Name : testdisk
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Version : 6.13
| Vendor : Mandriva
Release : 1
| Date : 2011-11-16 23:31:47
Group : System/Kernel and hardware
| Source RPM : testdisk-6.13-1.src.rpm
Size : 0.55 MB
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Packager : Alexander Khrukin < akhrukin_mandriva_org>
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Summary : Tool to check and undelete partition
Description :
Tool to check and undelete partition. Works with the following filesystems: * BeFS ( BeOS ) * BSD disklabel ( FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD ) * CramFS, Compressed File System * DOS/Windows FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 * HFS and HFS+, Hierarchical File System * JFS, IBM\'s Journaled File System * Linux Ext2 and Ext3 * Linux Raid o RAID 1: mirroring o RAID 4: striped array with parity device o RAID 5: striped array with distributed parity information o RAID 6: striped array with distributed dual redundancy information * Linux Swap (versions 1 and 2) * LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager * Mac partition map * Novell Storage Services NSS * NTFS ( Windows NT/2K/XP/2003/Vista ) * ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4 * Sun Solaris i386 disklabel * Unix File System UFS and UFS2 (Sun/BSD/...) * XFS, SGI\'s Journaled File System
RPM found in directory: /vol/rzm6/linux-mandriva/devel/cooker/i586/media/main/release |