Changelog for maven-doxia-javadoc-2.0.0-150200.4.18.11.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Oct 03 2024 Upgrade to upstream version 2.0.0
* Sub-task + DOXIA-599: Replace element\'s name attribute with id attribute + DOXIA-668: Remove all obsolete attributes in HTML5 + DOXIA-672: Parse id attribute only on elements by default + DOXIA-674: Replace table border handling with new CSS class + DOXIA-675: Replace table alignment attributes with CSS styles
* Bug + DOXIA-590: Either provided element class or default class gets ignored + DOXIA-598: Generated XHTML5 content does not pass W3 HTML5 Validation Service + DOXIA-619: Sink.sectionTitle1() creates

instead of

+ DOXIA-641: AptParser throws exception if title is not present + DOXIA-649: Plexus to Sisu migration missed singleton annotation + DOXIA-662: Non unique IDs generated by IndexingSink + DOXIA-671: Double quotes contained in markdown page are removed in HTML output + DOXIA-689: Restore incorrectly removed (HTML5) attributes + DOXIA-690: Markdown Parser: Multiline metadata incorrectly rendered + DOXIA-691: APT: Emit multiple authors in separate meta tags + DOXIA-692: Markdown Sink: Incorrect escape characters + DOXIA-693: Markdown Sink: Incorrect ordered list item prefixes + DOXIA-694: Markdown Sink: Too many line separators + DOXIA-695: Support of h6 in xhtml output is broken + DOXIA-699: Xhtml5Parser may emit sectionX() without sectionX_() when using both and
+ DOXIA-704: style and class attributes not merged when user-supplied in XHTML5 sink + DOXIA-706: Sink.text(String, SinkEventAttributes) not properly supported by Xhtml5BaseSink + DOXIA-714: MarkdownSink: Fix table justification and figures + DOXIA-715: Sink.text(String, SinkEventAttributes) not properly supported by AptSink and MarkdownSink + DOXIA-724: Sink pipeline returned by AbstractParser.getWrappedSink(...) has wrong order + DOXIA-726: MarkdownSink: Incorrect escaping of <,>,\",\' and & + DOXIA-727: MarkdownSink: Incorrect escaping inside code spans + DOXIA-734: XHTML 1.0 elements/attributes which are obsolete in XHTML5 no longer detected by XdocParser/FmlParser + DOXIA-737: [REGRESSION] Making EmitAnchorsForIndexableEntries by default does not extract document titles anymore + DOXIA-740: Rendering Markdown silently truncates files that skip a heading level
* New Feature + DOXIA-569: Add Markdown Sink to be able to convert anything to Markdown + DOXIA-660: Add ability to hide table rows via CSS + DOXIA-722: Optionally create anchors for indexable entries (used in TOC macro)
* Improvement + DOXIA-617: doxia-module-markdown: Add support for --- header section marks + DOXIA-665: Add anchors around FML parts + DOXIA-667: Add and
to recognized tag list + DOXIA-669: Improve/rework CachedFileEntityResolver + DOXIA-676: Remove all obsolete elements in HTML5 and add new ones + DOXIA-679: Introduce Sink#tableRows(void) method + DOXIA-680: Don\'t wrap elements in anchors + DOXIA-684: replace flexmark-all dependency with core + only the used extensions + DOXIA-685: Replace SinkEventAttributes#BOXED with #SOURCE to clearly separate between regular verbatim and verbatim source (code) + DOXIA-687: Introduce Sink#verbatim(void) method + DOXIA-700: Streamline, update and simplify Doxia ID generation + DOXIA-709: Clarify usage of overlapping Sink methods + DOXIA-711: Introduce SinkWrapper with factory + DOXIA-716: Update and unify XMLReader creation and configuration + DOXIA-723: Optionally expose document location in Sink + DOXIA-728: MarkdownSink: Support blockquotes + DOXIA-731: Simplify HTML emitted from Sink.verbatim(...) + DOXIA-732: Do not fail for duplicate anchor names + DOXIA-738: Add Footnote extention for Markdown module + DOXIA-739: Disable source code highlighters for verbatim blocks for Markdown
