Description :
use XML::Simple; my $ref = XMLin([< xml file or string>] [, < options>]); my $xml = XMLout($hashref [, < options>]); Or the object oriented way: require XML::Simple; my $xs = new XML::Simple(options); my $ref = $xs->XMLin([< xml file or string>] [, < options>]); my $xml = $xs->XMLout($hashref [, < options>]); (or see L< \"SAX SUPPORT\"> for \'the SAX way\'). To catch common errors: use XML::Simple qw(:strict); (see L< \"STRICT MODE\"> for more details). =cut
use strict; use Carp; require Exporter;
use vars qw($VERSION AATTISA AATTEXPORT AATTEXPORT_OK $PREFERRED_PARSER); AATTISA = qw(Exporter); AATTEXPORT = qw(XMLin XMLout); AATTEXPORT_OK = qw(xml_in xml_out); $VERSION = \'2.09\'; $PREFERRED_PARSER = undef; my $StrictMode = 0; my %CacheScheme = ( storable => [ \\&StorableSave, \\&StorableRestore ], memshare => [ \\&MemShareSave, \\&MemShareRestore ], memcopy => [ \\&MemCopySave, \\&MemCopyRestore ] ); my AATTKnownOptIn = qw(keyattr keeproot forcecontent contentkey noattr searchpath forcearray cache suppressempty parseropts grouptags nsexpand datahandler varattr variables normalisespace normalizespace); my AATTKnownOptOut = qw(keyattr keeproot contentkey noattr rootname xmldecl outputfile noescape suppressempty grouptags nsexpand handler noindent); my AATTDefKeyAttr = qw(name key id); my $DefRootName = qq(opt); my $DefContentKey = qq(content); my $DefXmlDecl = qq(< ?xml version=\'1.0\' standalone=\'yes\'?>); my $xmlns_ns = \'\'; my $bad_def_ns_jcn = \'{\' . $xmlns_ns . \'}\'; # LibXML::SAX workaround
my %MemShareCache = (); my %MemCopyCache = ();
sub import {
$StrictMode = 1 if grep(/^:strict$/, AATT_);
__PACKAGE__->export_to_level(1, grep(!/^:strict$/, AATT_)); }
sub new { my $class = shift; if(AATT_ % 2) { croak \"Default options must be name=>value pairs (odd number supplied)\"; } my %known_opt; AATTknown_opt{AATTKnownOptIn, AATTKnownOptOut} = (undef) x 100; my %raw_opt = AATT_; my %def_opt; while(my($key, $val) = each %raw_opt) { my $lkey = lc($key); $lkey =~ s/_//g; croak \"Unrecognised option: $key\" unless(exists($known_opt{$lkey})); $def_opt{$lkey} = $val; } my $self = { def_opt => \\%def_opt }; return(bless($self, $class)); }
sub XMLin {
my $self; if($_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], \'XML::Simple\')) { $self = shift; } else { $self = new XML::Simple(); } my $string = shift; $self->handle_options(\'in\', AATT_);
unless(defined($string)) {
require File::Basename; my($ScriptName, $ScriptDir, $Extension) = File::Basename::fileparse($0, \'\\.[^\\.]+\'); $string = $ScriptName . \'.xml\';
if($ScriptDir) { unshift(AATT{$self->{opt}->{searchpath}}, $ScriptDir); } }
my($filename, $scheme); unless($string =~ m{< .*?>}s or ref($string) or $string eq \'-\') { require File::Basename; require File::Spec; $filename = $self->find_xml_file($string, AATT{$self->{opt}->{searchpath}}); if($self->{opt}->{cache}) { foreach $scheme (AATT{$self->{opt}->{cache}}) { croak \"Unsupported caching scheme: $scheme\" unless($CacheScheme{$scheme}); my $opt = $CacheScheme{$scheme}->[1]->($filename); return($opt) if($opt); } } } else { delete($self->{opt}->{cache}); if($string eq \'-\') {
local($/) = undef; $string = < STDIN> } }
my $tree = $self->build_tree($filename, $string);
my($ref); if($self->{opt}->{keeproot}) { $ref = $self->collapse({}, AATT$tree); } else { $ref = $self->collapse(AATT{$tree->[1]}); } if($self->{opt}->{cache}) { $CacheScheme{$self->{opt}->{cache}->[0]}->[0]->($ref, $filename); } return($ref); }
