Display 6801 - 6840 hits of 9925.
python311-lazr.restfulclient | 0.14.5-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Programmable client library to provide added functionality o | OpenSuSE |
python311-lazr.uri | 1.0.6-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Code for parsing and dealing with URI | OpenSuSE |
python311-lazy | 1.6-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Lazy attributes for Python objects | OpenSuSE |
python311-lazy-loader | 0.4-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Populate library namespace without incurring immediate impor | OpenSuSE |
python311-lazy-object-proxy | 1.10.0-lp160.2.1 | x86_64 | Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python\'s ast | OpenSuSE |
python311-lazyarray | 0.5.2-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Lazily-evaluated numerical array class, compatible with NumP | OpenSuSE |
python311-ldap | 3.4.4-lp160.3.1 | x86_64 | Python LDAP interface | OpenSuSE |
python311-ldap3 | 2.9.1-lp160.4.1 | noarch | A strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client | OpenSuSE |
python311-ldapdomaindump | 0.9.4-lp160.3.3 | noarch | Active Directory information dumper via LDAP | OpenSuSE |
python311-ldappool | 3.0.0-lp160.5.1 | noarch | A connection pool for python-ldap | OpenSuSE |
python311-ldaptor | 21.2.0-lp160.5.3 | noarch | A Pure-Python Twisted library for LDAP | OpenSuSE |
python311-leather | 0.3.4-lp160.3.2 | noarch | Python charting for 80% of humans | OpenSuSE |
python311-leglight | 0.2.0-lp160.2.2 | x86_64 | A Python module designed to control the Elgato brand Lights | OpenSuSE |
python311-lesscpy | 0.15.1-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Lesscss compiler | OpenSuSE |
python311-Levenshtein | 0.26.0-lp160.2.3 | x86_64 | Python extension computing string distances and similarities | OpenSuSE |
python311-lexicon | 2.0.1-lp160.6.1 | noarch | Python dict subclass(es) with aliasing and attribute access | OpenSuSE |
python311-lhafile | 0.3.0-lp160.2.2 | x86_64 | LHA archive support for Python | OpenSuSE |
python311-lib3to6 | 202107.1047-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Module to compile Python 3.6+ code to Python 2.7+ | OpenSuSE |
python311-libarchive | 0.4.7-lp160.5.1 | noarch | Python adapter for universal, libarchive-based archive acces | OpenSuSE |
python311-libarchive-c | 5.1-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python interface to libarchive | OpenSuSE |
python311-libcst | 1.4.0-lp160.3.13 | x86_64 | Python 3.5+ concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties | OpenSuSE |
python311-libevdev | 0.11-lp160.2.1 | noarch | Python wrapper around the libevdev C library | OpenSuSE |
python311-libgravatar | 1.0.4-lp160.3.1 | noarch | A library that provides a Python 3 interface for the Gravata | OpenSuSE |
python311-liblarch | 3.2.0-lp160.3.2 | noarch | A Python library to handle data structure | OpenSuSE |
python311-liblarch-gtk | 3.2.0-lp160.3.2 | noarch | GTK bindings for liblarch | OpenSuSE |
python311-libnacl | 2.1.0-lp160.3.1 | noarch | Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes | OpenSuSE |
python311-libpfm | 4.13.0-lp160.79.1 | x86_64 | Python bindings for libpfm and perf_event_open system call | OpenSuSE |
python311-librouteros | 3.2.1-lp160.4.1 | noarch | Python implementation of MikroTik RouterOS API | OpenSuSE |
python311-libsass | 0.23.0-lp160.2.8 | x86_64 | Python binding for libsass | OpenSuSE |
python311-libusb1 | 3.1.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Python wrapper for libusb-1.0 | OpenSuSE |
python311-libusbsio | 2.1.11-lp160.3.2 | x86_64 | Python wrapper around NXP LIBUSBSIO library | OpenSuSE |
python311-license-expression | 30.3.0-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Library to parse, compare, simplify and normalize license ex | OpenSuSE |
python311-ligo-lw | 1.8.3-lp160.5.2 | x86_64 | Python LIGO Light-Weight XML I/O Library | OpenSuSE |
python311-ligotimegps | 2.0.1-lp160.5.1 | noarch | A pure-python version of lalLIGOTimeGPS | OpenSuSE |
python311-limnoria | 2023.09.24.2-lp160.2.2 | noarch | A modified version of Supybot (an IRC bot and framework) | OpenSuSE |
python311-linetable | 0.0.3-lp160.2.2 | noarch | library to manage Python Locations Table (co_linetable) | OpenSuSE |
python311-lineup-widget | 4.0.0-lp160.4.4 | noarch | Wrapper around the LineUpjs library for multi attribute rank | OpenSuSE |
python311-line_profiler | 4.1.2-lp160.3.8 | x86_64 | Line-by-line profiler | OpenSuSE |
python311-link-traits | 1.0.3-lp160.2.1 | noarch | A fork to traitlets\' link and dlink to link traits in addit | OpenSuSE |
python311-linkify-it-py | 2.0.3-lp160.2.2 | noarch | Links recognition library with FULL unicode support | OpenSuSE |