Changelog for
libxslt-python-1.0.33-9.3.aur.1.i386.rpm :
* Mon Jan 12 2004 Aurox Team
0:1.0.33-9.3.aur.1- rebuild- new spec file- Another fix- Another macro added, number in spec changed- 1.0.33 Initial build for Aurox 9.2- macros added
* Sat Sep 13 2003 Daniel Veillard - upstream release 1.0.33 see this is a bugfix only release over libxslt-1.0.32, fixes bugs #120684, #119946, #120684, #120971, #119699, #114563 and #119862 2 of them could lead to a crash of the library
* Thu Oct 24 2002 Daniel Veillard - revamped the spec file, cleaned up some rpm building problems
* Thu Sep 05 2002 Daniel Veillard - library paths fixed for x86-64
* Fri Feb 08 2002 Daniel.Veillard - added the python module- changed the Licence to MIT
* Sat Nov 10 2001 Daniel.Veillard - cleaned up the specfile
* Mon Jan 22 2001 Daniel.Veillard - created based on libxml2 spec file