Description :
Data::Dmp is a Perl dumper like the Data::Dumper manpage. It\'s compact (only about 175 lines of code long), starts fast and does not use any non-core modules except the Regexp::Stringify manpage when dumping regexes. It produces compact single-line output (similar to the Data::Dumper::Concise manpage). It roughly has the same speed as Data::Dumper (usually a bit faster for smaller structures) and faster than the Data::Dump manpage, but does not offer the various formatting options. It supports dumping objects, regexes, circular structures, coderefs. Its code is first based on the Data::Dump manpage: I removed all the parts that I don\'t need, particularly the pretty formatting stuffs) and added some features that I need like proper regex dumping and coderef deparsing.