fedora-obsolete-packages rpm build for : Fedora 33. For other distributions click fedora-obsolete-packages.

Name : fedora-obsolete-packages
Version : 33 Vendor : Fedora Project
Release : 28 Date : 2020-10-08 14:02:44
Group : Unspecified Source RPM : fedora-obsolete-packages-33-28.src.rpm
Size : 0.00 MB
Packager : Fedora Project
Summary : A package to obsolete retired packages
Description :
This package exists only to obsolete other packages which need to be removed
from the distribution for some reason.

Currently obsoleted packages:

epiphany-runtime < 1:3.36.99-1

libcroco < 0.6.13-5
libcroco-devel < 0.6.13-5
hippo-canvas < 0.3.0-30

infinispan < 8.2.4-6

aeskulap < 0.2.2-0.38

compat-gnutls28 < 3.3.21-2

libsilc < 1.1.10-16
libsilc-devel < 1.1.10-16
libsilc-doc < 1.1.10-16

pam_pkcs11 < 0.6.8-9

gstreamer < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-devel < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-devel-docs < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-tools < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free < 0.10.23-51
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel < 0.10.23-51
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel-docs < 0.10.23-51
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras < 0.10.23-51
gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-docs < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-plugins-base < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-plugins-base-devel < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-plugins-base-tools < 0.10.36-27
gstreamer-plugins-good-devel-docs < 0.10.31-25
gstreamer-plugins-good < 0.10.31-25
gstreamer-plugins-good-extras < 0.10.31-25
gstreamer-python-devel < 0.10.22-22

farstream < 0.1.2-14
farstream-devel < 0.1.2-14
farstream-python < 0.1.2-14

gradle < 4.4.1-5

mod_auth_kerb < 5.4-34

atomic < 1.22.1-29
atomic-registries < 1.22.1-29
authconfig < 7.0.1-9
dreampie-python3 < 1.1.1-18
elastic-curator < 4.2.5-7
fedora-productimg-cloud < 26-5
gcc-python3-debug-plugin < 0.17-5
gcc-python3-plugin < 0.17-5
gfal2-python3 < 1.9.5-4
gnome-dvb-daemon < 0.2.91-0.13
graphite-api < 1.1.3-15
graphite-web < 1.1.5-3
greenwave < 0.9.4-3
json_diff < 1.5.0-2
kaadbg < 0.3.0-12
lorem-ipsum-generator < 0.3.20161122git-25
menulibre < 2.2.1-3
mkdocs-bootswatch < 0.5.0-4
nodepool-driver-openstack < 3.0.0-6
nodepool-driver-static < 3.0.0-6
pintail < 0.4-9
python-aiorpcx < 0.10.5-2
python-sphinx-autobuild < 0.7.1-14
python3-Lektor < 3.0.1-8
python3-ahkab < 0.18-15
python3-alchimia < 0.7.0-7
python3-backports-unittest_mock < 1.2.1-8
python3-backports_abc < 0.5-10
python3-bash8 < 0.1.1-19
python3-bitlyapi < 0.1.1-21
python3-bodhi3 < 3.14.0-2
python3-bodhi3-client < 3.14.0-2
python3-bz2file < 0.98-10
python3-cassandra-driver < 3.19.0-2
python3-castellan < 0.5.0-8
python3-cattrs < 0.9.0-4
python3-ceilometermiddleware < 0.5.0-8
python3-cookies < 2.2.1-16
python3-curses_ex < 0.3-12
python3-cursive < 0.1.2-9
python3-deltasigma < 0.2-17
python3-django-avatar < 4.1.0-5
python3-django-countries < 5.3.1-3
python3-django-jsonfield < 2.0.2-9
python3-django-notifications-hq < 1.5.0-3
python3-django-rest-framework-composed-permissions < 0.1-10
python3-django-stopforumspam < 1.8-8
python3-dlib < 19.4-11
python3-dpm < 1.13.0-2
python3-epdb < 0.15-10
python3-fabric < 2.0.0-8
python3-fabric3 < 1.13.1-9
python3-fabulous < 0.3.0-11
python3-fb303 < 0.10.0-20
python3-flask-classy < 0.6.10-12
python3-flask-debugtoolbar < 0.10.0-14
python3-flickrapi < 2.2.1-10
python3-flup < 1.0.3-2
python3-forensic1394 < 0.2-24
python3-fsmonitor < 0.1-18
python3-gflags < 2.0-18
python3-gfm < 0.1.3-12
python3-google-apputils < 0.4.2-17
python3-googletrans < 2.2.0-8
python3-grafyaml < 0.0.5-13
python3-grapefruit < 0.1a4-11
python3-hardware < 0.18-13
python3-honcho < 1.0.1-4
python3-http-parser < 0.8.3-22
python3-httpwatcher < 0.5.2-3
python3-importlib-metadata < 0.23-2
python3-inifile < 0.3-15
python3-jenkinsapi < 0.2.29-12
python3-k8sclient < 0.3.0-11
python3-kafka < 1.4.3-4
python3-keystonemiddleware < 4.21.0-3
python3-lfc < 1.13.0-2
python3-marrow-mailer < 4.0.2-12
python3-marrow-util < 1.2.3-11
python3-microversion-parse < 0.1.3-12
python3-module-build-service-copr < 0.4-6
python3-mongoengine < 0.18.2-2
python3-netlib < 0.16-3
python3-ngram < 3.3.2-3
python3-nineml < 1.0.1-3
python3-nose-ignore-docstring < 0.2-6
python3-nose-parameterized < 0.6.0-3
python3-offtrac < 0.1.0-20
python3-os-win < 2.2.0-10
python3-oslo-cache < 1.28.0-4
python3-oslo-cache-tests < 1.28.0-4
python3-oslo-messaging < 8.1.2-2
python3-oslo-messaging-tests < 8.1.2-2
python3-oslo-middleware < 3.34.0-3
python3-oslo-middleware-tests < 3.34.0-3
python3-oslo-policy < 1.33.2-4
python3-oslo-policy-tests < 1.33.2-4
python3-oslo-privsep < 1.13.0-10
python3-oslo-privsep-tests < 1.13.0-10
python3-oslo-reports < 1.26.0-4
python3-oslo-reports-tests < 1.26.0-4
python3-oslo-rootwrap < 5.13.0-4
python3-oslo-rootwrap-tests < 5.13.0-4
python3-oslo-service < 1.29.0-4
python3-oslo-service-tests < 1.29.0-4
python3-oslo-vmware < 2.26.0-4
python3-oslo-vmware-tests < 2.26.0-4
python3-osprofiler < 1.11.0-8
python3-pankoclient < 0.3.0-10
python3-pankoclient-tests < 0.3.0-10
python3-pep8 < 1.7.1-5
python3-pg8000 < 1.12.3-3
python3-port-for < 0.4-9
python3-publicsuffix < 1.1.0-10
python3-pybloomfiltermmap < 0.3.15-15
python3-pycadf < 2.4.0-11
python3-pycscope < 1.2.1-20
python3-pyftpdlib < 1.5.4-9
python3-pyjf3 < 0.3-13
python3-pykalman < 0.9.5-25
python3-pykde4 < 4.14.3-31
python3-pypump < 0.6-14
python3-pyside < 1.2.4-11
python3-pystache < 0.5.4-13
python3-pyswip < 0.2.7-6
python3-pytest-pep8 < 1.0.6-22
python3-qscintilla < 2.11.2-5
python3-rauth < 0.7.3-8
python3-releases < 1.6.0-6
python3-restauth < 0.6.1-20
python3-restauth-common < 0.6.2-19
python3-ripe-atlas-cousteau < 1.3-11
python3-ripe-atlas-sagan < 1.1.11-12
python3-ripozo < 1.3.0-13
python3-sanic < 0.8.0-3
python3-scandir < 1.9.0-7
python3-seesaw < 0.10.0-7
python3-shogun < 6.0.0-16
python3-slack_cleaner < 0.6.0-2
python3-socketIO-client < 0.7.2-5
python3-socketpool < 0.5.3-16
python3-stestr-sql < 2.4.0-3
python3-subunit2sql < 1.9.0-4
python3-subunit2sql-graph < 1.9.0-4
python3-tbgrep < 0.3.0-18
python3-thriftpy < 0.3.9-11
python3-tpg < 3.2.2-10
python3-tw2-jqplugins-ui < 2.3.0-9
python3-tw2-jquery <
python3-units < 0.07-8
python3-vips < 8.7.4-3
python3-virtkey < 0.63.0-13
python3-windtalker < 0.0.4-11
python3-yubikey-piv-manager < 1.4.2-9
python3-zc-buildout < 2.5.3-12
python3-zipp < 0.5.1-3
python3-zookeeper < 3.4.9-14
python3-zope-contenttype < 4.1.0-15
python3-zope-datetime < 4.1.0-13
python3-zope-dottedname < 4.1.0-16
python3-zope-filerepresentation < 4.1.0-15
python3-zope-i18n < 4.1.0-14
python3-zope-processlifetime < 2.1.0-11
python3-zope-proxy < 4.2.0-10
python3-zope-sequencesort < 4.0.1-13
pythonqt < 3.2-21
ripe-atlas-tools < 2.0.2-9
shiboken-python3-libs < 1.2.4-15
vault < 0.0.3-4
vint < 0.3.18-4

glite-lb-types < 2.0.10-18
gpsdrive < 2.11-54
mirrorbrain-scanner < 2.18.1-27
opendchub < 0.8.3-20
perl-CPAN-Reporter < 1.2018-12
perl-Compress-LZ4 < 0.25-12
perl-Compress-Snappy < 0.24-16
perl-Crypt-PBKDF2 < 0.161520-12
perl-Crypt-Random-TESHA2 < 0.01-16
perl-Crypt-SaltedHash < 0.09-18
perl-Date-Easter < 1.22-16
perl-Digest-Bcrypt < 1.209-11
perl-Digest-PBKDF2 < 0.013-9
perl-Filesys-SmbClient < 3.2-22
perl-GStreamer < 0.20-18
perl-Geo-Point < 0.98-4
perl-Geo-Proj4 < 1.09-4
perl-Image-SubImageFind < 0.03-23
perl-Module-Data < 0.013-11
perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast < 0.09-14
perl-Path-ScanINC < 1.000003-11
perl-Pod-Wordlist-hanekomu < 1.132680-25
perl-SOCKS < 0.03-17
perl-Test2-Plugin-SpecDeclare < 0.000003-12
perl-Time-TAI64 < 2.11-16
perl-X11-GUITest < 0.28-20
perl-perl5i < 2.13.2-14
perl-qpid-messaging < 1.39.0-6
perl-re-engine-PCRE2 < 0.16-5
zanata-util < 0.2.9-20

antimony < 0.9.3-18
boost169-numpy3 < 1.69.0-7
boost169-python3 < 1.69.0-7
copydeps < 4.0-4
coreboot-utils < 4.11-2
csvdiff < 0.3.1-12
gfal2-util < 1.5.3-7
hovercraft < 2.2-10
inception < 0.4.1-16
mnemosyne < 2.6.1-5
modtools < 0.0.1-13
python-ladon < 0.9.38-13
python3-args < 0.1.0-15
python3-asynctest < 0.13.0-5
python3-avocado-vt < 77.0-2
python3-bashate < 0.5.1-15
python3-blist < 1.3.6-25
python3-blockdiag-devel < 2.0.0-3
python3-cantor < 19.12.2-3
python3-clint < 0.5.1-16
python3-cltk < 0.1.111-3
python3-configparser < 3.7.1-8
python3-couchdb < 1.0-18
python3-django-babel < 0.6.2-12
python3-django-simple-captcha < 0.5.6-11
python3-django-tinymce < 2.4.0-14
python3-flask-cache < 0.13.1-20
python3-flower < 0.9.2-8
python3-gerrit-view < 0.4.6-5
python3-gofer-qpid < 3.0.0-0.7
python3-heketi < 9.0.0-6
python3-hug < 2.4.0-5
python3-invocations < 0.13.0-16
python3-jsonref < 0.2-2
python3-jupyterlab-launcher < 0.11.0-8
python3-line_profiler < 2.1-8
python3-multio < 0.2.4-7
python3-neomodel < 3.3.1-7
python3-nistats < 0.0.1-0.6
python3-nose-xcover < 1.0.11-8
python3-nose_warnings_filters < 0.1.5-13
python3-openslide < 1.1.1-19
python3-pathlib2 < 2.3.5-3
python3-pip-shims < 0.3.2-5
python3-poppler-qt4 < 0.18.1-22
python3-pyephem <
python3-pythonfinder < 1.2.1-5
python3-radicale < 2.1.12-4
python3-readme_renderer < 24.0-7
python3-social-auth-app-flask < 1.0.0-9
python3-social-auth-app-flask-sqlalchemy < 1.0.1-9
python3-social-auth-storage-sqlalchemy < 1.1.0-9
python3-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc < 1.2-13
python3-tgext-crud < 0.8.2-10
python3-traceback2 < 1.4.0-27
python3-unittest2 < 1.1.0-25
python3-vistir < 0.4.3-6
python3-yaspin < 0.14.3-6
python3-zope-i18nmessageid < 4.0.3-19
sse2fedmsg < 0.3.0-10
subscription-manager-migration < 1.25.9-6
ubertooth-specan-ui < 2018.12.R1-9

Plus the following python2 packages, in accordance with the general switch away
from Python2 ahead of its retirement in 2020. See for more

