Changelog for selinux-policy-minimum-20250224-1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Feb 24 2025 Update to version 20250224:
* Label /run/systemd/pcrlock.json systemd_pcrlock_var_lib_t
* systemd_pcrlock_t needs to filetrans when recreating /var/lib/pcrlock.d
* Allow snapper access to keys
* Add rules for pcrlock (bsc#1233358)
* allow snapper to call pcrlock and manage its files
* allow unconfined_t to execute pcrlock
* label rules for default systemd_pcrlock_var_lib_t locations
* new interfaces: systemd_domtrans_pcrlock and systemd_pcrlock_exec
* introduce systemd_pcrlock_var_lib_t and systemd_manage_pcrlock_files
* Introduce interfaces snapper_manage_tmp_files and snapper_manage_tmp_dirs
* Fri Feb 21 2025 Update to version 20250221:
* Allow named_filetrans_domain filetrans raid/mdadm named content (bsc#1236807)
* Grant privoxy_t the sys_chroot capability (bsc#1237375)
* Allow init_t nnp_transition to tor_t (bsc#1237375)
* Tue Feb 18 2025 Update to version 20250218:
* Enable postfix_local_write_mail_spool boolean by default for targeted only
* Revert \"Enable postfix_local_write_mail_spool boolean by default\"
* Support openSUSE-specific krb5kdc paths (bsc#1237064)
* Wed Feb 12 2025 Update to version 20250212:
* Allow rlimit inheritance for domains transitioning to local_login_t
* Tue Feb 11 2025 Update to version 20250211:
* Enable postfix_local_write_mail_spool boolean by default
* Fri Feb 07 2025 Robert Frohl - Improve semodule stderr logging during install/update: Verbose logging will just confuse users and the policy will be rebuild later in the update process correctly, if there was an earlier error. These transient errors are only related to the order in which packages are installed.
* Thu Feb 06 2025 Update to version 20250206:
* kanidm_unixd.fc: follow default style for aliased paths
* Dontaudit systemd-logind remove all files
* Add the files_dontaudit_read_all_dirs() interface
* Add the files_dontaudit_delete_all_files() interface
* Allow rhsmcertd notify virt-who
* Allow irqbalance to run unconfined scripts conditionally
* Allow snapperd execute systemctl in the caller domain
* Allow svirt_tcg_t to connect to nbdkit over a unix stream socket
* Allow iio-sensor-proxy read iio devices
* Label /dev/iio:device[0-9]+ devices
* Allow systemd-coredump the sys_admin capability
* Allow apcupsd\'s apccontrol to send messages using wall
* contrib/thumb: also allow per-user thumbnailers
* contrib/thumb: fix thunar thumbnailer (rhbz#2315893)
* Allow virt_domain to use pulseaudio - conditional
* Allow pcmsensor read nmi_watchdog state information
* Allow init_t nnp domain transition to gssproxy_t
* Allow systemd-generator connect to syslog over a unix stream socket
* Allow virtqemud manage fixed disk device nodes
* Allow iio-sensor-proxy connect to syslog over a unix stream socket
* Allow virtstoraged write to sysfs files
* Allow power-profiles-daemon write sysfs files
* Update iiosensorproxy policy
* Allow pcmsensor write nmi_watchdog state information
* Label /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog with sysctl_nmi_watchdog_t
* Allow virtnodedev create /etc/mdevctl.d/scripts.d with bin_t type
* Add the gpg_read_user_secrets() interface
* Allow gnome-remote-desktop read resolv.conf
* Update switcheroo policy
* Allow nfsidmap connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Add the auth_write_motd_var_run_files() interface
* Add the bind_exec_named_checkconf() interface
* Add the virt_exec_virsh() interface
* Allow database rotation for wtmpdbd_t
* Allow wtmpdbd to send messages notifications
* Allow virtqemud domain transition to nbdkit
* Add nbdkit interfaces defined conditionally
* Allow samba-bgqd connect to cupsd over an unix domain stream socket
* Confine the switcheroo-control service
* Allow svirt_t read sysfs files
* Add rhsmcertd interfaces
* Add the ssh_exec_sshd() interface
* Add the gpg_domtrans_agent() interface
* Label /usr/bin/dnf5 with rpm_exec_t
* Label /dev/pmem[0-9]+ with fixed_disk_device_t
* allow kdm to create /root/.kde/ with correct label
* Change /usr/sbin entries to use /usr/bin or remove them
* Allow systemd-homed get filesystem quotas
* Allow login_userdomain getattr nsfs files
* Allow virtqemud send a generic signal to the ssh client domain
* Dontaudit request-key read /etc/passwd
* Tue Feb 04 2025 Update to version 20250204:
* Allow quota_t load its kernel module (bsc#1235805)
* Allow apcupsd\'s apccontrol to send messages using wall (bsc#1235688)
* Allow journalctl read messages from /var/lib/machines (bsc#1235829)
* Fri Jan 24 2025 Update to version 20250124:
* Dontaudit xdm_t wanting to create /root/.cache dir (bsc#1235669)
* Tue Jan 21 2025 Update to version 20250121:
* wtmpdbd systemd service uses NoNewPrivileges (bsc#1235660)
* Transition samba-dcerpcd pid file from smbd_var_run_t to winbind_var_run_t (bsc#1235801)
* /run/samba/ needs fc type winbind_rpcd_var_run_t (bsc#1235801)
* Adjust rpcd_lsad, samba-bgqd, samba-dcerpcd to SUSE-specific part (bsc#1235801)
* Transition nmbd pid file from smbd_var_run_t to nmbd_var_run_t (bsc#1235801)
* Mon Jan 20 2025 Update to version 20250120:
* Allow database rotation for wtmpdbd_t
* Allow wtmpdbd to send messages notifications
* Introduce policy for wtmpdbd (bsc#1235660)
* Label xrdp scripts in /etc as bin_t (bsc#1233738)
* introduce unconfined_service_transition_to_unconfined_user boolean (bsc#1233738)
* Allow init to manage DOS files (bsc#1232527)
* Fri Jan 10 2025 Update to version 20250109:
* Update virtqemud policy regarding the svirt_tcg_t domain
* Allow virtqemud domain transition on numad execution
* Support virt live migration using ssh
* Allow virtqemud permissions needed for live migration
* Allow virtqemud the getpgid process permission
* Allow virtqemud manage nfs dirs when virt_use_nfs boolean is on
* Allow virtqemud relabelfrom virt_log_t files
* Allow virtqemud relabel tun_socket
* Add policy for systemd-import-generator
* Confine vsftpd systemd system generator
* Allow virtqemud read and write sgx_vepc devices
* Allow systemd-networkd list cgroup directories
* Allow xdm dbus chat with power-profiles-daemon
* Allow ssh_t read systemd config files
* Add Valkey rules to Redis module
* Update ktlsh policy
* Allow request-key to read /etc/passwd
* Allow request-key to manage all domains\' keys
* Add support for the KVM guest memfd anon inodes- Update embedded container-selinux version to commit:
* 7fdbd0e8c428c335406969878f28e14f335f2e7e
* Fri Dec 20 2024 Update to version 20241220:
* Revert \"Remove the fail2ban module sources\"
* Revert \"Remove the linuxptp module sources\"
* Revert \"Remove the amtu module sources\"
* Allow auditctl signal auditd
* Dontaudit systemd-coredump the sys_resource capability
* Allow traceroute_t bind rawip sockets to unreserved ports
* Fix the cups_read_pid_files() interface to use read_files_pattern
* Allow virtqemud additional permissions for tmpfs_t blk devices
* Allow virtqemud rw access to svirt_image_t chr files
* Allow virtqemud rw and setattr access to fixed block devices
* Label /etc/mdevctl.d/scripts.d with bin_t
* Allow virtqemud open svirt_devpts_t char files
* Allow virtqemud relabelfrom virt_log_t files
* Allow svirt_tcg_t read virtqemud_t fifo_files
* Allow virtqemud rw and setattr access to sev devices
* Allow virtqemud directly read and write to a fixed disk
* Allow virtqemud_t relabel virt_var_lib_t files
* Allow virtqemud_t relabel virtqemud_var_run_t sock_files
* Add gnome_filetrans_gstreamer_admin_home_content() interface
* Label /dev/swradio, /dev/v4l-subdev, /dev/v4l-touch with v4l_device_t
* Make bootupd_t permissive
* Allow init_t nnp domain transition to locate_t
* allow gdm and iiosensorproxy talk to each other via D-bus
* Allow systemd-journald getattr nsfs files
* Allow sendmail to map mail server configuration files
* Allow procmail to read mail aliases
* Allow cifs.idmap helper to set attributes on kernel keys
* Allow irqbalance setpcap capability in the user namespace
* Allow sssd_selinux_manager_t the setcap process permission
* Allow systemd-sleep manage efivarfs files
* Allow systemd-related domains getattr nsfs files
* Allow svirt_t the sys_rawio capability
* Allow alsa watch generic device directories
* Move systemd-homed interfaces to seperate optional_policy block
* Update samba-bgqd policy
* Update virtlogd policy
* Allow svirt_t the sys_rawio capability
* Allow qemu-ga the dac_override and dac_read_search capabilities
* Allow bacula execute container in the container domain
* Allow httpd get attributes of dirsrv unit files
* Allow samba-bgqd read cups config files
* Add label rshim_var_run_t for /run/