* Task + DOXIA-534: Remove Doxia Logging API + DOXIA-630: Remove all deprecated modules + DOXIA-631: Remove all deprecated macros + DOXIA-632: Remove remaining deprecated code + DOXIA-633: Drop and replace usage of HttpComponents in Core + DOXIA-634: Drop and replace usage of Commons Lang in Core + DOXIA-635: Drop and replace usage of Commons IO in Markdown Module + DOXIA-638: Replace Plexus Container Default with Sisu Plexus Shim + DOXIA-643: Upgrade to Java 8 + DOXIA-644: Replace Plexus Annotations with Java Inject along with JUnit 5 + DOXIA-645: Clean up exceptions + DOXIA-650: Make MarkdownParser to be a text parser with text markup + DOXIA-652: Drop in favor of default + DOXIA-656: Make XHTML5 default implementation of HTML + DOXIA-657: Deprecate XHML(4) module + DOXIA-663: Remove deprecated XHTML module + DOXIA-666: Remove code duplication Xhtml5Sink + DOXIA-670: Drop dead XdocSink#link(String, String) method + DOXIA-673: Remove compat handling of absent Sink#tableRows() calls + DOXIA-678: Add missing elements in Xhtml5BaseParser + DOXIA-688: Remove empty alt attribute value on images which causes the browser not to render replacement icon + DOXIA-702: Fix dependency warnings in Markdown module + DOXIA-705: Remove remaining deprecated/duplicated code- Removed patch:
* 0002-Commons-configuration2.patch + The upstream version is already ported to commons-configuration2
* Sun Sep 29 2024 A runtime dependency needs to be resolved with %%mvn_install
* Mon Jun 10 2024 Use plexus-metadata-generator executable directly to simplify build classpath
* Tue Apr 02 2024 Add dependency on plexus-xml where relevant
* this will be needed for smooth upgrade to plexus-utils 4.0.0
* Wed Feb 21 2024 Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Tue Sep 26 2023 Added patch:
* 0002-Commons-configuration2.patch + port to commons-configuration2 in order to remove dependency on old commons-lang
* Sat Sep 23 2023 Upgrade to upstream version 1.12.0
* Changes + DOXIA-409: Upgrade to FOP 2.2 + DOXIA-497: Fix rendering links and paragraphs inside tables + DOXIA-584: Rewrite .md and .markdown links to .html + DOXIA-576 Upgrade HttpComponents: httpclient to 4.5.8 and httpcore to 4.4.11 + DOXIA-570: Escape links to xml based figureGraphics image elements + SECURITY: Use HTTPS to resolve dependencies in Maven Build + MNGSITE-393: remove old Maven 1 and 2 info + DOXIA-612: update commons-lang to 3.8.1 + DOXIA-610: Drop dependency to outdated Log4j + Fix Java 7 compatibility that was broken with DOXIA-616 + DOXIA-618: import tests from maven-site-plugin + DOXIA-609: Fixed crosslinks starting with a dot in markdown files + replace deprecated class from commons-lang + fill in some generic types- Removed patch:
* 0001-Fix-itext-dependency.patch + no need to patch a module that we disable
* Fri May 13 2022 Fix build with modello 2.0.0
* Tue Feb 22 2022 Do not build against the log4j12 packages
* Tue Feb 22 2022 Fix the version of the log4j that doxia-module-fo needs at runtime
* Tue May 11 2021 Do not build against the legacy guava20 any more
* Sat Mar 14 2020 Set obsoletes to make upgrades easier
* Wed Mar 11 2020 Update to upstream version 1.9.1- Removed patches:
* 0002-Update-to-Plexus-Container-1.5.5.patch
* 0003-Disable-tests-which-rely-on-ordering-in-set.patch
* 0004-Port-to-fop-2.0.patch + Not needed in this build any more
* Tue Oct 01 2019 Build against the compatibility package log4j12
* Thu Apr 04 2019 Trim marketing and filler wording from description.
* Thu Mar 28 2019 Initial packaging of maven-doxia 1.7- Generate and customize ant build files