OpenIPMI-gui < 2.0.18-5
cel < 1.2-10
crystalspace < 1.2.1-9
crystalspace-devel < 1.2.1-9
fedora-devshell < 0.1.1-5
genesis < 0.4.3-4
gmixer < 1.3-22
gsh < 0.3-11
jokosher < 1.0-0.13
libchamplain-python < 0.6.1-5
lybniz < 1.3.2-7
mediascrapper < 0.1-8
museek+-bindings < 0.3-0.4
museek+-mucous < 0.3-0.4
museek+-murmur < 0.3-0.4
nagios-plugins-rhev < 1.0.0-3
pybackpack < 0.5.7-5
pytc < 0.8-6
python-argparse < 1.1-3
python-cly < 0.9-4
python-goopy < 0.1-10
python-hash_ring < 1.2-5
python-id3 < 1.2-17
python-transitfeed < 1.1.9-8
python-twyt < 0.9.2-5
pytyrant < 1.1.17-4
transbot < 0.2-8
Miro < 3.5.1-2
aldrin < 0.13-7
bittorrent < 4.4.0-17
cnetworkmanager < 0.21.1-4
ethos-python < 0.2.2-12
gbirthday < 0.6.5-4
gnome-python2-brasero < 2.32.0-2
gnome-python2-evince < 2.32.0-2
gquilt < 0.25-2
gtraffic < 1.01-7
healpy <
kdeedu < 4.6.5-2
kdeedu-math < 4.6.5-2
liblicense-python < 0.8.1-6
moovida-base < 1.0.9-5
moovida-plugins-bad < 1.0.9-5
moovida-plugins-good < 1.0.9-5
mumbles < 0.4-15
pigment-python < 0.3.12-5
presto-utils < 0.3.4-6
pytagger < 0.5-7
python-Chaco < 3.3.1-4
python-Enable < 3.3.1-3
python-TraitsBackendWX < 3.4.0-5
python-mechanoid < 0.6.9-15
python-pygooglechart < 0.2.1-8
python-rabbyt < 0.8.3-4
python-tilecache < 2.11-7
pyxmms < 2.06-14
pyzzub < 0.2.6-15
qtiplot <
referencer < 1.1.6-16
scribes <
seedit < 2.2.0-9
seedit-gui < 2.2.0-9
straw < 0.27-20
tinyerp <
tinyerp-server <
trytond-google-translate < 1.8.0-5
antlr3-python < 3.1.2-15
avant-window-navigator < 0.4.1-0.5
awn-extras-applets < 0.4.2-0.7
fusion-icon-qt < 0.1.0-0.11
gestikk < 0.6.1-8
gget < 0.0.4-17
hulahop < 0.7.1-4
itaka < 0.2.2-4
luci < 0.25.0-2
openstack-keystone < 2011.3.1-4
pida < 0.5.1-14
puritan < 0.4-8
pyactivemq < 0.1.0-14
pyevent < 0.3-10
pyjamas-desktop < 0.7-8
python-assets < 0.1.1-5
python-desktop-agnostic < 0.3.92-2
python-libgmail < 0.1.11-6
python-mako0.4 < 0.4.2-8
python-numarray < 1.5.2-11
python-sqlite2 < 1:2.3.5-5
python-text_table < 0.02-6
python-wehjit < 0.2.2-5
pyxf86config < 0.3.37-11
qedje-python < 0.4.0-10
qzion-python < 0.4.0-12
rainbow < 0.8.6-4
telepathy-sunshine < 0.2.0-3
Django-south < 0.7.5-2
PyAmanith < 0.3.35-13
autokey < 0.81.4-2
blogtk < 2.0-8
boost141-python < 1.41.0-3
django-tinymce < 1.5-4
docky < 2.0.12-4
hamster-applet < 2.32.1-4
input-pad-python < 1.0.1-5
mod_python < 3.3.1-19
mod_scgi < 1.13-6
moksha < 0.5.0-6
natus-python < 0.1.5-3
ntfs-config < 1.0.1-14
openchange-python < 1.0-11
openstack-nova-compute < 2012.1.3-4
openstack-nova-network < 2012.1.3-4
openstack-nova-volume < 2012.1.3-4
ovirt-engine-log-collector <
pacemaker-cloud < 0.5.0-3
pyfuzzy < 0.1.0-5
python-cement-devtools < 0.8.18-3
python-exo < 0.6.2-5
python-keystone-auth-token < 2012.1.3-4
python-modjkapi <
python-natus < 0.1.5-3
python-nose1.1 < 1.1.2-6
typepad-motion < 1.1.3-5
xulrunner-python < 2.0-2
HippoDraw-python < 1.21.3-7
bootchart < 0.14.0-4
canto < 0.7.4-6
comoonics-base-py < 0.1-8
comoonics-cdsl-py < 0.2-21
comoonics-cluster-py < 0.1-27
django-annoying < 0.7.6-4
django-avatar < 2.0a1-7
glusterfs-swift < 3.3.1-4
glusterfs-swift-account < 3.3.1-4
glusterfs-swift-container < 3.3.1-4
glusterfs-swift-object < 3.3.1-4
glusterfs-swift-plugin < 3.3.1-4
glusterfs-swift-proxy < 3.3.1-4
gnome-lirc-properties < 0.5.1-5
matahari-lib < 0.6.0-4
matahari-python < 0.6.0-4
matahari-rpc < 0.6.0-4
matahari-shell < 0.6.0-4
obapps < 0.1.7-4
openstack-swift-object < 1.7.4-2
python-TraitsGUI < 3.5.0-5
python-drizzle < 0.08.2-10
python-nufw < 2.4.3-7
python-quixote < 2.4-16
python-sqlalchemy0.7 < 0.7.3-8
syck-python < 0.61-18
trac-agilo-plugin < 0.9.7-4
util-vserver-python < 0.30.215+svn2929-1604
PythonCAD < 0.1.37-5
aeolus-audrey-agent < 0.5.1-3
autobuild-applet < 1.0.3-17
btparser-python < 0.26-2
django-tables < 0.3-0.6
firmware-extract < 2.0.13-5
firstaidkit-engine < 0.3.2-7
firstboot < 19.2-2
fpaste-server < 0.2-2
gazpacho < 0.7.2-14
gnome-specimen < 0.4-7
ibus-panel-extensions-python <
libbtctl < 0.11.1-14
libprelude-python < 1:1.0.0-18
libpreludedb-python < 1:1.0.0-17
metagoofil < 1.4b-8
mysql-workbench < 5.2.47-3
openstack-swift-account < 1.8.0-4
openstack-tempo < 0-0.4
prelude-notify < 0.9-0.11
python-EnthoughtBase < 3.0.6-6
python-EnvisageCore < 3.1.3-6
python-EnvisagePlugins < 3.1.3-6
python-TraitsBackendQt < 3.5.0-6
python-arm4 < 1.2-8
python-django-lint < 0.13-16
python-iguanaIR < 1.0.3-3
python-nova-adminclient < 0.1.8-5
python-psycopg < 1.1.21-19
python-quantumclient < 2:2.2.1-4
python-setupdocs < 1.0.5-6
python-transifex < 0.1.7-3
rhevsh < 1.0-2
smart < 1.3.1-69
smart-gui < 1.3.1-69
ufl-python < 0.1-0.4
zyx-liveinstaller < 0.2.4-7
SOAPpy < 0.11.6-18
askbot < 0.7.48-12
bcfg2-web < 1.3.2-3
bzr-explorer < 1.3.0-2
cinepaint < 1.3-10
comedilib-devel < 0.8.1-13
condor-bosco < 8.1.1-0.4
django-recaptcha < 0.1-6
django-sct < 0.6-6
eucalyptus-console < 3.3.0-0.6
funnel < 0.0-6
gausssum < 2.2.6-3
gnome-shell-search-fedora-packages < 1.1.2-4
gnome-shell-search-github-repositories < 1.0.2-4
gnome-shell-search-pinboard < 1.0.3-4
heat < 7-5
heat-jeos < 9-3
hotot-gtk < 0.9.9-8
ice-python < 3.5.1-3
input-pad-pygobject2 < 1.0.2-6
katello-cli-common < 1.3.5-3
lastuser < 0.1-6
libbeagle-python < 0.3.9-12
libimobiledevice-python < 1.1.5-4
metakit <
openslides < 1.3.1-3
openstack-neutron-bigswitch < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-brocade < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-cisco < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-hyperv < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-linuxbridge < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-mellanox < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-metaplugin < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-midonet < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-ml2 < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-nec < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-openvswitch < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-plumgrid < 2013.2-2
openstack-neutron-ryu < 2013.2-2
openstack-savanna < 2014.1.b2-4
picviz < 0.6-13
picviz-gui < 0.6-13
pootle < 2.1.6-8
postr < 0.12.4-10
python-ZooKeeper < 3.4.5-13
python-askbot-fedmsg < 0.1.1-2
python-authhub < 0.1.2-4
python-coffin < 0.3.7-3
python-django-addons < 0.6.6-2
python-django-authopenid < 1.0.1-8
python-django-longerusername < 0.4-5
python-django14 < 1.4.20-2
python-django15 < 1.5.9-2
python-eucadmin < 3.3.0-0.6
python-jinja < 1.2-11
python-lamson < 1.3.4-2
python-paver < 1.2.1-3
python-ssh < 1.7.14-4
python-webdav-library < 0.3.0-7
pytrainer < 1.9.1-6
pywcs < 1.11-5
qbzr < 0.23.1-2
s3ql < 1.13.2-2
semantik < 0.9.1-2
sfbm < 0.7-2
spacewalk-backend < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-config-files-common < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-iss-export < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-libs < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-server < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-sql < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-sql-postgresql < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-tools < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-xml-export-libs < 2.0.3-3
spacewalk-backend-xmlrpc < 2.0.3-3
spectrum < 1.4.8-13
sugar-tamtam-common < 0-0.13
transifex < 1.2.1-12
xesam-tools < 0.6.1-11
ReviewBoard < 2.0.18-2
apt-python < 0.5.15lorg3.95-10
bro < 1.5.1-13
cnucnu < 0-0.18
gfal-python < 1.16.0-6
identicurse < 0.8.2-7
kate-pate < 4.14.3-7
lcg-util-python < 1.16.0-5
mosquitto-python < 1.3.5-2
nifti2dicom < 0.4.9-2
openlmi-software < 0.5.0-6
ovirt-node < 3.0.0-12
ovirt-node-plugin-cim < 3.0.0-12
ovirt-node-plugin-puppet < 3.0.0-12
ovirt-node-plugin-snmp < 3.0.0-12
pympdtouchgui < 0.327-8
python-MAPI < 7.1.14-2
python-asyncmongo < 0.1.3-7
python-djblets < 0.8.21-2
python-gofer-amqplib < 2.0.0-2
python-migrate0.5 < 0.5.4-8
python-setuptools_trial < 0.5.12-8
python-sqlalchemy0.5 < 0.5.8-12
python-sqlamp < 0.5.2-10
python-tvrage < 0.4.1-6
python-wallaby < 0.16.4-4
python-wallabyclient < 5.0.3-7
python-xkit <
python-zfec < 1.4.22-7
sabayon < 2.30.1-12
sabayon-apply < 2.30.1-12
spambayes < 1.1-0.11
vdsm-reg <
zarafa-dagent < 7.1.14-2
zarafa-spooler < 7.1.14-2
ScientificPython < 2.8-21
ScientificPython-qt < 2.8-21
ScientificPython-tk < 2.8-21
at-spi-python < 1.32.0-15
bcfg2 < 1.3.3-6
bcfg2-server < 1.3.3-6
ekg < 1.8-0.18
ekg2-python < 0.3.1-15
fedora-productimg-server < 22-8
font-manager < 0.5.7-11
gwibber < 1:3.4.2-15
ipsilon-authkrb < 0.4.0-2
ipsilon-tools < 0.4.0-2
istanbul < 0.2.2-23
openstack-sahara < 2014.2.4-2
pyjigdo <
python-Fiona < 1.5.1-2
python-async < 0.6.1-10
python-django-evolution < 1:0.7.3-2
python-django-memcached-pool < 0.4.1-5
python-django-piston < 0.2.3-10
python-fiat < 1.5.0-2
python-pbs < 4.3.3-9
python-rfc6266 < 0.0.4-5
python-sgutils < 0.2.1-7
python-tgexpandingformwidget < 0.1.3-16
python-umemcache < 1.6.3-4
snake-server < 0.11.1-6
vdsm-python-zombiereaper < 4.16.20-3
ProDy < 1.6.1-2
ahc-tools < 0.2.0-2
ansible1.9 < 1.9.6-3
autotest-framework-server < 0.16.2-3
bitbake < 1.17.0-3
cvs2commons < 2.3.0-0.12
dexter < 0.18-11
emesene < 2.11.11-9
fife < 2:0.3.3r3-17
frepple < 2.1-4
ghmm < 0.7-13
idjc < 0.8.7-10
imagefactory-plugins-Nova < 1.1.7-3
imagefactory-plugins-OpenStack < 1.1.9-2
imagefactory-plugins-Rackspace < 1.1.9-2
libixion-python < 0.9.1-7
listen < 0.6.5-15
lshell < 0.9.16-6
mitter < 0.4.5-10
openstack-heat-common < 2015.1.3-2
openstack-heat-gbp < 2015.1.1-2
openstack-ironic-common < 2015.1.3-2
openstack-manila-ui < 1.0.1-2
openstack-marconi < 2014.1-4
openstack-neutron-gbp < 2015.1.1-2
openstack-neutron-nuage < 2015.1.3-2
openstack-packstack < 2015.1-0.12
openstack-sahara-common < 2015.1.3-2
openstack-swift < 2.3.0-4
openstack-swift-container < 2.3.0-4
openstack-swift-plugin-swift3 < 1.9-2
openstack-swift-proxy < 2.3.0-4
openstack-tripleo-heat-templates < 0.7.9-14
openstack-tuskar < 0.4.15-4
openstack-tuskar-ui < 0.2.0-6
openstack-zaqar < 2015.1.0-3
papyon < 0.5.6-9
pyliblo < 0.9.1-11
pymetar < 0.14-14
pystatgrab < 0.5-17
python-Coherence <
python-bcdoc < 0.12.2-5
python-ceilometer < 2015.1.3-2
python-cinder < 2015.1.3-2
python-designate < 2015.1.0-3
python-designate-tests < 2015.1.0-3
python-desktopcouch < 1.0.8-4
python-django-celery < 3.1.9-3
python-django-horizon < 2015.1.4-2
python-django-horizon-gbp < 2015.1.1-3
python-django-mako < 0.1.5-0.6
python-django-sahara < 2014.2-0.4
python-docker-registry-core < 2.0.3-3
python-dotconf < 0.2.1-20
python-espeak < 0.5-12
python-fife < 2:0.3.3r3-17
python-flask-mongoengine < 0.7.1-3
python-flask-testing < 0.4.1-4
python-gbpclient < 0.10.1-2
python-geoclue < 0.1.0-9
python-glance < 2015.1.3-2
python-gnash < 1:0.8.10-20
python-gnocchi < 1.0.0-3
python-hcs_utils < 1.1.1-11
python-ironic-discoverd < 1.1.1-2
python-javaobj < 0-0.7
python-keystone < 2015.1.3-2
python-lazy < 1.2-6
python-louie < 1.1-17
python-manila < 2015.1.0-5
python-neutron < 2015.1.3-2
python-neutron-tests < 2015.1.3-2
python-nevow < 0.10.0-12
python-nova < 2015.1.3-2
python-ogg < 1.3-24
python-rpi-gpio < 0.5.11-2
python-storm < 0.20-6
python-storm-django < 0.20-6
python-storm-mysql < 0.20-6
python-storm-postgresql < 0.20-6
python-storm-twisted < 0.20-6
python-storm-zope < 0.20-6
python-sybase < 0.39-17
python-tag < 2013.1-14
python-trove < 2015.1.0-6
python-tunepimp < 0.5.3-29
python-twill < 0.9-14
python-ufc < 2.1.0-14
python-vcpx < 0.9.35-19
python-vorbis < 1.5-0.18
python-wikimarkup < 1.01-15
python-wsme < 0.6-5
python2-wsme < 0.7.0-3
revisor-cli < 2.2-12
revisor-cobbler < 2.2-12
revisor-gui < 2.2-12
revisor-isolinux < 2.2-12
revisor-mock < 2.2-12
revisor-reuseinstaller < 2.2-12
rpm-compare-req < 0.1.0-7
sonata <
trac-peerreview-plugin < 0.11-12
undertaker < 1.6.1-8
upnp-inspector < 0.2.2-12
willie < 4.5.0-3
APLpy < 1.0-5
adonthell < 0.3.5-8
be < 1.1.1-7
gtkwhiteboard < 1.3-12
ino < 0.3.6-5
instack < 0.0.6-3
luma < 3.0.7-7
neso < 2.6.0-7
nf3d < 0.8-6
openlmi-pcp < 0.6.0-5
openlmi-python-base < 0.6.0-5
openlmi-python-providers < 0.6.0-5
openlmi-python-test < 0.6.0-5
openlmi-scripts-account < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-hardware < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-journald < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-locale < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-logicalfile < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-networking < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-powermanagement < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-realmd < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-selinux < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-service < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-software < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-sssd < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-storage < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-scripts-system < 0.4.0-5
openlmi-storage < 0.8.1-4
openlmi-tools < 0.10.5-3
orbited < 0.7.10-15
os-cloud-config < 0.2.10-4
pycolumnize < 0.3.8-3
pydb < 1.26-15
pyftpdlib < 1.4.0-7
pymol-wxpython < 1.8-4
pypop < 0.7.0-17
python-django-secure < 1.0-5