* [5/5][sync from \'mysql-selinux\'] Add mariadb-backup
* [4/5][sync from \'mysql-selinux\'] Fix regex to also match \'/var/lib/mysql/mysqlx.sock\'
* [3/5][sync from \'mysql-selinux\'] Allow mysqld_t to read and write to the \'memory.pressure\' file in cgroup2
* [2/5][sync from \'mysql-selinux\'] 2nd attempt to fix rhbz#2186996 rhbz#2221433 rhbz#2245705
* [1/5][sync from \'mysql-selinux\'] Allow \'mysqld\' to use \'/usr/bin/hostname\'
* Allow systemd-networkd read mount pid files
* Update policy for samba-bgqd
* Allow chronyd read networkmanager\'s pid files
* Allow staff user connect to generic tcp ports
* Allow gnome-remote-desktop dbus chat with policykit
* Allow tlp the setpgid process permission
* Update the bootupd policy
* Allow sysadm_t use the io_uring API
* Allow sysadm user dbus chat with virt-dbus
* Allow virtqemud_t read virsh_t files
* Allow virt_dbus_t connect to virtd_t over a unix stream socket
* Allow systemd-tpm2-generator read hardware state information
* Allow coreos-installer-generator execute generic programs
* Allow coreos-installer domain transition on udev execution
* Revert \"Allow unconfined_t execute kmod in the kmod domain\"
* Allow iio-sensor-proxy create and use unix dgram socket
* Allow virtstoraged read vm sysctls
* Support ssh connections via systemd-ssh-generator
* Label all semanage store files in /etc as semanage_store_t
* Add file transition for nvidia-modeset
* Allow dirsrv-snmp map dirsv_tmpfs_t files
* Label /usr/lib/node_modules_22/npm/bin with bin_t
* Add policy for /usr/libexec/samba/samba-bgqd
* Allow gnome-remote-desktop watch /etc directory
* Allow rpcd read network sysctls
* Allow journalctl connect to systemd-userdbd over a unix socket
* Allow some confined users send to lldpad over a unix dgram socket
* Allow lldpad send to unconfined_t over a unix dgram socket
* Allow lldpd connect to systemd-machined over a unix socket
* Confine the ktls service
* Allow dirsrv read network sysctls
* Label /run/sssd with sssd_var_run_t
* Label /etc/sysctl.d and /run/sysctl.d with system_conf_t
* Allow unconfined_t execute kmod in the kmod domain
* Allow confined users r/w to screen unix stream socket
* Label /root/.screenrc and /root/.tmux.conf with screen_home_t
* Allow virtqemud read virtd_t files
* Allow ping_t read network sysctls
* Allow systemd-homework connect to init over a unix socket
* Fix systemd-homed blobs directory permissions
* Allow virtqemud read sgx_vepc devices
* Allow lldpad create and use netlink_generic_socket
* Allow systemd-homework write to init pid socket
* Allow init create /var/cache/systemd/home
* Confine the pcm service
* Allow login_userdomain read thumb tmp files
* Update power-profiles-daemon policy
* Fix the /etc/mdevctl\\.d(/.
*)? regexp
* Grant rhsmcertd chown capability & userdb access
* Allow iio-sensor-proxy the bpf capability
* Allow systemd-machined the kill user-namespace capability
* Remove the fail2ban module sources
* Remove the linuxptp module sources
* Remove legacy rules for slrnpull
* Remove the aiccu module sources
* Remove the bcfg2 module sources
* Remove the amtu module sources
* Remove the rhev module sources
* Remove all file context entries for /bin and /lib
* Allow ptp4l the sys_admin capability
* Confine power-profiles-daemon
* Label /var/cache/systemd/home with systemd_homed_cache_t
* Allow login_userdomain connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow boothd connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow systemd-homed get attributes of a tmpfs filesystem
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow aide connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Label /dev/hfi1_[0-9]+ devices
* Remove the openct module sources
* Remove the timidity module sources
* Enable the slrn module
* Remove i18n_input module sources
* Enable the distcc module
* Remove the ddcprobe module sources
* Remove the timedatex module sources
* Remove the djbdns module sources
* Confine iio-sensor-proxy
* Allow staff user nlmsg_write
* Update policy for xdm with confined users
* Allow virtnodedev watch mdevctl config dirs
* Allow ssh watch home config dirs
* Allow ssh map home configs files
* Allow ssh read network sysctls
* Allow chronyc sendto to chronyd-restricted
* Allow cups sys_ptrace capability in the user namespace
* Add policy for systemd-homed
* Remove fc entry for /usr/bin/pump
* Label /usr/bin/noping and /usr/bin/oping with ping_exec_t
* Allow accountsd read gnome-initial-setup tmp files
* Allow xdm write to gnome-initial-setup fifo files
* Allow rngd read and write generic usb devices
* Allow qatlib search the content of the kernel debugging filesystem
* Allow qatlib connect to systemd-machined over a unix socket
* mls/modules.conf - fix typo
* Use dist/targeted/modules.conf in build workflow
* Fix default and dist config files
* Allow unprivileged user watch /run/systemd
* CI: update to actions/checkoutAATTv4
* Allow boothd connect to kernel over a unix socket
* Clean up and sync securetty_types
* Bring config files from dist-git into the source repo
* Confine gnome-remote-desktop
* Allow virtstoraged execute mount programs in the mount domain
* Make mdevctl_conf_t member of the file_type attribute
* Mon Dec 16 2024 Update to version 20241216:
* Allow vhostmd_t list virtqemud pid dirs (bsc#1230961)
* Mon Dec 16 2024 Johannes Segitz - Explain third possible value in selinux config file (disabled)
* Fri Dec 13 2024 Update to version 20241213:
* Add policy for importctl (bsc#1232670)
* Wed Dec 11 2024 Cathy Hu - Fix minimum policy by readding rpm module (bsc#1234314)
* Fri Dec 06 2024 Update to version 20241206:
* Move systemd-homed interfaces to seperate optional_policy block (bsc#1234228)
* adjust kandim binary paths (bsc#1232328)
* Tue Dec 03 2024 Cathy Hu - Fix minimum policy by readding snapper module (bsc#1234037)
* Mon Nov 25 2024 Update to version 20241118:
* Add workaround for /run/rpmdb lockfile (bsc#1231127)
* Add dedicated health-checker module (bsc#1231127)
* Thu Nov 07 2024 Packaging rework: moving all config files to git repository - Moved booleans to dist/
*/booleans.conf and dropped from package:
* booleans-minimum.conf - user facing change: boolean settings are now the same as in upstream
* booleans-mls.conf - user facing change: boolean settings are now the same as in upstream
* booleans-targeted.conf - user facing change: kerberos_enabled boolean was not enabled due to a bug, now it is enabled - Moved booleans.subs_dist to dist/booleans.subs_dist and dropped from package - Moved customizable_types to dist/customizable_types and dropped from package - user facing change: using upstream version - Moved file_contexts.subs_dist to config/file_contexts.subs_dist and dropped from package - user facing change: changed systemd entries in file_contexts.subs_dist: /run/systemd/system -> dropped from file /run/systemd/generator.early /run/systemd/generator /run/systemd/generator.late /run/systemd/generator - Moved modules config to dist//modules.conf and dropped from package: - user facing change: minimum policy: modules base and contrib are merged into modules.lst and modules-enabled.lst was added which contains the enabled modules, replacing modules-minimum-disable.lst
* modules-minimum-base.conf
* modules-minimum-contrib.conf
* modules-minimum-disable.lst
* Added: modules-minimum.lst - user facing change: mls policy: modules base + contrib are merged into modules.lst
* modules-mls-base.conf
* modules-mls-contrib.conf - user facing change: targeted policy: modules base + contrib are merged into modules.lst:
* modules-targeted-base.conf
* modules-targeted-contrib.conf - Moved securetty config to config/appconfig-/securetty_types and dropped from package - user facing change: using upstream version for all policy types
* securetty_types-minimum
* securetty_types-mls
* securetty_types-targeted - Moved setrans config to dist//setrans.conf and dropped from package
* setrans-minimum.conf
* setrans-mls.conf
* setrans-targeted.conf - Moved users config to dist//users and dropped from package
* users-minimum - user facing change: added guest_u and xguest_u
* users-mls
* users-targeted- Fix to follow symlinks when creating the tarball- Update embedded container-selinux version to commit:
* 3f06c141bebc00a07eec4c0ded038aac4f2ae3f0- Update to version 20241107:
* Re-add kanidm module to dist/targeted/modules.conf
* Add SUSE-specific file contexts to file_contexts.subs_dist
* Disallow execstack in dist/minimum/booleans.conf
* Add SUSE-specific booleans to dist/targeted/booleans.conf
* Add SUSE specific modules to targeted modules.conf
* Label /var/cache/systemd/home with systemd_homed_cache_t
