Changelog for xsnow-3.8.3-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Feb 23 2025 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.8.3:
* with the exception of xdo.c: make \'gcc-14 -fanalyzer -O2 -Wno-analyzer-imprecise-fp-arithmetic\' happy- Changes in version 3.8.2
* po/Makevars: disable changing .po and/or .pot files by po/
* Add flag --mode=\"a+rwX\" to tar replacement to get reproducible build.
* snow.c: fix a real bug: first EraseSnowFlake1(flake) and then DelFlake(flake), and not the other way around.
* main.c: do not printf() in sighandler
* Fri Dec 20 2024 Andrea Manzini - Update to version 3.8.1: 01: xpm2cairo-gdk.c: use xpm2gdk() as replacement for deprecated gdk_pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(). 02: ui.c: clicking on a tab in the headerbar triggers a call to WriteFlags(). 03: main.c: Activation of WriteFlags now via do_write_flags() callback, which checks the value of global.time_to_write_flags.- Update to version 3.8.0: 01: add warning if msgmerge is not found. In that case, no \'make dist\' or \'xsnow -selfrep\' is possible. data/ make it conform \"appstreamcli validate\" xdo_search.c:37: Correct call to calloc, parameters were switched 02: Add tests: xsnow running in Xvfb, use xdotool to click buttons. Output screen locations of buttons to ~/.xsnowrc. main.c: Use SIGUSR1 to force rewrite of ~/.xsnowrc. This does not work in Debian\'s autopkgtest :-(. make check only in src/ src/{xdo.c,xdo.h,clientwin.c,clientwin.h,dsimple.c,dsimple.h, kdtree.c,kdtree.h,xdo_version.h,xdo_util.h,xdo_version.h} : remove GPL 3 license: these files had already an own license. src/xdo.c, remove dependency for libxkbcommon.
* Sat May 11 2024 jun wang - Update to version 3.7.9 + changes from 3.7.9
* make gui not-resizable to prevent wrong reported size when user tries to change size.
* windows.c, main.c, xsnow.h: when window is moved or resized, convert fallensnow into flakes. Look for global.DoCapella.
* change color pickers (snow, birds, vintage tree) to standard, the fancy color editor is still available using the \'+\' button.
* main.c: take care that while changing OffsetY, fallensnow is not converted to flakes. snow.h, main.c: use macro DOCAPELLA for setting default.
* meteor.c: better simulation of meteors.
* generate flakes if window is minimized.
* snow.c and others: optional: 2 snow colors, pofiles/: add translations for 2 snow colors.
* src/ specify dependencies of makeman.
* adaptations for FreeBSD: - use sh in stead of bash in bootstrap - adapt sed calls to FreeBSD\'s sed - remove src/safe_malloc.c, adapt src/safe_malloc.h, safe_malloc.c was not used anyway
* use tmpfile=\"tmpfile\" in stead of `mktemp`
* src/ minor: avoid $< because of FreeBSD\'s make + changes from 3.7.8
* src/ fix bug related with which caused --disable-selfrep not working + changes from 3.7.7
* enable cross compiling
* fix minor issue: version in man page
* Wed Dec 06 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.7.6
* correct spelling error in ChangeLog, adapt for debian sid
* Sun Sep 24 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.7.5
* data/ add \'Simulation\' to categories
* main.c: make \'settings->lift snow on bottom\', -offsets working it appears that xdo_search uses the name argument as a regular expression, so use ^pcmanfm$ and ^Desktop$.- Drop xsnow-desktop_file.patch, fixed upstream
* Thu Apr 27 2023 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.7.4
* utils.c: fix bug in using xdo_search_windows(): the search parameter must be filled in completely (probably bug in xdo_search_windows)
* flags.c, docs.c: add flags --root and --window-id same as - root and -window-id for usage under xscreensaver
* main.c: do_display_dimensions: put fflush() and return in proper order
* remove prevent-remakes
* utils.c: use memset to initialize xdo_search_t search
* bootstrap: rm -f po/
*.gmo po/
* bootstrap: get rid of Makevars.template
* Complete changelog see: Rebase xsnow-bindir.patch- Add language package, introduced in version 3.7.0
* Wed Apr 26 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Resolve \"xorg-x11-devel\" indirect BuildRequires to pkgconfig(...)
