Changelog for python311-QtPy-2.4.3-1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Feb 19 2025 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to 2.4.3
* Breaking change related to QMenu in 2.4.2 (PR 507) by AATTdalthviz
* Hijacked PyQt types are not returned from native Qt APIs (PR 507) by AATTdalthviz
* Check/fix several CI warnings (PR 511) by AATTdalthviz
* PR: Remove `Mambaforge` usage and update Linux setup (CI), by AATTdalthviz) #501
* PR: Ensure `QMenu` and `QToolBar` `isinstance` checks succeed and remove unneeded wrapper classes , by AATTdalthviz #505, #502
* PR: Ignore PySide6 `QSqlDatabase.exec` `DeprecationWarning`, by AATTjuliangilbey
* Thu Nov 07 2024 Nico Krapp - Update to 2.4.2
* PR: Update coveralls config (CI) by AATTdalthviz in #428
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #468
* PR: Make QAction.setShortcut and setShortcuts accept many types by AATTStSav012 in #461
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #471
* PR: Fix coverage errors and macOS jobs by AATTdalthviz in #483
* PR: Update pytest.importorskip usage (CI) by AATTdalthviz in #486
* PR: Help users understand why PySide 6.8.0 gives a segfault by AATThmaarrfk in #495
* Replace Quansight logo by CZI one in Readme by AATTccordoba12 in #497
* PR: Add QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.MidButton alias for Qt6 by AATTPierreRaybaut in #475
* Tue Apr 16 2024 Max Lin - Make sure to use pytest-3.11 on Leap15.6- To buildrequires python 3.11 version of pyside6 and pyside2
* Tue Nov 21 2023 Dirk Müller - add qt6.6-deprecations.patch to avoid deprecation warnings with qt 6.6
* Tue Nov 21 2023 ecsos - Update to 2.4.1
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #456
* PR: Fix bug when importing from PySide6.QtWebEngineCore/QtWebEngineWidgets (QWebEngineScrip vs QWebEngineScript) by AATTdamonlynch in #455
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by AATTpre-commit-ci in #459
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.4.0
* Add missing issue closed for v2.3.1 changelog entry by AATTdalthviz in #419
* Symmetrize path and location of QLibraryInfo by AATTStSav012 in [#420]
* Improve import modularity between QtGui, QtWidgets and QtOpenGL
* related modules by AATTDaelonSuzuka in #387
* Make CI jobs much faster & less flaky w/Mamba, 1-pass solve & other tweaks by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #425
* Symmetrize QDateTime.toPython and toPyDateTime, etc. by AATTStSav012 in #421
* Use static calls of exec_ elsewhere where needed, and test them by AATTStSav012 in #422
* Enable more tests on CI by AATTCzaki in #434
* Add wrapers to fix argument name in QFileDialog get
*methods by AATTCzaki in #433
* Rename to to make it private by AATTStSav012 in [#431]
* Make exec() for PySide2 by AATTStSav012 in #438
* Replace custom implementation with loadUiType from PySide6 by AATTJaRoSchm in #440
* Update bindings upper bound version to 6.5 and ignore DeprecationWarning (CI) by AATTdalthviz in #443
* Make QMenu.addAction and QToolBar.addAction compatible with Qt6 arguments\' order by AATTStSav012 in #437
* Restore Qt.ItemFlags access as Qt.ItemFlag alias (PyQt6) by AATTdalthviz in #444
* Add mappings for deprecated QDropEvent pos and posF methods by AATTdalthviz in #445
* Restore QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Options access as QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Option alias (PyQt6) by AATTdalthviz in #448
* Add QEnum macro for PyQt bindings by AATTphil65 in #424
* Improve enum to flags aliasing for PyQt6 and PySide6 > 6.3 and QFileDialog static methods kwarg compatibility by AATTdalthviz in [#449]
* Update README with information on Pyright/Pylance integration and add CLI subcommand to help generate the related config by AATTwkrasnicki in #450
* Test using PyQt extra packages by AATTdalthviz in #446- Release 2.3.1
* Use raise from None when raising QtBindingsNotFoundError in init by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #391
* Fix LibraryLocation -> LibraryPath renaming due to deprecation with Qt6 by AATTStSav012 in #393
* Make warning usage consistant and refine messages by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #398