* Allow login_userdomain connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow boothd connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow systemd-homed get attributes of a tmpfs filesystem
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Allow aide connect to systemd-homed over a unix socket
* Label /dev/hfi1_[0-9]+ devices
* Remove the openct module sources
* Remove the timidity module sources
* Enable the slrn module
* Remove i18n_input module sources
* Enable the distcc module
* Remove the ddcprobe module sources
* Remove the timedatex module sources
* Remove the djbdns module sources
* Confine iio-sensor-proxy
* Allow staff user nlmsg_write
* Update policy for xdm with confined users
* Allow virtnodedev watch mdevctl config dirs
* Allow ssh watch home config dirs
* Allow ssh map home configs files
* Allow ssh read network sysctls
* Allow chronyc sendto to chronyd-restricted
* Allow cups sys_ptrace capability in the user namespace
* Add policy for systemd-homed
* Remove fc entry for /usr/bin/pump
* Label /usr/bin/noping and /usr/bin/oping with ping_exec_t
* Allow accountsd read gnome-initial-setup tmp files
* Allow xdm write to gnome-initial-setup fifo files
* Allow rngd read and write generic usb devices
* Allow qatlib search the content of the kernel debugging filesystem
* Allow qatlib connect to systemd-machined over a unix socket
* mls/modules.conf - fix typo
* Use dist/targeted/modules.conf in build workflow
* Fix default and dist config files
* Allow unprivileged user watch /run/systemd
* CI: update to actions/checkoutAATTv4
* Allow boothd connect to kernel over a unix socket
* Clean up and sync securetty_types
* Bring config files from dist-git into the source repo
* Confine gnome-remote-desktop
* Allow virtstoraged execute mount programs in the mount domain
* Make mdevctl_conf_t member of the file_type attribute
* Tue Nov 05 2024 Update to version 20241105:
* Allow virt_dbus_t to connect to virtd_t over unix_stream_socket (bsc#1232655)
* Thu Oct 31 2024 Update to version 20241031:
* Label /var/livepatches as lib_t for ULP on micro (bsc#1228879)
* Mon Oct 21 2024 Update to version 20241021:
* rsync: add rsync_exec_commands boolean and enable it by default (bsc#1231494)
* Allow snapperd to execute systemctl (bsc#1231489)
* Fri Oct 18 2024 Update to version 20241018:
* Allow slpd to create TCPDIAG netlink socket (bsc#1231491)
* Allow slpd to use sys_chroot (bsc#1231491)
* Allow openvswitch-ipsec use strongswan (bsc#1231493)
* Mon Sep 30 2024 Update to version 20240930:
* Label yast binaries correctly
* Wed Sep 25 2024 Update to version 20240925:
* Allow snapperd to manage unlabeled_t files (bsc#1230966)
* Tue Sep 24 2024 Update to version 20240924:
* Revert \"Allow virtstoraged to manage images (bsc#1228742)\"
* Label /etc/mdevctl.d with mdevctl_conf_t
* Sync users with Fedora targeted users
* Update policy for rpc-virtstorage
* Allow virtstoraged get attributes of configfs dirs
* Fix SELinux policy for sandbox X server to fix \'sandbox -X\' command
* Update bootupd policy when ESP is not mounted
* Allow thumb_t map dri devices
* Allow samba use the io_uring API
* Allow the sysadm user use the secretmem API
* Allow nut-upsmon read systemd-logind session files
* Allow sysadm_t to create PF_KEY sockets
* Update bootupd policy for the removing-state-file test
* Tue Sep 24 2024 Cathy Hu - Fix macros.selinux-policy (bsc#1230897) - %selinux_relabel_post should not relabel files in transactional systems in %post as the policy is not loaded into the kernel directly after install, instead the relabelling will happen on the next boot
* Thu Sep 12 2024 Update to version 20240912:
* Allow systemd_ibft_rule_generator_t to create udev_rules_t dirs (bsc#1230011)
* Allow systemd_udev_trigger_generator_t list and read sysctls (bsc#1230315)
* Initial policy for udev-trigger-generator (bsc#1230315)
* Tue Sep 10 2024 Update to version 20240910:
* Allow init_t mount syslog socket (bsc#1230134)
* Allow init_t create syslog files (bsc#1230134)
* Introduce initial policy for btrfs-soft-reboot-generator (bsc#1230134)
* Thu Sep 05 2024 Update to version 20240905:
* Allow coreos-installer-generator manage mdadm_conf_t files
* Allow setsebool_t relabel selinux data files
* Allow virtqemud relabelfrom virtqemud_var_run_t dirs
* Use better escape method for \"interface\"
* Allow init and systemd-logind to inherit fds from sshd
* Allow systemd-ssh-generator read sysctl files
* Sync modules.conf with Fedora targeted modules
* Allow virtqemud relabel user tmp files and socket files
* Add missing sys_chroot capability to groupadd policy
* Label /run/libvirt/qemu/channel with virtqemud_var_run_t
* Allow virtqemud relabelfrom also for file and sock_file
* Add virt_create_log() and virt_write_log() interfaces - Sync modules-targeted-contrib.conf with Fedora targeted modules.conf
* Wed Sep 04 2024 Cathy Hu - Fix macros.selinux-policy (bsc#1229132) - %selinux_modules_install and %selinux_modules_uninstall will now only execute load_policy if $TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATE is not set (aka only if they are not in a transactional system) - $TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATE is set here:
* Tue Sep 03 2024 Johannes Segitz - Disable build of the MLS policy. We currently don\'t know if it works and don\'t want to encourage users to apply it
* Tue Sep 03 2024 Update to version 20240903:
* allow sshd_t and sshd_net_t access to ssh vsockets (bsc#1228831)
* Mon Sep 02 2024 Update to version 20240902:
* Allow xen to use qemu as dom0 disk backend (bsc#1228540)
* Label /var/lib/xen/xenstore as xenstored_var_lib_t (bsc#1228540)
* Allow xl to access hypercall interfaces to xen hypervisor (bsc#1228540)
* Fri Aug 30 2024 Update to version 20240830:
* Allow virtstoraged to manage images (bsc#1228742)
* Allow virtstoraged_t domtrans to udev (bsc#1228742)
* Wed Aug 28 2024 Update to version 20240828:
* Allow systemd-ssh-generator to load net-pf-40 (bsc#1229766)
* Mon Aug 26 2024 Cathy Hu - Enable named_write_master_zones boolean by default (bsc#1229479)
* Fri Aug 23 2024 Update to version 20240823:
* Allow rasdaemon write access to sysfs (bsc#1229587)
* Fri Aug 16 2024 Update to version 20240816:
* Initial policy for syslog-ng (bsc#1229153)
* Wed Aug 14 2024 Update to version 20240814:
* Dontaudit dac_override of fstab generator (bsc#1229127)
* Wed Aug 14 2024 Cathy Hu - Drop script as it causes issues with container-selinux update (bsc#1228951)
* Mon Aug 12 2024 Update to version 20240812:
* Update libvirt policy
* Add port 80/udp and 443/udp to http_port_t definition
* Additional updates stalld policy for bpf usage
* Label systemd-pcrextend and systemd-pcrlock properly
* Allow coreos_installer_t work with partitions
* Revert \"Allow coreos-installer-generator work with partitions\"
* Add policy for systemd-pcrextend
* Update policy for systemd-getty-generator
* Allow ip command write to ipsec\'s logs
* Allow virt_driver_domain read virtd-lxc files in /proc
* Revert \"Allow svirt read virtqemud fifo files\"
* Update virtqemud policy for libguestfs usage
* Allow virtproxyd create and use its private tmp files
* Allow virtproxyd read network state
* Allow virt_driver_domain create and use log files in /var/log
* Allow samba-dcerpcd work with ctdb cluster
* Allow NetworkManager_dispatcher_t send SIGKILL to plugins
* Allow setroubleshootd execute sendmail with a domain transition
* Allow key.dns_resolve set attributes on the kernel key ring
* Update qatlib policy for v24.02 with new features
* Label /var/lib/systemd/sleep with systemd_sleep_var_lib_t
* Allow tlp status power services
* Allow virtqemud domain transition on passt execution
* Allow virt_driver_domain connect to systemd-userdbd over a unix socket
* Allow boothd connect to systemd-userdbd over a unix socket
* Update policy for awstats scripts
* Allow bitlbee execute generic programs in system bin directories
* Allow login_userdomain read aliases file
* Allow login_userdomain read ipsec config files
* Allow login_userdomain read all pid files
* Allow rsyslog read systemd-logind session files
* Allow libvirt-dbus stream connect to virtlxcd
* Fri Aug 09 2024 Update to version 20240809:
* Label /run/udev/rules.d as udev_rules_t
* Provide type for sysstat lock files (bsc#1228247)
* Allow snapper to delete unlabeled_t files (bsc#1228889)
* Thu Aug 08 2024 Update to version 20240808:
* Use new kanidm interfaces
* Initial module for kanidm
* Update bootupd policy
* Allow rhsmcertd read/write access to /dev/papr-sysparm
* Label /dev/papr-sysparm and /dev/papr-vpd
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to winbindd
* Allow systemd-hostnamed shut down nscd
