Changelog for memtest86-3.0-3.i386.rpm :

* Wed Oct 22 2003 Mike A. Harris 3.0-3- Pedantic spec file cleanups - s/Copyright/License/ and use _libdir instead of /usr/lib everywhere (even though it\'s currently x86 only)
* Wed Oct 22 2003 Jeremy Katz 3.0-2- fix perms (#107610)- doesn\'t really require dev86 to build
* Tue Jul 22 2003 Michael Fulbright - initial integration into distribution. Removed the scripts to install a entry in the boot loader for memtest for the moment, and relocated to under /usr/lib.
* Fri Apr 18 2003 Joe Szep - rebuilt for Doolittle final
* Mon Feb 03 2003 Matthew Miller - rebuild for doolittle- patches to make build -- new gcc growing pains, I guess
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Matthew Miller - added grubby stuff
* Wed Jul 31 2002 Dave Heistand - updated source to v 3
* Thu Mar 07 2002 Dave Heistand - updated source to 2.9, also changed setup -n- to use 3.0.
* Thu Nov 01 2001 Matthew Miller - v 2.8a- removed lilo-configuring scripts. need to figure out the best way to work with grub and RH 7.2 / BU Linux 2.5- group -> System Environment/Base
* Tue Aug 21 2001 Matthew Miller - v 2.7
* Wed Feb 14 2001 Matthew Miller - v 2.5
* Sat Oct 07 2000 Matthew Miller - v 2.4
* Thu Mar 23 2000 Matthew Miller - changed so that lilo.conf isn\'t written if it already exists. This is important if you\'re including memtest86 in a distribution- GPG key available from - changed name of lilo.conf backup file to something less likely to conflict with other backups
* Wed Mar 01 2000 Matthew Miller - Updated to version 2.2- Cosmetic changes to spec file- updated Source: to reflect actual author\'s url
* Fri Dec 25 1998 Peter Soos - Corrected the file attributes
* Tue Aug 18 1998 Peter Soos - Moved to 1.4a
* Tue Jun 23 1998 Peter Soos - Moved to 1.4
* Wed Dec 31 1997 Peter Soos - Initial version