Changelog for silc-client-1.0.2-1mdk.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Apr 19 2005 Tibor Pittich 1.0.2-1mdk- 1.0.2
* Sun Nov 21 2004 Abel Cheung 1.0.1-6mdk- Fix BuildRequires
* Mon Nov 15 2004 Michael Scherer 1.0.1-5mdk- Rebuild for new perl
* Wed Oct 27 2004 Abel Cheung 1.0.1-4mdk- Conflicts with irssi
* Mon Oct 25 2004 Abel Cheung 1.0.1-3mdk- Redo spec file, to fix install issues- Don\'t distribute any library, because this is the job of silc-toolkit; The library inside silc-client is older (despite having larger library major number and newer version number!)- Link against gmp and glib2- Patch0: Ugly fix for proper detection of glib2- Merge perl stuff back to main client package, they are quite essential for proper usage of client (which is actually Irssi)
* Wed Jan 14 2004 Tibor Pittich 1.0.1-2mdk- fixed glib BuildRequires
* Wed Jan 14 2004 Tibor Pittich 1.0.1-1mdk- new bugfix release- removed libtool hara-kiri
* Fri Nov 28 2003 Tibor Pittich 1.0-1mdk- yes, yes; this is finally version 1.0 :)- there is temporary fix for libtool problem, thanks to c0ffee
* Tue Nov 18 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.16-1mdk- new bugfix release- update Source link
* Fri Oct 31 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.15-1mdk- new version
* Sun Oct 26 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.14-1mdk- new version
* Thu Oct 16 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.13-1mdk- new version- removed mandir patch
* Wed Sep 24 2003 Lenny Cartier Patch1 is now Patch0- regenerate Patch1 which is Patch0 (you listening ?)
* Sun Apr 27 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.12-3mdk- add missing dir into files section (mr. distlint)
* Sat Apr 26 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.12-2mdk- fixed Requires and Builrequires section (thnx. to Stefan\'s robot)- cleanup spec file (remove old non-mdk-contrib records)- fixed permissions of source files- add mklibname macro into definition of libname and libclient
* Tue Mar 18 2003 Tibor Pittich 0.9.12-1mdk- 0.9.12 - bugfix release - Fixed RESOLVING flag handling in JOIN notify - Fixed incorrect connection deletion- mandir patch synced with cvs
* Fri Jan 10 2003 Lenny Cartier 0.9.11-1mdk- 0.9.11
* Mon Dec 30 2002 Olivier Thauvin fix install of lib and perl module- By Tibor Pittich - SILC protocol version 1.2 - add mandir dirty patch (thanks to johnny) - provide this hot package, because silc protocol changed, and it is incompatibille with old silc-client ..
* Sun Nov 17 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.8-3mdk- add _silclibdir in libsilcclient requires libsilc- split perl module into silc-perl- silc-perl conflicts with irssi- remove _silclibdir/perl5 (seems to be unused)
* Wed Nov 13 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.8-2mdk- Add missing lib- split into libsilc, libsilc-client
* Sun Nov 10 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.8-1mdk- By Tibor Pittich - new version - a lots of fixes and some new stuff - added manual page silc(1) - topics are now UTF-8 - support for encrypted private key files is added - included latest fixes from CVS - man page added into spec, define mandir - some changes dedicated to rpmlint (unmark default.theme as config, update my .rpmmacros file)
* Tue Oct 22 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.7-1mdk- Excellent spec By Tibor Pittich - new version - totally new Irssi base from the CVS - stabilisation - fixes several bugs with the new ATTR command - add silc-client into Mandrake menu system - add png icons
* Mon Oct 21 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.6-1mdk - By Tibor Pittich - new version - remove previous patches
* Tue Sep 17 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.5-1mdk - By Tibor Pittich - Added some user-friendly aliases - Removed some unsafe code from the original client - Also fixed temporarily the /detach bug [#24] - new version 0.9.5 - Added a temporary fix for the \"(null)\" hostname bug
* Sat Jul 06 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.4-2mdk- Fix summary (Tibor Pittich )
* Fri Jul 05 2002 Olivier Thauvin 0.9.4-1mdk - From Tibor Pittich - First mdk package- fix non %config