* Allow systemd-pstore send a message to syslogd over a unix domain
* Allow postfix_domain map postfix_etc_t files
* Allow microcode create /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload
* Allow rhsmcertd read, write, and map ica tmpfs files
* Support SGX devices
* Allow initrc_t transition to passwd_t
* Update fstab and cryptsetup generators policy
* Allow xdm_t read and write the dma device
* Update stalld policy for bpf usage
* Allow systemd_gpt_generator to getattr on DOS directories
* Make cgroup_memory_pressure_t a part of the file_type attribute
* Allow ssh_t to change role to system_r
* Update policy for coreos generators
* Allow init_t nnp domain transition to firewalld_t
* Label /run/modprobe.d with modules_conf_t
* Allow virtnodedevd run udev with a domain transition
* Allow virtnodedev_t create and use virtnodedev_lock_t
* Allow virtstoraged manage files with virt_content_t type
* Allow virtqemud unmount a filesystem with extended attributes
* Allow svirt_t connect to unconfined_t over a unix domain socket
* Update afterburn file transition policy
* Allow systemd_generator read attributes of all filesystems
* Allow fstab-generator read and write cryptsetup-generator unit file
* Allow cryptsetup-generator read and write fstab-generator unit file
* Allow systemd_generator map files in /etc
* Allow systemd_generator read init\'s process state
* Allow coreos-installer-generator read sssd public files
* Allow coreos-installer-generator work with partitions
* Label /etc/mdadm.conf.d with mdadm_conf_t
* Confine coreos generators
* Label /run/metadata with afterburn_runtime_t
* Allow afterburn list ssh home directory
* Label samba certificates with samba_cert_t
* Label /run/coreos-installer-reboot with coreos_installer_var_run_t
* Allow virtqemud read virt-dbus process state
* Allow staff user dbus chat with virt-dbus
* Allow staff use watch /run/systemd
* Allow systemd_generator to write kmsg
* Allow virtqemud connect to sanlock over a unix stream socket
* Allow virtqemud relabel virt_var_run_t directories
* Allow svirt_tcg_t read vm sysctls
* Allow virtnodedevd connect to systemd-userdbd over a unix socket
* Allow svirt read virtqemud fifo files
* Allow svirt attach_queue to a virtqemud tun_socket
* Allow virtqemud run ssh client with a transition
* Allow virt_dbus_t connect to virtqemud_t over a unix stream socket
* Update keyutils policy
* Allow sshd_keygen_t connect to userdbd over a unix stream socket
* Allow postfix-smtpd read mysql config files
* Allow locate stream connect to systemd-userdbd
* Allow the staff user use wireshark
* Allow updatedb connect to userdbd over a unix stream socket
* Allow gpg_t set attributes of public-keys.d
* Allow gpg_t get attributes of login_userdomain stream
* Allow systemd_getty_generator_t read /proc/1/environ
* Allow systemd_getty_generator_t to read and write to tty_device_t
* Drop publicfile module
* Remove permissive domain for systemd_nsresourced_t
* Change fs_dontaudit_write_cgroup_files() to apply to cgroup_t
* Label /usr/bin/samba-gpupdate with samba_gpupdate_exec_t
* Allow to create and delete socket files created by rhsm.service
* Allow virtnetworkd exec shell when virt_hooks_unconfined is on
* Allow unconfined_service_t transition to passwd_t
* Support /var is empty
* Allow abrt-dump-journal read all non_security socket files
* Allow timemaster write to sysfs files
* Dontaudit domain write cgroup files
* Label /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/bin with bin_t
* Allow ip the setexec permission
* Allow systemd-networkd write files in /var/lib/systemd/network
* Fix typo in systemd_nsresourced_prog_run_bpf()
* Fri Aug 02 2024 Update to version 20240802:
* Dontaudit search of snapper grub plugin to nscd socket (bsc#1228745)
* Wed Jul 31 2024 Update to version 20240731:
* Initial policy for ibft-rule-generator (bsc#1228402)
* Initial policy for systemd-status-mail (bsc#1228402)
* Wed Jul 31 2024 Update to version 20240731:
* Fix labels for bind/named (bsc#1228372)
* Mon Jul 29 2024 Update to version 20240729:
* Label /usr/libexec/netconfig/ppp/ip-up pppd_initrc_exec_t (bsc#1228385)
* Allow pppd to manage sysnet directories (bsc#1228385)
* Fri Jul 26 2024 Update to version 20240726:
* Allow snapper grub plugin to manage unlabeled_t and read link files
* Thu Jul 25 2024 Update to version 20240725:
* Initial policy for grub2 snapper plugin (bsc#1228205)
* Tue Jul 16 2024 Update to version 20240716:
* Set microos autorelabel script to systemd_autorelabel_generator_t
* Allow systemd_generator to write kmsg
* Initial policy for systemd growpart-generator (bsc#1226824)
* Mon Jul 15 2024 Update to version 20240715:
* Allow systemd_getty_generator_t read /proc/1/environ
* Allow systemd_getty_generator_t to read and write to tty_device_t (bsc#1226888)
* Wed Jul 10 2024 Enable sap module- Add equivalency in file_contexts.subs_dist
* /bin /usr/bin
* /sbin /usr/bin
* /usr/sbin /usr/bin- Update to version 20240710:
* Change fc in rebootmgr module for /sbin -> /usr/bin
* Change fc in rpm module for /sbin -> /usr/bin
* Change fc in rsync module for /sbin -> /usr/bin
* Change fc in wicked module for /sbin -> /usr/bin
* Confine libvirt-dbus
* Allow virtqemud the kill capability in user namespace
* Allow rshim get options of the netlink class for KOBJECT_UEVENT family
* Allow dhcpcd the kill capability
* Allow systemd-networkd list /var/lib/systemd/network
* Allow sysadm_t run systemd-nsresourced bpf programs
* Update policy for systemd generators interactions
* Allow create memory.pressure files with cgroup_memory_pressure_t
* Add support for libvirt hooks
* Allow certmonger read and write tpm devices
* Allow all domains to connect to systemd-nsresourced over a unix socket
* Allow systemd-machined read the vsock device
* Update policy for systemd generators
* Allow ptp4l_t request that the kernel load a kernel module
* Allow sbd to trace processes in user namespace
* Allow request-key execute scripts
* Update policy for haproxyd
* Update policy for systemd-nsresourced
* Correct sbin-related file context entries
* Allow login_userdomain execute systemd-tmpfiles in the caller domain
* Allow virt_driver_domain read files labeled unconfined_t
* Allow virt_driver_domain dbus chat with policykit
* Allow virtqemud manage nfs files when virt_use_nfs boolean is on
* Add rules for interactions between generators
* Label memory.pressure files with cgroup_memory_pressure_t
* Revert \"Allow some systemd services write to cgroup files\"
* Update policy for systemd-nsresourced
* Label /usr/bin/ntfsck with fsadm_exec_t
* Allow systemd_fstab_generator_t read tmpfs files
* Update policy for systemd-nsresourced
* Alias /usr/sbin to /usr/bin and change all /usr/sbin paths to /usr/bin
* Remove a few lines duplicated between {dkim,milter}.fc
* Alias /bin → /usr/bin and remove redundant paths
* Drop duplicate line for /usr/sbin/unix_chkpwd
* Drop duplicate paths for /usr/sbin
* Update systemd-generator policy
* Remove permissive domain for bootupd_t
* Remove permissive domain for coreos_installer_t
* Remove permissive domain for afterburn_t
* Add the sap module to modules.conf
* Move unconfined_domain(sap_unconfined_t) to an optional block
* Create the sap module
* Allow systemd-coredumpd sys_admin and sys_resource capabilities
* Allow systemd-coredump read nsfs files
* Allow generators auto file transition only for plain files
* Allow systemd-hwdb write to the kernel messages device
* Escape \"interface\" as a file name in a virt filetrans pattern
* Allow gnome-software work for login_userdomain
* Allow systemd-machined manage runtime sockets
* Revert \"Allow systemd-machined manage runtime sockets\"
* Allow postfix_domain connect to postgresql over a unix socket
* Dontaudit systemd-coredump sys_admin capability- Update container-selinux
* Tue Jul 02 2024 Update to version 20240702:
* Allow manage dosfs_t files to snapperd (bsc#1224120)
* Add auth_rw_wtmpdb_login_records to domains using auth_manage_login_records
* Add auth_rw_wtmpdb_login_records to modules
* Allow xdm_t to read-write to wtmpdb (bsc#1225984)
* Introduce types for wtmpdb and rw interface
* Introduce wtmp_file_type attribute
* Revert \"Add policy for wtmpdb (bsc#1210717)\"
* Mon Jun 17 2024 Update to version 20240617:
* Allow gnome control center to set autologin (bsc#1222978)
* Dontaudit xdm_t to getattr on root_t (bsc#1223145)
* Thu Jun 13 2024 Update to version 20240613:
* Allow systemd_fstab_generator_t read tmpfs files (bsc#1223599)
* Wed Jun 12 2024 Update to version 20240612:
* Allow all domains read and write z90crypt device
* Allow tpm2 generator setfscreate
* Allow systemd (PID 1) manage systemd conf files