sub build_tree { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $string = shift; my $preferred_parser = $PREFERRED_PARSER; unless(defined($preferred_parser)) { $preferred_parser = $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} || \'\'; } if($preferred_parser eq \'XML::Parser\') { return($self->build_tree_xml_parser($filename, $string)); } eval { require XML::SAX; }; # We didn\'t need it until now if($AATT) { # No XML::SAX - fall back to XML::Parser if($preferred_parser) { # unless a SAX parser was expressly requested croak \"XMLin() could not load XML::SAX\"; } return($self->build_tree_xml_parser($filename, $string)); } $XML::SAX::ParserPackage = $preferred_parser if($preferred_parser); my $sp = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $self); $self->{nocollapse} = 1; my($tree); if($filename) { $tree = $sp->parse_uri($filename); } else { if(ref($string)) { $tree = $sp->parse_file($string); } else { $tree = $sp->parse_string($string); } } return($tree); }
sub build_tree_xml_parser { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $string = shift; eval { local($^W) = 0; # Suppress warning from re File::Spec::load() require XML::Parser; # We didn\'t need it until now }; if($AATT) { croak \"XMLin() requires either XML::SAX or XML::Parser\"; } if($self->{opt}->{nsexpand}) { carp \"\'nsexpand\' option requires XML::SAX\"; } my $xp = new XML::Parser(Style => \'Tree\', AATT{$self->{opt}->{parseropts}}); my($tree); if($filename) {
local(*XML_FILE); open(XML_FILE, \"< $filename\") || croak qq($filename - $!); $tree = $xp->parse(*XML_FILE); close(XML_FILE); } else { $tree = $xp->parse($string); } return($tree); }
sub StorableSave { my($data, $filename) = AATT_; my $cachefile = $filename; $cachefile =~ s{(\\.xml)?$}{.stor}; require Storable; # We didn\'t need it until now
Storable::lock_nstore($data, $cachefile); }
sub StorableRestore { my($filename) = AATT_; my $cachefile = $filename; $cachefile =~ s{(\\.xml)?$}{.stor}; return unless(-r $cachefile); return unless((stat($cachefile))[9] > (stat($filename))[9]); unless($INC{\'\'}) { require Storable; # We didn\'t need it until now } return(Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile)); }
sub MemShareSave { my($data, $filename) = AATT_; $MemShareCache{$filename} = [time(), $data]; }
sub MemShareRestore { my($filename) = AATT_; return unless($MemShareCache{$filename}); return unless($MemShareCache{$filename}->[0] > (stat($filename))[9]); return($MemShareCache{$filename}->[1]); }
sub MemCopySave { my($data, $filename) = AATT_; unless($INC{\'\'}) { require Storable; # We didn\'t need it until now } $MemCopyCache{$filename} = [time(), Storable::dclone($data)]; }
sub MemCopyRestore { my($filename) = AATT_; return unless($MemCopyCache{$filename}); return unless($MemCopyCache{$filename}->[0] > (stat($filename))[9]); return(Storable::dclone($MemCopyCache{$filename}->[1])); }
sub XMLout {
my $self; if($_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], \'XML::Simple\')) { $self = shift; } else { $self = new XML::Simple(); } my $ref = shift; $self->handle_options(\'out\', AATT_);
if($self->{opt}->{nsexpand}) { require XML::NamespaceSupport; $self->{nsup} = XML::NamespaceSupport->new(); $self->{ns_prefix} = \'aaa\'; }
