Display 7641 - 7680 hits of 9925.
python311-PyQt6-doc | 6.7.0-lp160.3.2 | noarch | Examples for python311-PyQt6 | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyQt6-NetworkAuth | 6.7.0-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | Python bindings for the Qt Network Authorization library | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyQt6-NetworkAuth-devel | 6.7.0-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | Devel files for python311-PyQt6-NetworkAuth | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyQt6-sip | 13.6.0-lp160.3.2 | x86_64 | The sip module support for PyQt6 | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyQt6-WebEngine | 6.7.0-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | Python bindings for the Qt WebEngine framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyQt6-WebEngine-devel | 6.7.0-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | Devel files for python311-PyQt6-WebEngine | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyquery | 2.0.0-lp160.4.4 | noarch | A jquery-like library for python | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyrad | 2.4-lp160.6.1 | noarch | RADIUS Tools | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyrage | 1.1.2-lp160.2.19 | x86_64 | Python bindings for rage (age in Rust) | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyramid | 2.0.2-lp160.2.1 | noarch | The Pyramid web application development framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyramid-chameleon | 0.3-lp160.6.1 | noarch | Pyramid Chameleon integration | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyramid-mako | 1.1.0-lp160.4.1 | noarch | Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyreadstat | 1.2.7-lp160.3.4 | x86_64 | Package to read and write statistical data files into pandas | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyRFC3339 | 1.1-lp160.5.1 | noarch | Generate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyRIC | | noarch | Python Wireless Library | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyright | 1.1.376-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Command line wrapper for pyright | OpenSuSE |
python311-Pyro5 | 5.15-lp160.2.3 | noarch | distributed object middleware for Python (RPC) | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyroma | 4.2-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Test a Python project\'s adherence to packaging guidelines | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyroomacoustics | 0.7.4-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | A framework for room acoustics and audio processing in Pytho | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyroute2 | 0.7.12-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python Netlink library | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyrsistent | 0.20.0-lp160.4.1 | x86_64 | Persistent, Functional, Immutable data structures | OpenSuSE |
python311-PyRSS2Gen | 1.1-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Generate RSS2 using a Python data structure | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyRXP | 3.0.1-lp160.3.2 | x86_64 | Python RXP interface - fast validating XML parser | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysaml2 | 7.4.2-lp160.2.3 | x86_64 | Python implementation of SAML Version 2 to be used in a WSGI | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyscard | 2.1.1-lp160.2.1 | x86_64 | Python module adding smart card support | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyscreenshot | 3.1-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python screenshots | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyScss | 1.4.0-lp160.3.1 | x86_64 | pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysendfile | 2.0.1-lp160.5.2 | x86_64 | A Python interface to sendfile(2) | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyserial | 3.5-lp160.6.1 | noarch | Python serial port extension | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyshark | 0.6-lp160.2.3 | noarch | A Python wrapper for tshark output parsing | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyshould | 0.7.1-lp160.8.1 | noarch | Should style asserts | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyshp | 2.1.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python library for ESRI Shapefile format | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyside6 | 6.7.3-lp160.2.6 | x86_64 | Python bindings for Qt 6 | OpenSuSE |
python311-pyside6-devel | 6.7.3-lp160.2.6 | x86_64 | Development files for python311-pyside6 | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysmb | | noarch | SMB/CIFS library to support file sharing between Windows and | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysmbc | | x86_64 | Python bindings for samba clients (libsmbclient) | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysmi | 1.5.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | SNMP SMI/MIB Parser | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysndfile | 1.4.4-lp160.2.5 | x86_64 | Cython wrapper class for reading/writing soundfiles | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysnmp | 7.1.4-lp160.2.2 | noarch | A pure-Python SNMPv1/v2c/v3 library | OpenSuSE |
python311-pysnmpcrypto | 0.0.4-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Strong cryptography support for PySNMP (SNMP library for Pyt | OpenSuSE |