Changelog for python313-opentelemetry-instrumentation-0.51b0-1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Feb 25 2025 Dirk Müller - update to 0.51b0:
* Always setup logs sdk, OTEL_PYTHON_LOGGING_AUTO_INSTRUMENTATION_ENABLED only controls python `logging` module handler setup
* Add `attributes` field in `metrics.get_meter` wrapper function
* Add Python 3.13 support
* sdk: don\'t log or print warnings when the SDK has been disabled
* Fix span context manager typing by using ParamSpec from typing_extensions
* Fix serialization of None values in logs body to match 1.31.0+ data model
* [BREAKING] semantic-conventions: Remove `opentelemetry.semcon v.attributes.network_attributes.NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME` introduced by mistake in the wrong module.
* Add support for explicit bucket boundaries advisory for Histograms
* semantic-conventions: Bump to 1.30.0
* Wed Jan 08 2025 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 0.50b0
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-starlette` Add type hints to the instrumentation
* `opentelemetry-distro` default to OTLP log exporter.
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy` Update unit tests to run with SQLALchemy 2
* Add `opentelemetry-instrumentation-openai-v2` to `opentelemetry-bootstrap`
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy` Add sqlcomment to `db.statement` attribute
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-dbapi` Add sqlcomment to `db.statement` attribute
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-dbapi` instrument_connection accepts optional connect_module
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-mysqlclient` Add sqlcommenter support
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-pymysql` Add sqlcommenter support
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-click`: new instrumentation to trace click commands
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-starlette`: Retrieve `meter_provider` key instead of `_meter_provider` on `_instrument`
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx`: instrument_client is a static method again
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-system_metrics`: fix callbacks reading wrong config
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx`: Check if mount transport is none before wrap it
* Replace all instrumentor unit test `assertEqualSpanInstrumentationInfo` calls with `assertEqualSpanInstrumentationScope` calls
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy` Fixes engines from `sqlalchemy.engine_from_config` not being fully instrumented
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy`: Fix a remaining memory leak in EngineTracer
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlite3`: Update documentation on explicit cursor support of tracing
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-sqlalchemy` teach instruments version
* Drop `opentelemetry-instrumentation-test` package from default instrumentation list
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx`: remove private unused `_InstrumentedClient` and `_InstrumentedAsyncClient` classes- from version 0.49b0
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-openai-v2` Instrumentation for OpenAI >= 0.27.0
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi` Add autoinstrumentation mechanism tests.
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-aiokafka` Add instrumentor and auto instrumentation support for aiokafka
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-redis` Add additional attributes for methods create_index and search, rename those spans
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation` Add support for string based dotted module paths in unwrap
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-aiokafka` Wrap `AIOKafkaConsumer.getone()` instead of `AIOKafkaConsumer.__anext__`
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-confluent-kafka` Fix to allow `topic` to be extracted from `kwargs` in `produce()`
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-system-metrics` Update metric units to conform to UCUM conventions.
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-celery` Don\'t detach context without a None token
* `opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus-remote-write`: sort labels before exporting
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-dbapi` sqlcommenter key values created from PostgreSQL, MySQL systems
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-system-metrics`: don\'t report open file descriptors on Windows
* Deprecation of pkg_resource in favor of importlib.metadata
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation` Don\'t fail distro loading if instrumentor raises ImportError, instead skip them
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx` Rewrote instrumentation to use wrapt instead of subclassing- Update BuildRequires from pyproject.toml
* Fri Aug 30 2024 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to version 0.48b0
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-kafka-python` Instrument temporary fork, kafka-python-ng inside kafka-python\'s instrumentation (#2537)
* `opentelemetry-bootstrap` Remove `opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-lambda` from the defaults instrumentations (#2786)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx` fix handling of async hooks (#2823)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-system-metrics` fix `process.runtime.cpu.utilization` values to be shown in range of 0 to 1 (#2812)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi` fix `fastapi` auto-instrumentation by removing `fastapi-slim` support, `fastapi-slim` itself is discontinued from maintainers (#2783)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-lambda` Avoid exception when a handler is not present. (#2750)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-django` Fix regression
* `` re-added back to old semconv duration metrics (#2746)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-asgi` do not set `url.full` attribute for server spans (#2735)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-grpc` Fixes the issue with the gRPC instrumentation not working with the 1.63.0 and higher version of gRPC (#2483)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-lambda` Fixing w3c baggage support (#2589)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-celery` propagates baggage (#2385)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-asyncio` Fixes async generator coroutines not being awaited (#2792)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation-tornado` Handle http client exception and record exception info into span (#2563)
* `opentelemetry-instrumentation` fix `` new http semantic convention mapping to depend on `kind` of span (#2814)- for changes between 0.25b2 and 0.48b0 see upstream Switch package to modern Python Stack on SLE-15
* Use Python 3.11 on SLE-15 by default
* Drop support for older Python versions- Switch build system from setuptools to pyproject.toml
* Add python-pip and python-wheel to BuildRequires
* Limit Python files matched in %files section
* Replace %python_build with %pyproject_wheel
* Replace %python_install with %pyproject_install- Update BuildRequires from pyproject.toml
* Fri Nov 05 2021 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Initial build + Version 0.25b2