Display 5041 - 5080 hits of 474186.
apt | 0.5.15cnc2-1.rhfc1.ccrma | i386 | Debian\'s Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support. | Fedora 1 |
apt | 0.3.19CVS-20011212 | i386 | APT with RPM extensions | SuSE 7.X |
apt-common | 0.5.15lorg3.95-11pclos2018 | x86_64 | Common file for apt frontend | PCLinuxOS |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90 | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Old RedHat 9 |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90 | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Old RedHat 9 |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15repomd060302-0.suse1000.rb1 | i586 | Debug information for package apt | SuSE Other |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15lorg3.2-1.aur12.0 | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Other |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15lorg3-1.aur12.0 | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Other |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15lorg3-0.suse1010.rb0 | i586 | Debug information for package apt | SuSE Other |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15cnc6-1.rhfc2.ccrma | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Fedora 2 |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15cnc6-1.rhfc2.ccrma | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Fedora 2 |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15cnc2-1.rhfc1.ccrma | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Fedora 1 |
apt-debuginfo | 0.5.15cnc2-1.rhfc1.ccrma | i386 | Debug information for package apt | Fedora 1 |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-rb6 | x86_64 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-rb3 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE 8.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-rb2 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE 8.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 9 |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 9 |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh80 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 8.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh80 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 8.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh73 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 7.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc6-1.rh73 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 7.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc5-rb6 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE 8.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc4.1-1 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 7.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.5cnc4.1-1 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 7.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.4cnc9-fr0.1.rh71 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Old RedHat 7.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.4cnc9-1cl | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg | Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15repomd060302-0.suse1000.rb1 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15lorg3.2-6.el4 | x86_64 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg | RedHat Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15lorg3.2-1.aur12.0 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15lorg3.2-1.aur12.0 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15lorg3-1.aur12.0 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15lorg3-0.suse1010.rb0 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc7-1 | i386 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Fedora 3 |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc7-0.suse093.rb0 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc7-0.suse092.rb0 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc7-0.suse090.rb.0 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc6-rb5 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Other |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc6-rb5 | x86_64 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | SuSE 9.X |
apt-devel | 0.5.15cnc6-rb4 | i586 | Development files and documentation for APT\'s libapt-pkg. | Other |