Description :
A simple, modern and intuitive unit testing framework for PHP!
It has been designed from the start with the following ideas in mind : * Can be implemented rapidly ; * Simplify test development ; * Allow for writing reliable, readable, and clear unit tests ;
To accomplish that, it massively uses capabilities provided by PHP 5.3, to give the developer a whole new way of writing unit tests. Also, thanks to its fluid interface, it allows for writing unit tests in a fashion close to natural language. It also makes it easier to implement stubbing within tests, thanks to intelligent uses of anonymous functions and closures. atoum natively, and by default, performs the execution of each unit test within a separate PHP process, to warrant isolation. Of course, it can be used seamlessly for continuous integration, and given its design, it can be made to cope with specific needs extremely easily. atoum also accomplishes all of this without affecting performance, since it has been developed to boast a reduced memory footprint while allowing for hastened test execution. It can also generate unit test execution reports in the Xunit format, which makes it compatible with continuous integration tools such as Jenkins. atoum also generates code coverage reports, in order to make it possible to supervise unit tests.
Optional dependency: - php-pecl-xdebug for code coverage reports