Description :
Often you want to create components that can be added to a class arbitrarily. This module makes it easy for the end user to use these components. Instead of requiring the user to create a named class with the desired roles applied, or apply roles to the instance one-by-one, he can just create a new class from yours with \'with_traits\', and then instantiate that.
There is also \'new_with_traits\', which exists for compatibility reasons. It accepts a \'traits\' parameter, creates a new class with those traits, and then instantiates it.
Class->new_with_traits( traits => [qw/Foo Bar/], foo => 42, bar => 1 )
returns exactly the same object as
Class->with_traits(qw/Foo Bar/)->new( foo => 42, bar => 1 )
would. But you can also store the result of \'with_traits\', and call other methods:
my $c = Class->with_traits(qw/Foo Bar/); $c->new( foo => 42 ); $c->whatever( foo => 1234 );
And so on.