python-frappe-bench < 0.92-5
python-frappe-libs < 5.3.0-4
python-geoip-geolite2 < 2015.0303-7
python-grib_api < 1.14.5-3
python-nikola < 7.6.4-3
python-slimit < 0.8.1-4
python-sqlalchemy-traversal < 0.4.1-7
python-tempest-lib < 0.11.0-3
python-tgscheduler < 1.7.0-3
python-tuskarclient < 0.1.16-4
python-visual < 5.74-18
python2-entry_point_inspector < 0.1-4
python2-espeak < 0.5-15
python2-flask-uwsgi-websocket < 0.4.4-5
python2-javaobj < 0-0.9
python2-krop < 0.4.11-4
python2-nikola < 7.7.11-4
python2-pyo < 0.7.7-2
python2-pyprintr < 1.1-3
python2-telegram-cli < 1.3.3-0.6
pytrailer < 0.6.0-10
ris-linux < 0.4-18
roundup < 1.4.21-7
rurple < 1.0-0.14
secstate < 0.4.1-10
spe < 0.8.4.h-17
system-config-network < 1.6.11-8
system-config-samba < 1.2.100-6
tmda < 1.1.12-14
trytond-ldap-connection < 2.6.0-7
twms < 0.05-6
PyKDE < 3.16.7-10
PyQt < 3.18.1-36
albumart < 1.6.6-6
ascend < 0.9.10-12
boom < 0.8-5
canl-c++-python < 1.1.0-8
dissy < 10-7
dnf-plugin-spacewalk < 2.4.15-5
flann-python < 1.8.4-9
fts-python < 3.4.3-5
glyphtracer < 1.3-11
iguanaIR-python < 2:1.1.0-18
kodos < 2.4.9-20
konkretcmpi-python < 0.9.2-13
kphotobymail < 0.4.1-19
ola-rdm-tests < 0.10.3-2
pipviewer < 0.3.9-21
pycmd < 1.2-7
pynetsnmp < 0.28.14-15
pynetsnmp-twisted < 0.28.14-15
python-SimpleCV < 1.3-8
python-akismet < 0.2.0-10
python-catwalk < 2.0.2-13
python-cement < 2.2.2-8
python-cherrytemplate < 1.0.0-22
python-compositor < 0.2b-13
python-condorec2e < 1.3.1-8
python-condorutils < 1.5-13
python-couchdbkit < 0.6.5-7
python-ctypesgen < 0-0.8
python-django-admin-honeypot < 0.3.0-5
python-django-authenticator < 0.1.5-9
python-django-bootstrap-toolkit < 2.15.0-6
python-django-dajax < 0.9.2-7
python-django-dajaxice < 0.6-5
python-django-dpaste < 0.2.4-17
python-django-pagination < 1.0.7-10
python-django-profile < 0.6-0.9
python-django-recaptcha-works < 0.3.4-11
python-django-roa < 1.7-12
python-django-sorting < 0.1-13
python-django-threaded-multihost < 1.4.0-11
python-django-tracking < 0.3.7-16
python-django-typepadapp < 1.2.1-14
python-dnf-plugins-extras-debug < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-leaves < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-local < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-repoclosure < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-repograph < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-repomanage < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-show-leaves < 0.0.12-5
python-dnf-plugins-extras-versionlock < 0.0.12-5
python-foolscap < 0.10.1-3
python-fpconst < 0.7.3-18
python-functest < 0.8.8-10
python-gudev < 147.2-11
python-import-utils < 0.0.1-10
python-kinterbasdb < 3.3.0-14
python-lirc < 0.0.5-22
python-logilab-common < 0.63.2-7
python-modargs < 1.7-7
python-multi-registry < 0.0.2-10
python-obexftp < 0.24-14
python-pebl < 1.0.2-15
python-prioritized-methods < 0.2.1-16
python-remoteobjects < 1.2.1-4
python-robofab < 1.2.0-13
python-ruledispatch < 0.5a1-0.31
python-snpp < 1.1.2-13
python-sphinx-theme-better < 0.1.5-9
python-tgcaptcha < 0.11-19
python-tgfastdata < 0.9a7-0.10
python-tpg < 3.1.2-17
python-turboflot < 0.7.0-10
python-tw-jquery < 0.9.10-11
python-typepad < 2.0-9
python-ufo2fdk < 0.1-13
python-webflash < 0.1-0.15
python-windmill < 1.7-0.10
python-wsgi-jsonrpc < 0.2.9-9
python-wsgiref < 0.1.2-16
python-xappy < 0.6.0-0.10
python-yumdaemon < 0.9.2-12
python2-RPi.GPIO < 0.6.1-3
python2-btrfs < 5-2
python2-freesteam < 2.1-17
python2-ola < 0.10.3-2
python2-pytg < 0.4.10-4
python2-tktable < 2.10-14
sfact < 0.0-10
skeinforge < 12.03.14-21
trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin < 0.2-5
trac-defaultcc-plugin < 0.3-0.8
xchat-gnome < 0.26.2-24
zapplet < 0.1-18
VMDKstream < 0.3-6
conduit < 0.3.17-15
coot < 0.8.8-3
dtrx < 7.1-11
epylog < 1.0.7-17
fedfs-utils-python < 0.10.5-5
geany-plugins-geanypy < 1.33-2
grinder < 0.0.139-10
hotssh < 0.2.7-13
hotwire < 0.721-18
libcoot < 0.8.8-3
libpst-python < 0.6.70-2
magicor < 1.1-19
nautilus-phatch < 0.2.7-28
peppy < 0.16.0-11
pessulus < 2.30.3-13
phatch < 0.2.7-28
phatch-cli < 0.2.7-28
plague-client <
plague-common <
pymssql < 1.0.2-7
pyqtrailer < 0.6.2-13
python-OpenImageIO < 1.7.15-2
python-anfft < 0.2-10
python-appstream < 0.8-3
python-fedora-django < 0.9.0-4
python-forensic1394 < 0.2-17
python-googlevoice < 0.5-14
python-numeric < 24.2-28
python-osbs < 0.14-3
python-zope-interface4 < 4.1.3-2
python2-ProDy < 1.8.2-9
python2-coot < 0.8.8-3
python2-django-admin-honeypot < 1.0.0-2
python2-radicale < 1.1.6-3
reinteract < 0.5.9-16
relevation < 1.3-5
sslstrip < 0.9-12
supybot <
system-config-kdump < 2.0.16-7
v8-python < 1:5.2.258-12
xchat < 1:2.8.8-35
ansible-review < 0.13.7-2
cryptsetup-python < 1.7.5-5
fontmatrix < 0.9.99-33
ganglia-gmond-python < 3.7.2-18
gtk-recordmydesktop < 0.3.8-20
gtk-vnc-python < 0.7.1-4
libopensync-plugin-python < 1:0.22-17
libpst-python2 < 0.6.71-4
mapserver-python < 7.0.5-4
marisa-python < 0.2.4-25
net-snmp-python < 1:5.7.3-28
openerp-client < 6.1-13
openerp7 < 7.0-12
openscap-python < 1.2.17-2
openwsman-python < 2.6.3-6
preupgrade-assistant < 2.1.9-5
preupgrade-assistant-devel < 2.1.9-5
python-HTMLgen < 2.2.2-27
python-Lightbox < 2.1-17
python-NLopt < 2.4.2-14
python-PSI < 0.3-0.17
python-PyRSS2Gen < 1.1-14
python-TornadIO2 < 0.0.4-11
python-UcsSdk <
python-ZSI < 2.1-12
python-amqpclt < 0.6-2
python-amqplib < 1.0.2-18
python-assertEquals < 0.4.4-11
python-astroML-addons < 0.2.2-11
python-babel-BabelGladeExtractor < 0.2-0.14
python-cryptominisat4 < 4.5.3-13
python-di < 0.3-10
python-django-discover-runner < 1.0-12
python-django-kombu < 0.9.4-10
python-django-notification < 1.2.0-9
python-djvulibre < 0.3.9-5
python-gitapi < 1.1.0-0.a3.6
python-iptools < 0.6.1-12
python-kaa-base < 0.6.0-18
python-kaa-display < 0.1.0-18
python-kaa-imlib2 < 0.2.3-24
python-kaa-metadata < 0.7.7-17
python-liblarch < 2.1.0-11
python-liblarch_gtk < 2.1.0-11
python-lmiwbem < 0.7.2-16
python-mecab < 0.996-2
python-mtTkinter < 0.4-14
python-mygpoclient < 1.7-8
python-narcissus-app < 0.9.1-9
python-narcissus-common <
python-narcissus-hub <
python-openhpi < 1.2-0.18
python-phacter < 0.2.0-13
python-repoze-what-pylons < 1.0-18
python-repoze-what-quickstart < 1.0.9-13
python-repoze-who-friendlyform < 1.0.8-14
python-repoze-who-testutil < 1.0.1-13
python-resultsdb_api < 2.0.0-4
python-rhev < 1.0-16
python-taskw < 1.2.0-5
python-txrequests < 0.9.2-9
python-urlobject < 2.4.0-12
python-xcffib < 0.5.1-4
python2-copr-common < 0.2-2
python2-django-cors-headers < 2.0.2-4
python2-django-helpdesk < 0.2.10-2
python2-django-jsonfield < 1.0.3-6
python2-django-keyedcache3 < 1.5.3-7
python2-django-openstack-auth < 2.4.2-3
python2-django-picklefield < 1.0.0-2
python2-django-threadedcomments < 1.2-3
python2-django-tinymce < 2.4.0-3
python2-fedora-django < 0.9.0-8
python2-flufl-bounce < 2.3-4
python2-flufl-i18n < 1.1.3-4
python2-flufl-lock < 2.4.1-4
python2-lib389 < 1.0.4-3
python2-libneurosim < 0-3
python2-libneurosim-mpich < 0-3
python2-libneurosim-openmpi < 0-3
python2-pydbus < 0.6.0-4
python2-pynlpl < 1.1.2-4
python2-rpy < 2.8.6-9
python2-trezor < 0.7.16-4
python2-udiskie < 1.7.1-2
qt-recordmydesktop < 0.3.8-16
rekall-python < 2.4.6-39
satyr-python < 0.25-3
scapy < 2.3.3-3
subscription-manager-gui < 1.20.1-4
wiredtiger-python < 2.9.3-2
StarCluster < 1:0.95.6-11
darkclient < 0.2-12
denyhosts < 2.10-13
firmware-addon-dell < 2.2.9-13
gnumed < 1.6.7-7
gtg < 0.3.1-17
gvrng < 4.4-18
libpagemap < 0.0.1-25
libsvm-python < 3.21-4
mlpack-python2 < 3.0.4-3
pyrrd < 0.1.0-9
python-lettuce < 0.2.20-3
python-oslo-db-tests < 4.17.0-3
python-oslo-policy-tests < 1.14.0-7
python-oslo-reports-tests < 1.17.0-4
python-oslo-serialization-tests < 2.20.0-3
python2-abrt-doc < 2.10.10-2
python2-adapt < 0.3.0-5
python2-amqplib < 1.0.2-20
python2-ansible-inventory-grapher < 2.4.5-3
python2-ansible-review < 0.13.7-4
python2-ara < 0.14.0-2
python2-ara-tests < 0.14.0-2
python2-argcomplete < 1.9.3-4
python2-blivet < 1:3.0.0-0.7
python2-bytesize < 1.4-2
python2-cachecontrol < 0.12.3-5
python2-caja < 1:1.20.2-3
python2-ceilometerclient < 2.6.1-6
python2-clint < 0.5.1-8
python2-compose-utils < 0.1.18-3
python2-compyte < 0.0.1-0.11
python2-conu-pytest < 0.7.1-3
python2-coverage_pth < 0.0.1-6
python2-custodia-extra < 0.5.0-12
python2-djvulibre < 0.8-3
python2-docker-py < 1:1.10.6-8
python2-docx < 0.8.5-13
python2-dput < 1.11-7
python2-ee < 3.0.0-3
python2-fedmsg-atomic-composer < 2017.1-4
python2-flask-restless < 0.17.0-8
python2-fmn-sse < 0.2.1-6
python2-furl < 1.0.1-3
python2-gdl < 0.9.9-7
python2-geoip2 < 2.9.0-2
python2-gevent-websocket < 0.9.5-7
python2-gradunwarp < 1.0.3-7
python2-gupnp-igd < 0.2.5-3
python2-i2c-tools < 4.0-11
python2-iksemel < 1.5-0.2
python2-ipa-desktop-profile-server < 0.0.8-2
python2-ipaserver < 4.7.2-2
python2-ipatests < 4.7.2-2
python2-iptools < 0.6.1-15
python2-ironic-inspector-client < 1.9.0-6
python2-libpfm < 4.9.0-7
python2-libpst < 0.6.71-8
python2-libstoragemgmt < 1.7.3-2
python2-libstoragemgmt-clibs < 1.7.3-2
python2-libvoikko < 3.8-10
python2-lmiwbem < 0.7.2-19
python2-ludolph < 1.0.1-4
python2-ludolph-zabbix < 1.7-3
python2-lvm-deprecated < 2.02.177-6
python2-mapserver < 7.0.5-11
python2-marisa < 0.2.4-31
python2-matplotlib-test-data < 2.2.3-2
python2-maxminddb < 1.4.0-2
python2-mlpy < 3.5.0-8
python2-mnemonic < 0.17-4
python2-mttkinter < 0.4-17
python2-narcissus-app < 0.9.1-12
python2-narcissus-common <
python2-narcissus-hub <
python2-net-snmp < 1:5.7.3-39
python2-networkmanager < 2.0.1-5
python2-nibabel < 2.1.0-2
python2-nipy < 0.4.1-2
python2-nose-cov < 1.6-13
python2-openhpi < 1.2-0.21
python2-openipmi < 2.0.24-5
python2-openstack-nose-plugin < 0.11-15
python2-orderedmultidict < 0.7.11-6
python2-parameterized < 0.6.1-3
python2-pbkdf2 < 1.3-9
python2-phacter < 0.2.0-15
python2-pid < 2.2.3-2
python2-pki < 10.6.9-2
python2-pocketlint < 0.17-2
python2-prelude-correlator < 4.0.0-3
python2-prewikka < 4.0.0-3
python2-prov < 1.5.1-4
python2-pydicom < 1.0.0-0.12
python2-pygpgme < 0.3-27
python2-pynwb < 0.6.1-4
python2-pyopencl < 2017.2.2-4
python2-pysctp < 0.6-13
python2-pytest-multihost < 3.0-2
python2-pytest-sourceorder < 0.5-10
python2-pytest-testmon < 0.9.6-4
python2-pytools < 2018.2-2
python2-pywbem < 0.12.6-2
python2-ratelimitingfilter < 0.6-2
python2-repoze-what-pylons < 1.0-20
python2-requests-ftp < 0.3.1-11
python2-rnc2rng < 2.5-3
python2-rply < 0.7.5-3
python2-semver < 2.7.8-3
python2-serpy < 0.2.0-3
python2-sleekxmpp < 1.3.2-4
python2-sphinx-theme-flask < git20130715.1cc4468-13
python2-sqlacodegen < 1.1.6-7
python2-svgwrite < 1.1.12-4
python2-taskw < 1.2.0-7
python2-testfixtures < 4.14.3-5
python2-testfixtures-tests < 4.14.3-5
python2-tlslite < 0.4.9-7
python2-toro < 1.0.1-6
python2-transforms3d < 0.3.1-3
python2-trollius-redis < 0.1.4-12
python2-trololio < 1.0-3
python2-tweepy < 3.5.0-7
python2-txrequests < 0.9.2-10
python2-ufo2ft < 1.1.0-4
python2-urlobject < 2.4.3-5
python2-wiredtiger < 3.0.0-2
python2-workerpool < 0.9.2-19
python2-xcffib < 0.5.1-6
pywbem-twisted < 0.12.6-2
restauth < 0.6.3-7
supybot-git < 0-10
supybot-gribble <
supybot-irccat < 0-11
supybot-notify < 0.2.2-14
trac-ticketdelete-plugin < 2.0-15
trytond-calendar < 4.0.1-5
trytond-calendar-classification < 4.0.1-5
trytond-calendar-scheduling < 4.0.1-5
trytond-calendar-todo < 4.0.1-5
trytond-party-vcarddav < 4.0.1-5
wadofstuff-django-serializers < 1.1.0-12
xml2dict < 0-0.14
PyMunin < 0.9.27-12
Pyrex < 0.9.9-19
PythonCard < 0.8.2-22
ari-backup < 1.0.12-10
arm-none-eabi-gdb < 7.6.2-5
atomicapp < 0.6.3-8
aubio-python2 < 0.4.9-2
bugyou < 0.2.2-7
bzr-fastimport < 0.13.0-14
bzrtools < 2.6.0-11
clusterPy < 0.9.9-18
cmdtest < 0.32-2
dnsyo < 2.0.7-9
feedstail < 0.5.1-7
gmpy < 1.17-15
gnome-hearts < 0.3-24
gnome-python2-gnomedesktop < 2.32.0-34
gnome-python2-libgtop2 < 2.32.0-34
gnome-python2-totem < 2.32.0-34
gst-inspector < 0.4-20
hgsubversion < 1.8.7-3
ibus-py2override < 1.5.19-19
ibus-pygtk2 < 1.5.19-19
lekhonee-lib < 0.7-18
lfc-python < 1.10.0-11
libkdtree++-python < 0.7.0-9
mMass < 5.5.0-25
mingw32-python2-pyqt5-sip < 4.19.13-3
mingw32-python2-sip < 4.19.13-3
mingw64-python2-pyqt5-sip < 4.19.13-3
mingw64-python2-sip < 4.19.13-3
ntop < 5.0.1-16
nwsserver < 2.0.0-19
obnam < 1.21-8
openerp < 6.1-16
os-apply-config < 5.0.0-7
os-collect-config < 5.0.0-7
os-net-config < 5.0.0-7
os-refresh-config < 5.0.0-7
ptpython2 < 0.41-9
pyPdf < 1.13-17
pycanberra < 0-0.19
pygrace < 0.4-20
pyip < 0.7-18
pymunk < 1.0.0-18
pyrasite < 2.0-10
python-imgbased < 1.0.999-0.2
python-ironic-inspector-client < 3.1.1-2
python-manifestdestiny < 0-0.16
python-mozdevice < 0-0.16
python-mozhttpd < 0-0.16
python-mozinfo < 0-0.16
python-mozinstall < 0-0.16
python-mozlog < 0-0.16
python-mozprocess < 0-0.16
python-mozprofile < 0-0.16
python-mozrunner < 0-0.16
python-testing.postgresql < 1.1.0-14
python-webob1.1 < 1.1.1-18
python-webtest1.3 < 1.3.4-17
python2-4suite-xml < 1.0.2-32
python2-APLpy < 1.1.1-8
python2-APScheduler < 3.5.3-2
python2-CommonMark < 0.7.5-4
python2-ECPy < 0.10.0-2
python2-GeographicLib < 1.49-6
python2-GridDataFormats < 0.5.0-2
python2-ImcSdk < 0.7.2-11
python2-Mastodon < 1.3.0-3
python2-Naked < 0.1.31-7
python2-PyLEMS <
