Display 6641 - 6680 hits of 9925.
python311-ipyevents | 2.0.2-lp160.3.1 | noarch | A custom ipython widget for returning mouse and keyboard eve | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipyfilechooser | 0.6.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | File chooser widget for use in Jupyter/IPython | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipykernel | 6.29.5-lp160.2.2 | noarch | IPython Kernel for Jupyter | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipyleaflet | 0.19.2-lp160.2.2 | noarch | A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipympl | 0.9.4-lp160.15.1 | noarch | Matplotlib Jupyter Extension | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipyparallel | 8.8.0-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Interactive parallel computing library for IPython | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipysheet | 0.7.0-lp160.5.1 | noarch | Spreadsheet widget for the Jupyter notebook | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipytablewidgets | 0.3.1-lp160.4.1 | noarch | Widgets to help facilitate reuse of large tables across widg | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipython | 8.27.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Rich architecture for interactive computing with Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipython_genutils | 0.2.0-lp160.5.1 | noarch | Vestigial utilities from IPython | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipyvue | 1.11.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Jupyter widgets base for Vue libraries | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipyvuetify | 1.10.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Jupyter widgets based on vuetify UI components | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipywebrtc | 0.6.0-lp160.6.5 | noarch | WebRTC for Jupyter notebook/lab | OpenSuSE |
python311-ipywidgets | 8.1.5-lp160.2.1 | noarch | IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter | OpenSuSE |
python311-irc | 20.4.0-lp160.2.3 | noarch | A set of Python modules for IRC support | OpenSuSE |
python311-isbnlib | 3.10.14-lp160.2.4 | noarch | Extract, clean, transform, hyphenate and metadata for ISBNs | OpenSuSE |
python311-isc_dhcp_leases | 0.10.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Python module for reading dhcpd.leases from ISC DHCP server | OpenSuSE |
python311-iso3166 | 2.1.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python ISO 3166-1 country definitions | OpenSuSE |
python311-iso8601 | 2.1.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates | OpenSuSE |
python311-isodate | 0.6.1-lp160.5.2 | noarch | An ISO 8601 Date/Time/Duration Parser and Formatter | OpenSuSE |
python311-isoduration | 20.11.0-lp160.3.2 | noarch | Operations with ISO 8601 durations | OpenSuSE |
python311-isort | 5.13.2-lp160.5.2 | noarch | A Python utility / library to sort Python imports | OpenSuSE |
python311-itemadapter | 0.9.0-lp160.2.1 | x86_64 | Wrapper for data container objects | OpenSuSE |
python311-itemloaders | 1.3.1-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Base library for scrapy\'s ItemLoader | OpenSuSE |
python311-iterable-io | 1.0.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Adapt generators and other iterables to a file-like interfac | OpenSuSE |
python311-itsdangerous | 2.1.2-lp160.4.1 | noarch | Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environmen | OpenSuSE |
python311-iwlib | 1.6.2-lp160.2.2 | x86_64 | Python module to interface with iwlib | OpenSuSE |
python311-j2gen | 0.1.0-lp160.4.2 | noarch | Jinja2 template renderer with yaml input files | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.classes | 3.4.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Tools to work with classes | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.collections | 5.0.1-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Tools to work with collections | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.context | 5.3.0-lp160.2.4 | noarch | Tools to work with functools | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.develop | 8.6.0-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Development utilities by jaraco | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.envs | 2.6.0-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Classes for Python Virtual Environments | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.functools | 4.1.0-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Tools to work with functools | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.itertools | 6.4.1-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Tools to work with iterables | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.logging | 3.3.0-lp160.2.5 | noarch | Tools to work with logging | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.packaging | 10.2.2-lp160.2.3 | noarch | Supplement packaging Python releases | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.path | 3.7.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Miscellaneous path functions for jaraco packages | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.stream | 3.0.3-lp160.3.5 | noarch | Routines for dealing with data streams | OpenSuSE |
python311-jaraco.test | 5.4.0-lp160.5.3 | noarch | Testing support by jaraco | OpenSuSE |