Changelog for anaconda-10.0-10.1.aur.4.i386.rpm :

* Tue Nov 16 2004 Aurox Team 0:10.0-10.1.aur.4- Final release.- Rebuild.- Major translation update.- Decrease the default CD size by 10 MiB to 690.- Bind mount /mnt/sysimage/dev (backport).- Update l10n, bump the release.- Merge back local changes to anaconda-9.2, install in Polish fixed.- Merge Aurox patches, 10.0-10.1.aur.1.- Merge upstream to anaconda-10.0-5.- full version, but with bootdisk creation turned off- patch for skipping bootdisk creator applied- variables added to produce anaconda for LWS and LDP editions easier- now we build anaconda for LWS- Update LVM interface.- Update moduleset (dm-mod).- Really apply patches this time.- More fixups needed.- Module dependencies right and some one-liners.- More 2.6 stuff (modules).- #include fixups due to new dietlibc- Remove modutils-devel dep.- Rework module loading for 2.6.- More 2.6 compat fixes- Mount /sys.- update single CD patch (games are back, update Polish and German translations)- rebuild for single CD KDE edition- rebuild with LDP patches- while building installer, use new names of the
* packages- ask for language used - before testing CD- now really apply the release file patch- fix warning message displayed during Aurox upgrade- remove .svn dirs- rebuild for full (non-ldp) release- fix mismatch in CD required message (Polish trnaslation)- remove emacs from Workstation class: we are not shipping emacs with LDP edition- really apply the ideCdList patch- build for Linux4Beginners edition: remove server class- add function returning list of IDE CD drives for booty- GUI and package selection fixes- remove unnecessary files from bootdisk _before_ copying kernel- fix building and more untranslated messages- add time zones to the pot- fix one untranslated string \"configuration...\"- update Polish translation- use splash image on images greater than 1445 only- update strings regarding Red Hat Linux- update Polish translation- fix building installer; add default language settings; replace some of the \'Red Hat\' strings with Aurox- recognize aurox-release; upgrade from both RHL, Fedora and Aurox- fix Polish language in lang-table
* Sat May 01 2004 Jeremy Katz - Update description, remove prereq on stuff that was only needed for reconfig mode
* Tue Feb 24 2004 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire libselinux-devel
* Thu Nov 06 2003 Jeremy Katz - require booty (#109272)
* Wed Oct 09 2002 Jeremy Katz - back to mainstream rpm instead of rpm404
* Tue Sep 10 2002 Jeremy Katz - can\'t buildrequire dietlibc and kernel-pcmcia-cs since they don\'t always exist
* Thu Aug 22 2002 Jeremy Katz - added URL
* Fri May 24 2002 Jeremy Katz - add require and buildrequire on rhpl
* Wed Apr 03 2002 Michael Fulbright - added some more docs
* Fri Feb 22 2002 Jeremy Katz - buildrequire kernel-pcmcia-cs as we\'ve sucked the libs the loader needs to there now
* Thu Feb 07 2002 Michael Fulbright - goodbye reconfig
* Thu Jan 31 2002 Jeremy Katz - update the BuildRequires a bit
* Fri Jan 04 2002 Jeremy Katz - ddcprobe is now done from kudzu
* Thu Jul 19 2001 Jeremy Katz - own /usr/lib/anaconda and /usr/share/anaconda
* Fri Jan 12 2001 Matt Wilson - sync text with specspo
* Fri Aug 11 2000 Matt Wilson - build on alpha again now that I\'ve fixed the stubs
* Thu Aug 10 2000 Michael Fulbright - new build
* Sat Aug 05 2000 Florian La Roche - allow also subvendorid and subdeviceid in trimpcitable
* Sat Jul 15 2000 Matt Wilson - moved init script for reconfig mode to /etc/init.d/reconfig- move the initscript back to /etc/rc.d/init.d- Prereq: /etc/init.d
* Thu Feb 03 2000 Michael Fulbright - strip files- add lang-table to file list
* Wed Jan 05 2000 Michael Fulbright - added requirement for rpm-python
* Mon Dec 06 1999 Michael Fulbright - rename to \'anaconda\' instead of \'anaconda-reconfig\'
* Fri Dec 03 1999 Michael Fulbright - remove ddcprobe since we don\'t do X configuration in reconfig now
* Tue Nov 30 1999 Michael Fulbright - first try at packaging reconfiguration tool