python312-certbot rpm build for : openSUSE Tumbleweed. For other distributions click python312-certbot.

Name : python312-certbot
Version : 2.11.0 Vendor : obs://build_opensuse_org/home:ecsos
Release : 1.86 Date : 2024-06-06 21:12:25
Group : Productivity/Security Source RPM : certbot-2.11.0-1.86.src.rpm
Size : 5.05 MB
Packager : (none)
Summary : Let\'s Encrypt client
Description :
Certbot (previously, the Let\'s Encrypt client) is a client that
fetches and deploys SSL/TLS certificates for webservers.
Certbot was developed by EFF and others as a client for Let\'s Encrypt
and was previously known as “the official Let\'s Encrypt client” or
“the Let\'s Encrypt Python client”. Certbot will also work with any
other CAs that support the ACME protocol.

Certbot can automatically configure a webserver to start serving
over HTTPS immediately. For Apache, it can also optionally automate
security tasks such as tuning ciphersuites and enabling important
security features such as HTTP-to-HTTPS redirects, OCSP stapling,
HSTS, and upgrade-insecure-requests.

RPM found in directory: /packages/linux-pbone/

Content of RPM  Changelog  Provides Requires

Hmm ... It's impossible ;-) This RPM doesn't exist on any FTP server

Provides :