* Allow pulseaudio map its runtime files
* Update policy for getty-generator
* Allow systemd-hwdb send messages to kernel unix datagram sockets
* Allow systemd-machined manage runtime sockets
* Allow fstab-generator create unit file symlinks
* Update policy for cryptsetup-generator
* Update policy for fstab-generator
* Allow virtqemud read vm sysctls
* Allow collectd to trace processes in user namespace
* Allow bootupd search efivarfs dirs
* Add policy for systemd-mountfsd
* Add policy for systemd-nsresourced
* Update policy generators
* Add policy for anaconda-generator
* Update policy for fstab and gpt generators
* Add policy for kdump-dep-generator
* Add policy for a generic generator
* Add policy for tpm2 generator
* Add policy for ssh-generator
* Add policy for second batch of generators
* Update policy for systemd generators
* ci: Adjust Cockpit test plans
* Allow journald read systemd config files and directories
* Allow systemd_domain read systemd_conf_t dirs
* Fix bad Python regexp escapes
* Allow fido services connect to postgres database
* Revert \"Update the file with the c10s branch information\"
* Update the file with the c10s branch information
* Allow postfix smtpd map aliases file
* Ensure dbus communication is allowed bidirectionally
* Label systemd configuration files with systemd_conf_t
* Label /run/systemd/machine with systemd_machined_var_run_t
* Allow systemd-hostnamed read the vsock device
* Allow sysadm execute dmidecode using sudo
* Allow sudodomain list files in /var
* Allow setroubleshootd get attributes of all sysctls
* Allow various services read and write z90crypt device
* Allow nfsidmap connect to systemd-homed
* Allow sandbox_x_client_t dbus chat with accountsd
* Allow system_cronjob_t dbus chat with avahi_t
* Allow staff_t the io_uring sqpoll permission
* Allow staff_t use the io_uring API
* Add support for secretmem anon inode
* Allow virtqemud read vfio devices
* Allow virtqemud get attributes of a tmpfs filesystem
* Allow svirt_t read vm sysctls
* Allow virtqemud create and unlink files in /etc/libvirt/
* Allow virtqemud get attributes of cifs files
* Allow virtqemud get attributes of filesystems with extended attributes
* Allow virtqemud get attributes of NFS filesystems
* Allow virt_domain read and write usb devices conditionally
* Allow virtstoraged use the io_uring API
* Allow virtstoraged execute lvm programs in the lvm domain
* Allow virtnodevd_t map /var/lib files
* Allow svirt_tcg_t map svirt_image_t files
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to systemd-homed
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to systemd-machined
* Allow sssd create and use io_uring
* Allow selinux-relabel-generator create units dir
* Allow dbus-broker read/write inherited user ttys
* Define transitions for /run/libvirt/common and /run/libvirt/qemu
* Allow systemd-sleep read raw disk data
* Allow numad to trace processes in user namespace
* Allow abrt-dump-journal-core connect to systemd-userdbd
* Allow plymouthd read efivarfs files
* Update the auth_dontaudit_read_passwd_file() interface
* Label /dev/mmcblk0rpmb character device with removable_device_t
* fix hibernate on btrfs swapfile (F40)
* Allow nut to statfs()
* Allow system dbusd service status systemd services
* Allow systemd-timedated get the timemaster service status
* Allow keyutils-dns-resolver connect to the system log service
* Allow qemu-ga read vm sysctls
* postfix: allow qmgr to delete mails in bounce/ directory
* Mon Jun 03 2024 Johannes Segitz - Remove \"Reference\" from the package description. It\'s not the reference policy, but the Fedora branch of the policy
* Tue May 28 2024 Cathy Hu - Use python311 tools in 15.4 and 15.5 when building selinux-policy to deprecate python36 tooling
* Wed May 08 2024 Johannes Segitz - Fixed script to not break because of duplicate entries
* Mon May 06 2024 Johannes Segitz - Move to %posttrans to ensure selinux-policy got updated before the commands run (bsc#1221720)
* Mon Apr 15 2024 Cathy Hu - Add file contexts \"forwarding\" to file_contexts.sub_dist to fix systemd-gpt-auto-generator and systemd-fstab-generator (bsc#1222736):
* /run/systemd/generator.early /usr/lib/systemd/system
* /run/systemd/generator.late /usr/lib/systemd/system
* Thu Apr 11 2024 Update to version 20240411:
* Remove duplicate in sysnetwork.fc
* Rename /var/run/wicked
* to /run/wicked
* Remove /var/run/rsyslog/additional-log-sockets.conf from logging.fc
* policy: support pidfs
* Confine
* Allow logwatch_mail_t read/write to init over a unix stream socket
* Allow logwatch read logind sessions files
* files_dontaudit_getattr_tmpfs_files allowed the access and didn\'t dontaudit it
* files_dontaudit_mounton_modules_object allowed the access and didn\'t dontaudit it
* Allow NetworkManager the sys_ptrace capability in user namespace
* dontaudit execmem for modemmanager
* Allow dhcpcd use unix_stream_socket
* Allow dhcpc read /run/netns files
* Update mmap_rw_file_perms to include the lock permission
* Allow plymouthd log during shutdown
* Add logging_watch_all_log_dirs() and logging_watch_all_log_files()
* Allow journalctl_t read filesystem sysctls
* Allow cgred_t to get attributes of cgroup filesystems
* Allow wdmd read hardware state information
* Allow wdmd list the contents of the sysfs directories
* Allow linuxptp configure phc2sys and chronyd over a unix domain socket
* Allow sulogin relabel tty1
* Dontaudit sulogin the checkpoint_restore capability
* Modify sudo_role_template() to allow getpgid
* Allow userdomain get attributes of files on an nsfs filesystem
* Allow opafm create NFS files and directories
* Allow virtqemud create and unlink files in /etc/libvirt/
* Allow virtqemud domain transition on swtpm execution
* Add the swtpm.if interface file for interactions with other domains
* Allow samba to have dac_override capability
* systemd: allow sys_admin capability for systemd_notify_t
* systemd: allow systemd_notify_t to send data to kernel_t datagram sockets
* Allow thumb_t to watch and watch_reads mount_var_run_t
* Allow krb5kdc_t map krb5kdc_principal_t files
* Allow unprivileged confined user dbus chat with setroubleshoot
* Allow login_userdomain map files in /var
* Allow wireguard work with firewall-cmd
* Differentiate between staff and sysadm when executing crontab with sudo
* Add crontab_admin_domtrans interface
* Allow abrt_t nnp domain transition to abrt_handle_event_t
* Allow xdm_t to watch and watch_reads mount_var_run_t
* Dontaudit subscription manager setfscreate and read file contexts
* Don\'t audit crontab_domain write attempts to user home
* Transition from sudodomains to crontab_t when executing crontab_exec_t
* Add crontab_domtrans interface
* Fix label of pseudoterminals created from sudodomain
* Allow utempter_t use ptmx
* Dontaudit rpmdb attempts to connect to sssd over a unix stream socket
* Allow admin user read/write on fixed_disk_device_t
* Only allow confined user domains to login locally without unconfined_login
* Add userdom_spec_domtrans_confined_admin_users interface
* Only allow admindomain to execute shell via ssh with ssh_sysadm_login
* Add userdom_spec_domtrans_admin_users interface
* Move ssh dyntrans to unconfined inside unconfined_login tunable policy
* Update ssh_role_template() for user ssh-agent type
* Allow init to inherit system DBus file descriptors
* Allow init to inherit fds from syslogd
* Allow any domain to inherit fds from rpm-ostree
* Update afterburn policy
* Allow init_t nnp domain transition to abrtd_t
* Rename all /var/lock file context entries to /run/lock
* Rename all /var/run file context entries to /run- Add script for locally existing modules to be able to cope with the /var/run -> /run change- Update embedded container-selinux to commit a8e389dbcd3f9b6ed0a7e495c6f559c0383dc49e
* Thu Mar 21 2024 Update to version 20240321:
* policy module for kiwi (bsc#1221109)
* dontaudit execmem for modemmanager (bsc#1219363)
* Wed Mar 13 2024 Update to version 20240313:
* Assign alts_exec_t to files_type
* Fri Mar 08 2024 Update to version 20240308:
* Support /bin/alts in the policy (bsc#1217530)
* Revert \"Allow virtnetworkd_t to execute bin_t (bsc#1216903)\"
* Wed Mar 06 2024 Update to version 20240306:
* Replace init domtrans rule for confined users to allow exec init
* Update dbus_role_template() to allow user service status
* Allow polkit status all systemd services
* Allow setroubleshootd create and use inherited io_uring
* Allow load_policy read and write generic ptys
* Mon Mar 04 2024 Update to version 20240304:
* Allow ssh-keygen to use the libica crypto module (bsc#1220373)
* Mon Feb 05 2024 Update to version 20240205:
* Allow gpg manage rpm cache
