Description :
The package allows the user to typeset various logic puzzles. At the moment the following puzzles are supported: - 2D-Sudoku (aka Magiequadrat, Diagon, ...), - Battleship (aka Bimaru, Marinespiel, Batalla Naval, ...), - Bokkusu (aka Kakurasu, Feldersummenratsel, ...), - Bridges (akak Bruckenbau, Hashi, ...), - Chaos Sudoku, - Hakyuu (aka Seismic, Ripple Effect, ...), - Hitori, - Kakuro, - Kendoku (aka Mathdoku, Calcudoku, Basic, MiniPlu, Ken Ken, Square Wisdom, Sukendo, Caldoku, ..., - Killer Sudoku (aka Samunapure, Sum Number Place, Sumdoku, Gebietssummen, ...), - Laser Beam (aka Laserstrahl, ...), - Minesweeper (aka Minensuche, ...), - Schatzsuche, - Skyline (aka Skycrapers, Wolkenkratzer, Hochhauser, ...), including Skyline Sudoku and Skyline Sudoku (N*N) variants, - Slitherlink (aka Fences, Number Line, Dotty Dilemma, Sli-Lin, Takegaki, Great Wall of China, Loop the Loop, Rundweg, Gartenzaun, ...), - Star Battle (aka Sternenschlacht, ...), - Stars and Arrows (aka Sternenhimmel, ...), - Sudoku, - Sun and Moon (aka Sternenhaufen, Munraito, ...), - Tents and Trees (aka Zeltlager, Zeltplatz, Camping, ...), and - Tunnel.
date: 2013-05-18 15:41:16 +0000