Name : perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU
| |
Version : 1.190.321
| Vendor : Mageia_Org
Release : 3.mga9
| Date : 2022-03-22 21:58:29
Group : Development/Perl
| Source RPM : perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU-1.190.321-3.mga9.src.rpm
Size : 0.06 MB
| |
Packager : umeabot < umeabot>
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Summary : Some templates for MITHALDU\'s dzil pluginbundle
Description :
This module is forked off of the Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DAGOLDEN manpage and modified to suit my own tastes. He did most of the work.
This is a the Dist::Zilla manpage PluginBundle. It is roughly equivalent to the following dist.ini:
; version provider [AutoVersion] ; build a version from the date major = 1
; choose files to include [GatherDir] ; everything under top dir exclude_filename = README.pod ; skip this generated file exclude_filename = META.json ; skip this generated file exclude_filename = .gitignore ; skip this generated file exclude_filename = README.PATCHING ; skip this generated file exclude_filename = perlcritic.rc ; skip this generated file
[PruneCruft] ; default stuff to skip except = .gitignore except = README.PATCHING except = perlcritic.rc [ManifestSkip] ; if -f MANIFEST.SKIP, skip those, too
; file modifications [OurPkgVersion] ; add $VERSION = ... to all files [InsertCopyright ; add copyright at \"# COPYRIGHT\" [PodWeaver] ; generate Pod config_plugin = AATTMITHALDU ; my own plugin allows Pod::WikiDoc
; generated files [License] ; boilerplate license [ReadmeFromPod] ; from Pod (runs after PodWeaver) [ReadmeAnyFromPod] ; create README.pod in repo directory type = pod filename = README.pod location = root [GenerateFile] filename = .gitignore is_template = 1 content = /.build content = /{{ $dist->name }}-* ; and more, see Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MITHALDU::Templates [GenerateFile] filename = README.PATCHING is_template = 1 content = README.PATCHING ; and more, see Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MITHALDU::Templates [GenerateFile] filename = perlcritic.rc is_template = 1 content = README.PATCHING ; and more, see Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::MITHALDU::Templates
; t tests [Test::Compile] ; make sure .pm files all compile fake_home = 1 ; fakes $ENV{HOME} just in case
; xt tests [Test::PodSpelling] ; xt/author/pod-spell.t [Test::Perl::Critic]; xt/author/critic.t [MetaTests] ; xt/release/meta-yaml.t [PodSyntaxTests] ; xt/release/pod-syntax.t [PodCoverageTests] ; xt/release/pod-coverage.t [Test::Portability] ; xt/release/portability.t (of file name) [Test::Version] ; xt/release/test-version.t
; metadata [AutoPrereqs] ; find prereqs from code [MinimumPerl] ; determine minimum perl version [GithubMeta]
[MetaNoIndex] ; sets \'no_index\' in META directory = t directory = xt directory = examples directory = corpus package = DB ; just in case
[Bugtracker] ; defaults to RT
[MetaProvides::Package] ; add \'provides\' to META files meta_noindex = 1 ; respect prior no_index directives
[MetaYAML] ; generate META.yml (v1.4) [MetaJSON] ; generate META.json (v2)
; build system [ExecDir] ; include \'bin/*\' as executables [ShareDir] ; include \'share/\' for File::ShareDir [MakeMaker] ; create Makefile.PL
; manifest (after all generated files) [Manifest] ; create MANIFEST
; copy META.json back to repo dis [CopyFilesFromBuild] copy = META.json move = .gitignore copy = README.PATCHING copy = perlcritic.rc
; before release [Git::Check] ; ensure all files checked in allow_dirty = dist.ini allow_dirty = Changes allow_dirty = README.pod allow_dirty = META.json
[CheckPrereqsIndexed] ; ensure prereqs are on CPAN [CheckChangesHasContent] ; ensure Changes has been updated [CheckExtraTests] ; ensure xt/ tests pass [TestRelease] ; ensure t/ tests pass [ConfirmRelease] ; prompt before uploading
; releaser [UploadToCPAN] ; uploads to CPAN
; after release [NextRelease]
[Git::Commit] ; commit Changes (as released) allow_dirty = dist.ini allow_dirty = Changes allow_dirty = README.pod allow_dirty = META.json
[Git::Tag] ; tag repo with custom tag tag_format = release-%v
[Git::Push] ; push repo to remote push_to = origin
RPM found in directory: /vol/rzm3/linux-mageia/distrib/9/aarch64/media/core/release |