented
* Remove rich._lru_cache
* Fix Rich clobbering cursor style on Windows #2339
* Fix text wrapping edge case #2296
* Allow exceptions that are raised while a Live is rendered to be displayed and/or processed #2305
* Fix crashes that can happen with inspect when docstrings contain some special control codes #2294
* Fix edges used in first row of tables when show_header=False [#2330]
* Fix interaction between Capture contexts and Console(record=True) #2343
* Fixed hash issue in Styles class #2346
* Fixed bug in Segment.split_and_crop_lines- Release 12.4.4
* Added clipping per line to SVG output to avoid box characters overlapping
* Optimized SVG output- Release 12.4.3
* Further tweaks to SVG character matrix
* Added clip rect to SVG to prevent box characters overlapping bottom of terminal- Release 12.4.2
* Fix for SVG on Firefox
* Removed excess margin from SVG, tweaked cell sizes to better render block characters- Release 12.4.1
* Fix for default background color in SVG export #2260
* Changed
* Added a keyline around SVG terminals which is visible on dark backgrounds- Release 12.4.0
* Rebuilt SVG export to create a simpler SVG that is more portable
* Fix render_lines crash when render height was negative #2246
* Add padding to Syntax constructor #2247- Remove nonsensical python362 conditional for tests- Fix requirements (missing typing_extensions in python38 broke httpx -- gh#encode/httpx#2316)
* Thu Jul 07 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 12.3.0:
* Ability to change terminal window title
* Added show_speed parameter to progress.track which will show the speed when the total is not known
* Python blocks can now opt out from being rendered in tracebacks\'s frames, by setting a `_rich_traceback_omit = True` in their local scope
* Fall back to `sys.__stderr__` on POSIX systems when trying to get the terminal size (fix issues when Rich is piped to another process)
* Fixed markup escaping issue
* Safari - Box appearing around SVG export
* Fixed recursion error in Jupyter progress bars
* Complex numbers are now identified by the highlighter
* Fix crash on IDLE and forced is_terminal detection to False because IDLE can\'t do escape codes
* Fixed missing blank line in traceback rendering
* Fixed running Rich with the current working dir was deleted
* Setting `total=None` on progress is now possible, and will display pulsing animation
* Micro-optimization for Segment.divide
* Bumped typing-extensions minimum to 4.0.0
* Bumped minimum Python version to 3.6.3
* and Progress.wrap_file method to track the progress while reading from a file or file-like object
* SVG export functionality
* Adding Indonesian translation
* Add missing `end` keyword argument to `Text.from_markup`
* Fallback to text lexer when no lexer guessed
* Fixed issue with decoding ANSI reset
* Improve performance of cell_length
* Improve performance of chop_cells
* Fix capturing stdout on legacy Windows
* Added options to TimeRemainingColumn to render a compact time format and render elapsed time when a task is finished.
* Added ProgressColumn `MofNCompleteColumn` to display raw `completed/total` column (similar to DownloadColumn, but displays values as ints, does not convert to floats or add bit/bytes units).
* Replace Colorama with win32 renderer
* Add support for namedtuples to `Pretty`
* In Jupyter mode make the link target be set to \"\\_blank\"
* Fix some issues with markup handling around \"[\" characters
* Fix syntax lexer guessing.
* Fixed Pretty measure not respecting expand_all
* Collapsed definitions for single-character spinners, to save memory and reduce import time.
* Fix print_json indent type in ``
* Fix error when inspecting object defined in REPL
* Fix incorrect highlighting of non-indented JSON
* Fixed height reset in complex renderables
* Improved support for enum.Flag in ReprHighlighter
* Tree now respects justify=None, i.e. won\'t pad to right
* Removed rich.tabulate which was marked for deprecation
* Deprecated rich.align.AlignValues in favor of AlignMethod
* Add support for US spelling of \"gray\" in ANSI color names
* Added `` to expose environment debugging logic as function
* Added classmethod `Progress.get_default_columns()` to get the default list of progress bar columns
* Fixed performance issue in measuring text
* Fixed test failures on PyPy3
* Workaround for edge case of object from Faiss with no `__class__`
* Add Traditional Chinese readme
* Add `Syntax.guess_lexer`, add support for more lexers
* Add `lexer` parameter to `Syntax.from_path` to allow for overrides
* Workaround for edge case of object from Faiss with no `__class__`
* Ensure `Syntax` always justifies left
* Handle classes in inspect when methods=True
* Thu Apr 14 2022 Hui-Zhi Zhao - Ignore python3.6.2 for test since it doesn\'t support it.
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 11.0.0
* Note: as a major version bump, this version has some breaking changes. These changes won\'t affect many people, but we like to be strict about semver. See the release notes below.
* Added max_depth arg to pretty printing #1585
* Added vertical_align to Table.add_row #1590
* Fixed issue with pretty repr in jupyter notebook #1717
* Fix Traceback theme defaults override user supplied styles [#1786]
* breaking Deprecated rich.console.RenderGroup, now named rich.console.Group
* breaking Syntax.__init__ parameter lexer_name renamed to lexer
* Syntax constructor accepts both str and now a pygments lexer [#1748]- Releases 10.16.X
* A bugfix for progress bars in Jupyter in this release. And a new property on Text class which exports the equivalent console markup.
* Double print of progress bar in Jupyter #1737
* Added Text.markup property #1751- Releases 10.15.X
* Added to examples
* Added ConsoleOptions.update_height
* Fixed Padding not respecting height
* Added Text.from_ansi method
* Changed Some optimizations for simple strings (with only single cell widths)
* Fixed issue with progress bar not rendering markup #1721
* Fixed race condition when exiting Live #1530
* Fix Deadlock issue #1734- Release 10.14.0
* Mostly fixes for edge cases. Added a rich_cast function to rich.protocol, which is unlikely to be used outside of Rich itself.
* Fixed progress speed not updating when total doesn\'t change
* Fixed superfluous new line in Status #1662
* Fixed Windows legacy width again
* Fixed infinite loop in set_cell_size #1682
* Added file protocol to URL highlighter #1681
* Added rich.protocol.rich_cast
* Allowed __rich__ to work recursively
* Allowed Text classes to work with sep in print #1689- Fix dependencies with dropping python36 quirks