plaso rpm build for : Fedora 22. For other distributions click plaso.

Name : plaso
Version : 20180127 Vendor : cert_org
Release : 1.fc22 Date : 2018-01-29 15:29:23
Group : Applications/Forensics Tools Source RPM : plaso-20180127-1.fc22.src.rpm
Size : 11.80 MB
Packager : Lawrence R_ Rogers (lrr_cert_org)
Summary : plaso - a Python based back-end engine used by tools such as log2timeline for automatic creation of a super timelines
Description :
Plaso (plaso langar að safna öllu) is the Python based back-end engine
used by tools such as log2timeline for automatic creation of a super
timelines. The goal of log2timeline (and thus plaso) is to provide a
single tool that can parse various log files and forensic artifacts from
computers and related systems, such as network equipment to produce a
single correlated timeline. This timeline can then be easily analysed by
forensic investigators/analysts, speeding up investigations by correlating
the vast amount of information found on an average computer system.

Auxiliary goal of plaso is to provide forensic analysts and tool makers
powerful libraries that they can use to access, find, read and parse
various files within disk images to create their own tools, or to adjust
log2timeline to their own workflow, instead of relying on the workflow
provided by

RPM found in directory: /mirror/vol2/

Content of RPM  Changelog  Provides Requires

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Provides :

Requires :
python-dateutil => 1.5
libsmraw-python => 20140612
sleuthkit-libs => 4.1.2
libevtx-python => 20141112
libfsntfs-python => 20151130
python-binplist => 0.1.4
libfwsi-python => 20150606
libesedb-python => 20150409
python-ipython => 1.2.1
python-dfdatetime => 20170529
libvshadow-python => 20160109
xlsxwriter => 0.9.3
python-chardet => 2.0.1
libolecf-python => 20151223
python-requests => 2.2.1
artifacts => 20170731
pyparsing => 2.0.3
libvhdi-python => 20131210
python-psutil => 1.2.1
python-pefile => 1.2.10-139
pyliblzma => 0.5.3
python-zmq => 2.1.11
dfwinreg => 20170521
libmsiecf-python => 20150314
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
python2-certifi => 2016.9.26
rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) <= 4.0.4-1
pytsk3 => 20160721
python-apsw => 3.7.8
libbde-python => 20150409
python-construct => 2.5.2
libsigscan-python => 20150627
dfvfs => 20160803
libvslvm-python => 20160109
libregf-python => 20150315
python-dpkt => 1.8
python2-idna => 2.5
libfwnt-python => 20160418
efilter-1 => 1.5
libfvde-python => 20160719
PyYAML => 3.10
python-construct <= 2.5.3
hachoir-core => 1.3.3
python-crypto => 2.6.0
libsmdev-python => 20140529
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1
libqcow-python => 20131204
python(abi) = 2.7
python2-urllib3 => 1.7.1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
liblnk-python => 20150830
hachoir-metadata => 1.3.3
python2-future => 0.16.0
libvmdk-python => 20140421
libscca-python => 20151226
libevt-python => 20120410
hachoir-parser => 1.3.4
yara-python => 3.4.0
python-six => 1.1.0
libewf-python => 20131210
python-mock => 0.7.1

Content of RPM :
There is 1329 files more in these RPM.