* Sun Dec 11 2022 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.6.0
* implement xinerama-awareness
* implement -outline
* introduce usage of libxdo, make it g++ compliant, fix some non-fatal issues
* fallensnow.c: fix bug that causes crash when snowing on a window less than 10 pixels width
* birds.c: fix bug that caused a hang when using -doublebuffer 0
* docs.c: update window manager/desktop issues
* main.c: print info when snow window changes size
* chack for availability of gsl_interp_steffen, gsl_interp_akima, gsl_interp_cspline and gsl_interp_linear
* utils.c: somewhat nicer print-out of version- Rebase xsnow-desktop_file.patch
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Carsten Ziepke - Update to version 3.5.3
* main.c: drawit(): do now draw the first second or so to hide unstable configurations of scenery, stars, etc. fallensnow.c, birds.c, aurora.c: make them C++ compliant by rewriting goto and typecast pointer assignment meteor.c: rewrite goto santa.c: continue Santa animation, irrespective of His speed fallensnow.c: paint fallensnow one pixel higher fallensnow.c: generate more snow when Santa is ploughing
* loadmeasure.c: maximum 5 warnings about to busy system
* doit.h: change defaults for aurora_width/height to 60/30- Changes in 3.5.2
* fallensnow.c: draw fallensnow only on regions where fallensnow is present, to prevent a continuously present line on regions where there is no fallensnow (yet)
* main.c: when user changes offsety, call UpdateFallenSnowRegionsWithLock() in stead of UpdateFallenSnowRegions(). fallensnow.c: on change of MaxScrSnowDepth, call SetMaxScreenSnowDepthWithLock() in stead of SetMaxScreenSnowDepth(). snow.c: set fallensnow lock when examining fallensnow regions thus preventing prevents random crashes fallensnow.h a.o: create and use macros for semaphores to facilitate debugging- Changes in 3.5.1
* reproducible build is now complete, it seems, also when building outside the xsnow-tree
* aurora.c, spline_interpol.c: use steffen\'s method for splines aurora.c: small correction in determining the points to evaluate the splne at
* spline_interpol.{h,c}, aurora.c: use macro SPLINE_INTERP to choose for spline type (steffen, cspline)
* change some meteor code: other call-back logic, other names for variables (meteorite -> meteor)
* change filenames meteo.c, meteo.h into meteor.c, meteor.h change flags -meteorites, -nometeorites into -meteors, -nometeors meteor.c: some minor changes, including different colors
* snow.c: do_UpdateSnowFlake(): fix non-fatal bug in updating horizontal speed of flakes
* xsnow.c, snow.c: change some parameters for a more dramatic dependency from wind on flakes flag \'auroraheight\' is now height of aurora flag \'aurorabase\' determines the vertical placement of the aurora
* fallensnow.c, treesnow.c: use random flake for blowoff snow fallensnow.c: change initial velocity and position of blowoff snow
* fallensnow.c: use spline for desh shape of bottom fallensnow main.c: correct non-fatal bug in using srand48() for 32 bit systems snow.c: correct not-fatal bug: compare acth[] with desh[] in stead of h xsnow.h: change time_change_bottom to 10 minutes
* use splines to paint fallensnow
* try pthreads for computing fallensnow
* finish pthreads for fallensnow
* aurora.c: do not use mutexes, use semaphores fix bug that caused creation of new threads after resizing of corona
* fallensnow.c: use splines for fallensnow also on windows
* birds.c: make birds multithreading
* fallensnow.c, utils.{c,h}: check on availability of traceback() fallensnow.h: threads.h -> pthread.h
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 3.5.0
* add aurora
* randomize starting theta and alpha of aurora
* optimized determining of fuzz somewhat
* main.c: initialize global.NewWind to 100.0
* moon.c: randomize starting position from moon
* ixpm.c: correct two non fatal errors
* fallensnow.c: do not call XClearArea when double buffer is used.- Update to version 3.4.4
* birds.c: attraction point goes now from 0.1..0.9 of the horizontal dimension of the screen
* main.c: add some fflush(stdout)
* birds.c: take care that AttrSpace is always honored from the beginning- Update to version 3.4.3
* main.c, ui.c, flags,c, doit.h: solve bug concerning the flag -above
* main.c: fix bug: Xsnow in TWM did start in non-existing window.
* utils.c: add some randomness to add_to_mainloop
* implement -attrspace, including button and man page if Santa is not shown, let Him run anyway, so \'Follow Santa\' has effect- Drop upstream fixed reproducible.patch- Rebased xsnow-bindir.patch
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Bernhard Wiedemann - Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)- disable selfrep to avoid embedding a non-deterministic tarball