Display 6521 - 6560 hits of 9925.
python311-h5py-openmpi4 | 3.11.0-lp160.4.7 | x86_64 | Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library | OpenSuSE |
python311-habanero | 1.2.6-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Low Level Client for Crossref Search API | OpenSuSE |
python311-hammett | 0.9.4-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Fast python test runner | OpenSuSE |
python311-handy-archives | 0.2.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Some handy archive helpers for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-hankel | 1.2.2-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Hankel Transformations using method of Ogata 2005 | OpenSuSE |
python311-hanzidentifier | 1.2.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python module that identifies Chinese text as Simplified or | OpenSuSE |
python311-happybase | 1.2.0-lp160.5.3 | noarch | A Python library to interact with Apache HBase | OpenSuSE |
python311-haproxyctl | 0.5-lp160.4.2 | noarch | HAProxy control tool | OpenSuSE |
python311-hardware | 0.31.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Hardware detection and classification utilities | OpenSuSE |
python311-hashids | 1.3.1-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python implementation of hashids | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch | 1.12.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Modern, extensible Python project management | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme | 24.1.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch-jupyter-builder | 0.9.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | A hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch-requirements-txt | 0.4.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Hatchling plugin to read project dependencies from requireme | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatchling | 1.25.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Build backend used by Hatch | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch_nodejs_version | 0.3.2-lp160.2.1 | noarch | This package provides two Hatch plugins for nodejs | OpenSuSE |
python311-hatch_vcs | 0.4.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS | OpenSuSE |
python311-hawkauthlib | 2.0.0-lp160.7.3 | noarch | Hawk Access Authentication protocol | OpenSuSE |
python311-hcloud | 1.35.0-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Hetzner Cloud Python library | OpenSuSE |
python311-hdf5storage | 0.1.19-lp160.4.2 | noarch | Utilities to read/write HDF5 files, including MATLAB v7.3 MA | OpenSuSE |
python311-HeapDict | 1.0.1-lp160.4.1 | noarch | A heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations | OpenSuSE |
python311-helpdev | 0.7.1-lp160.3.1 | noarch | HelpDev - Extracts information about the Python environment | OpenSuSE |
python311-hepunits | 2.0.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Units and constants in the HEP system of units | OpenSuSE |
python311-hetzner | 0.8.3-lp160.2.2 | noarch | High level access to the Hetzner robot | OpenSuSE |
python311-hexdump | 3.3-lp160.4.2 | noarch | Python tool to dump binary data | OpenSuSE |
python311-hijri-converter | 2.2.4-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python package to convert accurately between Hijri and Grego | OpenSuSE |
python311-hiredis | 2.3.2-lp160.5.2 | x86_64 | Python wrapper for hiredis | OpenSuSE |
python311-hishel | 0.0.30-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Persistent cache implementation for httpx and httpcore | OpenSuSE |
python311-hkdf | 0.0.3-lp160.3.2 | noarch | HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) | OpenSuSE |
python311-hl7apy | 1.3.4-lp160.2.1 | noarch | A Python library to parse, create and handle HL7 v2x message | OpenSuSE |
python311-holidays | 0.56-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python library for generating holidays on the fly | OpenSuSE |
python311-holoviews | 1.19.1-lp160.4.1 | noarch | Composable, declarative visualizations for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-hotdoc | 0.16-lp160.2.2 | x86_64 | A documentation tool micro-framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-hotdoc | 0.16-22.d_t.1 | x86_64 | A documentation tool micro-framework | OpenSuSE |
python311-hpack | 4.0.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Pure-Python HPACK header compression | OpenSuSE |
python311-hsluv | 5.0.4-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Human-friendly HSL | OpenSuSE |
python311-hstspreload | 2024.8.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python Chromium HSTS Preload list | OpenSuSE |
python311-html2text | 2024.2.26-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python script for turning HTML into Markdown text | OpenSuSE |
python311-html5-parser | 0.4.12-lp160.2.4 | x86_64 | C based HTML 5 parsing for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-html5lib | 1.1-lp160.6.2 | noarch | HTML parser based on the WHAT-WG Web Applications 1 | OpenSuSE |