Description :
This is a simple standalone HTTP server. By default, it doesn\'t thread or fork. It does, however, act as a simple frontend which can be used to build a standalone web-based application or turn a CGI into one.
It is possible to use Net::Server classes to create forking, pre-forking, and other types of more complicated servers; see net_server.
By default, the server traps a few signals:
When you \'kill -HUP\' the server, it lets the current request finish being processed, then uses the \'restart\' method to re-exec itself. Please note that in order to provide restart-on-SIGHUP, HTTP::Server::Simple sets a SIGHUP handler during initialisation. If your request handling code forks you need to make sure you reset this or unexpected things will happen if somebody sends a HUP to all running processes spawned by your app (e.g. by \"kill -HUP < script>\")
If the server detects a broken pipe while writing output to the client, it ignores the signal. Otherwise, a client closing the connection early could kill the server.