Changelog for
tvbrowser-4.2.7-2.3.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Feb 26 2024 Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Wed Jan 04 2023 update to version 4.2.7
* Several bug fixes, see
* Wed May 11 2022 update to version 4.2.6
* Filter highlighting not saved
* Import directory of version is questioned before selecting of import directory for transportable version
* Reminders are not imported
* Sun May 08 2022 update to version 4.2.5
* Easier building of FormLayouts
* Allow multiple entries for exclusions in Favorites
* Layout improvements
* Use height instead of width for time buttons spread
* Disabled context menu items should not be shown in program info
* Allow disabling of sub sub context menu entries
* Always use newest instance of program to show in ProgramInfo
* Reminders not updated after data update
* Add option to show info when test version of TV-Browser is available
* Show info when using outdated TV-Browser version
* Unify handling of properties for all type of plugins, add automated backup
* Allow creation of new filter in filter selection panel
* Add option to highlight programs of filter
* Add option to show plugin actions in context menu of tabs and toolbar buttons
* Easier access for editing filter components
* Add option to not show download dialog again in the running session
* Linkify additional plugin program infos
* Possible NPE at creating program text for additional plugin infos
* Transportable version doesn\'t find import directory under Linux
* Order settings in groups
* Last line of description missing
* Wed Dec 22 2021 update to version 4.2.4
* Add support for ARM 64 CPU under macOS
* High CPU load after installing plugins
* support native full screen mode under macOS for restoring after startup
* support OpenJDK usage for transportable version under macOS
* Don\'t count programs more than once in Favorite tree
* High CPU load when showing current reminders
* Small naming improvements
* GUI drawing problems after deleting certain plugins
* Add import of Android Favorites definitions
* Ask plugin before saving settings or data
* Add option to highlight channels in programtable by mouse entering channel label
* CCME in ReminderList
* Episode title too dark in program info for dark background colors
* High CPU usage while displaying reminder list
* Add method to get filter by name for FilterManager
* Provide panel for selection of filter
* Add maximum wait time for closing TV-Browser during running data update
* Possible exception during data update
* NPE when filter file is broken
* Add warning if Acronis True Image is used on system
* Other plugins should be able to request deleting of Reminder
* Reminder and Favorites cannot receive programs
* Season number parameter causes Exception
* Thu Jul 01 2021 update to version 4.2.3
* Menu item to open settings directory
* Show progress during downloading plugins
* Inform plugins when TV-Browser version was updated
* Add function to replace new line characters with single white space
* Add function to escape quotes in parameter handler
* Escaped quotes are not recognized when building command line parameters for executing external processes
* Add escape charactar to string sequences in parameter library
* Show info to user if plugin file is outside of user space on deleting
* Show channel configuration only if data plugins are installed
* Config assistant freezes TV-Browser if no data plugin is installed
* Add autostart option for Linux
* Plugins can return information about a program
* Better display of additional persons in info dialog
* Allow reset of plugin settings handled by TV-Browser
* Show info if restart is needed to apply changes
* Show genric filter info for context menu settings
* Duration exclusion not saved
* Only add date separators visibly to program list
* Global Favorite exclusions disappear after restart of TV-Browser
* Add tvb:// protocol handling
* Description not always printed in program table- Update NewsPlugin to
* Sun Dec 27 2020 update to version 4.2.2
* ProgramList contains unneeded gaps
* On air status of program not refreshed under certain conditions
* Add free text filter to plugin settings tab
* Add option to prefilter showing of Reminders
* Add option to pause reminder for time range
* Already removed reminders reappear after data update
* Add history to settings dialog
* Allow highlighting with gradient colors
* Add auto update option only for prime time
* TV-Browser doesn\'t start with _JAVA_OPTIONS set
* Allow easy exclusion of programs from Favorite based on duration
* Crash under macOS
* flexibilize parameter handler
* Possible NPE if filter files are broken
* Add default filter for live programs
* Add free text filter to plugin download dialog
* Show exclusions to user when newly created favorite doesn\'t find program it was based on
* Add option to select/handle type of send programs to plugins
* Provide menu to delete all reminders with certain conditions
* Allow plugins to inject ActionMenu into context menu for programs requested by plugin
* Ask user periodically for deletion of old versions settings files
* Ask user for import directory if more than one was recently used
* Plugins cannot delete own filters
* Allow more highlighting colors
* High CPU usage under certain conditions
* Settings export goes to wrong directory with Linux OS- Update NewsPlugin to
* Tue Dec 15 2020 update to version 4.2.1
* Make sure plugins are informed about TV-Browser started event before starting auto update
* Registry values can not be set under Windows
* Allow copying of removed/added channels to clipboard
* Tray popup at wrong location on scaled displays
* Allow plugins to get context menu item of single plugin
* multiple mark priority settings only return mark priority of first item
* follow XDG Base Directory Specification on Linux systems
* TV-Browser is not starting up in some cases
* Program count missing in plugin tree
* Mon Sep 30 2019 update to version 4.2 - Check if TV-Browser window is below task bar - Divider position not remembered for Favorite tab - use earliest reminder time for multiple reminders of program - Option for alternative info display for program panels based on filter - Add update function for TV-Browser JRE - Smaller setting design improvements - Program table not painted correctly on high resolution screens - add option to duplicate filters and filter components - Open TV-Browser on last used screen - Allow smoother scrolling in lists with programs - graphical errors while scrolling plugin installation list with touch pad - make TV-Browser Java 11 based - Add panning support - Add compounded field for origin and production year fields - Close in dual start warning not working - Picture copyright is not searchable- Add patch fix-junit-classpath.patch
* Mon Apr 22 2019 update to version 4.0.1 - Prevent pictures from growing in height too much - Programs are not updated in frame with reminders - Make start menu entries for Windows optional - Autoresize reminder window - Add system wide key shortcuts - Date selection is not update if calendar is used - Update launch4j itself and configuration - TV Browser - Java 9 - Windows doesn\'t start. - Center weekday labels in date selection table - Filter edit in Favorites resets selected filter - Allow to research all Favorite programs - Show reminders time sorted when shown together