Requires :
certbot-common = 2.11.0
python(abi) = 3.12
python312-Babel >= 2.12.1
python312-MarkupSafe >= 2.1.2
python312-PyNaCl >= 1.5.0
python312-PyYAML >= 6.0
python312-SecretStorage >= 3.3.3
python312-Sphinx >= 5.3.0
python312-acme = 2.11.0
python312-alabaster >= 0.7.13
python312-apacheconfig >= 0.3.2
python312-appnope >= 0.1.3
python312-astroid >= 2.13.5
python312-attrs >= 22.2.0
python312-augeas >= 1.1.0
python312-azure-devops >= 6.0.0b4
python312-backcall >= 0.2.0
python312-bcrypt >= 4.0.1
python312-beautifulsoup4 >= 4.12.2
python312-bleach >= 6.0.0
python312-boto3 >= 1.26.113
python312-botocore >= 1.29.113
python312-cachecontrol >= 0.12.11
python312-cachetools >= 5.3.0
python312-cachy >= 0.3.0
python312-certifi >= 2022.12.7
python312-cffi >= 1.15.1
python312-charset-normalizer >= 3.1.0
python312-cleo >= 1.0.0a5
python312-cloudflare >= 2.11.1
python312-configargparse >= 1.5.3
python312-configobj >= 5.0.8
python312-coverage >= 7.2.3
python312-crashtest >= 0.3.1
python312-cryptography >= 40.0.1
python312-cython >= 0.29.34
python312-decorator >= 5.1.1
python312-digitalocean >= 1.17.0
python312-dill >= 0.3.6
python312-distlib >= 0.3.6
python312-distro >= 1.8.0
python312-dns-lexicon >= 3.11.7
python312-dnspython >= 2.3.0
python312-docutils >= 0.18.1
python312-dulwich >= 0.20.50
python312-exceptiongroup >= 1.1.1
python312-execnet >= 1.9.0
python312-filelock >= 3.11.0
python312-google-api-core >= 2.11.0
python312-google-api-python-client >= 2.85.0
python312-google-auth >= 2.17.3
python312-google-auth-httplib2 >= 0.1.0
python312-googleapis-common-protos >= 1.59.0
python312-html5lib >= 1.1
python312-httplib2 >= 0.22.0
python312-idna >= 3.4
python312-imagesize >= 1.4.1
python312-importlib-metadata >= 4.13.0
python312-importlib-resources >= 5.12.0
python312-iniconfig >= 2.0.0
python312-ipdb >= 0.13.13
python312-ipython >= 7.34.0
python312-isodate >= 0.6.1
python312-isort >= 5.11.5
python312-jaraco.classes >= 3.2.3
python312-jedi >= 0.18.2
python312-jeepney >= 0.8.0
python312-jinja2 >= 3.1.2
python312-jmespath >= 1.0.1
python312-josepy >= 1.13.0
python312-jsonlines >= 3.1.0
python312-jsonpickle >= 3.0.1
python312-jsonschema >= 4.17.3
python312-keyring >= 23.13.1
python312-lazy-object-proxy >= 1.9.0
python312-lockfile >= 0.12.2
python312-markdown-it-py >= 2.2.0
python312-matplotlib-inline >= 0.1.6
python312-mccabe >= 0.7.0
python312-mdurl >= 0.1.2
python312-more-itertools >= 9.1.0
python312-msgpack >= 1.0.5
python312-msrest >= 0.6.21
python312-mypy >= 1.2.0
python312-mypy_extensions >= 1.0.0
python312-oauthlib >= 3.2.2
python312-packaging >= 23.1
python312-paramiko >= 3.1.0
python312-parsedatetime >= 2.6
python312-parso >= 0.8.3
python312-pexpect >= 4.8.0
python312-pickleshare >= 0.7.5
python312-pip >= 23.0.1
python312-pkginfo >= 1.9.6
python312-pkgutil-resolve-name >= 1.3.10
python312-platformdirs >= 2.6.2
python312-pluggy >= 1.0.0
python312-ply >= 3.11
python312-poetry >= 1.2.2
python312-poetry-core >= 1.3.2
python312-poetry-plugin-export >= 1.2.0
python312-prompt_toolkit >= 3.0.38
python312-protobuf >= 3.20.3
python312-ptyprocess >= 0.7.0
python312-py >= 1.11.0
python312-pyOpenSSL >= 23.1.1
python312-pyRFC3339 >= 1.1
python312-pyasn1 >= 0.4.8
python312-pyasn1-modules >= 0.2.8
python312-pycparser >= 2.21
python312-pygments >= 2.15.0
python312-pylev >= 1.4.0
python312-pylint >= 2.15.5
python312-pynsist >= 2.7
python312-pyparsing >= 3.0.9
python312-pyrsistent >= 0.19.3
python312-pytest >= 7.3.0
python312-pytest-cov >= 4.0.0
python312-pytest-xdist >= 3.2.1
python312-python-dateutil >= 2.8.2
python312-pytz >= 2023.3
python312-readme_renderer >= 37.3
python312-requests >= 2.28.2
python312-requests-download >= 0.1.2
python312-requests-file >= 1.5.1
python312-requests-oauthlib >= 1.3.1
python312-requests-toolbelt >= 0.9.1
python312-rfc3986 >= 2.0.0
python312-rich >= 13.3.4
python312-rsa >= 4.9
python312-s3transfer >= 0.6.0
python312-semantic_version >= 2.10.0
python312-shellingham >= 1.5.0
python312-six >= 1.16.0
python312-snowballstemmer >= 2.2.0
python312-soupsieve >= 2.4
python312-sphinx_rtd_theme >= 1.2.0
python312-sphinxcontrib-applehelp >= 1.0.2
python312-sphinxcontrib-devhelp >= 1.0.2
python312-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp >= 2.0.0
python312-sphinxcontrib-jquery >= 4.1
python312-sphinxcontrib-jsmath >= 1.0.1
python312-sphinxcontrib-qthelp >= 1.0.3
python312-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml >= 1.1.5
python312-tldextract >= 3.4.0
python312-tomli >= 2.0.1
python312-tomlkit >= 0.11.7
python312-tox >= 3.28.0
python312-traitlets >= 5.9.0
python312-twine >= 4.0.2
python312-typing-extensions >= 4.5.0
python312-uritemplate >= 4.1.1
python312-urllib3 >= 1.26.15
python312-virtualenv >= 20.21.0
python312-wcwidth >= 0.2.6
python312-webencodings >= 0.5.1
python312-wheel >= 0.40.0
python312-wrapt >= 1.15.0
python312-xattr >= 0.9.9
python312-yarg >= 0.1.9
python312-zipp >= 3.15.0
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1

Content of RPM :
There is 389 files more in these RPM.