Changelog for
tetex-IEEEtran-1.7.1-1.al3.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Sep 21 2007 Rick L Vinyard Jr
- 1.7.1-1- New upstream release 1.7a reversioned to 1.7.1 (missed 1.7.0 rel)- Changed download URL to generic CTAN- Don\'t need to move tux.eps for it to be included in docs - removed- Added changelog.txt to docs- Updated license to LPPL
* Mon Aug 28 2006 Rick L Vinyard Jr - 1.6.3-2- Bump release for mass rebuild
* Wed Jul 26 2006 Rick L Vinyard Jr - 1.6.3-1- Removed alpha character from version- Added lyx triggers provided by Rex Dieter- Removed notice for Lyx users- Did some minor cleanup of the sources
* Sat Jul 22 2006 Rick L Vinyard Jr - 1.6c-3- Added note to Lyx users in description
* Thu Jun 22 2006 Rick L Vinyard Jr - 1.6c-2- Changed License tag from Perl Artistic License to Artistic- Added IEEEtrantools to package- Put full URL into source
* Mon Jun 19 2006 Rick L Vinyard Jr - 1.6c-1- Initial release based on tetex-bytefield