* Allow login_userdomain name_bind to howl and xmsg udp ports
* Allow rules for confined users logged in plasma
* Label /dev/iommu with iommu_device_t
* Remove duplicate file context entries in /run
* Dontaudit getty and plymouth the checkpoint_restore capability
* Allow su domains write login records
* Revert \"Allow su domains write login records\"
* Allow login_userdomain delete session dbusd tmp socket files
* Allow unix dgram sendto between exim processes
* Allow su domains write login records
* Allow smbd_t to watch user_home_dir_t if samba_enable_home_dirs is on
* Allow chronyd-restricted read chronyd key files
* Allow conntrackd_t to use bpf capability2
* Allow systemd-networkd manage its runtime socket files
* Allow init_t nnp domain transition to colord_t
* Allow polkit status systemd services
* nova: Fix duplicate declarations
* Allow httpd work with PrivateTmp
* Add interfaces for watching and reading ifconfig_var_run_t
* Allow collectd read raw fixed disk device
* Allow collectd read udev pid files
* Set correct label on /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/kra
* Allow systemd domains watch system dbus pid socket files
* Allow certmonger read network sysctls
* Allow mdadm list stratisd data directories
* Allow syslog to run unconfined scripts conditionally
* Allow syslogd_t nnp_transition to syslogd_unconfined_script_t
* Allow qatlib set attributes of vfio device files
* Allow systemd-sleep set attributes of efivarfs files
* Allow samba-dcerpcd read public files
* Allow spamd_update_t the sys_ptrace capability in user namespace
* Allow bluetooth devices work with alsa
* Allow alsa get attributes filesystems with extended attributes
* Allow hypervkvp_t write access to NetworkManager_etc_rw_t
* Add interface for write-only access to NetworkManager rw conf
* Allow systemd-sleep send a message to syslog over a unix dgram socket
* Allow init create and use netlink netfilter socket
* Allow qatlib load kernel modules
* Allow qatlib run lspci
* Allow qatlib manage its private runtime socket files
* Allow qatlib read/write vfio devices
* Label /etc/redis.conf with redis_conf_t
* Remove the lockdown-class rules from the policy
* Allow init read all non-security socket files
* Replace redundant dnsmasq pattern macros
* Remove unneeded symlink perms in dnsmasq.if
* Add additions to dnsmasq interface
* Allow nvme_stas_t create and use netlink kobject uevent socket
* Allow collectd connect to statsd port
* Allow keepalived_t to use sys_ptrace of cap_userns
* Allow dovecot_auth_t connect to postgresql using UNIX socket
* Make named_zone_t and named_var_run_t a part of the mountpoint attribute
* Allow sysadm execute traceroute in sysadm_t domain using sudo
* Allow sysadm execute tcpdump in sysadm_t domain using sudo
* Allow opafm search nfs directories
* Add support for syslogd unconfined scripts
* Allow gpsd use /dev/gnss devices
* Allow gpg read rpm cache
* Allow virtqemud additional permissions
* Allow virtqemud manage its private lock files
* Allow virtqemud use the io_uring api
* Allow ddclient send e-mail notifications
* Allow postfix_master_t map postfix data files
* Allow init create and use vsock sockets
* Allow thumb_t append to init unix domain stream sockets
* Label /dev/vas with vas_device_t
* Create interface selinux_watch_config and add it to SELinux users
* Update cifs interfaces to include fs_search_auto_mountpoints()
* Allow sudodomain read var auth files
* Allow spamd_update_t read hardware state information
* Allow virtnetworkd domain transition on tc command execution
* Allow sendmail MTA connect to sendmail LDA
* Allow auditd read all domains process state
* Allow rsync read network sysctls
* Add dhcpcd bpf capability to run bpf programs
* Dontaudit systemd-hwdb dac_override capability
* Allow systemd-sleep create efivarfs files
* Allow map xserver_tmpfs_t files when xserver_clients_write_xshm is on
* Allow graphical applications work in Wayland
* Allow kdump work with PrivateTmp
* Allow dovecot-auth work with PrivateTmp
* Allow nfsd get attributes of all filesystems
* Allow unconfined_domain_type use io_uring cmd on domain
* ci: Only run Rawhide revdeps tests on the rawhide branch
* Label /var/run/auditd.state as auditd_var_run_t
* Allow fido-device-onboard (FDO) read the crack database
* Allow ip an explicit domain transition to other domains
* Label /usr/libexec/selinux/selinux-autorelabel with semanage_exec_t
* Allow winbind_rpcd_t processes access when samba_export_all_
* is on
* Enable NetworkManager and dhclient to use initramfs-configured DHCP connection
* Allow ntp to bind and connect to ntske port.
* Tue Jan 16 2024 Update to version 20240116:
* Fix gitolite homedir paths (bsc#1218826)
* Tue Jan 09 2024 Update to version 20240104:
* Allow keepalived_t read+write kernel_t pipes (bsc#1216060)
* allow rebootmgr to read the system state (bsc#1205931)
* Tue Nov 28 2023 Hu - Trigger rebuild of the policy when pcre2 gets updated to avoid regex version mismatch errors (bsc#1216747).
* Fri Nov 24 2023 Update to version 20231124:
* Allow virtnetworkd_t to execute bin_t (bsc#1216903)
* Wed Nov 22 2023 Hu - Add new modules that were missed in the last update to modules-mls-contrib.conf
* Wed Nov 22 2023 Hu - Add new modules that were missed in the last update to modules-targeted-contrib.conf
* Mon Oct 30 2023 Update to version 20231030:
* Allow system_mail_t manage exim spool files and dirs
* Dontaudit keepalived setattr on keepalived_unconfined_script_exec_t
* Label /run/pcsd.socket with cluster_var_run_t
* ci: Run cockpit tests in PRs
* Add map_read map_write to kernel_prog_run_bpf
* Allow systemd-fstab-generator read all symlinks
* Allow systemd-fstab-generator the dac_override capability
* Allow rpcbind read network sysctls
* Support using systemd containers
* Allow sysadm_t to connect to iscsid using a unix domain stream socket
* Add policy for coreos installer
* Add policy for nvme-stas
* Confine systemd fstab,sysv,rc-local
* Label /etc/aliases.lmdb with etc_aliases_t
* Create policy for afterburn
* Make new virt drivers permissive
* Split virt policy, introduce virt_supplementary module
* Allow apcupsd cgi scripts read /sys
* Allow kernel_t to manage and relabel all files
* Add missing optional_policy() to files_relabel_all_files()
* Allow named and ndc use the io_uring api
* Deprecate common_anon_inode_perms usage
* Improve default file context(None) of /var/lib/authselect/backups
* Allow udev_t to search all directories with a filesystem type
* Implement proper anon_inode support
* Allow targetd write to the syslog pid sock_file
* Add ipa_pki_retrieve_key_exec() interface
* Allow kdumpctl_t to list all directories with a filesystem type
* Allow udev additional permissions
* Allow udev load kernel module
* Allow sysadm_t to mmap modules_object_t files
* Add the unconfined_read_files() and unconfined_list_dirs() interfaces
* Set default file context of HOME_DIR/tmp/.
* to <>
* Allow kernel_generic_helper_t to execute mount(1)
* Allow sssd send SIGKILL to passkey_child running in ipa_otpd_t
* Allow systemd-localed create Xserver config dirs
* Allow sssd read symlinks in /etc/sssd
* Label /dev/gnss[0-9] with gnss_device_t
* Allow systemd-sleep read/write efivarfs variables
* ci: Fix version number of packit generated srpms
* Dontaudit rhsmcertd write memory device
* Allow ssh_agent_type create a sockfile in /run/user/USERID
* Set default file context of /var/lib/authselect/backups to <>
* Allow prosody read network sysctls
* Allow cupsd_t to use bpf capability
* Allow sssd domain transition on passkey_child execution conditionally
* Allow login_userdomain watch lnk_files in /usr
* Allow login_userdomain watch video4linux devices
* Change systemd-network-generator transition to include class file
* Revert \"Change file transition for systemd-network-generator\"
* Allow nm-dispatcher winbind plugin read/write samba var files
* Allow systemd-networkd write to cgroup files
* Allow kdump create and use its memfd: objects
* Allow fedora-third-party get generic filesystem attributes
* Allow sssd use usb devices conditionally
* Update policy for qatlib
* Allow ssh_agent_type manage generic cache home files
* Change file transition for systemd-network-generator
* Additional support for gnome-initial-setup
* Update gnome-initial-setup policy for geoclue
* Allow openconnect vpn open vhost net device
* Allow cifs.upcall to connect to SSSD also through the /var/run socket
* Grant cifs.upcall more required capabilities
* Allow xenstored map xenfs files
* Update policy for fdo
* Allow keepalived watch var_run dirs
* Allow svirt to rw /dev/udmabuf
* Allow qatlib to modify hardware state information.