* Don\'t make QTextStreamManipulator.exec_ on PyQt5/6 by AATTStSav012 in #404
* Remove patch that may be limited to PySide-5.11a1 only by AATTStSav012 in #407
* Add mappings for QMouseEvent methods by AATTStSav012 in #408
* Improve compatibility for QtWidgets and QtGui modules between Qt5 and Qt6 bindings by AATTStSav012 in #410
* Make QtBindingsNotFoundError also inherit from ImportError by AATTcbrnr in #413
* Add compatibility mappings between bindings for all children of QSinglePointEvent by AATTStSav012 in #417
* Sat Jun 10 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Sun Nov 20 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.3.0
* PR 382 - PR: Add QtPdf and QtPdfWidgets, by AATTjschueller (381)
* PR 380 - PR: Enable more qt6 tests, by AATTjschueller
* PR 379 - PR: Raise error when no bindings are found at __init__, by AATTdalthviz (367)
* PR 378 - PR: Try PySide6 on conda, by AATTjschueller
* PR 376 - PR: Expand the CI test matrix with Qt/bindings 6.4 and fix tests with PyQt 5.9, by AATTCAM-Gerlach (375)
* PR 374 - Don\'t re-assign Qt.MouseButton.MiddleButton on PySide6, by AATTastrofrog (373)
* PR 372 - PR: Add Qsci to the imports, by AATTdgoeries (134)- Release 2.2.1
* PR 368 - PR: Add missing self for QtBindingsNotFoundError definition, by AATTdalthviz
* PR 366 - PR: Aliased QUndoCommand, provided QLineEdit.getTextMargins() and QFontMetricsF.width(), by AATTrandom-developer (365)
* PR 363 - PR: Fix typo in Qt flags in Readme, by AATTCzaki
* PR 362 - PR: Fix various minor typos found with Codespell, by AATTluzpaz
* PR 361 - PR: toPython helpers for QDate and QTime, by AATTbob-schumaker
* PR 360 - CI: Ensure conda-forge channel usage when testing with conda, by AATTdalthviz
* Thu Aug 18 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.2.0
* Add workaround for mode argument in QTextCursor.movePosition (PySide6) by AATTrear1019 in #346
* Add missing imports and modules by AATTDaelonSuzuka in #344
* Restore WEBENGINE constant in QtWebEngineWidgets by AATTccordoba12 in #350
* Add note to readme about use with Pyright by AATTCAM-Gerlach in [#353]
* Add wrapper around sip/shiboken isdeleted/isvalid ( by AATTzjp in #354
* Fix PyQt6 typing import for Qt by AATTtlambert03 in #358
* Add initial Methods, helpers and QtPy namespace specifics section to the README by AATTdalthviz in #357- Revert last change: Removing Python2 from build requirements of libqt5-qtwebengine and crippling the testsuite of a package not even in ring1 are orthogonal to each other.- Enable PySide6 tests: Segfaults are gone.
* Mon Aug 08 2022 Stephan Kulow - Disable Qt5 bindings as they require python2 (for chromium within qtwebengine) and we want to get rid of it in ring1
* Fri Jun 03 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.1.0
* PR: Restrict broken Pytest versions to those not affected by the Pytest 7.0.0 import-mode=importlib behavior regression by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #324
* PR: Monkey patch pyside2uic UIParser.readResources for Python 3.9 compatibility by AATTn-elie in #325
* PR: Add missing QWebEngineScript support for PyQt5/6 and PySide2/6 by AATTEasyIsrael in #326
* PR: Add missing Qt.MidButton on PyQt6 by AATTdalthviz in #328
* PR: Drop support for Python 3.6 by AATTdalthviz in #329
* PR: Fix typo in constant name by AATTeyllanesc in #330
* PR: Use QFileDialog.Option to be compatiable with Qt6 by AATTfrmdstryr in #331
* PR: Skip import of QOpenGLTime
* on architectures where not available by AATTjuliangilbey in #333
* PR: Remove QHeaderView patch related files by AATTdalthviz in #334
* PR: Fix uic skipped tests and PyQt 6.3.0 segfaulting tests by AATTdalthviz in #335
* PR: Add command line support for Mypy by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #337
* PR: Add workaround for mode argument in QTextCursor.movePosition (Pyside2) by AATTrear1019 in #341
* PR: Fix bug with environ handling by AATTlarsoner in #340
* PR: Change bindings try order to be PyQt5, PySide2, PyQt6, PySide6 by AATTdalthviz in #343
* Mon Apr 11 2022 Ben Greiner - Disable PyQt6-WebEngine tests for 32-bit platforms
* QtWebEngine 6.3.0 disabled 32-bit support
* Needs multibuild flavor for platform specific conditions
