Changelog for
python313-xyzservices-2023.10.1-1.5.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Dec 01 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 2023.10.1:
* ``Stamen`` tiles have been removed due to their upstream deprecation.
* Use ``Stamen`` styles of ``Stadia`` provider instead.
* ``JusticeMap`` tiles are temporarily marked as broken.
* ``Stamen`` tiles are now available under ``Stadia`` provider.
* Providers:
* Added ``GeoportailFrance`` ``Orthoimagery_Orthophotos_Irc_express_2023`` and
* ``Orthoimagery_Orthophotos_Ortho_express_2023`` layers
* Updated domain for ``OpenStreetMap.DE`` ``GeoportailFrance.Orthoimagery_Orthophotos_1980_1995`` as possibly broken
* Added ``OrdnanceSurvey`` layers
* xyzservices 2023.2.0 (February 19, 2023)
* Updated available layers of ``GeoportailFrance``
* Use ``pkgutil`` instead of ``importlib`` to fetch the JSON if the default in ``share``
* is not available. Fixes this fallback for Python 3.8.
* Added ``GeoportailFrance`` tile layers (#126)
* Better cleaning of names in ``query_name`` method
* Added a gallery of included tiles to the documentation (#114)
* xyzservices 2022.06.0 (June 21, 2022)
* Added ``NASAGIBS.ASTER_GDEM_Greyscale_Shaded_Relief``
* Added ``Esri.ArcticImagery`` (EPSG:5936) and ``Esri.AntarcticImagery`` (EPSG:3031)
* Update ``OpenStreetMap.DE`` URL
* Remove broken Hydda tiles
* Added ``Esri`` ``ArcticOceanBase``, ``ArcticOceanReference`` and ``AntarcticBasemap``
* Fixed ``MapTiler.Winter``
* Updated ``AzureMaps`` links
* Added ``NASAGIBS.BlueMarble`` datasets in EPSG 3857 (default), 3413, and 3031
* Added more ``MapTiler`` providers (``Outdoor``, ``Topographique``, ``Winter``, ``Satellite``, ``Terrain``, and ``Basic4326`` in ESPG 4326).
* Added ``SwissFederalGeoportal`` providers (``NationalMapColor``, ``NationalMapGrey``, ``SWISSIMAGE``, ``JourneyThroughTime``)
* Updated deprecated links to ``nlmaps`` providers
* Added ``nlmaps.water``
* Added ``OPNVKarte`` map
* Removed discontinued ``OpenPtMap``
* Max zoom of ``CartoDB`` tiles changed from 19 to 20
* xyzservices 2021.09.1 (September 20, 2021)
* New functionality:
* Added ``Bunch.query_name()`` method allowing to fetch the ``TileProvider`` object based on the name with flexible formatting. (#93)
* Fixed ``Strava`` maps (#85)
* Fixed ``nlmaps.luchtfoto`` (#90)
* Fixed ``NASAGIBS.ModisTerraSnowCover`` (#90)
* ``JusticeMap`` and ``OpenAIP`` now use https instead of http
* Added ``OpenStreetMap.BlackAndWhite`` (#83)
* Added ``Gaode`` tiles (``Normal`` and ``Satellite``) (#83)
* Expanded ``NASAGIBS`` tiles with ``ModisTerraBands721CR``, ``ModisAquaTrueColorCR``, ``ModisAquaBands721CR`` and ``ViirsTrueColorCR`` (#83)
* Added metadata to ``Strava`` maps (currently down) (#83)
* New functionality:
* Added ``TileProvider.from_qms()`` allowing to create a ``TileProvider`` object from the remote Quick Map Services repository (#71)
* Added support of ``html_attribution`` to have live links in attributions in HTML-based outputs like leaflet (#60)
* New ``Bunch.flatten`` method creating a flat dictionary of ``TileProvider`` objects based on a nested ``Bunch`` (#68)
* Added ``fill_subdomain`` keyword to ``TileProvider.build_url`` to control ``{s}`` placeholder in the URL (#75)
* New Bunch.filter method to filter specific providers based on keywords and other criteria (#76)
* Minor enhancements:
* Indent providers JSON file for better readability (#64)
* Support dark themes in HTML repr (#70)
* Mark broken providers with ``status=\"broken\"`` attribute (#78)
* Document providers requiring registrations (#79)
* The initial release provides ``TileProvider`` and ``Bunch`` classes and an initial set of providers.
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Ben Greiner - Initial specfile for v2022.9.0- Required by bokeh 3