python2-PyLink < 0.3.2-10
python2-PyMySQL < 0.9.2-3
python2-Pympler < 0.5-3
python2-QtPy < 1.4.2-4
python2-SecretStorage < 2.3.1-11
python2-TGScheduler < 1.7.0-12
python2-Traits < 4.6.0-2
python2-TurboGears2 < 2.4.0a1-2
python2-XStatic < 1.0.1-15
python2-XStatic-Angular-FileUpload <
python2-XStatic-jQuery <
python2-ZConfig < 3.1.0-13
python2-ZODB < 5.4.0-5
python2-aaargh < 0.7.1-8
python2-abclient < 0.2.3-8
python2-achoo < 1.0-20
python2-acme < 0.39.0-2
python2-adal < 1.2.2-2
python2-adduserpath < 0.4.0-5
python2-aexpect < 1.5.1-4
python2-affine < 2.3.0-2
python2-affinity < 0.1.0-16
python2-agate < 1.6.1-4
python2-agate-dbf < 0.2.0-6
python2-agate-excel < 0.2.2-4
python2-agate-sql < 0.5.3-4
python2-aiodns < 1.1.1-5
python2-alchimia < 0.7.0-5
python2-altgraph < 0.12-17
python2-amico < 1.0.1-11
python2-anfft < 0.2-14
python2-aniso8601 < 3.0.0-4
python2-ansi < 0.1.3-15
python2-ansi2html < 1.2.0-9
python2-ansible-runner < 1.0.5-2
python2-ansible-tower-cli < 3.3.0-5
python2-ansicolor < 0.2.4-9
python2-ansicolors < 1.1.8-7
python2-anyconfig < 0.9.7-2
python2-anyjson < 0.3.3-20
python2-aodhclient < 0.7.0-8
python2-aodhclient-tests < 0.7.0-8
python2-apptools < 4.4.0-13
python2-argparse-manpage < 1.2.2-2
python2-args < 0.1.0-9
python2-asciitable < 0.8.0-23
python2-asciitree < 0.3.3-10
python2-assertequals < 0.4.4-15
python2-astral < 1.6.1-4
python2-astroML < 0.3-22
python2-astroid < 1.6.4-3
python2-astroml-addons < 0.2.2-18
python2-astropy-helpers < 2.0.4-5
python2-astroquery < 0.3.8-3
python2-asttokens < 1.1.10-4
python2-atfork < 0.1.2-17
python2-atomic-reactor <
python2-atomic-reactor-koji <
python2-atomic-reactor-metadata <
python2-atomic-reactor-rebuilds <
python2-atpy < 0.9.7-18
python2-auth-credential < 1.0-18
python2-automaton < 1.14.0-4
python2-autopep8 < 1.2.4-10
python2-avocado < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-output-html < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-resultsdb < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-runner-docker < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-runner-remote < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-runner-vm < 52.1-8
python2-avocado-plugins-varianter-yaml-to-mux < 52.1-8
python2-azure-devtools < 1.0.0-5
python2-azure-sdk < 4.0.0-6
python2-azure-storage < 1.4.0-2
python2-babel-babelgladeextractor < 0.2-0.17
python2-babelfish < 0.5.5-12
python2-backlash < 0.1.4-2
python2-backports-csv < 1.0.5-6
python2-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size < 1.0.0-8
python2-backports-shutil_which < 3.5.1-8
python2-baker < 1.3-10
python2-bash8 < 0.1.1-17
python2-bashate < 0.5.1-10
python2-batchhttp < 1.1.1-14
python2-batinfo < 0.4.2-10
python2-beaker < 1.10.0-2
python2-beanstalkc < 0.4.0-10
python2-bigsuds < 1.0.6-5
python2-binaryornot < 0.4.3-3
python2-binstruct < 1.0.1-8
python2-bintrees < 2.0.1-17
python2-biopython < 1.72-3
python2-bitarray < 0.8.3-4
python2-bitmath < 1.3.1-2
python2-bitstring < 3.1.6-2
python2-bitstruct < 3.7.0-5
python2-blessed < 1.15.0-5
python2-blivet1 < 1:1.20.4-5
python2-bloom < 0.9.0-2
python2-bodhi < 3.12.0-201
python2-bodhi-client < 3.12.0-201
python2-booleanoperations < 0.8.0-4
python2-botocore < 1.10.41-5
python2-bottle-sqlite < 0.1.3-8
python2-brian2 < 2.2-2
python2-brotli < 1.0.5-2
python2-bson < 3.7.2-2
python2-btchip < 0.1.28-2
python2-bucky < 2.3.0-4
python2-bugzilla2fedmsg < 0.3.1-2
python2-bz2file < 0.98-8
python2-caca < 0.99-0.37
python2-cachetools < 2.1.0-4
python2-cachez < 0.1.2-7
python2-cagraph < 1.2-25
python2-cairocffi < 0.7.2-14
python2-camel < 0.1.2-6
python2-canonicaljson < 1.1.3-4
python2-cantor < 18.04.3-3
python2-carbon < 1.1.4-2
python2-carrot < 0.10.7-18
python2-cartopy < 0.17.0-3
python2-castellan < 0.5.0-6
python2-catkin_lint < 1.6.2-2
python2-catkin_tools < 0.4.5-2
python2-cattrs < 0.9.0-2
python2-ccdproc < 1.3.0-4
python2-cclib < 1.3.2-11
python2-ceilometermiddleware < 0.5.0-7
python2-cerberus < 1.2-2
python2-cerealizer < 0.8-10
python2-certbot < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-apache < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-cloudflare < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-cloudxns < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-digitalocean < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-dnsimple < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-gehirn < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-google < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-linode < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-luadns < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-nsone < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-ovh < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-rfc2136 < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-route53 < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-dns-sakuracloud < 0.39.0-2
python2-certbot-nginx < 0.39.0-2
python2-chaospy < 3.0.7-2
python2-characteristic < 14.3.0-14
python2-cherrypy2 < 2.3.0-31
python2-citeproc-py < 0.4.0-5
python2-cjson < 1.2.1-7
python2-clang < 7.0.1-7
python2-cli < 1.2-16
python2-click-completion < 0.3.1-2
python2-click-log < 0.3.2-4
python2-click-man < 0.2.2-5
python2-click-plugins < 1.1.1-2
python2-click-threading < 0.4.4-6
python2-clientform < 0.2.10-17
python2-cliff-tablib < 1.1-15
python2-cliff-tests < 2.13.0-3
python2-cligj < 0.4.0-7
python2-cloud-sptheme < 1.7.1-9
python2-cloudflare < 2.3.0-2
python2-cloudpickle < 0.3.1-5
python2-clyent < 1.2.2-8
python2-cma < 1.1.7-8
python2-cmd2 < 0.8.8-6
python2-cmigemo < 0.1.6-12
python2-colander < 1.4-6
python2-collectd-ceilometer-plugin < 1.0.1-8
python2-colorama < 0.4.0-4
python2-colorlog < 3.1.4-4
python2-colorspacious < 1.1.2-4
python2-colour-runner < 0.0.4-14
python2-columnize < 0.3.9-9
python2-concurrentloghandler < 0.9.1-9
python2-conda < 4.5.13-2
python2-configargparse < 0.14.0-3
python2-configshell < 1:1.1.fb25-3
python2-confparser < 1.0.1-21
python2-congressclient < 1.5.0-8
python2-congressclient-tests < 1.5.0-8
python2-contexttimer < 0.3.1-12
python2-conu < 0.4.0-4
python2-cookiecutter < 1.6.0-6
python2-cookies < 2.2.1-14
python2-cornice < 3.1.0-4
python2-cornice-sphinx < 1:0.3-7
python2-couchbase < 2.5.4-2
python2-couchdb < 1.0-12
python2-cov-core < 1.15.0-12
python2-cpio < 0.1-31
python2-cpuinfo < 4.0.0-4
python2-cram < 0.6-18
python2-crane < 3.1.1-3
python2-crank < 0.8.1-7
python2-createrepo_c < 0.14.2-2
python2-croniter < 0.3.19-5
python2-csdiff < 1.6.1-2
python2-cssmin < 0.2.0-14
python2-ctrldaemon < 0.2-12
python2-cu2qu < 1.5.0-5
python2-cursive < 0.1.2-7
python2-custodia < 0.6.0-5
python2-cvss < 1.10-2
python2-cytoolz <
python2-daemonize < 2.4.7-7
python2-daiquiri < 1.2.1-5
python2-datanommer-consumer < 0.8.1-5
python2-dateutil15 < 1.5-16
python2-dbf < 0.96.005-11
python2-dbfread < 2.0.7-8
python2-ddt < 1.2.1-2
python2-deap < 1.0.1-10
python2-debconf < 1.5.69-2
python2-debian < 0.1.32-4
python2-debrepo < 0.0.3-10
python2-debtcollector < 1.11.0-7
python2-decoratortools < 1.8-18
python2-deepdiff < 3.3.0-4
python2-defcon < 0.5.1-4
python2-deltasigma < 0.2-15
python2-descartes < 1.1.0-9
python2-dialog < 3.3.0-16
python2-dict-sorted < 1.0.0-9
python2-diff-cover < 0.9.12-5
python2-diff-match-patch < 20121119-6
python2-digitalocean < 1.14.0-2
python2-dill <
python2-dingus < 0.3.4-16
python2-distlib < 0.2.7-2
python2-distro < 1.3.0-5
python2-distro-info < 0.18-2
python2-distroinfo < 0.3.0-2
python2-django-tagging < 0.4.6-5
python2-dlrn < 0.5.1-6
python2-dns-lexicon < 3.3.4-3
python2-docker-pycreds < 0.3.0-4
python2-docker-squash < 1.0.7-4
python2-dockerpty < 0.4.1-13
python2-dogtail < 0.9.11-2
python2-dominate < 2.3.1-6
python2-dopy < 0.3.7-10
python2-drat < 0.4.2-15
python2-duecredit < 0.7.0-2
python2-dumptruck < 0.1.6-12
python2-durus < 3.9-20
python2-easyargs < 0.9.4-6
python2-ecdsa < 0.13.3-2
python2-ecryptfs-utils < 111-16
python2-editorconfig < 0.12.0-12
python2-efel < 3.0.58-2
python2-elasticsearch < 2.4.0-9
python2-email_reply_parser < 0.3.0-20140523git76e9481.14
python2-emcee < 2.2.1-10
python2-enlighten < 1.3.0-2
python2-entrypoints < 0.2.3-10
python2-enzyme < 0.4.1-6
python2-epi < 0.1-12
python2-epub < 0.5.2-15
python2-et_xmlfile < 1.0.1-13
python2-etcd < 0.4.5-13
python2-etcd3gw < 0.2.4-8
python2-evdev < 1.1.2-2
python2-events < 0.3-3
python2-evic < 0.1-0.13
python2-exabgp < 4.0.5-8
python2-f5-icontrol-rest < 1.3.9-5
python2-f5-sdk < 3.0.18-2
python2-fabric < 2.0.0-5
python2-fadvise < 5.0.0-9
python2-faker < 0.9.0-2
python2-fastavro < 0.19.8-4
python2-fastimport < 0.9.8-4
python2-faulthandler < 3.1-3
python2-fauxquests < 1.1-8
python2-fdb < 1.8-5
python2-fedimg < 2.3.0-3
python2-fedmsg-genacls < 0.6-7
python2-fedmsg-rabbitmq-serializer < 0.0.5-9
python2-feedcache < 1.4.1-11
python2-feedgen < 0.7.0-4
python2-feedgenerator < 1.9-7
python2-ferari < 0.2.0-20
python2-fiat < 1.6.0-13
python2-filelock < 2.0.8-8
python2-filetype < 1.0.0-6
python2-fiona < 1.8.6-2
python2-firehose < 0.5-7
python2-firkin < 0.02-21
python2-fitsio < 0.9.11-9
python2-flake8-import-order < 0.18-3
python2-flask-admin < 1.5.2-2
python2-flask-assets < 0.10-14
python2-flask-autoindex < 0.6-4
python2-flask-babelex < 0.9.3-4
python2-flask-bootstrap <
python2-flask-cache < 0.13.1-14
python2-flask-classy < 0.6.10-9
python2-flask-debugtoolbar < 0.10.0-11
python2-flask-gravatar < 0.5.0-4
python2-flask-htmlmin < 1.4.0-3
python2-flask-httpauth < 3.2.3-8
python2-flask-images < 2.1.2-10
python2-flask-lastuser < 0.2-16
python2-flask-login < 0.4.1-4
python2-flask-mail < 0.9.1-5
python2-flask-mako < 0.4-10
python2-flask-multistatic < 1.0-10
python2-flask-oauth < 0.13-9
python2-flask-oidc < 1.4.0-2
python2-flask-paranoid < 0.2.0-5
python2-flask-principal < 0.4.0-18
python2-flask-restful < 0.3.6-9
python2-flask-rstpages < 0.3-16
python2-flask-security < 3.0.0-4
python2-flask-silk < 0.2-4
python2-flask-sphinx-themes < 1.0.2-4
python2-flask-whooshalchemy < 0.6-16
python2-flask-whooshee < 0.4.1-9
python2-flask-xml-rpc < 0.1.2-14
python2-flatland < 0.0.2-17
python2-flatpak-module-tools < 0.11.1-2
python2-flock < 0.1-15
python2-fmf < 0.6-2
python2-fmn-rules < 0.9.1-8
python2-fmn-web < 0.8.1-9
python2-fn < 0.4.3-13
python2-fontMath < 0.4.4-5
python2-fontdump < 1.3.0-13
python2-fontname < 0.2.0-14
python2-formats < 0.1.1-12
python2-freetype < 2.0-2
python2-frozen-flask < 0.12-11
python2-frozendict < 1.2-8
python2-fsmonitor < 0.1-15
python2-fts < 3.8.3-2
python2-fuckit < 4.8.0-16
python2-funcparserlib < 0.3.6-18
python2-functools32 <
python2-futurist < 1.7.0-2
python2-fuzzyfinder < 2.1.0-3
python2-fuzzywuzzy < 0.7.0-11
python2-gabbi < 1.42.1-5
python2-gasp < 0.3.2-17
python2-gatspy < 0.3-11
python2-gccinvocation < 0.1-18
python2-gear < 0.11.0-6
python2-gearbox < 0.1.1-13
python2-gensim-core < 0.10.0-16
python2-geojson < 1.3.0-13
python2-geopandas < 0.5.0-2
python2-gerrit < 0.0.1-15
python2-gerrymander < 1.5-13
python2-gevent-socketio < 0.3.6-10
python2-gfm < 0.1.3-10
python2-giacpy < 0.6.8-2
python2-ginga < 2.6.5-6
python2-gitapi < 1.1.0-0.a3.11
python2-github3py < 1.0.0-0.9
python2-gitlab < 1.3.0-6
python2-glance-store < 0.9.1-9
python2-glances < 2.11.1-6
python2-glob2 < 0.6.0-6
python2-gluster < 4.1.5-2
python2-glyphsLib < 2.2.1-5
python2-gnocchiclient < 7.0.4-2
python2-gnocchiclient-tests < 7.0.4-2
python2-gofer < 2.12.1-4
python2-gofer-amqp < 2.12.1-4
python2-gofer-proton < 2.12.1-4
python2-gofer-qpid < 2.12.1-4
python2-google-auth < 1:1.1.1-2
python2-googletrans < 2.2.0-6
python2-gr-iio < 0.2-8
python2-grabbit < 0.2.6-2
python2-grafyaml < 0.0.5-10
python2-graphitesend < 0.10.0-8
python2-gsd < 1.7.0-2
python2-gtts < 2.0.1-5
python2-gtts-token < 1.1.1-10
python2-guessit < 2.1.4-9
python2-gzipstream < 2.8.6-4
python2-h5io < 0.1.0-3
python2-halite < 0.1.16-13
python2-hdfs < 2.5.8-2
python2-heapdict < 1.0.0-7
python2-heketi < 8.0.0-2
python2-hexdump < 3.4-0.6
python2-hgapi < 1.7.4-6
python2-hghooks < 0.7.0-11
python2-hivex < 1.3.17-2
python2-honcho < 1.0.1-2
python2-htmlgen < 2.2.2-33
python2-htmlmin < 0.1.12-6
python2-httmock < 1.2.6-4
python2-http-client < 3.1.0-4
python2-httpwatcher < 0.5.1-4
python2-humanize < 0.5.1-15
python2-husl < 4.0.3-11
python2-hwdata < 2.3.7-4
python2-i3ipc < 1.5.1-2
python2-idstools < 0.6.3-6
python2-importanize < 0.6.3-6
python2-importmagic < 0.1.7-10
python2-indexed_gzip < 0.8.10-2
python2-inflect < 0.3.1-2
python2-influxdb < 5.2.0-2
python2-inifile < 0.3-12
python2-inlinestyler < 0.1.7-12
python2-inotify_simple < 1.1.8-2
python2-instant < 2016.1.0-8
python2-interfile < 0.3.1-10
python2-invocations < 0.13.0-10
python2-iowait < 0.2-8
python2-ipa-desktop-profile-client < 0.0.8-5
python2-ipdb < 0.12.2-2
python2-ipgetter < 0.6-13
python2-iptables < 0.12.0-5
python2-irawadi-user < 0.1-17
python2-irclib < 0.4.8-17
python2-iso-639 < 0.4.5-6
python2-iso3166 < 1.0-2
python2-iso639 < 0.1.4-7
python2-isomd5sum < 1:1.2.3-4
python2-ivi < 0.14.9-14
python2-j1m.sphinxautointerface < 0.3.0-7
python2-j1m.sphinxautozconfig < 0.1.0-4
python2-jabberpy < 0.5-0.42
python2-jaydebeapi < 1.1.1-6
python2-jcconv < 0.2.4-9
python2-jdcal < 1.4-2
python2-jellyfish < 0.6.0-4
python2-jinja2-cli < 0.6.0-7
python2-jinja2-time < 0.2.0-5