* Allow key.dns_resolve connect to avahi over a unix stream socket
* Allow key.dns_resolve create and use unix datagram socket
* Use as the container image source for CI
* ci: Move srpm/rpm build to packit
* .copr: Avoid subshell and changing directory
* Allow gpsd, oddjob and oddjob_mkhomedir_t write user_tty_device_t chr_file
* Label /usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-pkcs11-helper with ssh_agent_exec_t
* Make insights_client_t an unconfined domain
* Allow insights-client manage user temporary files
* Allow insights-client create all rpm logs with a correct label
* Allow insights-client manage generic logs
* Allow cloud_init create dhclient var files and init_t manage net_conf_t
* Allow insights-client read and write cluster tmpfs files
* Allow ipsec read nsfs files
* Make tuned work with mls policy
* Remove nsplugin_role from mozilla.if
* allow mon_procd_t self:cap_userns sys_ptrace
* Allow pdns name_bind and name_connect all ports
* Set the MLS range of fsdaemon_t to s0 - mls_systemhigh
* ci: Move to actions/checkoutAATTv3 version
* .copr: Replace chown call with standard workflow setting
* .copr: Enable `set -u` for robustness
* .copr: Simplify root directory variable
* Allow rhsmcertd dbus chat with policykit
* Allow polkitd execute pkla-check-authorization with nnp transition
* Allow user_u and staff_u get attributes of non-security dirs
* Allow unconfined user filetrans chrome_sandbox_home_t
* Allow svnserve execute postdrop with a transition
* Do not make postfix_postdrop_t type an MTA executable file
* Allow samba-dcerpc service manage samba tmp files
* Add use_nfs_home_dirs boolean for mozilla_plugin
* Fix labeling for no-stub-resolv.conf
* Revert \"Allow winbind-rpcd use its private tmp files\"
* Allow upsmon execute upsmon via a helper script
* Allow openconnect vpn read/write inherited vhost net device
* Allow winbind-rpcd use its private tmp files
* Update samba-dcerpc policy for printing
* Allow gpsd,oddjob,oddjob_mkhomedir rw user domain pty
* Allow nscd watch system db dirs
* Allow qatlib to read sssd public files
* Allow fedora-third-party read /sys and proc
* Allow systemd-gpt-generator mount a tmpfs filesystem
* Allow journald write to cgroup files
* Allow rpc.mountd read network sysctls
* Allow blueman read the contents of the sysfs filesystem
* Allow logrotate_t to map generic files in /etc
* Boolean: Allow virt_qemu_ga create ssh directory
* Allow systemd-network-generator send system log messages
* Dontaudit the execute permission on sock_file globally
* Allow fsadm_t the file mounton permission
* Allow named and ndc the io_uring sqpoll permission
* Allow sssd io_uring sqpoll permission
* Fix location for /run/nsd
* Allow qemu-ga get fixed disk devices attributes
* Update bitlbee policy
* Label /usr/sbin/sos with sosreport_exec_t
* Update policy for the sblim-sfcb service
* Add the files_getattr_non_auth_dirs() interface
* Fix the CI to work with DNF5
* Make systemd_tmpfiles_t MLS trusted for lowering the level of files
* Revert \"Allow insights client map cache_home_t\"
* Allow nfsidmapd connect to systemd-machined over a unix socket
* Allow snapperd connect to kernel over a unix domain stream socket
* Allow virt_qemu_ga_t create .ssh dir with correct label
* Allow targetd read network sysctls
* Set the abrt_handle_event boolean to on
* Permit kernel_t to change the user identity in object contexts
* Allow insights client map cache_home_t
* Label /usr/sbin/mariadbd with mysqld_exec_t
* Allow httpd tcp connect to redis port conditionally
* Label only /usr/sbin/ripd and ripngd with zebra_exec_t
* Dontaudit aide the execmem permission
* Remove permissive from fdo
* Allow sa-update manage spamc home files
* Allow sa-update connect to systemlog services
* Label /usr/lib/systemd/system/mimedefang.service with antivirus_unit_file_t
* Allow nsd_crond_t write nsd_var_run_t & connectto nsd_t
* Allow bootupd search EFI directory
* Change init_audit_control default value to true
* Allow nfsidmapd connect to systemd-userdbd with a unix socket
* Add the qatlib module
* Add the fdo module
* Add the bootupd module
* Set default ports for keylime policy
* Create policy for qatlib
* Add policy for FIDO Device Onboard
* Add policy for bootupd
* Add support for kafs-dns requested by keyutils
* Allow insights-client execmem
* Add support for chronyd-restricted
* Add init_explicit_domain() interface
* Allow fsadm_t to get attributes of cgroup filesystems
* Add list_dir_perms to kerberos_read_keytab
* Label /var/run/tmpfiles.d/static-nodes.conf with kmod_var_run_t
* Allow sendmail manage its runtime files
* Thu Oct 12 2023 Update to version 20231012:
* Allow sssd_t watch permission to net_conf_t dirs (bsc#1216052)
* Revert fix for bsc#1205770 since it causes a regression for bsc#1214887
* Wed Oct 04 2023 Johannes Segitz - Use /var/adm/update-scripts in macros.selinux-policy. The rpm state directory doesn\'t exist on SUSE systems (bsc#1213593)
* Tue Sep 19 2023 Johannes Segitz - Modified to require first parameter \"full\" to also update container-selinux. For maintenance updates you usually don\'t want it to be updated
* Fri Jul 28 2023 Update to version 20230728:
* Allow kdump_t to manage symlinks under kdump_var_lib_t (bsc#1213721)
* allow haveged to manage tmpfs directories (bsc#1213594)
* Thu Jun 22 2023 Update to version 20230622:
* Allow keyutils_dns_resolver_exec_t be an entrypoint
* Allow collectd_t read network state symlinks
* Revert \"Allow collectd_t read proc_net link files\"
* Allow nfsd_t to list exports_t dirs
* Allow cupsd dbus chat with xdm
* Allow haproxy read hardware state information
* Label /dev/userfaultfd with userfaultfd_t
* Allow blueman send general signals to unprivileged user domains
* Allow dkim-milter domain transition to sendmail
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Update to version 20230425:
* Remove unneeded manage_dirs_pattern for lastlog_t (bsc#1210461)
* Add policy for wtmpdb (bsc#1210717)
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Update to version 20230425:
* Add support for lastlog2 (bsc#1210461)
* allow the chrony client to use unallocated ttys (bsc#1210672)
* Thu Apr 20 2023 Update to version 20230420:
* libzypp creates temporary files in /var/adm/mount. Label it with rpm_var_cache_t to prevent wrong labels in /var/cache/zypp
* only use rsync_exec_t for the rsync server, not for the client (bsc#1209890)
* properly label sshd-gen-keys-start to ensure ssh host keys have proper labels after creation
* Allow dovecot-deliver write to the main process runtime fifo files
* Allow dmidecode write to cloud-init tmp files
* Allow chronyd send a message to cloud-init over a datagram socket
* Allow cloud-init domain transition to insights-client domain
* Allow mongodb read filesystem sysctls
* Allow mongodb read network sysctls
* Allow accounts-daemon read generic systemd unit lnk files
* Allow blueman watch generic device dirs
* Allow nm-dispatcher tlp plugin create tlp dirs
* Allow systemd-coredump mounton /usr
* Allow rabbitmq to read network sysctls
* Allow certmonger dbus chat with the cron system domain
* Allow geoclue read network sysctls
* Allow geoclue watch the /etc directory
* Allow logwatch_mail_t read network sysctls
* allow systemd_resolved_t to bind to all nodes (bsc#1200182)
* Allow insights-client read all sysctls
* Allow passt manage qemu pid sock files
* Allow sssd read accountsd fifo files
* Add support for the passt_t domain
* Allow virtd_t and svirt_t work with passt
* Add new interfaces in the virt module
* Add passt interfaces defined conditionally
* Allow tshark the setsched capability
* Allow poweroff create connections to system dbus
* Allow wg load kernel modules, search debugfs dir
* Boolean: allow qemu-ga manage ssh home directory
* Label smtpd with sendmail_exec_t
* Label msmtp and msmtpd with sendmail_exec_t
* Allow dovecot to map files in /var/spool/dovecot
* Confine gnome-initial-setup
* Allow qemu-guest-agent create and use vsock socket
* Allow login_pgm setcap permission
* Allow chronyc read network sysctls
* Enhancement of the /usr/sbin/request-key helper policy
* Fix opencryptoki file names in /dev/shm
* Allow system_cronjob_t transition to rpm_script_t
* Revert \"Allow system_cronjob_t domtrans to rpm_script_t\"
* Add tunable to allow squid bind snmp port
* Allow staff_t getattr init pid chr & blk files and read krb5
* Allow firewalld to rw z90crypt device
* Allow httpd work with tokens in /dev/shm
* Allow svirt to map svirt_image_t char files
* Allow sysadm_t run initrc_t script and sysadm_r role access
* Allow insights-client manage fsadm pid files
* Allowing snapper to create snapshots of /home/ subvolume/partition
* Add boolean qemu-ga to run unconfined script
* Label systemd-journald feature LogNamespace
* Add none file context for polyinstantiated tmp dirs
* Allow certmonger read the contents of the sysfs filesystem
* Add journalctl the sys_resource capability
* Allow nm-dispatcher plugins read generic files in /proc
* Tue Mar 28 2023 Hu - Add script to make debugging without committing easier
* Tue Mar 21 2023 Update to version 20230321:
* make kernel_t unconfined again
* Thu Mar 16 2023 Update to version 20230316:
* prevent labeling of overlayfs filesystems based on the /var/lib/overlay path
* allow kernel_t to relabel etc_t files
* allow kernel_t to relabel sysnet config files
* allow kernel_t to relabel systemd hwdb etc files
* add systemd_hwdb_relabel_etc_files to allow labeling of hwdb files
* change sysnet_relabelto_net_conf and sysnet_relabelfrom_net_conf to apply to files and lnk_files. lnk_files are commonly used in SUSE to allow easy management of config files
* add files_relabel_etc_files_basic and files_relabel_etc_lnk_files_basic interfaces to allow labeling on etc_t, not on the broader configfiles attribute
* Allow systemd-timesyncd to bind to generic UDP ports (bsc#1207962). The watch permissions reported are already fixed in a current policy.- Reinstate and remove container-selinux from the service. Having both repos in there causes issues and makes the update process easier in general. Updated README.Update
* Tue Mar 07 2023 Johannes Segitz - Remove erroneous SUSE man page. Will not be created with the 3.5 toolchain
* Tue Feb 14 2023 Hu - Complete packaging rework: Move policy to git repository and only use tar_scm obs service to refresh from there: Please use `osc service manualrun` to update this OBS package to the newest git version.
