Changelog for
openhantek-3.3.3-1.5.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Sep 04 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 3.3.3:
* fix #376 \"vector\'s iterator dereference out of range\"
* due to low issue activity remove the automatic stale workflow
* fix #374 start / stop roll mode sampling (almost) immediately
* split \'samplerateChanged\' event handler; remove useless \'this->\'
* update translations
* Fixes #363, refs #365. Splitted HorizontalDock::timebaseChanged event handler from doing operations on dsoControl and dsoWidget in the same callback. Now there two callback and each uses the Widget it operates on. [875a8dc]
* Add support for YiXingDianZiKeJi YX-DSO (MSDO)
* show error message when screenshot or export file write fails
* MSDO calibration file update from real device.
* Add support for YiXingDianZiKeJi YX-DSO (MSDO)
* change dB suffix with \"Ok\" or \"Apply\"
* more cleanup
* i18n for dB suffix \"V\", \"u\", \"m\"; silence more warnings
* fix mac build
* rearrange GH runner steps
* move \"Demo Mode\" button to dialog button box at the window bottom
* fix build versioning
* Sat Apr 15 2023 Dirk Müller - update to
* Various warning and other bugfixes
* Full Changelog:
* Tue Jan 31 2023 Dirk Müller - update to
* This version is a fix that allows building directly from zip / tgz sources without having to use git.
* After some hacking around GH runner issues finally the _New Year Release_.
* Full Changelog:
* Fri Dec 02 2022 Michal Suchanek - OpenHantek6022 3.3.1