* Sat Apr 09 2022 Ben Greiner - Update to 2.0.1
* PR: Add missing imports in QtOpenGL by AATTrenefritze in #307
* PR: Add missing QtGui utility function to QtCore.Qt for PySide bindings by AATTdalthviz in #313
* PR: Add mapping for missing enum values aliases on QtCore.Qt by AATTdalthviz in #314
* PR: Fix mappings of instance method and slot alias (PyQt6 and PySide6) by AATTkumattau in #308
* PR: Add QtCharts alias for backward compatibility with 1.x by AATTdalthviz in #315
* PR: Promote enum aliases by AATTMatthieuDartiailh in #319
* PR: Add missing tests for aliased methods by AATTdalthviz in #317- Release 2.0.0
* PR: Add support for PySide6 by AATTjschueller in #225
* PR: Add QShortcut class to QtWidgets module by AATTkumattau in [#254]
* PR: Remove Qt4 support by AATTjschueller in #252
* PR: Drop Python 2 by AATTdalthviz in #251
* PR: Fix fallback API by AATTbenoit-pierre in #256
* PR: Add additional Qt modules and more support and tests for PyQt6/PySide6 by AATTjschueller in #255
* PR: Reorganize QtCharts module import and add missing skip validation for QtNetworkAuth test with PyQt6 by AATTdalthviz in [#260]
* PR: [PyQt6] Add exec_/print_, and add QOpenGLWidget/QShortcut to QtWidgets by AATTkumattau in #259
* PR: Remove accidentally-duplicated lines of code in QtCore by AATTkumattau in #263
* PR: [PyQt6] Add missing tabStopWidth/setTabStopWidth same as PySide6 by AATTkumattau in #264
* PR: Use modern packaging instead of deprecated distutils for version parse by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #266
* PR: Unify and cleanup CI infra, improve robustness and test Python 3.9 and PyQt6 by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #262
* PR: Fix and improve Coveralls reporting by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #268
* PR: Avoid future deprecations and decrease general technical debt by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #273
* PR: Fix regression in FORCE_QT_API behavior from merging PySide6 support by AATTtlambert03 in #276
* PR: Add back legacy PYQT4 and PYSIDE package-level constants for compat by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #279
* PR: Add Contributing Guide based on other Spyder projects by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #277
* PR: Update README sponsors section by AATTdalthviz in #282
* PR: Unscoped enums access for PyQt6 and other missing PyQt6 compatibility changes by AATTdalthviz in #271
* PR: Upgrade packaging to avoid legacy/deprecated behavior and follow PEP 517 by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #272
* PR: Map exec_ to their non-deprecated alternatives by AATTkumattau in #287
* PR: Add QtTextToSpeech Module by AATTkumattau in #291
* PR: Import all classes in QtTest module. by AATTkumattau in #290
* PR: Define Qt/binding versions at top level, fix warnings if versions not found, and fix test dir on CIs by AATTCAM-Gerlach in [#292]
* PR: Update gitignore, gitattributes, license, authors and security policy by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #278
* PR: Add minimum version check for Qt6 >=6.2.0 by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #294
* PR: Add support for Python 3.10 on CIs and packaging by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #296
* PR: Make QLibraryInfo.location work for PyQt6 by AATTstonebig in [#298]
* PR: \'width\' needed for PyQt6 by AATTstonebig in #299
* PR: Update adding a line for QtPy usefulness when migrating between Qt bindings/versions by AATTdalthviz in #301
* PR: Fix QFileSystemModel for PyQt6 by AATTalmarklein in #303- Release 1.11.3
* PR: Catch PythonQtError when trying to do alias for QtDataVisualization and dev version correction by AATTdalthviz in [#281]
* PR: Add a warning for developers still running legacy Qt4-based APIs by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #283
* PR: Import Callable and MutableMapping in py3compat for Python 2 compat by AATTdavvid in #285
* PR: Add warning for deprecated/EoL Qt5 & PyQt5/PySide2 versions to fix #284 by AATTCAM-Gerlach in #289
* PR: Update for 1.x version by AATTdalthviz in #293- Release 1.11.2
* Issue 248 - Missing QtDataVisualization (PR 249 by AATTdalthviz)