Display 8081 - 8120 hits of 9925.
python311-scipy-gnu-hpc | 1.14.1-lp160.2.1 | x86_64 | Dependency package for python311-scipy_1_13_1-gnu-hpc | OpenSuSE |
python311-scipy_1_13_1-gnu-hpc | 1.14.1-lp160.2.1 | x86_64 | Scientific tools for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-scitokens | 1.8.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | SciToken reference implementation library | OpenSuSE |
python311-scour | 0.38.2-lp160.3.2 | noarch | An SVG scrubber | OpenSuSE |
python311-scp | 0.14.5-lp160.2.3 | noarch | SSH scp module for paramiko | OpenSuSE |
python311-Scrapy | 2.11.2-lp160.2.3 | noarch | A high-level Python Screen Scraping framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-screeninfo | 0.8.1-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Fetch location and size of physical screens | OpenSuSE |
python311-screenplain | 0.11.1+git.1701424578.13b79f2-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Convert text file to viewable screenplay | OpenSuSE |
python311-scripttest | 1.3-lp160.9.2 | noarch | Helper to test command-line scripts | OpenSuSE |
python311-scrypt | 0.8.24-lp160.2.5 | x86_64 | Bindings for scrypt | OpenSuSE |
python311-scspell3k | 2.2-lp160.5.1 | noarch | A conservative interactive spell checker for source code | OpenSuSE |
python311-sdjson | 0.5.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Custom JSON Encoder utilising functools.singledispatch | OpenSuSE |
python311-sdnotify | 0.3.2-lp160.3.2 | noarch | Python module for systemd\'s service notification protocol | OpenSuSE |
python311-seaborn | 0.13.2-lp160.3.3 | noarch | Statistical data visualization for python | OpenSuSE |
python311-SecretStorage | 3.3.3-lp160.5.2 | noarch | Python bindings to FreeDesktoporg Secret Service API | OpenSuSE |
python311-seedir | 0.4.2-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Package for creating, editing, and reading folder tree diagr | OpenSuSE |
python311-segno | 1.6.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | QR Code and Micro QR Code generator for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-selection | 0.0.21-lp160.2.4 | noarch | API to extract content from HTML & XML documents | OpenSuSE |
python311-selenium | 4.10.0-lp160.3.3 | x86_64 | Python bindings for Selenium | OpenSuSE |
python311-semantic_version | 2.10.0-lp160.5.1 | noarch | A library implementing the \'SemVer\' scheme | OpenSuSE |
python311-semver | 3.0.2-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python helper for Semantic Versioning | OpenSuSE |
python311-Send2Trash | 1.8.2-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python library to send files to the Trash location | OpenSuSE |
python311-sentry-sdk | 2.15.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python SDK for Sentry.io | OpenSuSE |
python311-seqdiag | 3.0.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python module to generate sequence-diagram images from text | OpenSuSE |
python311-serpent | 1.41-lp160.6.1 | noarch | Serialization based on astliteral_eval | OpenSuSE |
python311-serverfiles | 0.3.1-lp160.2.2 | noarch | A utility to locally store files on a HTTP server | OpenSuSE |
python311-service_identity | 24.1.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL | OpenSuSE |
python311-setproctitle | 1.3.3-lp160.3.1 | x86_64 | Python module to allow customization of the process title | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.3 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.3 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |
python311-setuptools | 72.1.0-3.2 | noarch | Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python pack | OpenSuSE |