Description :
Mailman -- The GNU Mailing List Management System -- is a mailing list management system written mostly in Python. Features:
o Most standard mailing list features, including: moderation, mail based commands, digests, etc... o An extensive Web interface, customizable on a per-list basis. o Web based list administration interface for *all* admin-type tasks o Automatic Web based hypermail-style archives (using pipermail or other external archiver), including provisions for private archives o Integrated mail list to newsgroup gatewaying o Integrated newsgroup to mail list gatewaying (polling-based... if you have access to the nntp server, you should be able to easily do non-polling based news->mail list gatewaying; email, I\'d like to help get that going and come up with instructions) o Smart bounce detection and correction o Integrated fast bulk mailing o Smart spam protection o Extensible logging o Multiple list owners and moderators are possible o Optional MIME-compliant digests o Nice about which machine you subscribed from if you\'re from the right domain