if(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, \'ARRAY\')) { $ref = { anon => $ref }; }
if($self->{opt}->{keeproot}) { my(AATTkeys) = keys(%$ref); if(AATTkeys == 1) { $ref = $ref->{$keys[0]}; $self->{opt}->{rootname} = $keys[0]; } }
elsif($self->{opt}->{rootname} eq \'\') { if(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, \'HASH\')) { my $refsave = $ref; $ref = {}; foreach (keys(%$refsave)) { if(ref($refsave->{$_})) { $ref->{$_} = $refsave->{$_}; } else { $ref->{$_} = [ $refsave->{$_} ]; } } } }
$self->{_ancestors} = []; my $xml = $self->value_to_xml($ref, $self->{opt}->{rootname}, \'\'); delete $self->{_ancestors}; if($self->{opt}->{xmldecl}) { $xml = $self->{opt}->{xmldecl} . \"\ \" . $xml; } if($self->{opt}->{outputfile}) { if(ref($self->{opt}->{outputfile})) { return($self->{opt}->{outputfile}->print($xml)); } else { local(*OUT); open(OUT, \">$self->{opt}->{outputfile}\") || croak \"open($self->{opt}->{outputfile}): $!\"; print OUT $xml || croak \"print: $!\"; close(OUT); } } elsif($self->{opt}->{handler}) { require XML::SAX; my $sp = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser( Handler => $self->{opt}->{handler} ); return($sp->parse_string($xml)); } else { return($xml); } }
sub handle_options { my $self = shift; my $dirn = shift;
my %known_opt; if($dirn eq \'in\') { AATTknown_opt{AATTKnownOptIn} = AATTKnownOptIn; } else { AATTknown_opt{AATTKnownOptOut} = AATTKnownOptOut; }
if(AATT_ % 2) { croak \"Options must be name=>value pairs (odd number supplied)\"; } my %raw_opt = AATT_; my $opt = {}; $self->{opt} = $opt; while(my($key, $val) = each %raw_opt) { my $lkey = lc($key); $lkey =~ s/_//g; croak \"Unrecognised option: $key\" unless($known_opt{$lkey}); $opt->{$lkey} = $val; }
if($self->{def_opt}) { foreach (keys(%known_opt)) { unless(exists($opt->{$_})) { if(exists($self->{def_opt}->{$_})) { $opt->{$_} = $self->{def_opt}->{$_}; } } } }
if(exists($opt->{rootname})) { unless(defined($opt->{rootname})) { $opt->{rootname} = \'\'; } } else { $opt->{rootname} = $DefRootName; } if($opt->{xmldecl} and $opt->{xmldecl} eq \'1\') { $opt->{xmldecl} = $DefXmlDecl; } if(exists($opt->{contentkey})) { if($opt->{contentkey} =~ m{^-(.*)$}) { $opt->{contentkey} = $1; $opt->{collapseagain} = 1; } } else { $opt->{contentkey} = $DefContentKey; } unless(exists($opt->{normalisespace})) { $opt->{normalisespace} = $opt->{normalizespace}; } $opt->{normalisespace} = 0 unless(defined($opt->{normalisespace}));
if($opt->{searchpath}) { unless(ref($opt->{searchpath})) { $opt->{searchpath} = [ $opt->{searchpath} ]; } } else { $opt->{searchpath} = [ ]; } if($opt->{cache} and !ref($opt->{cache})) { $opt->{cache} = [ $opt->{cache} ]; } if($opt->{cache}) { $_ = lc($_) foreach (AATT{$opt->{cache}}); } if(exists($opt->{parseropts})) { if($^W) { carp \"Warning: \" . \"\'ParserOpts\' is deprecated, contact the author if you need it\"; } } else { $opt->{parseropts} = [ ]; }
if(exists($opt->{forcearray})) { if(ref($opt->{forcearray}) eq \'Regexp\') { $opt->{forcearray} = [ $opt->{forcearray} ]; } if(ref($opt->{forcearray}) eq \'ARRAY\') { my AATTforce_list = AATT{$opt->{forcearray}}; if(AATTforce_list) { $opt->{forcearray} = {}; foreach my $tag (AATTforce_list) { if(ref($tag) eq \'Regexp\') { push AATT{$opt->{forcearray}->{_regex}}, $tag; } else { $opt->{forcearray}->{$tag} = 1; } } } else { $opt->{forcearray} = 0; } } else { $opt->{forcearray} = ( $opt->{forcearray} ? 1 : 0 ); } } else { if($StrictMode and $dirn eq \'in\') { croak \"No value specified for \'ForceArray\' option in call to XML$dirn()\"; } $opt->{forcearray} = 0; }