* Added README.Update describing how to update this package
* Added _service file that pulls from selinux-policy and upstream container-selinux and tars them
* Adapted selinux-policy.spec to build selinux-policy with container-selinux
* Removed as no longer needed
* Removed suse specific modules as they are now covered by git commits
* packagekit.te packagekit.if packagekit.fc
* rebootmgr.te rebootmgr.if rebootmgr.fc
* rtorrent.te rtorrent.if rtorrent.fc
* wicked.te wicked.if wicked.fc
* Removed
*.patch as they are now covered by git commits:
* distro_suse_to_distro_redhat.patch
* dontaudit_interface_kmod_tmpfs.patch
* fix_accountsd.patch
* fix_alsa.patch
* fix_apache.patch
* fix_auditd.patch
* fix_authlogin.patch
* fix_automount.patch
* fix_bitlbee.patch
* fix_chronyd.patch
* fix_cloudform.patch
* fix_colord.patch
* fix_corecommand.patch
* fix_cron.patch
* fix_dbus.patch
* fix_djbdns.patch
* fix_dnsmasq.patch
* fix_dovecot.patch
* fix_entropyd.patch
* fix_firewalld.patch
* fix_fwupd.patch
* fix_geoclue.patch
* fix_hypervkvp.patch
* fix_init.patch
* fix_ipsec.patch
* fix_iptables.patch
* fix_irqbalance.patch
* fix_java.patch
* fix_kernel.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_libraries.patch
* fix_locallogin.patch
* fix_logging.patch
* fix_logrotate.patch
* fix_mcelog.patch
* fix_miscfiles.patch
* fix_nagios.patch
* fix_networkmanager.patch
* fix_nis.patch
* fix_nscd.patch
* fix_ntp.patch
* fix_openvpn.patch
* fix_postfix.patch
* fix_rpm.patch
* fix_rtkit.patch
* fix_screen.patch
* fix_selinuxutil.patch
* fix_sendmail.patch
* fix_smartmon.patch
* fix_snapper.patch
* fix_sslh.patch
* fix_sysnetwork.patch
* fix_systemd.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* fix_thunderbird.patch
* fix_unconfined.patch
* fix_unconfineduser.patch
* fix_unprivuser.patch
* fix_userdomain.patch
* fix_usermanage.patch
* fix_wine.patch
* fix_xserver.patch
* sedoctool.patch
* systemd_domain_dyntrans_type.patch
* Mon Feb 06 2023 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20230206. Refreshed:
* fix_entropyd.patch
* fix_networkmanager.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* fix_unconfineduser.patch- Updated fix_kernel.patch to allow kernel_t access to xdm state. This is necessary as plymouth doesn\'t run in it\'s own domain in early boot
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20230125. Refreshed:
* distro_suse_to_distro_redhat.patch
* fix_dnsmasq.patch
* fix_init.patch
* fix_ipsec.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_logging.patch
* fix_rpm.patch
* fix_selinuxutil.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* fix_userdomain.patch- More flexible lib(exec) matching in fix_fwupd.patch- Removed sys_admin for systemd_gpt_generator_t in fix_systemd.patch- Dropped fix_container.patch, is now upstream- Added fix_entropyd.patch
* Added new interface entropyd_semaphore_filetrans to properly transfer semaphore created during early boot. That doesn\'t work yet, so work around with next item
* Allow reading tempfs files- Added fix_kernel.patch. Added modutils_execute_kmod_tmpfs_files interace to allow kmod_tmpfs_t files to be executed. Necessary for firewalld- Added fix_rtkit.patch to fix labeling of binary- Modified fix_ntp.patch:
* Proper labeling for start-ntpd
* Fixed label rules for chroot path
* Temporarily allow dac_override for ntpd_t (bsc#1207577)
* Add interface ntp_manage_pid_files to allow management of pid files- Updated fix_networkmanager.patch to allow managing ntp pid files
* Thu Jan 12 2023 Johannes Segitz - Update fix_container.patch to allow privileged containers to use localectl (bsc#1207077)
* Wed Jan 11 2023 Johannes Segitz - Add fix_container.patch to allow privileged containers to use timedatectl (bsc#1207054)
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Hu - Added fix_ipsec.patch: Allow AF_ALG socket creation for strongswan (bnc#1206445)
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Hu - Added policy for wicked scripts under /etc/sysconfig/network/scripts (bnc#1205770)
* Wed Dec 14 2022 Johannes Segitz - Add fix_sendmail.patch
* fix context of custom sendmail startup helper
* fix context of /var/run/sendmail and add necessary rules to manage content in there
* Tue Dec 13 2022 Johannes Segitz - Updated fix_networkmanager.patch to fixe labeling of nm-dispatcher and nm-priv-helper until the packaging is adjusted (bsc#1206355)- Update fix_chronyd.patch to allow sendto towards NetworkManager_dispatcher_custom_t. Added new interface networkmanager_dispatcher_custom_dgram_send for this (bsc#1206357)- Update fix_dbus.patch to allow dbus to watch lib directories (bsc#1205895)
* Tue Dec 06 2022 Johannes Segitz - Updated fix_networkmanager.patch to allow NetworkManager to watch net_conf_t (bsc#1206109)
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Filippo Bonazzi - Add fix_irqbalance.patch: support netlink socket operations (bsc#1205434)
* Wed Nov 30 2022 Filippo Bonazzi - Drop fix_irqbalance.patch: superseded by upstream
* Thu Nov 24 2022 Hu - fix_sysnetwork.patch: firewalld uses /etc/sysconfig/network/ for network interface definition instead of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/, modified sysnetwork.fc to reflect that (bsc#1205580).
* Wed Oct 19 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20221019. Refreshed:
* distro_suse_to_distro_redhat.patch
* fix_apache.patch
* fix_chronyd.patch
* fix_cron.patch
* fix_init.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_networkmanager.patch
* fix_rpm.patch
* fix_sysnetwork.patch
* fix_systemd.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* fix_unconfined.patch
* fix_unconfineduser.patch
* fix_unprivuser.patch
* fix_xserver.patch- Dropped fix_cockpit.patch as this is now packaged with cockpit itself- Remove the ipa module, freeip ships their own module- Added fix_alsa.patch to allow reading of config files in home directories- Extended fix_networkmanager.patch and fix_postfix.patch to account for SUSE systems- Added dontaudit_interface_kmod_tmpfs.patch to prevent AVCs when startproc queries the running processes- Updated fix_snapper.patch to allow snapper to talk to rpm via dbus
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Johannes Segitz - Updated quilt couldn\'t unpack tarball. This will cause ongoing issues so drop the sed statement in the %prep section and add distro_suse_to_distro_redhat.patch to add the necessary changes via a patch
* Thu Sep 29 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update fix_networkmanager.patch to ensure NetworkManager chrony dispatcher is properly labled and update fix_chronyd.patch to ensure chrony helper script has proper label to be used by NetworkManager. Also allow NetworkManager_dispatcher_custom_t to query systemd status (bsc#1203824)
* Tue Sep 27 2022 Filippo Bonazzi - Update fix_xserver.patch to add greetd support (bsc#1198559)
* Mon Sep 12 2022 Johannes Segitz - Revamped rtorrent module
* Fri Aug 26 2022 Thorsten Kukuk - Move SUSE directory from manual page section to html docu
* Wed Jul 27 2022 Hu - fix_networkmanager.patch: Allow NetworkManager_dispatcher_tlp_t and NetworkManager_dispatcher_custom_t to access nscd socket (bsc#1201741)
* Tue Jul 26 2022 Zdenek Kubala - Add fix_cloudform.patch to fix cloud-init runcmd issue with snapper (bnc#1201015)
* Thu Jul 14 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20220714. Refreshed:
* fix_init.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* Wed Jul 13 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update fix_systemd.patch to add cap sys_admin and kernel_dgram_send for systemd_gpt_generator_t (bsc#1200911)
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Johannes Segitz - postfix: Label PID files and some helpers correctly (bsc#1197242)
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Johannes Segitz - Add fix_userdomain.patch to dontaudit UDP rpc ports (bsc#1193984)
* Fri Jun 24 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20220624. Refreshed:
* fix_init.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_logging.patch
* fix_networkmanager.patch
* fix_unprivuser.patch Dropped fix_hadoop.patch, not necessary anymore
* Updated fix_locallogin.patch to allow accesses for nss-systemd (bsc#1199630)
* Fri May 20 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20220520 to pass stricter 3.4 toolchain checks
* Fri May 20 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20220428. Refreshed:
* fix_apache.patch
* fix_hadoop.patch
* fix_init.patch
* fix_iptables.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_networkmanager.patch
* fix_systemd.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch
* fix_unprivuser.patch
* fix_usermanage.patch
* fix_wine.patch
* Thu May 19 2022 Johannes Segitz - Add fix_dnsmasq.patch to fix problems with virtualization on Microos (bsc#1199518)
* Tue May 03 2022 Johannes Segitz - Modified fix_init.patch to allow init to setup contrained environment for accountsservice. This needs a better, more general solution (bsc#1197610)
* Mon May 02 2022 Johannes Segitz - Add systemd_domain_dyntrans_type.patch to allow systemd to dyntransition. This happens in certain boot conditions (bsc#1182500)- Changed fix_unconfineduser.patch to not transition into ldconfig_t from unconfined_t (bsc#1197169)
* Thu Feb 17 2022 Klaus Kämpf - use %license tag for COPYING file
* Thu Feb 10 2022 Johannes Segitz - Updated fix_cron.patch. Adjust labeling for at (bsc#1195683)
* Wed Feb 09 2022 Filippo Bonazzi - Fix bitlbee runtime directory (bsc#1193230)
* add fix_bitlbee.patch
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Johannes Segitz - Update to version 20220124. Refreshed:
* fix_hadoop.patch
* fix_init.patch
* fix_kernel_sysctl.patch
* fix_systemd.patch
* fix_systemd_watch.patch- Added fix_hypervkvp.patch to fix issues with hyperv labeling (bsc#1193987)
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Johannes Segitz - Allow colord to use systemd hardenings (bsc#1194631)