Display 1081 - 1120 hits of 1640.
mtpaint | 3.40-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | mtPaint is a simple painting program | PCLinuxOS |
mundus | 2.3.0-1pclos2012 | noarch | Clean and backup your /home folder | PCLinuxOS |
MyMencoder | 0.3.1-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | MyMencoder GUI | PCLinuxOS |
MyMencoderDVD | 0.2.0-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | MyMencoderDVD GUI | PCLinuxOS |
mysql-connector-net | 6.2.4-1pclos2013 | noarch | MySQL Connector/Net | PCLinuxOS |
mysql-connector-net-devel | 6.2.4-1pclos2013 | noarch | Development files for mysql-connector-net | PCLinuxOS |
naev | 0.7.0-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | 2D space trading and combat game | PCLinuxOS |
naev-data | 0.7.0-1pclos2018 | noarch | Data files for NAEV | PCLinuxOS |
nant | 0.92+git20130131-1pclos2013 | noarch | Ant for .NET | PCLinuxOS |
natpad | 1.4-2pclos2012 | x86_64 | Textpad clone for Linux/GTK | PCLinuxOS |
nbtscan | 1.5.1-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networks | PCLinuxOS |
neonview | 0.8.0-2pclos2013 | x86_64 | NeonView | PCLinuxOS |
nethogs | 0.8.5-1pclos2016 | x86_64 | Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process | PCLinuxOS |
nethogs | 0.8.0-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process | PCLinuxOS |
netprofile | 0.26.1-3pclos2013 | noarch | Manage network profiles | PCLinuxOS |
netsurf | 3.7-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | Lightweight Web Browser with its own layout and rendering en | PCLinuxOS |
nevernote | 0.99-3pclos2013 | x86_64 | A clone of Evernote. | PCLinuxOS |
nitrux-icon-theme | 3.5.4-1pclos2018 | noarch | NITRUX icon theme | PCLinuxOS |
njam | 1.25-1pclos2013 | x86_64 | Maze-game, eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguys | PCLinuxOS |
ntfs-3g | 2017.3.23-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Read-write ntfs driver | PCLinuxOS |
ntfs-3g-devel | 2017.3.23-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Header files and static libraries for ntfs-3g | PCLinuxOS |
nvclock | 0.8b4-2pclos2012 | x86_64 | Overclocking tool for NVIDIA graphic boards | PCLinuxOS |
obconf-qt | 0.12.0-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Openbox configuration tool for the LXQt desktop | PCLinuxOS |
obconf-qt-i10n | 0.12.0-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Internationalization files for obconf-qt | PCLinuxOS |
obexftp | 0.23-6pclos2013 | x86_64 | Access devices via ObexFTP e.g. Siemens mobile equipment | PCLinuxOS |
ogre | 1.9.0-1pclos2014 | x86_64 | Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine | PCLinuxOS |
ogre-samples | 1.9.0-1pclos2014 | x86_64 | Samples for OGRE | PCLinuxOS |
omnitux | 1.2.1-1pclos2013 | noarch | Omnitux is an education platform for children | PCLinuxOS |
onionshare | 1.3-1pclos2018 | noarch | Securely and anonymously share files of any size | PCLinuxOS |
OO4kidsmanager | 1.3-2pclos2014 | noarch | Script to install OO4kids in one of 18 languages | PCLinuxOS |
openarena | 0.8.8-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | An open-source content package for Quake III Arena | PCLinuxOS |
opencc | 0.4.3-1pclos2013 | x86_64 | Simplified-Traditional Chinese Conversion | PCLinuxOS |
opendht | 1.6.1-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | A C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation | PCLinuxOS |
opensc | 0.17.0-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | Library for accessing SmartCard devices | PCLinuxOS |
openscenegraph | 3.4.1-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | A C++ scene graph API on OpenGL for real time graphics | PCLinuxOS |
openttd | 1.7.2-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | An open source clone of the Microprose game \"Transport Tyco | PCLinuxOS |
openttd-opengfx | 0.5.4-1pclos2017 | noarch | OpenGFX graphics replacement set for OpenTTD | PCLinuxOS |
openttd-openmsx | 0.3.1-1pclos2012 | noarch | OpenMSX music replacement set for OpenTTD | PCLinuxOS |
openttd-opensfx | 0.2.3-1pclos2012 | noarch | OpenSFX sound replacement set for OpenTTD | PCLinuxOS |
openuniverse | 1.0beta3-1pclos2012 | x86_64 | OpenGL space simulator focused on the Solar System | PCLinuxOS |