if(exists($opt->{keyattr})) { if(ref($opt->{keyattr})) { if(ref($opt->{keyattr}) eq \'HASH\') {
$opt->{keyattr} = { %{$opt->{keyattr}} };
foreach my $el (keys(%{$opt->{keyattr}})) { if($opt->{keyattr}->{$el} =~ /^(\\+|-)?(.*)$/) { $opt->{keyattr}->{$el} = [ $2, ($1 ? $1 : \'\') ]; if($StrictMode and $dirn eq \'in\') { next if($opt->{forcearray} == 1); next if(ref($opt->{forcearray}) eq \'HASH\' and $opt->{forcearray}->{$el}); croak \"< $el> set in KeyAttr but not in ForceArray\"; } } else { delete($opt->{keyattr}->{$el}); # Never reached (famous last words?) } } } else { if(AATT{$opt->{keyattr}} == 0) { delete($opt->{keyattr}); } } } else { $opt->{keyattr} = [ $opt->{keyattr} ]; } } else { if($StrictMode) { croak \"No value specified for \'KeyAttr\' option in call to XML$dirn()\"; } $opt->{keyattr} = [ AATTDefKeyAttr ]; }
if($opt->{grouptags} and !UNIVERSAL::isa($opt->{grouptags}, \'HASH\')) { croak \"Illegal value for \'GroupTags\' option - expected a hashref\"; }
if($opt->{variables} and !UNIVERSAL::isa($opt->{variables}, \'HASH\')) { croak \"Illegal value for \'Variables\' option - expected a hashref\"; } if($opt->{variables}) { $self->{_var_values} = { %{$opt->{variables}} }; } elsif($opt->{varattr}) { $self->{_var_values} = {}; } }
sub find_xml_file { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my AATTsearch_path = AATT_; my($filename, $filedir) = File::Basename::fileparse($file); if($filename ne $file) { # Ignore searchpath if dir component return($file) if(-e $file); } else { my($path); foreach $path (AATTsearch_path) { my $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file); return($fullpath) if(-e $fullpath); } }
if(!AATTsearch_path) { if(-e $file) { return($file); } croak \"File does not exist: $file\"; } croak \"Could not find $file in \", join(\':\', AATTsearch_path); }
sub collapse { my $self = shift;
my $attr = shift; if($self->{opt}->{noattr}) { # Discard if \'noattr\' set $attr = {}; } elsif($self->{opt}->{normalisespace} == 2) { while(my($key, $value) = each %$attr) { $attr->{$key} = $self->normalise_space($value) } }
if(my $var = $self->{_var_values}) { while(my($key, $val) = each(%$attr)) { $val =~ s{\\$\\{(\\w+)\\}}{ $self->get_var($1) }ge; $attr->{$key} = $val; } }
my($key, $val); while(AATT_) { $key = shift; $val = shift; if(ref($val)) { $val = $self->collapse(AATT$val); next if(!defined($val) and $self->{opt}->{suppressempty}); } elsif($key eq \'0\') { next if($val =~ m{^\\s*$}s); # Skip all whitespace content $val = $self->normalise_space($val) if($self->{opt}->{normalisespace} == 2);
if(my $var = $self->{_var_values}) { $val =~ s{\\$\\{(\\w+)\\}}{ $self->get_var($1) }ge; }
if(my $var = $self->{opt}->{varattr}) { if(exists $attr->{$var}) { $self->set_var($attr->{$var}, $val); } }
if(!%$attr and !AATT_) { return($self->{opt}->{forcecontent} ? { $self->{opt}->{contentkey} => $val } : $val ); } $key = $self->{opt}->{contentkey}; }
if(exists($attr->{$key})) { if(UNIVERSAL::isa($attr->{$key}, \'ARRAY\')) { push(AATT{$attr->{$key}}, $val); } else { $attr->{$key} = [ $attr->{$key}, $val ]; } } elsif(defined($val) and UNIVERSAL::isa($val, \'ARRAY\')) { $attr->{$key} = [ $val ]; } else { if( $key ne $self->{opt}->{contentkey} and ( ($self->{opt}->{forcearray} == 1) or ( (ref($self->{opt}->{forcearray}) eq \'HASH\') and ( $self->{opt}->{forcearray}->{$key} or (grep $key =~ $_, AATT{$self->{opt}->{forcearray}->{_regex}}) ) ) ) ) { $attr->{$key} = [ $val ]; } else { $attr->{$key} = $val; } } }
