Changelog for kubernetes1.30-kubelet-1.30.9-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Jan 16 2025 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.9:
* kubelet: use env vars in node log query PS command
* Fix kubelet on Windows fails if a pod has SecurityContext with RunAsUser.
* webhook: alter regex to account for x509sha1 GODEBUG removal
* Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.22.10 and distroless iptables
* Do not attempt to truncate revision history if revisionHistoryLimit is negative
* fetch cni plugins from GitHub releases
* Fix volume expansion offline
* prevent unnecessary resolving of iscsi/fc devices to dm
* kubelet: Fix the volume manager did\'t check the device mount state in the actual state of the world before marking the volume as detached. It may cause a pod to be stuck in the Terminating state due to the above issue when it was deleted.- Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements:
* `BuildRequires: go >= 1.22.10`
* ref:
* Thu Dec 19 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.8:
* fix isLikelyNotMountPointStatx relative path issue
* Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.22.9 and distroless iptables- Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements:
* `BuildRequires: go >= 1.22.9`
* ref:
* Thu Nov 28 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.7:
* server/config: assing system:apiserver user to system:authenticated group
* bugfix(scheduler): preemption picks wrong victim node with higher priority pod on it.
* tests for nodes with different nodeName and name
* manually revert #109877
* Mon Nov 04 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.6:
* bump golang to 1.22.8
* kubeadm: fix a bug where the RemoveMember function did not return the correct member list when the member to be removed did not exist
* Fix deleted UDP endpoint detection
* Fix daemonset to ensure old unhealthy pods are counted towards max unavailable budget.
* kubeadm: check the member list status before adding or removing an etcd member
* kubeadm: check whether the peer URL for the added etcd member already exists when the MemberAddAsLearner/MemberAdd fails
* bugfix: endpoints controller track resource version conrrectly
* define some default kube-apiserver flags for tests disabling unneded controllers
* Remove `socat` and `ebtables` from kubeadm preflight checks
* Add activeDeadlineSeconds to kubeadm upgrade-health-check job
* run and fix up broken go.sum(s)
* Fix verify-vendor script to check all go.mod and go.sum files
* fix memory leak from global MeterProvider- Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements:
* `BuildRequires: go >= 1.22.8`
* ref:
* Tue Sep 24 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.5:
* Restart the init container to not be stuck in created state
* succeeded pod is being re-admitted
* Avoid SidecarContainers code path for non-sidecar pods
* Build etcd image of v3.5.15
* Update etcd from v3.5.14 to v3.5.15
* add missing RBAC to statefulset-controller for StatefulSetAutoDeletePVC feature
* Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.22.6 and distroless iptables
* Fix openapi-gen dependency.
* update coredns/corefile-migration to v1.0.24 to support coredns v1.11.3
* kubeadm: bump coredns to 1.11.3
* bump coreDNS to 1.11.3
* Add a new workqueue to endpointslice controller for updating topology cache and checking node topology distribution.
* fix a scheduler preemption issue that victim is not patched properly
* kube-proxy: initialization wait for service and endpoint handlers synced
* make PodIP.IP and HostIP.IP required.- Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements:
* `BuildRequires: go >= 1.22.6`
* ref:
* Fri Aug 16 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.4:
* Updating kubelet on Windows to query uuid from registry
* Move APIServingWithRoutine to alpha and disabled by default.
* kubeadm: Add \'--yes\' flag to the list of allowed flags
* Terminate restartable init containers ignoring not-started containers
* Hot fix for panic on schema conversion.
* moving for easier cherry-pick
* Falls back to SPDY for gorilla/websocket https proxy error
* kubeadm: fix join bug where kubeletconfig was not patched in memory
* mount-utils: treat syscall.ENODEV as corrupted mount
* apiserver: fix watch namespace
* api: fix ValidatingAdmissionPolicyList json tag
* Fix that PodIP field is not set for terminal pod
* Use omitempty for optional fields in Job Pod Failure Policy
* Fixed metrics missing issue for metrics reference page
* kubeadm: fix a bug in v1beta3.JoinConfiguration.Discovery.Timeout
* Respect controllers on PVCs for retention policy
* Tue Aug 06 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.3:
* Add funcs in pkg/filesystem/util that can actually set file permissiosn on Windows and update container log dir perms to 660 on Windows
* Fix pv reclaim failed due to its phase is wrongly updated to the Failed state by kcm
* Mark a test case which sets up a sample-apiserver as serial due to potential conflicts with other test cases which do the same.
* defaultMaskedPaths must be kept in sync with moby/moby.
* gitRepo volume: directory must be max 1 level deep
* Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.22.5 and distroless iptables
* Fix endpoints status out-of-sync when the pod state changes rapidly
* fix: skip isPodWorthRequeuing only when SchedulingGates gates the pod
* Clean up the featureGates during the matchSuccessPolicy unit tests
* Initialize terminating field in the Job controller unit tests
* Job: Fix a bug that the SuccessCriteriaMet condition is added to the Job with successPolicy even if the JobSuccessPolicy featureGate is disabled- Update .spec file to bump go version build requirements:
* `BuildRequires: go >= 1.22.5`
* ref:
* Wed Jun 26 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.2:
* Bump images, dependencies and versions to go 1.22.4 and distroless iptables/setcap/debian-base
* update driver installer
* Don\'t fill in NodeToStatusMap with UnschedulableAndUnresolvable
* Revert \"scheduler: preallocation for NodeToStatusMap\"
* kubeadm: use the actual configured kubelet healthz address:port
* kubectl create cronjobs: Manually set OwnerReferences
* add an integration test when nodeAffinity specifies a non-existent node.
* base on allNodes when calculating nextStartNodeIndex
* Fix printPod panic with spurious container statuses
* Adding the feature gates to fix cost for VAP and webhook matchConditions.
* cherry pick #124618 to 1.30
* fix requests tracker concurrency
* fix conflict race in statefulset rest update
* fix stateful set pod recreation and event spam
* fix pods tracking and internal error checking in statefulset tests
* Updated & added visibility to apiserver x509 test certificates expiring this year
* Fri May 17 2024 Priyanka Saggu - Update to version 1.30.1:
* Clean up PersistentVolumeLabel admission plugin
* scheduler: preallocation for NodeToStatusMap
* tag service.spec.TrafficDistribution field as alpha
* tag TrafficDistribution tests to avoid running on clusters without the feature enabled
* fix(api): make LocalObjectReference.Name and HostAlias.IP required (#124553)
* kubeadm: check for available nodes during \'CreateJob\' preflight
* Idempotent transformers in scheduler & kcm
* kubeadm: fix bug of kubeletconfig not being downloaded on upgrade
* e2e framework: configure Ginkgo logger and klog consistently
* e2e node: fix -v support
* Update applyconfig-gen for pacakges where group and dir differ in name
* kube_codegen: expose applyconfig-openapi-schema flag for client generation
* Fri Apr 19 2024 Priyanka Saggu - For linux/s390x platform: disabled building kubernetes binaries with `-buildmode=pie`
* `-buildmode=pie` with \"internal linking\" is not yet supported on linux/s390x platform
* ref:
* ref:
* Thu Apr 18 2024 Priyanka Saggu - initial package for Kubernetes v1.30.0
* Full changelog -