Changelog for openafs-client-1.4.1-0.11.SL.x86_64.rpm :

* Fri May 19 2006 Stephan Wiesand 1.4.0-11.SL- added openafs-1.4.1-rxkad-ticketsize.patch, see mail to openafs-info by H. Reuter 2006-05-17 (and the reply by R. Toebbicke)
* Mon Apr 24 2006 Stephan Wiesand 1.4.0-10.SL- new upstream release with critical bugs fixed in the fileserver- removed patch 1002 (rra-soname-bug18767.patch), it\'s in upstream now- new patch 1003 openafs-1.4.1-moduleparam.patch to get modules built on 2.6.9 (shamelessly stolen from Derek Atkins\' \"official\" SRPM) - pthreaded butc is now the default; package butc.lwp in addition, instead of a second butc.pthread- adapted to upstream changes w.r.t. man pages (there are quite a few more now), again borrowing from Derek Atkins\' spec, but still preferring the enhanced ones from #19268, and packaging many more of them- spec changes to allow module build for hugemem kernels (Fabien Wernli)- the same for the new largesmp variant- added build requirements on gcc, flex, bison, ncurses-devel (Chris Huebsch)- make sure /usr/kerberos/bin is leading in PATH when configuring krb5 stuff
* Thu Nov 03 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.4.0-8.SL- final release of 1.4.0
* Tue Oct 04 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.4.0-0rc6.8.SL- latest release candidate, possibly the last one before 1.4.0- added man pages (like \"official\" spec, but add those from RT #19268 and prefer them over the default ones where duplicate)- added openafs-LICENSE.Sun (from \"official\" package)- removed unused source6 openafs-modname helper- add x-bit to kernel module to get it stripped- really do not turn off __check_files- remove all unpackaged files- added xstat_
*_test to debug package- added -authlibs and -authlibs-devel packages (like \"official\" package, but keep static libs in -devel to make updates painless)- added patch for those to correct sonames (RT #18767)- added copyauth, kseal, vsys to main package- added ka-forwarder to -krb5 package- added bos_util, voldump to -server package- added des_prototypes.h to -devel package- updated CellServDB to latest version from (June 1) and added cell
* Thu Aug 11 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.82-5.SL- removed LSB init info from start script (breaks recent chkconfig)
* Tue May 03 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.82-3.SL- added a patch (1001) from Jason McCormick to fix cache coherence issues with this release
* Mon May 02 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.82-2.SL- added missing ia64 changes by Jarek from 1.3.80-2.SL (kernel requirement, module built is .mp.ko, not .ko)- turned off leftover debugspec
* Sat Apr 30 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.82-1.SL- new upstream release fixing linux 2.6 issues including the first write access hanging on x86/UP- hopefully guessed right about the fix for ia64 module build (by Jarek for 1.3.80-2.SL, but could not find the srpm)- made the init script a separate source file- in init script, do not run the on_network check if ENABLE_DYNROOT=1- package the LWP builds of fileserver & volserver (which are built but not installed by default) in addition to the default pthreaded ones, with suffix \".lwp\"- package the pthread build of butc in addition to the default LWP one, with suffix \".pthread\"- disable patch101 (obsoleted by upstream hack)- removed the build hack from 1.3.80-1.SL, fixed upstream
* Tue Mar 22 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.80-1.SL- new upstream version supposed to fix many problems on linux 2.6- notice the default afsd behaviour finally has changed to -nosettime; add -settime to your afsd options to get back the old behaviour- added an ugly hack to get the kernel modules built- updated CellServDB to version from as of today