my $count = 0; if($self->{opt}->{keyattr}) { while(($key,$val) = each %$attr) { if(defined($val) and UNIVERSAL::isa($val, \'ARRAY\')) { $attr->{$key} = $self->array_to_hash($key, $val); } $count++; } }
if($self->{opt}->{grouptags}) { while(my($key, $val) = each(%$attr)) { next unless(UNIVERSAL::isa($val, \'HASH\') and (keys %$val == 1)); next unless(exists($self->{opt}->{grouptags}->{$key})); my($child_key, $child_val) = %$val; if($self->{opt}->{grouptags}->{$key} eq $child_key) { $attr->{$key}= $child_val; } } }
if($count == 1 and exists $attr->{anon} and UNIVERSAL::isa($attr->{anon}, \'ARRAY\') ) { return($attr->{anon}); }
if(!%$attr and exists($self->{opt}->{suppressempty})) { if(defined($self->{opt}->{suppressempty}) and $self->{opt}->{suppressempty} eq \'\') { return(\'\'); } return(undef); } return($attr) }
sub set_var { my($self, $name, $value) = AATT_; $self->{_var_values}->{$name} = $value; }
sub get_var { my($self, $name) = AATT_; my $value = $self->{_var_values}->{$name}; return $value if(defined($value)); return \'${\' . $name . \'}\'; }
sub normalise_space { my($self, $text) = AATT_; $text =~ s/^\\s+//s; $text =~ s/\\s+$//s; $text =~ s/\\s\\s+/ /sg; return $text; }
sub array_to_hash { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $arrayref = shift; my $hashref = {}; my($i, $key, $val, $flag);
if(ref($self->{opt}->{keyattr}) eq \'HASH\') { return($arrayref) unless(exists($self->{opt}->{keyattr}->{$name})); ($key, $flag) = AATT{$self->{opt}->{keyattr}->{$name}}; for($i = 0; $i < AATT$arrayref; $i++) { if(UNIVERSAL::isa($arrayref->[$i], \'HASH\') and exists($arrayref->[$i]->{$key}) ) { $val = $arrayref->[$i]->{$key}; if(ref($val)) { if($StrictMode) { croak \"< $name> element has non-scalar \'$key\' key attribute\"; } if($^W) { carp \"Warning: < $name> element has non-scalar \'$key\' key attribute\"; } return($arrayref); } $val = $self->normalise_space($val) if($self->{opt}->{normalisespace} == 1); $hashref->{$val} = { %{$arrayref->[$i]} }; $hashref->{$val}->{\"-$key\"} = $hashref->{$val}->{$key} if($flag eq \'-\'); delete $hashref->{$val}->{$key} unless($flag eq \'+\'); } else { croak \"< $name> element has no \'$key\' key attribute\" if($StrictMode); carp \"Warning: < $name> element has no \'$key\' key attribute\" if($^W); return($arrayref); } } }
else { ELEMENT: for($i = 0; $i < AATT$arrayref; $i++) { return($arrayref) unless(UNIVERSAL::isa($arrayref->[$i], \'HASH\')); foreach $key (AATT{$self->{opt}->{keyattr}}) { if(defined($arrayref->[$i]->{$key})) { $val = $arrayref->[$i]->{$key}; return($arrayref) if(ref($val)); $val = $self->normalise_space($val) if($self->{opt}->{normalisespace} == 1); $hashref->{$val} = { %{$arrayref->[$i]} }; delete $hashref->{$val}->{$key}; next ELEMENT; } } return($arrayref); # No keyfield matched } }
if($self->{opt}->{collapseagain}) { $hashref = $self->collapse_content($hashref); } return($hashref); }
sub collapse_content { my $self = shift; my $hashref = shift; my $contentkey = $self->{opt}->{contentkey};
foreach my $val (values %$hashref) { return $hashref unless ( (ref($val) eq \'HASH\') and (keys %$val == 1) and (exists $val->{$contentkey}) ); }
