Name : texlive-oberdiek
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Version : 20180414
| Vendor : AlmaLinux
Release : 29.el8_8
| Date : 2023-06-22 13:18:17
Group : Applications/Publishing
| Source RPM : texlive-20180414-29.el8_8.src.rpm
Size : 20.41 MB
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Packager : AlmaLinux Packaging Team < packager_almalinux_org>
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Summary : A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
Description :
The bundle comprises packages to provide: - accsupp: better accessibility support for PDF files; - aliascnt: \'alias counters\'; - alphalph: multiple-alphabetic counting (a...z,aa...zz,... -- up to the full extent of a TeX counter); - askinclude: replaces \\includeonly by an interactive user interface; - atbegshi: a modern reimplementation of package everyshi; - atenddvi: provides \\AtEndDvi command; - attachfile2: attach files to PDF files; - atveryend: hooks the very end of a document; - auxhook: stick stuff at the start of the .aux file; - bigintcalc: expandable arithmetic operations with big integers that can exceed TeX\'s number limits; - bitset: defines and implements the data type bit set, a vector of bits; - bmpsize: get bitmap size and resolution data; - bookmark: alternative bookmark (outline) organization for package hyperref; - catchfile: collects the contents of a file and puts it in a macro; - centernot: a horizontally-centred \ ot symbol; - chemarr: extensible chemists\' reaction arrows; - classlist: record information about document class(es) used; - colonequals: poor man\'s mathematical relation symbols; - dvipscol: dvips colour stack management; - embedfile: embed files in PDF documents; - engord: define counter-printing operations producing English ordinals; - eolgrab: collect arguments delimited by end of line; - epstopdf: conversion with epstopdf on the fly; - etexcmds: adds a prefix to eTeX\'s commands, to avoid conflicts with existing macros; - flags: setting and clearing flags in bit fields and converting the bit field into a decimal number; - gettitlestring: clean up the string containing the title of a section, etc.; - grfext: macros for adding and reordering the list of graphics file extensions recognised by the graphics package; - grffile: extend file name processing in the graphics bundle; - hosub: build collections of packages; - holtxdoc: extra documentation macros; - hologo: bookmark-enabled logos; - hopatch: safely apply package patches; - hycolor: implements the color option stuff that is used by packages hyperref and bookmark; - hypbmsec: bookmarks in sectioning commands; - hypcap: anjusting anchors of captions; - hypdestopt: optimising hyperref\'s pdftex driver destinations; - hypdoc: hyper-references in the LaTeX standard doc package; - hypgotoe: experimental package for links to embedded files; - hyphsubst: substitute hyphenation patterns; - ifdraft: switch for option draft; - iflang: provides expandable checks for the current language; - ifluatex: looks for LuaTeX regardless of its mode and provides the switch \\ifluatex; - ifpdf: provides the ifpdf switch; - ifvtex: provides the \\ifvtex switch; - infwarerr: provides a complete set of macros for informations, warnings and error messages with support for plain TeX; - inputenx: enhanced handling of input encoding; - intcalc: provides expandable arithmetic operations with integers; - kvdefinekeys: define key-value keys in the same manner as keyval; - kvoptions: use package options in key value format ; - kvsetkeys: a variant of the \\setkeys command; - letltxmacro: Let assignment for LaTeX macros; - listingsutf8: (partially) extends the listings package to UTF-8 encoding; - ltxcmds: exports some utility macros from the LaTeX kernel into a separate namespace and also provides them for other formats such as plain-TeX; - luacolor: implements colour support based on LuaTeX\'s node attributes; - luatex: utilises new and extended features and resources that LuaTeX provides; - magicnum: allows to access magic numbers by a hierarchical name system; - makerobust: make a command robust; - pagegrid: prints a page grid in the background; - pagesel: select pages of a document for output; - pdfcolfoot: using pdftex\'s color stack for footnotes; - pdfcol: macros for setting and maintaining new color stacks; - pdfcolmk: PDFTeX COLour MarK -- fake a PDFTeX colour stack using marks (not needed for PDFTeX 1.40.0 and later); - pdfcolparallel: fixes colour problems in package parallel; - pdfcolparcolumns: fixes colour problems in package parcolumns; - pdfcrypt: setting PDF encryption; - pdfescape: pdfTeX\'s escape features using TeX or e-TeX; - pdflscape: landscape pages in PDF; - pdfrender: control PDF rendering modes; - pdftexcmds: provide PDFTeX primitives missing in LuaTeX; - picture: dimens for picture macros; - pmboxdraw: poor man\'s box drawing characters; - protecteddef: define a command that protected against expansion; - refcount: using the numeric values of references; - rerunfilecheck: checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files; - resizegather: automatically resize overly large equations; - rotchiffre: performs simple rotation cyphers; - scrindex: redefines environment \'theindex\' of package \'index\', if a class from KOMA-Script is loaded; - selinput: select the input encoding by specifying pairs of input characters and their glyph names; - setouterhbox: set \\hbox in outer horizontal mode; - settobox: getting box sizes; - soulutf8: extends package soul and adds some support for UTF-8; - stackrel: extensions of the \\stackrel command; - stampinclude: selects the files for \\include by inspecting the timestamp of the .aux file(s); - stringenc: provides \\StringEncodingConvert for converting a string between different encodings; - tabularht: tabulars with height specification; - tabularkv: key value interface for tabular parameters; - telprint: print German telephone numbers; - thepdfnumber: canonical numbers for use in PDF files and elsewhere; - transparent: using a color stack for transparency with pdftex; - twoopt: commands with two optional arguments; - uniquecounter: provides unlimited unique counter; - zref: a proposed new reference system. Each of the packages is represented by two files, a .dtx (documented source) and a PDF file; the .ins file necessary for installation is extracted by running the .dtx file with Plain TeX.
RPM found in directory: /vol/rzm2/linux-almalinux/8.10/AppStream/aarch64/kickstart/Packages |