Description :
XFce author (Olivier FOURDAN) says:
XFce is a lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX systems.
The XFce project was first started because I needed a simple, light and efficient environment for my Linux System.
There are now a lot of good environments and interfaces for UNIX based systems, but most are too heavy, or too expensive, or even both!
I wanted something easy to use and configure, stable, fast, and, at last but not least, visually appealing...
I believe that the desktop environment should be made to increase user productivity. Therefore, the goal is keep most system resources for the applications, and not to consume all memory and CPU usage with the desktop environment.
From version to version, XFce became more and more user friendly and easily configurable. As XFce is made for the user, it has to be very simple to configure. That\'s why everything is driven by the mouse, using buttons, drag and drop, etc., and the configuration files are hidden from the user, although it is plain text.
XFce 3 is based on GTK+, a free and powerful tool kit widely adopted by many applications.
XFce 3.5.2 features : * XFce, the main panel * XFwm, the window manager * XFTree, the file manager * XFClock, a clock and calendar * XFbd, the backdrop manager * XFMouse, the mouse configuration * XFSound, the sound manager * XFGnome, the GNOME compliance module * XFPager, the pager
Plus as set of shell scripts for use as Drag and Drop actions for the XFce panel (xfterm, xftrash, xfprint, xfhelp, xfmountdev, CDE2Xfcepal, etc.).
If you are upgrading from previous versions of XFce, version 3.5.2 now features : * Drag and drop * File management * Full session management support, including builtin session management and XSM (X11R6 protocol) * Support for several graphic image types with Imlib (if available) or GNOME gdk-pixbuf. * NLS, Native Language Support, in all XFce applications, even in xfwm built-in menus. * Translations in Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish ! * Support for multi-byte character sets (Such as Korean and Japanese) * From 2 to 10 virtual screens, driven from the panel itself * From 0 to 12 popup menus on XFce panel * User configurable size of icons on the panel and popup menus * Improved window management (Windows snapping, windows shading, etc.) * New window title bar and buttons design * Linux FHS compliancy * An embedded diagnostic dialog to learn about the execution of programs spawned from xfce. * Embedded management of standard X resources, giving all applications the same look. * Automatic theme generator: Choose your colors from the color selector, select a gtk engine from the list and apply your settings to all your GTK and GNOME applications at once. * And many other new features I cannot mention here...