foreach my $key (keys %$hashref) { $hashref->{$key}= $hashref->{$key}->{$contentkey}; } return $hashref; }
sub value_to_xml { my $self = shift;;
my($ref, $name, $indent) = AATT_; my $named = (defined($name) and $name ne \'\' ? 1 : 0); my $nl = \"\ \"; if($self->{opt}->{noindent}) { $indent = \'\'; $nl = \'\'; }
if(ref($ref)) { croak \"circular data structures not supported\" if(grep($_ == $ref, AATT{$self->{_ancestors}})); push AATT{$self->{_ancestors}}, $ref; } else { if($named) { return(join(\'\', $indent, \'< \', $name, \'>\', ($self->{opt}->{noescape} ? $ref : $self->escape_value($ref)), \'< /\', $name, \">\", $nl )); } else { return(\"$ref$nl\"); } }
if(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, \'HASH\') # It is a hash and %$ref # and it\'s not empty and $self->{opt}->{keyattr} # and folding is enabled and $indent # and its not the root element ) { $ref = $self->hash_to_array($name, $ref); } my AATTresult = (); my($key, $value);
if(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, \'HASH\')) {
if($self->{opt}->{grouptags}) { while(my($key, $val) = each %$ref) { if($self->{opt}->{grouptags}->{$key}) { $ref->{$key} = { $self->{opt}->{grouptags}->{$key} => $val }; } } }
my $nsdecls = \'\'; my $default_ns_uri; if($self->{nsup}) { $ref = { %$ref }; # Make a copy before we mess with it $self->{nsup}->push_context();
if(exists($ref->{xmlns})) { $self->{nsup}->declare_prefix(\'\', $ref->{xmlns}); $nsdecls .= qq( xmlns=\"$ref->{xmlns}\"); delete($ref->{xmlns}); } $default_ns_uri = $self->{nsup}->get_uri(\'\');
foreach my $qname (keys(%$ref)) { my($uri, $lname) = $self->{nsup}->parse_jclark_notation($qname); if($uri) { if($uri eq $xmlns_ns) { $self->{nsup}->declare_prefix($lname, $ref->{$qname}); $nsdecls .= qq( xmlns:$lname=\"$ref->{$qname}\"); delete($ref->{$qname}); } } }
foreach my $qname (keys(%$ref)) { my($uri, $lname) = $self->{nsup}->parse_jclark_notation($qname); if($uri) { if($default_ns_uri and $uri eq $default_ns_uri) { $ref->{$lname} = $ref->{$qname}; delete($ref->{$qname}); } else { my $prefix = $self->{nsup}->get_prefix($uri); unless($prefix) {
$prefix = $self->{ns_prefix}++; $self->{nsup}->declare_prefix($prefix, $uri); $nsdecls .= qq( xmlns:$prefix=\"$uri\"); } $ref->{\"$prefix:$lname\"} = $ref->{$qname}; delete($ref->{$qname}); } } } } my AATTnested = (); my $text_content = undef; if($named) { push AATTresult, $indent, \'< \', $name, $nsdecls; } if(keys %$ref) { while(($key, $value) = each(%$ref)) { next if(substr($key, 0, 1) eq \'-\'); if(!defined($value)) { unless(exists($self->{opt}->{suppressempty}) and !defined($self->{opt}->{suppressempty}) ) { carp \'Use of uninitialized value\' if($^W); } $value = {}; } if(ref($value) or $self->{opt}->{noattr}) { push AATTnested, $self->value_to_xml($value, $key, \"$indent \"); } else { $value = $self->escape_value($value) unless($self->{opt}->{noescape}); if($key eq $self->{opt}->{contentkey}) { $text_content = $value; } else { push AATTresult, \' \', $key, \'=\"\', $value , \'\"\'; } } } } else { $text_content = \'\'; } if(AATTnested or defined($text_content)) { if($named) { push AATTresult, \">\"; if(defined($text_content)) { push AATTresult, $text_content; $nested[0] =~ s/^\\s+// if(AATTnested); } else { push AATTresult, $nl; } if(AATTnested) { push AATTresult, AATTnested, $indent; } push AATTresult, \'< /\', $name, \">\", $nl; } else { push AATTresult, AATTnested; # Special case if no root elements } } else { push AATTresult, \" />\", $nl; } $self->{nsup}->pop_context() if($self->{nsup}); }
elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, \'ARRAY\')) { foreach $value (AATT$ref) { if(!ref($value)) { push AATTresult, $indent, \'< \', $name, \'>\', ($self->{opt}->{noescape} ? $value : $self->escape_value($value)), \'< /\', $name, \">$nl\"; } elsif(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, \'HASH\')) { push AATTresult, $self->value_to_xml($value, $name, $indent); } else { push AATTresult, $indent, \'< \', $name, \">$nl\", $self->value_to_xml($value, \'anon\', \"$indent \"), $indent, \'< /\', $name, \">$nl\"; } } } else { croak \"Can\'t encode a value of type: \" . ref($ref); } pop AATT{$self->{_ancestors}} if(ref($ref)); return(join(\'\', AATTresult)); }
sub escape_value { my($self, $data) = AATT_; return \'\' unless(defined($data)); $data =~ s/&/&/sg; $data =~ s/< /</sg; $data =~ s/>/>/sg; $data =~ s/\"/"/sg; return($data); }
sub hash_to_array { my $self = shift; my $parent = shift; my $hashref = shift; my $arrayref = []; my($key, $value); foreach $key (keys(%$hashref)) { $value = $hashref->{$key}; return($hashref) unless(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, \'HASH\')); if(ref($self->{opt}->{keyattr}) eq \'HASH\') { return($hashref) unless(defined($self->{opt}->{keyattr}->{$parent})); push(AATT$arrayref, { $self->{opt}->{keyattr}->{$parent}->[0] => $key, %$value }); } else { push(AATT$arrayref, { $self->{opt}->{keyattr}->[0] => $key, %$value }); } } return($arrayref); }
sub start_document { my $self = shift; $self->handle_options(\'in\') unless($self->{opt}); $self->{lists} = []; $self->{curlist} = $self->{tree} = []; } sub start_element { my $self = shift; my $element = shift; my $name = $element->{Name}; if($self->{opt}->{nsexpand}) { $name = $element->{LocalName} || \'\'; if($element->{NamespaceURI}) { $name = \'{\' . $element->{NamespaceURI} . \'}\' . $name; } } my $attributes = {}; if($element->{Attributes}) { # Might be undef foreach my $attr (values %{$element->{Attributes}}) { if($self->{opt}->{nsexpand}) { my $name = $attr->{LocalName} || \'\'; if($attr->{NamespaceURI}) { $name = \'{\' . $attr->{NamespaceURI} . \'}\' . $name } $name = \'xmlns\' if($name eq $bad_def_ns_jcn); $attributes->{$name} = $attr->{Value}; } else { $attributes->{$attr->{Name}} = $attr->{Value}; } } } my $newlist = [ $attributes ]; push AATT{ $self->{lists} }, $self->{curlist}; push AATT{ $self->{curlist} }, $name => $newlist; $self->{curlist} = $newlist; } sub characters { my $self = shift; my $chars = shift; my $text = $chars->{Data}; my $clist = $self->{curlist}; my $pos = $#$clist; if ($pos > 0 and $clist->[$pos - 1] eq \'0\') { $clist->[$pos] .= $text; } else { push AATT$clist, 0 => $text; } } sub end_element { my $self = shift; $self->{curlist} = pop AATT{ $self->{lists} }; } sub end_document { my $self = shift; delete($self->{curlist}); delete($self->{lists}); my $tree = $self->{tree}; delete($self->{tree});
return($tree) if($self->{nocollapse});
if($self->{opt}->{keeproot}) { $tree = $self->collapse({}, AATT$tree); } else { $tree = $self->collapse(AATT{$tree->[1]}); } if($self->{opt}->{datahandler}) { return($self->{opt}->{datahandler}->($self, $tree)); } return($tree); } *xml_in = \\&XMLin; *xml_out = \\&XMLout; 1; __END__