python2-jinja2_pluralize < 0.3.0-13
python2-jira < 2.0.0-2
python2-joblib < 0.11-7
python2-josepy < 1.2.0-2
python2-jsmin < 2.2.2-5
python2-json-logger < 0.1.7-6
python2-jsonmodels < 2.2-6
python2-jsonpatch < 1.21-5
python2-jsonrpclib < 0.3.1-5
python2-junit_xml < 1.8-5
python2-justbases < 0.9-8
python2-justbytes < 0.11-5
python2-k8sclient < 0.3.0-9
python2-kafka < 1.4.3-2
python2-kaptan < 0.5.5-7
python2-kdcproxy < 0.4-3
python2-keyczar < 0.71c-13
python2-keyring < 13.2.1-4
python2-keystoneclient-kerberos < 0.3.0-9
python2-keystonemiddleware < 4.21.0-2
python2-kgb < 0.5.1-11
python2-kid < 0.9.6-23
python2-klusta < 3.0.16-7
python2-kobo-admin < 0.8.0-2
python2-kobo-django < 0.8.0-2
python2-kobo-hub < 0.8.0-2
python2-krbcontext < 0.8-7
python2-kubernetes < 10.0.1-2
python2-kubernetes-tests < 10.0.1-2
python2-lasagne < 0.1-11
python2-lazr-config < 2.1-8
python2-lazr-delegates < 2.0.3-8
python2-lazy-object-proxy < 1.3.1-8
python2-lazyarray < 0.3.2-2
python2-ldaphelper < 1.0.1-21
python2-ldappool < 2.1.0-4
python2-ldaptor < 16.0.1-4
python2-leather < 0.3.3-8
python2-lesscpy < 0.13.0-7
python2-libNeuroML < 0.2.47-2
python2-libcnml < 0.9.5-10
python2-libnacl < 1.6.1-5
python2-libpamtest < 1.0.7-2
python2-libqutrub < 1.0-13
python2-librosa < 0.5.1-7
python2-libsss_nss_idmap < 2.2.2-4
python2-libtmux < 0.6.0-6
python2-libusb1 < 1.6.4-4
python2-lightblue < 0.1.4-4
python2-lightbox < 2.1-20
python2-linux-procfs < 0.6.1-2
python2-listquote < 1.4.0-16
python2-livereload < 2.5.2-3
python2-locket < 0.2.0-10
python2-logbook < 1.0.0-13
python2-logging-tree < 1.7-10
python2-logutils < 0.3.5-7
python2-logzero < 1.3.1-6
python2-ly < 0.9.5-9
python2-lyricwiki < 0.1.35-19
python2-magnumclient-tests < 2.9.1-2
python2-maps < 4.2.0-6
python2-marathon < 0.8.8-8
python2-markups < 2.0.0-11
python2-marrow-mailer < 4.0.2-10
python2-marrow-util < 1.2.3-9
python2-marshmallow < 2.11.1-9
python2-marshmallow-enum < 1.4.1-5
python2-martian < 0.15-5
python2-matrix-synapse-ldap3 < 0.1.3-2
python2-mccabe < 0.6.1-10
python2-mdp < 3.5-13
python2-meld3 < 1.0.2-9
python2-meliae < 0.4.0-19
python2-messaging < 1.1-13
python2-metar < 1.5.0-7
python2-microversion-parse < 0.1.3-10
python2-mimerender < 0.5.5-11
python2-ming < 0.4.9-0.3
python2-minimock < 1.2.8-18
python2-mitogen < 0.2.8-2
python2-mmtf < 1.1.2-4
python2-mne < 0.13.1-9
python2-mne-bids < 0.2-2
python2-molecule < 2.19-3
python2-mongoengine < 0.15.3-2
python2-mongoquery < 1.3.3-3
python2-moss < 0.5.0-4
python2-mpd < 0.2.1-20
python2-msrest < 0.6.10-2
python2-msrestazure < 0.6.2-2
python2-mtg < 1.6.1-8
python2-munkres < 1.0.12-8
python2-murano-pkg-check < 0.3.0-10
python2-mutatormath < 2.1.0-5
python2-mwlib-docbook < 0.1.0-17
python2-mwlib-xhtml < 0.1.0-17
python2-myghty < 1.2-16
python2-mygpoclient < 1.8-5
python2-myhdl < 0.10-2
python2-naftawayh < 0.2-14
python2-natsort < 5.3.3-2
python2-nb2plots < 0.6-3
python2-nbxmpp < 0.6.10-2
python2-ncclient < 0.4.7-9
python2-nectar < 1.5.6-5
python2-neo < 0.8.0-0.2
python2-neovim < 0.3.2-1
python2-netdiff < 0.4.7-11
python2-netjsonconfig < 0.5.3-7
python2-netlib < 0.15-10
python2-netmiko < 2.2.2-2
python2-networking-bigswitch < 2015.3.12-6
python2-neutronclient-tests < 6.7.0-2
python2-newt_syrup < 0.2.0-15
python2-nineml < 1.0.1-3
python2-nixio < 1.4.6-2
python2-nmap < 0.6.1-10
python2-nmrglue < 0.7-2
python2-nodeenv < 0.13.6-14
python2-nose-parameterized < 0.3.5-14
python2-nose2 < 0.7.4-3
python2-nose_warnings_filters < 0.1.5-7
python2-notario < 0.0.14-4
python2-notmuch < 0.27-5
python2-novaclient-os-networks < 0.26-9
python2-novaclient-os-virtual-interfaces < 0.20-9
python2-nsdf < 0.0-10
python2-ntplib < 0.3.3-13
python2-num2words < 0.5.7-3
python2-numdisplay < 1.5.6-21
python2-octaviaclient < 1.3.0-7
python2-octaviaclient-tests < 1.3.0-7
python2-odict < 1.5.1-12
python2-offtrac < 0.1.0-16
python2-ofxparse < 0.18-3
python2-okaara < 1.0.37-7
python2-openimageio < 1.8.16-2
python2-openoffice < 0.1-0.29
python2-openopt < 0.5625-11
python2-openpyxl < 2.5.4-4
python2-optcomplete < 1.2-0.20
python2-os-brick < 1.6.1-8
python2-os-service-types < 1.1.0-7
python2-os-win < 2.2.0-7
python2-osbs-client < 0.52-3
python2-oslo-cache-tests < 1.28.0-2
python2-oslo-middleware < 3.34.0-2
python2-oslo-middleware-tests < 3.34.0-2
python2-oslo-policy-tests < 1.33.2-2
python2-oslo-privsep-tests < 1.13.0-8
python2-oslo-reports < 1.26.0-2
python2-oslo-reports-tests < 1.26.0-2
python2-oslo-rootwrap < 5.13.0-2
python2-oslo-rootwrap-tests < 5.13.0-2
python2-oslo-serialization-tests < 2.24.0-2
python2-oslo-sphinx < 4.18.0-2
python2-oslo-versionedobjects-tests < 1.31.3-2
python2-oslo-vmware-tests < 2.26.0-2
python2-oslotest < 3.2.0-2
python2-osprofiler < 1.11.0-6
python2-osrf-pycommon < 0.1.9-2
python2-pacpy <
python2-paho-mqtt < 1.3.1-5
python2-paida < 3.2.1_2.10.1-19
python2-pamela < 0.3.0-7
python2-pandocfilters < 1.4.1-6
python2-pankoclient < 0.3.0-6
python2-pankoclient-tests < 0.3.0-6
python2-parallel-ssh < 0.91.2-9
python2-parse < 1.8.4-2
python2-parse_type < 0.4.2-2
python2-parsel < 1.5.0-3
python2-partd < 1.0.0-2
python2-pathspec < 0.5.3-7
python2-patool < 1.12-5
python2-patsy < 0.5.0-4
python2-pcp < 5.0.1-2
python2-pdfkit < 0.5.0-12
python2-pdfminer < 20181108-2
python2-pdir2 < 0.3.0-5
python2-peak-rules <
python2-peak-util-addons < 0.7-19
python2-peak-util-assembler < 0.6-17
python2-peak-util-extremes < 1.1.1-18
python2-peak-util-symbols < 1.0-22
python2-pecan < 1.3.2-5
python2-pecan-notario < 0.0.3-13
python2-peewee < 2.10.2-8
python2-pefile < 2017.11.5-5
python2-perf < 5.3.11-101
python2-persist-queue < 0.4.0-4
python2-petlink < 0.3.4-2
python2-pg8000 < 1.12.2-3
python2-pgpdump < 1.5-12
python2-pgu < 0.12.3-21
python2-phabricator < 0.7.0-7
python2-phonenumbers < 8.9.0-4
python2-photutils < 0.4-8
python2-phyghtmap < 2.20-2
python2-pickleshare < 0.7.4-11
python2-piexif < 1.0.13-5
python2-pifpaf < 1.1.0-7
python2-pika-pool < 0.1.3-13
python2-pkgwat-api < 0.12-18
python2-plaintable < 0.1.1-12
python2-pluginbase < 0.7-4
python2-pluginlib < 0.6.1-2
python2-podcastparser < 0.6.3-6
python2-port-for < 0.4-7
python2-portalocker < 1.2.1-3
python2-positional < 1.1.1-10
python2-pottymouth < 2.2.1-15
python2-power < 1.4-14
python2-poyo < 0.4.1-4
python2-pretty < 0.1-18
python2-proboscis <
python2-profilehooks < 1.9.0-9
python2-progress < 1.4-3
python2-proliantutils < 2.2.0-6
python2-prometheus_client < 0.6.0-2
python2-prompt_toolkit < 1.0.16-2
python2-psycogreen < 1.0-8
python2-publicsuffix < 1.1.0-7
python2-py-radix < 0.9.3-12
python2-py2neo < 3.1.2-10
python2-py2pack < 0.6.3-10
python2-py9p < 1.0.9-15
python2-pyModbusTCP < 0.1.5-7
python2-pyactivetwo < 0.1-10
python2-pyaes < 1.6.0-6
python2-pyarabic < 0.4-13
python2-pybeam < 0.3.2-13
python2-pyblock < 0.53-19
python2-pybtex-docutils < 0.2.1-11
python2-pycallgraph < 0.5.1-15
python2-pycdlib < 1.7.0-2
python2-pycha < 0.7.0-10
python2-pydenticon < 0.3.1-5
python2-pydocstyle < 2.0.0-7
python2-pydot < 1.0.28-20
python2-pydotplus < 2.0.2-10
python2-pyemd < 0.5.1-2
python2-pyephem <
python2-pyface < 6.0.0-2
python2-pyftpdlib < 1.5.4-4
python2-pygatt < 3.2.0-6
python2-pygeoip < 0.2.6-18
python2-pyghmi < 1.2.4-4
python2-pyghmi-tests < 1.2.4-4
python2-pygiftiio < 1.0.4-3
python2-pygit2 < 0.27.4-2
python2-pygithub < 1.39-5
python2-pyglet < 1.3.2-4
python2-pygments-markdown-lexer < 0.1.0.dev39-12
python2-pygments-style-solarized < 0.1.1-6
python2-pygraphviz < 1.5-3
python2-pyinsane2 < 2.0.13-2
python2-pyjnius < 1.1.1-7
python2-pyjokes < 0.5.0-10
python2-pykalman < 0.9.5-21
python2-pyke < 1.1.1-28
python2-pykka < 1.2.1-13
python2-pykmip < 0.5.0-8
python2-pylcdsysinfo < 0-0.25
python2-pylons < 1.0.1-12
python2-pylons-sphinx-themes < 1.0.6-5
python2-pymacaroons-pynacl < 0.9.3-6
python2-pymatreader < 0.0.17-2
python2-pymediainfo < 4.1-2
python2-pymemcache < 1.2.5-15
python2-pymoc < 0.5.0-9
python2-pymod2pkg < 0.14.0-2
python2-pymodbus < 1.5.1-4
python2-pymongo < 3.7.2-2
python2-pymongo-gridfs < 3.7.2-2
python2-pymssql < 2.1.4-2
python2-pyngus < 2.3.0-2
python2-pyodbc < 3.0.10-17
python2-pyoptical < 0.4-11
python2-pyowm < 2.6.1-6
python2-pyphen < 0.9.1-15
python2-pypng < 0.0.18-13
python2-pyprocdev < 0.2-9
python2-pyqtrailer < 0.6.2-18
python2-pyrad < 2.0-17
python2-pyramid-chameleon < 0.1-16
python2-pyramid-fas-openid < 0.3.9-6
python2-pyrax < 1.9.7-8
python2-pyrfc3339 < 1.0-12
python2-pyriemann < 0.2.4-6
python2-pyro < 4.71-5
python2-pyrpmmd < 0.1.1-5
python2-pyrsistent < 0.14.2-6
python2-pyrss2gen < 1.1-19
python2-pysaml2 < 4.5.0-5
python2-pysb < 1.0.1-12
python2-pyscard < 1.9.5-10
python2-pyshp < 1.2.12-6
python2-pysnmp < 4.4.5-2
python2-pyspf < 2.0.12-9
python2-pysrt < 1.1.1-7
python2-pystray < 0.14.3-7
python2-pyswip < 0.2.7-4
python2-pytelegrambotapi < 3.6.6-2
python2-pytest-beakerlib < 0.7.1-7
python2-pytest-benchmark < 3.1.1-7
python2-pytest-capturelog < 0.7-14
python2-pytest-faulthandler < 1.5.0-4
python2-pytest-spec < 1.1.0-8
python2-pytimeparse < 1.1.5-14
python2-pytorctl < 0-0.25
python2-pytrailer < 0.6.1-10
python2-pyvfs < 0.2.10-11
python2-pyvmomi < 6.5-10
python2-pyvo < 0.9.2-2
python2-pywebdav < 0.9.10-8
python2-pywt < 0.5.2-10
python2-pyxid < 1.1-0.10
python2-pyxs < 0.4.1-5
python2-pyzabbix < 0.7.4-4
python2-pyzolib < 0.3.3-13
python2-qalsadi < 0.1-12
python2-qserve < 0.2.8-14
python2-quantities < 0.12.2-3
python2-queuelib < 1.4.2-10
python2-rarfile < 3.0-7
python2-rasterio < 1.0.22-2
python2-rauth < 0.7.3-6
python2-rcssmin < 1.0.6-14
python2-rdopkg < 0.51.1-2
python2-readme_renderer < 24.0-3
python2-rebulk < 0.9.0-7
python2-recaptcha-client < 2.0.1-3
python2-recommonmark < 0.4.0-17
python2-relatorio < 0.6.3-11
python2-remctl < 3.15-2
python2-remoto < 1.0.0-2
python2-renderspec < 1.7.0-7
python2-repoze-sphinx-autointerface < 0.8-10
python2-repoze-tm2 < 2.0-14
python2-repoze-what < 1.0.9-21
python2-repoze-what-plugins-sql < 1.0.1-18
python2-repoze-what-quickstart < 1.0.9-18
python2-repoze-who < 2.1-16
python2-repoze-who-friendlyform < 1.0.8-19
python2-repoze-who-plugins-sa < 1.0.1-21
python2-repoze-who-testutil < 1.0.1-17
python2-represent < 1.5.1-10
python2-reproject < 0.4-5
python2-requests-file < 1.4.3-9
python2-requests-gssapi < 1.0.0-5
python2-requests-mock < 1.5.2-2
python2-requestsexceptions < 1.3.0-6
python2-responses < 0.9.0-4
python2-rest-client < 0.3-17
python2-restauth < 0.6.1-16
python2-restauth-common < 0.6.2-16
python2-restructuredtext-lint < 1.1.3-4
python2-restsh < 0.2-9
python2-resultsdb_api < 2.1.3-2
python2-retrying < 1.2.3-17
python2-retryz < 0.1.9-6
python2-rfc3986 < 0.3.1-10
python2-rfc3987 < 1.3.7-8
python2-rhnlib < 2.8.11-3
python2-ripe-atlas-cousteau < 1.3-9
python2-ripe-atlas-sagan < 1.1.11-10
python2-rjsmin < 1.0.12-13
python2-rmtest < 1.0.0-2
python2-rope < 0.11.0-2
python2-ropemacs < 0.7-14
python2-ropemode < 0.2-12
python2-rows < 0.3.1-8
python2-rpdb < 0.1.6-10
python2-rpmdeplint < 1.4-10
python2-rpmfluff < 0.5.6-2
python2-rsd-lib < 0.1.1-7
python2-rsd-lib-tests < 0.1.1-7
python2-rsdclient < 0.1.1-6
python2-rsdclient-tests < 0.1.1-6
python2-rsslib < 0-14
python2-rstcheck < 3.1-8
python2-rtkit < 0.6.0-12
python2-rtree < 0.8.3-8
python2-ruamel-ordereddict < 0.4.9-10
python2-ruamel-yaml < 0.15.41-3
python2-rxjson < 0.2-15
python2-s3transfer < 0.1.13-3
python2-saharaclient < 1.5.0-2
python2-sanction < 0.3.1-17
python2-schedutils < 0.6-5
python2-schema < 0.6.8-2
python2-scp < 0.10.2-11
python2-scrapy < 1.5.1-2
python2-scriptaculous < 1.8.2-21
python2-seaborn < 0.9.0-2
python2-seesaw < 0.10.0-4
python2-selenium < 3.12.0-4
python2-semantic_version < 2.6.0-8
python2-sendgrid < 3.6.5-7
python2-sep < 1.0.3-4
python2-setuptools_hg < 0.4-8
python2-setuptools_scm_git_archive < 1.0-6
python2-shade < 1.27.1-2
python2-shadowsocks < 2.9.1-7
python2-shortuuid < 0.5.0-7
python2-shove < 0.6.4-12
python2-sievelib < 1.1.1-4
python2-signalfd < 0.1-20
python2-signedjson < 1.0.0-9
python2-simplebayes < 1.5.8-5
python2-simpleeval < 0.9.6-2
python2-simplegeneric < 0.8.1-11
python2-simpleparse < 2.2.0-5
python2-simplepath < 0.3.4-7
python2-simplewrap < 0.3.3-2
python2-simpy < 3.0.9-10
python2-slackclient < 1.2.1-4
python2-slowaes < 0.1a1-11
python2-slugify < 1.2.6-2
python2-snuggs < 1.4.7-2
python2-soaplib < 0.8.1-20
python2-social-auth < 0.3.3-9
python2-socketIO-client < 0.7.2-2
python2-sockjs-tornado < 1.0.3-10
python2-socksipy < 1.00-19
python2-softlayer < 5.3.2-7
python2-solv < 0.7.5-2
python2-sortedcontainers < 2.1.0-2
python2-speedometer < 2.8-6
python2-sphinx-argparse < 0.2.2-4
python2-sphinx-autobuild < 0.7.1-11
python2-sphinx-bootstrap-theme < 0.4.13-10
python2-sphinx-gallery < 0.1.13-5
python2-sphinx-theme-py3doc-enhanced < 2.3.2-11
python2-sphinxcontrib-actdiag < 0.8.5-6
python2-sphinxcontrib-adadomain < 0.2-6
python2-sphinxcontrib-apidoc < 0.2.1-9
python2-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram < 0.1.5-5
python2-sphinxcontrib-bibtex < 0.4.0-4
python2-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag < 1.5.5-9
python2-sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop < 0.2-11
python2-sphinxcontrib-fulltoc < 1.2-8
python2-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker < 0.11-15
