Changelog for python313-unyt-3.0.3-3.3.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Nov 15 2024 Ben Greiner - Add unyt-pr512-np2.1.patch for compatibility with numpy 2.1 gh#yt-project/unyt#512
* Fri Jul 19 2024 Ben Greiner - Revert numpy restriction. It is explicitly supported upstream.
* Thu Jul 11 2024 Steve Kowalik - Update to 3.0.3:
* BUG: fix signature incompatibilities in NEP 18 wrapped functions
* BUG: fix an incompatibility with sympy 1.13.0rc1- Restrict numpy to < 2.
* Sat Mar 16 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 3.0.2:
* BUG: explicitly forbid destructive edits to the default unit registry
* BLD: fix minimal requirement on setuptools_scm
* TST: cleanup an unused skip condition
* TST: fix usage of legacy numpy.random API in tests
* BUG: fix an issue where array functions would raise UnitInconsistencyError when operands\' units differ by some dimensionless factor
* (NEP 18) Implement and test array functions new in numpy 2.0
* BUG: fix compat with numpy dev for np.trapezoid (previously named np.trapz)
* BUG: implement missing support for `np.cbrt`
* BUG: fix compatibility with numpy 2.0 copy semantics
* REL: prepare release 3.0.2
* Wed Feb 14 2024 Ben Greiner - Update to 3.0.1
* BUG: fix backward compatibility for calling np.histogram with implicit range units by AATTneutrinoceros in #466
* BUG: fix an issue where array functions would raise UnitConsistencyError on unyt arrays using non-default unit registries by AATTneutrinoceros in #463
* TST: minimize build time in tox runs by AATTneutrinoceros in #426
* BUG: fix an issue where array functions would crash (AttributeError) when passed non-ndarray array like objects (e.g. Python lists) by AATTneutrinoceros in #464- Release 3.0.0
* This new major release of unyt fixes a number of issues and adds a number of new features. Major contributions include:
* Support for Python 3.8 has been dropped.
* Support for Python 3.12 has been added.
* Support for NumPy <1.19.3 has been dropped.
* Support for SymPy <1.7 has been dropped.
* NEP 18 support
* A new unyt_dask_array class, which implements a subclass of standard dask arrays with units attached, has been added (PR [#185]). See :ref:`dask` for more details. Thank you to Chris Havlin (AATTchrishavlin on Github) for the contribution.
* A number of new metric and non-metric units have been added in PR #441. Thank you to John ZuHone (AATTjzuhone on GitHub) for the contribution.
* A number of common values for the solar metallicity found in the literature have been added as new metallicity units (PR [#315]). See :ref:`metal_conversions` for more details. Thank you to John ZuHone (AATTjzuhone on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The \"liter\" unit has been added (PR #305). Thank you to Nathan Goldbaum (AATTngoldbaum on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The following common systems engineering units for energy have been added: MMBTU, therm, quad, and Wh (PR #294). Thank you to Sam Dotson (AATTsamgdotson on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The AATTreturns decorator (documented in :ref:`checking_units`) now allows dimension-checking of multiple return values (PR [#435]). Thank you to Daniel Bates (AATTdb434 on GitHub) for the contribution.
* A fix for for the LaTeX representation of Planck units (PR [#379]). Thank you to Peter Hayman (AATThaymanpf on GitHub) for the contribution.
* A fix for a bug that prevented the conversion of dimensionless arrays to their corresponding AstroPy Quantities (PR #437). Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* A fix for a bug in subtraction of temperature quantities that resulted in degC units being returned instead of delta_degC units (PR #413). Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fixes for issues with the comparison of temperature quantities (PR #408 and PR #412). Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Support for versions of NumPy < 1.19 has been dropped in this version (PR #403). Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Support NumPy 2.0
* Wed May 31 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 2.9.5:
* Fix a regression where arrays elements with dtype ``\'int8\'`` would not compare to floats as intended.
* Raise an error in case an array element is assigned to a new value with incompatible units.