* Tue Mar 01 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.79-4.SL- made default cache location and size macros, removed cacheinfo source5, generate cacheinfo in install instead- fixed default cache size to 100MB again, resurrected the message in -client\'s post, changed default location to /var/cache/openafs- removed unused source21 ( changed last afs-krb5 build patch (patch configure, not, and do not wipe out 64bit patch to configure by rerunning autoconf)
* Sun Feb 27 2005 Stephan Wiesand 1.3.79-3.SL- this version is SL4/1.3 only- get afs-krb5 going- removed tons of old cruft & patches no longer used- adapt module build to kernel[-smp]-devel: we now require this to be installed, and will only build the module package for a single kernel defined on the command line, or the running one in none is defined (this gets rid of all that redhat-buildsys voodoo which seems broken on SL4 anyway)- added livesys & kdump executables to main package- added optional openafs-debug package with additional tools- made module name in package & init script libafs instead of openafs, since that\'s what the module registers as anyway (modprobe -r openafs would fail)- added a patch (101) to fix the CACHESIZE=AUTOMATIC behaviour when the cache is mounted on some device with a long name
* Sat Feb 26 2005 Jaroslaw Polok - initial attempt at build for SL 4. (2.6 kernel)
* Fri Feb 18 2005 Jaroslaw Polok - added build of ia32e kernel module
* Mon Jan 31 2005 Troy Dawson 15.12.SL- All changes came from Stephan Wiesand. Many thanks for his pointers- afsd options chaned in spec file- /etc/sysconfig/afs set to be %config(noreplace)- requires wget- removed openafs-compat %pre scripts- Added CellAlias file, with commented out example
* Wed Jan 19 2005 Troy Dawson 15.11.SL- Put LC_ALL=C into the startup server test. This helps with internationalization. Submitted by Jaroslaw Polok
* Mon Jan 17 2005 Enrico M.V. Fasanelli 15.10.SL- applied patch from Chris Wing for 64bit aklog & Co.
* Thu Aug 12 2004 Troy Dawson 15.7.SL- Put -fakestat in as a default option
* Tue Aug 10 2004 Troy Dawson 15.6.SL- Updated CellServDB- Put -dynroot in as a default option
* Sat Jun 19 2004 Troy Dawson 15.4.SL- Made more changes to startup script. Does sanity checks of ThisCell
* Fri Jun 18 2004 Troy Dawson 15.3.SL- Made change to /etc/init.d/afs startup script
* Sun May 30 2004 rebuilt for Scientific Linux without site-specific setup- kerberos 5 enabled in build
* Fri Apr 16 2004 changed packaging of modules again: to followup Fedora Core (draft) rules and allow yum/apt/up2date to handle these
* Tue Apr 06 2004 changed packaging of modules
* Sun Feb 22 2004 Rebuilt for CERN E. Linux (ix86/ia64/x86_64)
* Thu Sep 04 2003 David Howells > 1.2.10-4- don\'t use rpm from within spec file as this can cause problems
* Wed Sep 03 2003 David Howells 1.2.10-4- added ia64 to the ExclusiveArch list
* Fri Aug 29 2003 > 1.2.10-3- get rid of a %else that causes problems with rpm-4.0.4
* Fri Aug 22 2003 David Howells 1.2.10-3- added rpmbuild cmdline defines to control which bits to build
* Wed Aug 20 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai - obey CFLAGS set at configure-time on i386/x86_64 linux- openafs-krb5: look in $krb5_prefix/lib64 for Kerberos libraries if they are not found in $krb5_prefix/lib- build the modules for PAM on x86_64- when checking for res_search, try to link with it instead of checking for it in libraries, in case it\'s a macro or redefined by a macro- use %{ix86} instead of %{all_x86} where appropriate- install AFS libraries into %{_libdir} instead of %{_prefix}/lib
* Fri Aug 15 2003 > 1.2.10-3- permit the kernel-to-build-against to be selected by cmdline argument to rpmbuild if preferred
* Thu Aug 14 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai - fix compilation of openafs-krb5 bits against krb5 1.3
* Mon Aug 11 2003 > 1.2.10-2- got rid of all rpmlint errors- delete certain tags (Packager/Vendor/Distribution)
* Fri Aug 08 2003 > 1.2.10-1- Adapted OpenAFS version 1.2.10 to compile in beehive