python2-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme < 0.9.0-2
python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput < 0.11-5
python2-sphinxcontrib-seqdiag < 0.8.4-16
python2-sphinxcontrib-spelling < 4.2.0-2
python2-spiffgtkwidgets < 0.2.0-15
python2-sprox < 0.10.2-6
python2-spur < 0.3.17-9
python2-spyder < 3.3.1-4
python2-spyder-kernels < 1:0.2.4-3
python2-sql < 0.9-7
python2-sqlalchemy-collectd < 0.0.3-4
python2-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay < 1.3-6
python2-sqlite3dbm < 0.1.4-15
python2-sqlparse < 0.2.4-4
python2-sseclient < 0.0.18-5
python2-sss < 2.2.2-4
python2-sss-murmur < 2.2.2-4
python2-sssdconfig < 2.2.2-4
python2-statsd < 3.2.1-12
python2-statsmodels < 0.9.0-4
python2-stdnum < 1.3-10
python2-stem < 1.7.1-2
python2-streamlink < 1.3.0-2
python2-structlog < 18.1.0-3
python2-stuf < 0.9.16-16
python2-subliminal < 2.0.5-9
python2-subscription-manager-rhsm < 1.25.9-2
python2-subunit2sql-graph < 1.9.0-2
python2-supersmoother < 0.4-7
python2-sushy < 1.3.3-2
python2-sushy-tests < 1.3.3-2
python2-svg-path < 2.2-9
python2-sync2jira < 1.7-8
python2-sysv_ipc < 0.7.0-12
python2-tablib < 0.12.1-8
python2-taboot < 0.4.0-15
python2-tabulate < 0.8.3-3
python2-tackerclient-tests-unit < 0.11.0-2
python2-tag2distrepo < 1-0.7
python2-tambo < 0.4.0-7
python2-tashaphyne < 0.2-13
python2-taskflow < 2.6.0-8
python2-tasklib < 1.1.0-6
python2-tblib < 1.5.0-2
python2-tempdir < 0.7.1-9
python2-tenacity < 4.12.0-2
python2-termcolor < 1.1.0-16
python2-terminaltables < 3.1.0-11
python2-testinfra < 1.17.0-2
python2-testpath < 0.3.1-6
python2-textfsm < 0.3.2-4
python2-texttable < 1.4.0-2
python2-tgext-admin < 0.5.4-13
python2-tgext-crud < 0.8.2-4
python2-tgmochikit < 1.4.2-19
python2-thriftpy < 0.3.9-9
python2-tinycss < 0.3-20
python2-tinycss2 < 0.6.1-6
python2-tinydb < 3.10.0-2
python2-tinyrpc < 0.9.1-4
python2-tinyrpc-tests < 0.9.1-4
python2-tld < 0.7.9-9
python2-tldextract < 2.2.1-2
python2-toml < 0.10.0-2
python2-toolz < 0.9.0-6
python2-tooz < 1.48.0-8
python2-tornadio2 < 0.0.4-15
python2-tortilla < 0.4.1-12
python2-tosca-parser < 0.8.1-6
python2-toscawidgets < 0.9.12-17
python2-towncrier < 17.8.0-4
python2-tqdm < 4.19.6-4
python2-traitsui < 6.0.0-2
python2-transtats-cli < 0.2.0-2
python2-tree-format < 0.1.2-4
python2-treq < 17.8.0-6
python2-trml2pdf12 < 1.2-25
python2-ttystatus < 0.38-2
python2-turbocheetah < 1.0-24
python2-turbojson < 1.3.2-18
python2-turbokid < 1.0.5-19
python2-turbomail < 3.0.3-18
python2-tw-forms < 0.9.9-19
python2-tw2-d3 < 0.0.8-15
python2-tw2-jqplugins-jqplot < 2.0.3-13
python2-tw2-polymaps < 0.3-13
python2-tw2-slideymenu < 2.2-13
python2-twiggy < 0.4.7-14
python2-twilio < 6.14.7-3
python2-twitter < 3.3-6
python2-txamqp < 0.8.1-7
python2-txamqp-thrift < 0.8.1-7
python2-txredisapi < 1.4.4-5
python2-tzlocal < 1.5.1-5
python2-ucssdk <
python2-ufolib < 2.1.1-5
python2-unicodecsv < 0.14.1-14
python2-unicodenazi < 1.1-15
python2-unidecode < 1.0.22-4
python2-unidiff < 0.5.5-6
python2-unipath < 1.1-5
python2-units < 0.07-6
python2-unpaddedbase64 < 1.1.0-8
python2-upoints < 0.12.2-9
python2-uri-templates < 0.6-14
python2-urllib-gssapi < 1.0.1-5
python2-urllib2_kerberos < 0.1.6-27
python2-usbtmc < 0.8-6
python2-v8 < 1:6.7.17-8
python2-validators < 0.12.0-6
python2-vcstool < 0.2.4-2
python2-versiontools < 1.9.1-19
python2-vertica < 0.8.2-2
python2-virtualenvcontext < 0.1.6-12
python2-visionegg-quest < 1.1-3
python2-visitor < 0.1.3-9
python2-vkontakte < 1.3.3-11
python2-volume_key < 0.3.12-3
python2-vxi11 < 0.9-6
python2-w3lib < 1.17.0-7
python2-walkdir < 0.4.1-8
python2-wand < 0.4.4-8
python2-weakrefmethod < 1.0.2-9
python2-weasyprint < 0.22-15
python2-webassets < 0.12.1-8
python2-webcolors < 1.7-8
python2-webpy < 0.40.dev0-20170814
python2-whichcraft < 0.4.1-6
python2-whisper < 1.1.4-2
python2-whitenoise < 3.3.1-5
python2-wikipedia < 1.4.5-10
python2-wikitools < 1.3-9
python2-windtalker < 0.0.4-9
python2-wokkel < 0.7.1-14
python2-wordpress-xmlrpc < 2.3-14
python2-wsgilog < 0.3-10
python2-wsgiproxy < 0.2.2-17
python2-wtf-peewee < 0.2.6-9
python2-www-authenticate < 0.9.2-7
python2-x2go <
python2-xapp < 1.2.0-4
python2-xgoogle < 1.4-16
python2-xhtml2pdf < 0.1a2-11
python2-xlrd < 1.0.0-12
python2-xml2rfc < 2.5.2-8
python2-xmlbuilder < 1.0-14
python2-xmlrunner < 1.7.7-7
python2-xmltramp < 2.18-3
python2-xnat < 0.3.18-2
python2-xunitparser < 1.3.3-8
python2-xvfbwrapper < 0.2.9-5
python2-yamlordereddictloader < 0.4.0-2
python2-yapsy < 1.11.223-11
python2-yara < 3.11.0-3
python2-yattag < 1.10.0-4
python2-yourls < 0.2.0-16
python2-yubico < 1.3.2-11
python2-zabbix-api-erigones < 1.2.4-6
python2-zake < 0.2.2-13
python2-zanata-client < 1.5.2-4
python2-zanata2fedmsg < 0.2-11
python2-zaqarclient < 1.9.0-2
python2-zbase32 < 1.1.5-12
python2-zc-customdoctests < 1.0.1-18
python2-zc-lockfile < 1.3.0-4
python2-zdaemon < 4.2.0-8
python2-zict < 1.0.0-2
python2-zipstream < 1.1.4-12
python2-zope-contenttype < 4.1.0-12
python2-zope-datetime < 4.1.0-10
python2-zope-dottedname < 4.1.0-13
python2-zope-filerepresentation < 4.1.0-12
python2-zope-i18n < 4.1.0-11
python2-zope-processlifetime < 2.1.0-8
python2-zope-proxy < 4.2.0-7
python2-zope-sequencesort < 4.0.1-10
python2-zope-structuredtext < 4.1.0-11
python2-zorba < 3.0.0-45
pyutil < 1.9.7-11
pyvcs < 0.2.0-16
qmforge < 2.3.2-8
scitools < 0.9.0-16
seivot < 1.18-11
spacecmd < 2.7.15-3
statscache-plugins < 0.0.2-9
summain < 0.20-9
supernova < 2.2.0-10
synopsis < 0.12-22
synopsis-idl < 0.12-22
taboot-func < 0.4.0-15
trac-code-comments-plugin < 1.2.0-0.12
ttname < 1-12
vtk-mpich-python < 7.1.1-13
vtk-mpich-qt-python < 7.1.1-13
vtk-openmpi-python < 7.1.1-13
vtk-openmpi-qt-python < 7.1.1-13
ailurus < 10.10.3-16
alignak-common < 1.0.0-5
autotest-framework < 0.16.2-10
bitfrost < 1.0.19-14
bitfrost-sugar < 1.0.19-14
bitten-common < 1:0.6-11
bitten-master < 1:0.6-11
bitten-slave < 1:0.6-11
bpython < 0.18-2
cachedir < 1.4-4
carbonate < 1.0.1-5
ceph-deploy < 1.5.32-9
cherrytree < 0.38.5-6
cloudtoserver < 0.2-10
cmpi-bindings-pywbem < 0.9.5-20
cwiid-wminput < 0.6.00-30
cyphesis < 0.6.2-20
dpm-contrib-admintools < 0.2.5-2
dracut-modules-olpc < 0.7.6-14
earcandy < 0.9-12
freshmaker < 0.0.4-9
gilmsg < 0.1.2-10
gists < 0.4.5-15
gjots2 < 3.0.2-7
gnome-python2 < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-bonobo < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-devel < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-extras < 2.25.3-58
gnome-python2-libegg < 2.25.3-58
gnuplot-py < 1.8-28
gpaw-mpich < 1.4.0-11
gpaw-openmpi < 1.4.0-11
gwebsockets < 0.4-12
kf5-kross-python2 < 18.12.2-2
ldtp < 3.5.0-15
mote < 0.6.2-11
openvibe < 1.1.0-11
planner < 0.14.6-34
puddletag < 1.2.0-9
pyjamas < 0.7-21
pyrenamer < 0.6.0-25
python2-GnuPGInterface < 0.3.2-24
python2-IPy < 0.81-25
python2-Levenshtein < 0.12.0-10
python2-Pyped < 1.4-14
python2-antlr < 2.7.7-58
python2-apipkg < 1.5-2
python2-argh < 0.26.1-13
python2-backports_abc < 0.5-10
python2-billiard < 1:
python2-blessings < 1.7-5
python2-boto < 2.45.0-12
python2-cairosvg < 1.0.20-11
python2-cashe < 0.99.3-10
python2-cherrypy < 3.5.0-12
python2-cloudfiles < 1.7.11-11
python2-clustershell < 1.8.3-2
python2-collada < 0.4-22
python2-coverage-test-runner < 1.15-3
python2-cpopen < 1.5-8
python2-d2to1 < 0.2.12-12
python2-dbusmock < 0.18.3-3
python2-defusedxml < 0.5.0-8
python2-dictclient < 1.0.1-23
python2-dirq < 1.7.1-11
python2-dmidecode < 3.12.2-15
python2-dockerfile-parse < 0.0.11-5
python2-dpm < 1.13.0-2
python2-dslib < 3.1-13
python2-dtopt < 0.1-29
python2-elixir < 0.7.1-27
python2-enum < 0.4.4-20
python2-execnet < 1.5.0-7
python2-eyed3 < 0.8-6
python2-fabulous < 0.3.0-8
python2-fedwatch < 0.5-12
python2-flexmock < 0.10.2-16
python2-fmn-consumer < 1.0.3-9
python2-fonttools < 3.38.0-2
python2-freeradius < 3.0.20-2
python2-fudge < 1.1.0-9
python2-ganglia-gmond < 3.7.2-32
python2-genmsg < 0.3.10-17
python2-geome < 2.0-13
python2-gevent < 1.3.6-3
python2-gnupg < 0.4.4-2
python2-grabserial < 1.9.9-2
python2-grapefruit < 0.1a4-11
python2-gunicorn < 19.9.0-5
python2-hgdistver < 0.25-11
python2-hglib < 2.6.1-5
python2-hl7 < 0.3.3-13
python2-httpretty < 0.9.5-6
python2-imagesize < 1.1.0-3
python2-ipaddr < 2.1.10-13
python2-ipython_genutils < 0.1.0-17
python2-kazoo < 2.5.0-4
python2-kobo < 0.9.0-2
python2-kobo-client < 0.9.0-2
python2-kobo-rpmlib < 0.9.0-2
python2-kobo-worker < 0.9.0-2
python2-koji < 1.20.0-2
python2-koji-cli-plugins < 1.20.0-2
python2-lcm < 1.3.1-12
python2-lcms < 1.19-27
python2-lfc < 1.13.0-2
python2-libfdt < 1.4.7-4
python2-libhocr < 0.10.17-31
python2-libmodulemd < 2.9.1-2
python2-libopensync-plugin < 1:0.22-21
python2-libpagure < 0.10-7
python2-libselinux < 2.9-5
python2-libsemanage < 2.9-3
python2-lit < 0.8.0-2
python2-mailer < 0.8.1-7
python2-markdown2 < 2.3.8-2
python2-module-build-service-copr < 0.4-6
python2-mpd2 < 0.5.5-11
python2-mpmath < 1.1.0-2
python2-multi_key_dict < 2.0.3-11
python2-musicbrainz2 < 0.7.0-18
python2-mysql-connector < 1.1.6-16
python2-neotime < 1.0.0-5
python2-nltk < 1:3.0.3-15
python2-nose-exclude < 0.5.0-4
python2-nose-testconfig < 0.10-14
python2-nose_fixes < 1.3-8
python2-ntlm-auth < 1.1.0-5
python2-ntlm3 < 1.0.2-8
python2-oasa < 0.13.1-20
python2-oauth < 1.0.1-21
python2-odfpy < 1.3.4-8
python2-opensips < 2.4.7-2
python2-openvswitch < 2.10.1-4
python2-ordered-set < 2.0.2-9
python2-parsley < 1.3-14
python2-parso < 0.5.1-3
python2-passlib < 1.7.1-3
python2-paste-script < 2.0.2-9
python2-pathlib < 1.0.1-11
python2-pathtools < 0.1.2-18
python2-pint < 0.6-17
python2-pkgconfig < 1.3.1-5
python2-plumbum < 1.6.7-2
python2-polib < 1.1.0-3
python2-policycoreutils < 2.9-5
python2-process-tests < 2.0.2-2
python2-productmd < 1.24-2
python2-pthreading < 0.1.3-14
python2-ptrace < 0.9.4-2
python2-pycares < 2.3.0-6
python2-pycmd < 1.2-16
python2-pygal < 2.4.0-7
python2-pyhsm < 1.0.4l-12
python2-pykwalify < 1.7.0-2
python2-pylast < 1.9.0-6
python2-pyotp < 2.2.7-2
python2-pyperclip < 1.6.4-3
python2-pyramid < 1.9.2-3
python2-pyramid-mako < 1.0.2-10
python2-pyramid-tm < 2.2-7
python2-pyroute2 < 0.5.3-3
python2-pysendfile < 2.0.1-13
python2-pystatgrab < 0.7-14
python2-pytest-fixture-config < 1.2.11-6
python2-pytest-flakes < 4.0.0-3
python2-rencode < 1.0.6-5
python2-retask < 0.4-15
python2-roman < 3.0-3
python2-rootplot < 2.2.2-9
python2-sane < 2.8.3-11
python2-send2trash < 1.4.2-8
python2-setools < 4.1.1-15
python2-setproctitle < 1.1.10-13
python2-setuptools_git < 1.1-12
python2-sh < 1.12.14-11
python2-simpletal < 4.3-18
python2-singledispatch <
python2-smmap < 2.0.3-6
python2-statistics < 3.4.0-0.6
python2-stevedore < 1.30.1-6
python2-straight-plugin < 1.5.0-7
python2-strainer < 0.1.4-17
python2-testresources < 1.0.0-11
python2-textile < 3.0.4-2
python2-tidy < 0.6-2
python2-tracing < 0.9-9
python2-txws < 0.9.1-16
python2-txzmq < 0.8.0-10
python2-uritemplate < 3.0.0-6
python2-urwid < 2.0.1-5
python2-velruse < 1.1.1-13
python2-vine < 1.2.0-3
python2-vobject <
python2-voluptuous < 0.11.5-5
python2-wcwidth < 0.1.7-10
python2-weberror < 0.13.1-11
python2-websockify < 0.8.0-12
python2-whoosh < 2.7.4-14
python2-wifi < 0.5.0-21
python2-woffTools < 0.1-0.24
python2-wsaccel < 0.6.2-17
python2-wsgi_intercept < 1.2.2-12
python2-xlwt < 1.1.2-9
python2-xmltodict < 0.12.0-3
python2-xtermcolor < 1.3-15
python2-yolk < 0.4.3-13
python2-zope-sqlalchemy < 0.7.7-10
python2-zsi < 2.1-15
pyttsx < 1.0-16
qmtest < 2.4.1-20
resiprocate-repro < 1.10.2-27
rho < 0.0.34-4
superkaramba-libs < 15.08.3-9
swatchbooker < 0.8-0.6
syncthing-gtk <
trac-fedmsg-plugin < 0.4.0-11
trac-tickettemplate-plugin < 0.7-0.15
trace-cmd-python2 < 2.7-5
uwsgi-plugin-python2 <
vegastrike < 0.5.1-37
xgridfit < 2.3-7
PyQt4 < 4.12.3-50
PyQt4-assistant < 4.12.3-50
PyQt4-devel < 4.12.3-50
PyQt4-webkit < 4.12.3-50
PyRTF < 0.45-28
archmage < 0.3.1-5
bacula2-client < 2.4.4-34
batti < 0.3.8-19
belier < 1.2-21
bitlyclip < 0.2.2-16
boost-mpich-python2 < 1.69.0-13
boost-numpy2 < 1.69.0-13
boost-openmpi-python2 < 1.69.0-13
boost-python2 < 1.69.0-13
bup < 0.29.2-6
cassandra-python2-cqlshlib < 3.11.1-14
certmaster < 0.28-20
chirp < 20200603-2
chm2pdf < 0.9.1-26
comedilib < 0.11.0-3
disper < 0.3.1-17
drobo-utils <
epydoc <
etckeeper-bzr < 1.18.14-2
euca2ools < 3.4.1-9
exaile < 4.0.0-4
findthatword < 0.1-23
freeorion < 0.4.8-9
func < 0.30-17
gadget < 0.0.3-25
gcc-python2-debug-plugin < 0.17-5
gcc-python2-plugin < 0.17-5
getmail < 5.13-3
gitosis < 0.2-29
glade3-libgladeui < 2:3.8.6-7
glue-validator < 1.0.2-19
gnome-python2-canvas < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-desktop < 2.32.0-39
gnome-python2-gconf < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-gnome < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-gnomekeyring < 2.32.0-39
gnome-python2-gnomevfs < 2.28.1-31
gnome-python2-gtkspell < 2.25.3-58
gnome-python2-libwnck < 2.32.0-39
gnome-python2-rsvg < 2.32.0-39
googlecl < 0.9.14-15
gourmet < 0.17.4-17
graphviz-python2 < 2.40.1-55
gresistor < 0.0.2-11
gtkparasite < 0.2.0-0.10
halberd < 0.2.4-19
hg-git < 0.8.11-6
hntool < 0.1.2-21
httpdtap < 0.3-11
jabber-roster < 0.1.1-18
k3d <
key-mon < 1.16-14
kross-python < 4.14.3-17
laditools < 1.1.0-4
libopensync < 1:0.22-30
mach < 1.0.4-11
marave < 0.7-22
