perl-Graphics-ColorPicker rpm build for : openSUSE Tumbleweed. For other distributions click perl-Graphics-ColorPicker.

Name : perl-Graphics-ColorPicker
Version : 0.17 Vendor : obs://build_opensuse_org/devel:languages:perl
Release : 7.12 Date : 2017-08-04 16:33:52
Group : Development/Libraries/Perl Source RPM : perl-Graphics-ColorPicker-0.17-7.12.src.rpm
Size : 0.11 MB
Packager : (none)
Summary : Graphics::ColorPicker Perl module
Description :
This module generates a set of palettes to select a HEX or DECIMAL color
number via a web browser. *make_page()* can be called by \'javascript\' from
your web page and will set the HEX value in a variable in the calling page
and scope. The selector page can be created for 24 million or web safe
colors only.

< script language=javascript1.1>
var colorhex = \'\';
var w;
function pop() {
if (document.forms.color.what.checked){w=180;}else{w=630;}
var colorwin = open(\"\",\"colorpicker\",
\"width=\" + w + \",height=440,status=no,directories=no,\" +
if (colorwin.opener == null) newin.opener = self;
return true;
< /script>
< body>
< form name=\"color\" onSubmit=\"return(pop());\"
action=\"p_gen.cgi\" target=\"colorpicker\">
< input type=text name=hex size=10>< br>
< input type=checkbox name=what value=wo> web safe colors only< br>
< input type=submit value=\"Pop Picker Window\">
< /form>

See B< examples/demo.html> and B< scripts/p_gen.cgi>

NOTE: as of version 0.13 ColorPicker can be used in a captive frame to
dynamically update color values in the DOM.

See B< examples/demo2.html>,
B< examples/colorbar.html> and
B< scripts/p_gen2.cgi>

* make_page($path_to_images);

Generate Color Picker Pages

This is the only routine that really needs to be called
externally. You could roll your own from the following
calls for a special purpose, but it\'s really not necessary.

i.e. Graphics::ColorPicker::make_page(\'./\');

will generate the picker pages as required

* $time_string = http_date($time);

Returns time string in HTTP date format, same as...

Apache::Util::ht_time(time, \"%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z\",1));

i.e. Sat, 13 Apr 2002 17:36:42 GMT

* $name = script_name;

Returns the subroutine name of the calling
script external to this library

* $but_table_ref = buttontext([optional ref]);

Always return and optionally set the contents of cp216_ds button text.

input: optional reference to button table array
returns: reference to button table array

Default contents:

my $butable = [
\'Submit\' => \'javascript:void(0);\" OnMouseDown=\"doSubmit();return false;\',
\'Restore\' => \'javascript:void(0);\" OnClick=\"doRestore();return false;\',
\'Close\' => \'javascript:void (0);\" OnClick=\"parent.close();return false;\',

* $html_text=frames($websafe);

Returns the frame text for top window.

input: true = 24 million colors
false = web safe colors only

return: html text for page

* $html_text = msie_frame;

Return the text for the copyright notice
(sample frame) for browsers that can\'t do
\"javascript:xxx()\" from within a frame
like brain dead MSIE browsers.

* $html_text=picker($darkimg,$liteimg,$size,$bsize,greyimg);

Return frame text for color picker

input: $darkimg, # path to dark image
$liteimg, # path to light image
$size, # pixel size of image
$bsize, # button pixel size
$greyimg # path to grey image

returns: html text

* $html_text=no_picker;

Returns minimum contents for a blank 24 million
color page when only \"Web Only\" colors are called

* $html_text=cp216_ds($clrdot,$border,$square)

Returns 216 color & digits page

input: clrdot, # path to clear dot image
border, # border of color square
square, # square size

returns: html text

* $javascript_text = jslib;

Return contents of javascript library

input: none

* $html=make_buttons(\\%look_n_feel,$url,$active,\\AATTbuttons,$xtra);

Called internally

Return the html text for a button bar

input: button_color, width, \\AATTbuttons

AATTbuttons is a list of the form = (

\'BUTT1\' => \'command1\',
\'BUTT2\' => \'command2\',
\'\' => \'\', # empty
If the button text is false,
a spacer is inserted in the button bar

returns: html for button bar

NOTE: class NU must be defined
< style>
A.NU {
color: red; // #ff0000
background: transparent;
font-size: 12px !important;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
< /style>

* $html_text=pluck($color, ...);

Return x,y coordinates for browsers that
do not recognize \"javascript:xxx\" from
within frames like braindead MSIE

input: color, \'grey\' or \'color\'
...server_update args (if used);

* $html_text=hex_update($hex_color);

Return the command and color number
to the \'data\' frame to force an update
of the \'sample\' frame and \'digits\'

input: hex color # i.e. 6699CC

* $rv = env_dumb_browser;

Return true if $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}
contains a dumb browser

RPM found in directory: /packages/linux-pbone/

Content of RPM  Provides Requires

Download  perl-Graphics-ColorPicker-0.17-7.12.noarch.rpm

Provides :

Requires :
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1

Content of RPM :