* Wed Feb 08 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 2.9.4:
* Make unyt_quantity.from_string parse ints. See PR #278. Thank you to Nahan Goldbaum (AATTngoldbaum on GitHub) for the contribution.
* TST: migrate from tox-pyenv to tox-gh-actions #344 See PR #344. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Correctly test string comparison depending on numpy version #358 See PR [#358]. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Multiple fixes for unyt_quantity.from_string - fix a bug where unyt_quantity.from_string would drop part of the unit expression - fix a bug where unyt_quantity.from_string would choke on unit expressions starting with \'
*\' or \'/\' - fix a bug where unyt_quantity.from_string would choke on space-separated unit expressions - fix roundtrip for unyt_quantity.from_string and unyt_quantity.to_string methods - simplify unit regexp (\'
*/2\' isn\'t a valid exponent) - fix a bug where malformed string input would be incorrectly parsed by unyt_quantity.from_string- 2.9.3:
* Fix a future incompatibility with numpy 1.25 (unreleased) where comparing unyt_array objects to non-numeric objects (e.g. strings) would cause a crash. See PR #333. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) and Nathan Goldbaum (AATTngoldbaum on GitHub) for the contribution.- 2.9.2:
* Fix an issue where taking powers of units was backwards-incompatible with previous versions of unyt when the exponent is not zero. See PR #249. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The import time for unyt has been reduced by skipping version checking of other packages. See PR #251. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.- 2.9.0:
* Dropped support for Python 3.6 and 3.7.
* Added support for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.
* Fix an issue where SI prefixes of the degC units would give incorrect values in conversions. See PR #176. Thank you to Lee Johnston (AATTl-johnston on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue when using matplotlib_support, plot an empty unyt array, would result in an error when changing units. See PR #180. Thank you to Josh Borrow (AATTJBorrow on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where units would be printed twice in formatted strings with an unyt_array embedded. See PR #188. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add a method to parse a unyt_quantity from a string expression. See PR [#191]. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where a unyt_array with dtype int8 could not be converted to a different unit. See PR #197. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* The import time for unyt has been reduced. See PR #199. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where taking an unyt_array or unyt_quantity to a zero power would retain the units of the original array or quantity instead of converting to a dimensionless array. See PR #204. Thank you to Josh Borrow (AATTJBorrow on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add support for coercing iterables of unyt_array objects with nonuniform dimensionally equivalent units to a single unyt_array. See PR #211. Thank you to Nathan Goldbaum (AATTngoldbaum on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add the civil engineering units pli, plf, psf, kli, klf, and ksf. See PR [#217]. Thank you to AATTosnippet on GitHub for the contribution.
* Fix typos in constants and unit prefixes. See PR #218. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where multiplying a 1-element unyt_array would return a unyt_quantity. See PR #225. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Add the Rydberg constant R_∞ and unit Ry, add the dimension angular_frequency and the unit rpm, and increase the precision of Avogadro\'s number. See PR #228.
* Fix an issue where np.divide.reduce would return incorrect units for unyt_array instances. See PR #230. Thank you to Kyle Oman (AATTkyleaoman on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Tue Apr 27 2021 Steve Kowalik - Update to 2.8.0:
* Dropped support for Python 3.5.
* Add delta_degC and delta_degF units to support temperature difference arithmetic. See PR #152. Thank you to Lee Johnston (AATTl-johnston on GitHub) for the contribution.
* Fix an issue where a subsequent load of the unit registry with units that are equal but not identical leads to a crash. See PR #158. Thank you to Matthew Turk (AATTmatthewturk on GitHub) for the initial bug report and fix.
* Add force unit kip and pressure unit psi. Thank you to P. Talley (AATTotaithleigh on GitHub) for the contribution. See PR #162.
* Fix an issue where arithmetic operations on units defined in different registries and having the conversion defined in one direction would lead to a crash. See PR #164. Thank you to Clément Robert (AATTneutrinoceros on GitHub) for the initial bug report and fix.- Do not build for Python 2, since no longer supported by upstream, and also do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.
* Mon Aug 31 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Initial commit, needed by python-yt