moin < 1.9.10-4
nfspy < 1.0-17
nwsclient < 1.6.4-23
oggify < 2.0.7-15
openstv < 1.7-15
openxcap < 2.2.0-4
ovirt-engine-cli <
pagekite <
patcher < 0.6-21
pilas < 1.4.7-5
pipestat < 0.4.1-18
pius < 2.2.4-7
planet < 2.0-32
playonlinux < 4.3.4-5
postgresql-plpython2 < 11.8-3
pybluez < 0.22-15
pychart < 1.39-30
pychecker < 0.8.19-20
pyexiv2 < 0.3.2-41
pyifp < 0.2.2-23
pylibacl < 0.5.2-13
pyorbit < 2.24.0-30
pypoppler < 0.12.2-12
pyrit < 0.5.1-0.6
pyscript < 0.6.1-25
pysdm < 0.4.1-19
pyside-tools < 0.2.13-20
python2-Automat < 0.7.0-5
python2-Cython < 0.29.13-3
python2-GeoIP < 1.3.2-13
python2-PyPDF2 < 1.26.0-9
python2-ROPGadget < 5.8-2
python2-WSGIProxy2 < 0.4.1-16
python2-abiword < 1:3.0.4-2
python2-acoustid < 1.1.7-3
python2-alembic < 1.1.0-2
python2-anykeystore < 0.2-23
python2-appdirs < 1.4.3-10
python2-appindicator < 12.10.0-30
python2-application < 2.1.0-7
python2-arc < 0.7.1-13
python2-arrow < 0.14.2-3
python2-asn1crypto < 0.24.0-8
python2-atomicwrites < 1.3.0-3
python2-attrs < 19.1.0-3
python2-audioread < 2.1.7-3
python2-audit < 3.0-0.16
python2-augeas < 0.5.0-16
python2-backports < 1.0-18
python2-backports-functools_lru_cache < 1.5-7
python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname <
python2-bcrypt < 3.1.6-4
python2-beanbag < 1.9.2-14
python2-beautifulsoup < 1:3.2.1-21
python2-beautifulsoup4 < 4.9.1-2
python2-bibtex < 1.2.7-16
python2-bitlyapi < 0.1.1-21
python2-bleach < 3.1.0-3
python2-blinker < 1.4-6
python2-blist < 1.3.6-21
python2-bottle < 0.12.13-9
python2-bunch < 1.0.1-18
python2-capstone < 4.0.2-3
python2-cassandra-driver < 3.19.0-2
python2-catkin_pkg < 0.4.22-2
python2-cddb < 1.4-27
python2-certifi < 2018.10.15-6
python2-cffi < 1.12.3-2
python2-chai < 1.1.2-14
python2-chameleon < 3.6.2-3
python2-chardet < 3.0.4-11
python2-cheetah < 3.2.3-3
python2-chm < 0.8.4-27
python2-click < 7.1.1-2
python2-cloudservers < 1.2-19
python2-cmdln < 2.0.0-12
python2-colorclass < 2.2.0-7
python2-condor < 8.8.10-2
python2-configobj < 5.0.6-17
python2-configparser < 3.7.1-4
python2-constantly < 15.1.0-6
python2-construct < 2.9.45-4
python2-contextlib2 < 0.5.5-10
python2-coverage < 4.5.4-3
python2-crypto < 2.6.1-28
python2-cryptography < 2.6.1-4
python2-cryptography-vectors < 2.6.1-3
python2-cssselect < 0.9.2-12
python2-cssutils < 1.0.2-4
python2-cycler < 0.10.0-11
python2-daemon < 2.2.3-4
python2-dateutil < 1:2.8.0-4
python2-dbus < 1.2.8-7
python2-decorator < 4.4.0-3
python2-demjson < 2.2.4-13
python2-distutils-extra < 2.39-17
python2-django1.11 < 1.11.22-3
python2-dmlite < 1.13.1-3
python2-docopt < 0.6.2-13
python2-dogpile-cache < 0.6.8-3
python2-dpath < 1.4.0-15
python2-dpkt < 1.9.1-9
python2-dulwich < 0.19.12-2
python2-easygui < 0.96-26
python2-editor < 1.0.4-3
python2-elements < 0.13-21
python2-empy < 3.3.4-3
python2-enchant < 2.0.0-9
python2-enum34 < 1.1.6-10
python2-ethtool < 0.14-4
python2-eventlet < 0.25.0-3
python2-exif < 2.2.1-2
python2-extras < 1.0.0-8
python2-fasteners < 0.14.1-17
python2-fedora < 0.10.0-11
python2-fedora-flask < 0.10.0-11
python2-feedparser < 5.2.1-11
python2-fixtures < 3.0.0-14
python2-flask-babel < 0.11.2-6
python2-flask-migrate < 2.1.1-6
python2-flask-script < 2.0.6-5
python2-flask-sqlalchemy < 2.4.0-3
python2-flask-wtf < 0.14.2-6
python2-fluidity-sm < 0.2.0-15
python2-flup < 1.0.3-2
python2-formencode < 1.3.1-8
python2-freezegun < 0.3.12-3
python2-funcsigs < 1.0.2-14
python2-fuse < 0.2.1-26
python2-futures < 3.3.0-2
python2-gammu < 2.12-3
python2-gattlib < 0.20150805-11
python2-gdata < 2.0.18-15
python2-gfal2 < 1.9.5-4
python2-gflags < 2.0-18
python2-gnutls < 3.1.1-7
python2-gobject < 3.34.0-4
python2-gobject-base < 3.34.0-4
python2-google-apputils < 0.4.2-17
python2-graphviz < 1:0.13.2-2
python2-greenlet < 0.4.14-4
python2-gssapi < 1.6.1-2
python2-gstreamer < 0.10.22-22
python2-gstreamer1 < 1.16.2-2
python2-gtkextra < 1.1.0-38
python2-gwebsockets < 0.6-2
python2-h2 < 3.2.0-3
python2-hamcrest < 1.9.0-10
python2-hippo-canvas < 0.3.0-30
python2-hpack < 3.0.0-7
python2-html5-parser < 0.4.8-2
python2-html5lib < 1:1.0.1-5
python2-http-parser < 0.8.3-22
python2-humblewx < 0.2.1-11
python2-hupper < 1.8.1-3
python2-hyperframe < 5.2.0-3
python2-hyperlink < 19.0.0-3
python2-hypothesis < 4.23.8-3
python2-icalendar < 4.0.3-4
python2-idna < 2.8-3
python2-igraph < 0.7.1.post6-15
python2-impacket < 0.9.21-6
python2-incremental < 17.5.0-7
python2-iniparse < 0.4-35
python2-inotify < 0.9.6-17
python2-ioprocess < 1.1.0-4
python2-ipaddress < 1.0.18-8
python2-iso8601 < 0.1.11-14
python2-isodate < 0.6.0-3
python2-itsdangerous < 0.24-18
python2-jenkinsapi < 0.2.29-12
python2-jsonpickle < 1.1-3
python2-jsonpointer < 1.10-17
python2-junitxml < 0.7-19
python2-jwcrypto < 0.6.0-4
python2-jwt < 1.7.1-4
python2-kajiki < 0.8.0-3
python2-kerberos < 1.3.0-6
python2-kitchen < 1.2.6-3
python2-kiwi-gtk < 1.11.1-6
python2-kiwisolver < 1.1.0-3
python2-krbv < 1.0.90-23
python2-lash < 0.5.4-40
python2-lasso < 2.6.0-19
python2-ldap < 3.1.0-6
python2-ldap3 < 2.6.1-2
python2-lexicon < 1.0.0-7
python2-libcloud < 2.2.1-11
python2-libuser < 0.62-22
python2-libxml2 < 2.9.10-5
python2-linecache2 < 1.0.0-20
python2-lockfile < 1:0.11.0-15
python2-lxml < 4.4.0-2
python2-m2crypto < 0.35.2-3
python2-m2ext < 0.1-22
python2-m2r < 0.2.0-4
python2-magic < 5.37-9
python2-matplotlib < 2.2.5-2
python2-matplotlib-tk < 2.2.5-2
python2-matplotlib-wx < 2.2.5-2
python2-mb < 2.18.1-27
python2-mecab < 0.996-2
python2-mechanize < 0.4.2-4
python2-memcached < 1.58-10
python2-mimeparse < 1.6.0-10
python2-minibelt < 0.1.1-13
python2-miniupnpc < 2.1-3
python2-mistune < 0.8.3-8
python2-mock < 3.0.5-3
python2-mod_wsgi < 4.6.6-3
python2-modestmaps < 1.4.7-4
python2-moksha-common < 1.2.5-12
python2-monotonic < 1.5-4
python2-more-itertools < 5.0.0-3
python2-mox < 0.5.3-20
python2-mpich < 3.3.2-2
python2-msgpack < 0.6.1-4
python2-munch < 2.3.2-5
python2-musicbrainzngs < 0.5-16
python2-mysql < 1.3.14-2
python2-mysql-debug < 1.3.14-2
python2-netaddr < 0.7.19-18
python2-netifaces < 0.10.6-8
python2-newt < 0.52.21-3
python2-ngram < 3.3.2-3
python2-nine < 0.3.4-19
python2-nitrate < 1.6-2
python2-nose < 1.3.7-25
python2-notify < 0.1.1-43
python2-oauth2client < 4.1.3-4
python2-oauthlib < 3.0.2-3
python2-oletools < 0.55-3
python2-olpcgames < 1.6-22
python2-openid < 2.2.5-22
python2-openid-cla < 1.2-13
python2-openid-teams < 1.1-16
python2-openidc-client < 0.6.0-6
python2-openmpi < 4.0.2-2
python2-ovirt-engine-sdk <
python2-packaging < 19.0-3
python2-pam < 1.8.4-4
python2-paramiko < 2.6.0-3
python2-paste < 3.2.2-2
python2-paste-deploy < 2.0.1-3
python2-path < 5.2-18
python2-pathlib2 < 2.3.4-3
python2-pbr < 5.1.2-5
python2-pcapy < 0.11.5-3
python2-pdc-client < 1.8.0-18
python2-pdfrw < 0.4-7
python2-pexpect < 4.7.0-3
python2-pika < 1.0.1-5
python2-pip < 19.1.1-9
python2-pkginfo < 1.4.2-6
python2-plaster < 0.5-8
python2-plaster-pastedeploy < 0.7-3
python2-pluggy < 0.11.0-4
python2-ply < 3.11-4
python2-pology < 0.12-11
python2-powerpc-utils < 1.2.1-20
python2-pp < 1.6.0-19
python2-pretend < 1.0.8-17
python2-prettytable < 0.7.2-19
python2-priority < 1.3.0-7
python2-progressbar < 2.3-17
python2-protobuf < 3.6.1-6
python2-psycopg2 < 2.7.7-4
python2-psycopg2-debug < 2.7.7-4
python2-psycopg2-tests < 2.7.7-4
python2-ptyprocess < 0.6.0-7
python2-py < 1.8.2-2
python2-pyOpenSSL < 19.0.0-3
python2-pyasn1 < 0.4.4-6
python2-pyasn1-modules < 0.4.4-6
python2-pyatspi < 2.34.0-2
python2-pybox2d < 2.3.2-9
python2-pycodestyle < 2.5.0-4
python2-pycparser < 2.14-21
python2-pycscope < 1.2.1-20
python2-pycurl <
python2-pycxx-devel < 7.1.3-3
python2-pydasm < 1.6-7
python2-pydispatcher < 2.0.5-8
python2-pydns < 2.3.6-14
python2-pyelftools < 0.25-4
python2-pyflakes < 2.1.1-3
python2-pygame < 1.9.6-2
python2-pygments < 2.4.2-3
python2-pygresql < 5.1-2
python2-pymilter < 1.0.4-3
python2-pynacl < 1.3.0-3
python2-pyobd < 0.9.3-18
python2-pyopengl < 3.1.1a1-18
python2-pypandoc < 1.4-10
python2-pyparsing < 2.4.0-3
python2-pyparted < 1:3.11.2-3
python2-pyqt4-sip < 4.19.19-2
python2-pyqt5-sip < 4.19.19-2
python2-pyquery < 1.4.0-4
python2-pyrtlsdr < 0.2.8-6
python2-pyserial < 3.4-4
python2-pyside < 1.2.4-11
python2-pysmell < 0.7.3-15
python2-pysocks < 1.7.0-3
python2-pystache < 0.5.4-13
python2-pysvn < 1.9.11-3
python2-pytest < 4.4.1-5
python2-pytest-cov < 2.10.0-3
python2-pytest-mock < 1.10.4-5
python2-pytest-relaxed < 1.1.5-3
python2-pytest-runner < 4.0-6
python2-pyusb < 1.0.2-4
python2-pyxattr < 0.6.1-3
python2-pyxdg < 0.26-6
python2-pyyaml < 5.3.1-2
python2-q < 2.6-13
python2-qpid < 1.37.0-9
python2-qpid-messaging < 1.39.0-6
python2-qpid-proton < 0.31.0-4
python2-qpid-qmf < 1.39.0-6
python2-qscintilla < 2.11.2-5
python2-qscintilla-qt5 < 2.11.2-5
python2-qt5 < 5.13.2-4
python2-qt5-base < 5.13.2-4
python2-qt5-webkit < 5.13.2-4
python2-rdflib < 4.2.1-12
python2-redis < 3.2.1-3
python2-regex < 2020.7.14-2
python2-reportlab < 3.5.34-3
python2-repoze-lru < 0.7-4
python2-requestbuilder < 0.7.1-10
python2-requests < 2.22.0-4
python2-requests-cache < 0.5.1-2
python2-requests-kerberos < 0.12.0-7
python2-requests-oauthlib < 1.2.0-3
python2-restkit < 4.2.2-15
python2-rosdep < 0.19.0-2
python2-rosdistro < 0.8.2-2
python2-rosinstall_generator < 0.1.22-2
python2-rospkg < 1.2.8-2
python2-rrdtool < 1.7.2-4
python2-rsa < 3.4.2-11
python2-salttesting < 2015.7.10-12
python2-saslwrapper < 0.16-24
python2-scales < 1.0.5-19
python2-scandir < 1.9.0-7
python2-scapy < 2.4.3-2
python2-scipy < 1.2.1-6
python2-scons < 3.1.2-2
python2-scour < 0.37-3
python2-scripttest < 1.3.0-17
python2-service-identity < 18.1.0-4
python2-setuptools_scm < 3.3.3-3
python2-sexy < 0.1.9-33
python2-sieve < 0.1.9-15
python2-simplejson < 3.16.0-4
python2-simplevisor < 1.2-15
python2-sip-devel < 4.19.19-2
python2-sippy < 1.1.0-0.3
python2-skf < 2.10.12-2
python2-socketpool < 0.5.3-16
python2-socksipychain < 2.0.15-7
python2-soupsieve < 1.9.2-3
python2-sparklines < 0.9-15
python2-speaklater < 1.3-17
python2-speedtest-cli < 1.0.2-9
python2-sqlalchemy < 1.3.18-2
python2-sqlobject < 3.3.0-8
python2-staplelib < 0.3.3-16
python2-subprocess32 < 3.2.6-17
python2-subunit < 1.3.0-12
python2-subversion < 1.12.2-4
python2-suds < 0.7-0.14
python2-sudsds < 1.0.1-16
python2-sure < 1.4.11-7
python2-svg < 0.2.2b-20
python2-systemd < 234-10
python2-systemd-coredump < 2-9
python2-tbgrep < 0.3.0-18
python2-telepathy < 0.15.19-21
python2-tempita < 0.5.1-24
python2-testscenarios < 0.5.0-16
python2-testtools < 2.3.0-12
python2-tftpy < 0.8.0-3
python2-tilestache < 1.49.11-15
python2-tpg < 3.2.2-10
python2-traceback2 < 1.4.0-21
python2-transaction < 2.4.0-4
python2-translationstring < 1.3-11
python2-tw2-core < 2.2.6-3
python2-twisted < 19.2.1-10
python2-ujson < 2.0-0.2
python2-unicorn < 1.0.1-6
python2-unittest2 < 1.1.0-19
python2-urlgrabber < 4.0.0-5
python2-urllib3 < 1.25.7-2
python2-utmp < 0.8.2-9
python2-vcrpy < 1.13.0-4
python2-vcstools < 0.1.42-2
python2-venusian < 1.2.0-3
python2-visvis < 1.11.2-3
python2-volatility < 2.6.1-3
python2-vulture < 0.27-6
python2-waitress < 1.2.1-4
python2-webencodings < 0.5.1-9
python2-webob < 1.8.5-3
python2-webtest < 2.0.33-3
python2-werkzeug < 0.14.1-11
python2-wheel < 1:0.33.1-4
python2-which < 1.1.0-25
python2-wrapt < 1.11.2-3
python2-wstool < 0.1.18-2
python2-wtforms < 2.2.1-6
python2-wx-siplib < 4.19.19-2
python2-wxpython <
python2-wxpython-webview <
python2-wxpython4 < 4.0.6-9
python2-wxpython4-media < 4.0.6-9
python2-wxpython4-webview < 4.0.6-9
python2-xapian < 1.4.13-2
python2-xlib < 0.26-2
python2-xmpp < 0.5.0-0.23
python2-xunitmerge < 1.0.4-10
python2-zc-buildout < 2.5.3-12
python2-zmq < 18.0.2-3
python2-zmq-tests < 18.0.2-3
python2-zope-component < 4.3.0-10
python2-zope-configuration < 4.0.3-17
python2-zope-deprecation < 4.4.0-4
python2-zope-event < 4.2.0-14
python2-zope-exceptions < 4.0.8-14
python2-zope-i18nmessageid < 4.0.3-16
python2-zope-interface < 4.6.0-3
python2-zope-schema < 4.4.2-15
python2-zope-testing < 4.6.1-10
qpid-qmf-devel < 1.39.0-6
qpid-tests < 1.37.0-9
qpid-tools < 1.39.0-6
radiotray < 0.7.3-15
rawdog < 2.20-12
rocket-depot < 1.0.0-10
shcov < 5-20
shedskin < 0.9.4-12
shiboken-python2-libs < 1.2.4-15
sidc-gui < 0.4-15
slingshot < 0.9-12
soscleaner < 0.2.2-18
sparcy < 0.1-18
sqlcli < 3-16
squeal < 0.4.1-22
subdownloader < 2.0.19-11
sugar-base < 0.98.0-18
sugar-toolkit < 0.112-9
surl <
svnmailer < 1.0.9-17
sx < 2.17-13
system-config-keyboard < 1.4.0-19
system-config-keyboard-base < 1.4.0-19
taskcoach < 1.4.6-3
tepache < 1.1.2-16
trac-advancedticketworkflow-plugin < 0.11-17
trac-authopenid-plugin < 0.4.7-10
trac-bazaar-plugin < 0.4.2-17
trac-doxygen-plugin <
trac-mastertickets-plugin < 3.0.3-14
trac-mercurial-plugin <
trac-sumfields-plugin < 1.0.1-17
trac-xmlrpc-plugin < 1.2.0-0.18
umit < 1.0-17
uniconvertor < 2.0-0.20
vhybridize < 0.5.9-23
wammu < 0.44-8
whaawmp < 0.2.14-19
winswitch < 0.12.21-28
wtop < 0.6.8-16
wxPython-devel <
x-tile < 2.6-2
xxdiff-tools < 4.0.1-11
zynjacku < 6-26
python2-authres < 1.2.0-7
python2-docutils < 0.15.2-5
python2-pycryptodomex < 3.9.8-2
python2-pycryptodomex-selftest < 3.9.8-2
python2-typing <
trac-CGit-plugin < 1.0.6-15
trac-blackmagictickettweaks-plugin < 0.12.3-5
trac-sensitivetickets-plugin < 0.21-16

