Description :
The autobox module promotes Perl\'s primitive types (literals (strings and numbers), scalars, arrays and hashes) into first-class objects. However, autobox does not provide any methods for these new classes.
autobox::CORE provides a set of methods for these new classes. It includes almost everything in perlfunc, some things from Scalar::Util and List::Util, and some Perl 5 versions of methods taken from Perl 6.
With _autobox::Core_ one is able to change this:
print join(\" \", reverse(split(\" \", $string)));
to this:
use autobox::Core;
$string->split(\" \")->reverse->print;
Likewise you can change this:
my $array_ref = [qw(fish dog cat elephant bird)];
push AATT$array_ref, qw(snake lizard giraffe mouse);
to this:
use autobox::Core; my $array_ref = [qw(fish dog cat elephant bird)];
$array_ref->push( qw(snake lizard giraffe mouse));
_autobox::Core_ makes it easier to avoid parentheses pile ups and messy dereferencing syntaxes.
_autobox::Core_ is mostly glue. It presents existing functions with a new interface, while adding few extra. Most of the methods read like \'sub hex { CORE::hex($_[0]) }\'. In addition to built-ins from perlfunc that operate on hashes, arrays, scalars, and code references, some Perl 6-ish things have been included, and some keywords like \'foreach\' are represented too.