Changelog for wsl-appx-1-15.198.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Jul 11 2024 Scott Bradnick - Adding OARCH variable to \'Include BCI free rpm repository also in SLE WSL\' in Virtualization:WSL/kiwi-images-wsl
* Tue Aug 22 2023 Scott Bradnick - Adding code to remove \" Server\" from PRETTY_NAME
* Should only affect SUSE side.
* Thu Aug 17 2023 Scott Bradnick - To account for /etc/YaST2/products.yaml as part of kiwi-images-wsl, use wsl-appx to save off an updated copy of the .settings file it was already creating.
* This file will be sourced by kiwi-images-wsl as it is building Distro .appx files in SLE for the MAJOR_VER and SP_VER vars used for selecting Server|Desktop versions during firstboot.
* Fri May 28 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Set Tumbleweed appx version using same method as SLE and Leap.
* Concatenate VERSION_ID year and day of year to consume only one segment of four segment appx version: VERSION_ID=\"20210524\" date --date=$VERSION_ID +\"%y%j\" -> 21144
* Transforming the TW version date to fit in one segment 0-65535 is necessary for compliance with the MS Store restriction that version numbers must always increase. The two RELEASE digits are each given their own segment for this reason.
* The kiwi generated appx file now contains both TW VERSION_ID and the appx version for easier cross reference.
* As with SLE and Leap set digits two and three of appx VERSION to 0 for subsequent regex or template substitution during kiwi image build. With the zero digits e.g. it is still possible to manually create valid appx images for side load.
* Remove unused APPXNAME which is now set by kiwi direct appx image creation.
* Thu May 13 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Remove circular dependency on kiwi WSL image to set release number as digits of VERSION passed to AppxManifest.xml template.
* Previously an aggregate package ensured kiwi opensuse-wsl-image or suse-wsl-image were available at wsl-appx build time.
* Now that kiwi directly produces appx images and wsl-appx is used only for creating appx metadata, this circular dependency should be removed.
* One option would be to use another package for release number, e.g. openSUSE-release.
* At this time, set digits two and three of appx VERSION to 0 for subsequent regex or template substitution during kiwi image build.
* A future revision may set digit two and three of appx VERSION to this wsl-appx $RELEASE digits so they will increment for sideload upgrades, although still are not suitable for Microsoft Store upload without kiwi substitution.
* Kiwi image build must now substitute a release number in AppxManifest.xml via OBS source service or other templating mechanism available to kiwi.
* For reference, digits of appx VERSION are limited to the following ranges: # 0-65535, 0-65535, 0-65535, 0
* Thu May 13 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Fix Tumbleweed appx VERSION assignment. Bash printf %02d parses string dates 08 and 09 as octal so force base 10 with 10#expr.
* Thu May 06 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Set appx version for Microsoft Store using first segment for OS VERSION_ID, segments two and three for OS image release version.
* Applies only to SLE and Leap at this time, no change to Tumbleweed
* printf \"%d.%d.%d.0\" \"${VERSION_ID//\\./}\" \"${RELEASE%.
*}\" \"${RELEASE#
* Preserves image build versions, previous concatenation was lossy
* Version formerly represented as 15.3.2283.0- Trim os-release PRETTY_NAME to exclude snapshot or release label consistent with Microsoft Store registered display name.
* PRETTY_NAME on SLE has release label in parentheses
* Microsoft Store rejects mismatch with display name
* Trim PRETTY_NAME from space, open paren to end of string
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 (Snapshot 16) becomes SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3- When reading os-release variables spell out bash builtin source for readability instead of \'.\'
* Fri Mar 05 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - wsl-appx package is now metadata input kiwi wsl image type
* wsl-appx packages metadata for appx utility to consume via kiwi
* WSL kiwi images require wsl-appx metadata and output appx image type
* Fri Mar 05 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Format AppxManifest.xml template for min diff to kiwi output
* kiwi appx image output emits Unix eol tidy xml with sorted attributes
* Use tidy --input-xml true --indent yes --indent-spaces 4 - -sort-attributes alpha --wrap 0 --write-back yes AppxManifest.xml
* Manually remove space from empty xml elements closing \"/>\" as tidy has no setting for this: sed -i -e \"s_ />_/>_g\" AppxManifest.xml
* Remove xml declaration standalone=\"yes\" to match kiwi xml output
* Convert from DOS eol to Unix eol to match kiwi xml output
* Zero diff between template and kiwi output helps debugging
* Fri Mar 05 2021 Jeff Kowalczyk - Fix bsc#1179874 Error in parsing the WSL appx package
* Add SHORT_NAME as truncated PRETTY_NAME to comply with AppManifest.xml schema