python3-sip < 4.19.19-2

yum-NetworkManager-dispatcher < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-aliases < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-auto-update-debug-info < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-changelog < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-copr < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-fastestmirror < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-filter-data < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-fs-snapshot < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-keys < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-list-data < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-local < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-merge-conf < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-ovl < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-priorities < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-protectbase < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-ps < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-puppetverify < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-refresh-updatesd < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-rpm-warm-cache < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-show-leaves < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-tmprepo < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-tsflags < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-upgrade-helper < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-verify < 1.1.31-520
yum-plugin-versionlock < 1.1.31-520
python-pyglet < 1.4.1-1

python2-pillow-tk < 6.2.2-4
python2-pillow-qt < 6.2.2-4

python2-pillow-devel < 6.2.2-4

python2-parsedatetime < 2.4-10

crypto-utils < 2.5-5

PyQwt < 5.2.0-60

kupfer < 208-16

mingw64-webkitgtk < 2.4.11-7
mingw32-webkitgtk < 2.4.11-7
mingw64-webkitgtk3 < 2.4.11-7
mingw32-webkitgtk3 < 2.4.11-7

packagedb-cli < 2.14.1-11

nbdkit-python2-plugin < 1.12.6-2

xfce4-hamster-plugin < 1.7-23

mono-debugger < 2.10-22

fedora-release-notes < 29-0

Plus the following python2 packages, in accordance with the general switch away
from Python2 ahead of its retirement in 2020. See for more

python2-rabbitvcs < 0.17.1-13

python2-libxslt < 1.1.33-3

zanata-platform < 4.6.0-3
zanata-client < 4.6.0-3
zanata-platform-javadoc < 4.6.0-3

maven-site-plugin < 3.6-8

CGAL < 5.0-0

decibel-audio-player < 1.08-21

blueproximity < 1.2.5-21

js-moment < 2.18.1-7

postgresql-plruby < 0.5.7-7

RPM found in directory: /packages/linux-pbone/

Content of RPM  Changelog  Provides Requires

Download  fedora-obsolete-packages-33-28.noarch.rpm  fedora-obsolete-packages-33-28.noarch.rpm

Provides :

Requires :
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1

Content of RPM :